Pictures of the Week

The horizontal "theatre" sign at Theater Dublin. This is the original sign from the Ritz Theater at 220 W. Jackson St., a block east of Theater Dublin. When the Ritz Theater was burned for the final time in the early 1940s, the sign was salvaged and incorporated by Roy Martin into his new theater, "The Dublin Theater," which replaced the original Dublin Theater, which was completed in the mid 1930s.

The Face of the Unknown Soldier.
The Laurens County monument to
the fallen soldiers of the Confederate
States of America.Erected in 1909.
Formally unveiled
on April 26, 1912.

Steeple of First Methodist Church at Sunset.

Blackshear's Ferry, circa 1890s. An Atlanta photographer captures his photography wagon as it crosses the Oconee River at Blackshear's Ferry.
