OHOOPEE KINFOLKS ********* Sketches of the Pioneer Settlers of the Big Ohoopee and Little Ohoopee Rivers in Emanuel, Johnson, Laurens and Treutlen Counties of Georgia 1784-1865
Sketches of the Pioneer Settlers of
the Big Ohoopee and Little Ohoopee Rivers
in Emanuel, Johnson, Laurens and Treutlen Counties of Georgia
Edited and Compiled by
Scott B. Thompson, Sr.
@ The Emerald City History Company
This compilation represents a brief overview of the pioneer settlers of the Big Ohoopee and Little Ohoopee river regions of Emanuel, Johnson, Laurens and Treutlen Counties. While it is not intended as a complete guide to all information known on the settlers, the work is designed primarily to aid beginning and frustrated genealogists with documented information. As with all historical information, some of the facts stated herein may not be true or completely accurate and the reader should note the information is based on published sources and not upon a thorough research of the individual named herein.
This book is dedicated to my son Scott B. Thompson, Jr., so that he may come to know more than one hundred and twenty of his ancestors, who lived near the waters of the Ohoopee.
William Beasley
Arthur and Patience Pearce Braswell
Asa Gordon and Jane Ellen Bridges Braswell
John Arthur and Elmina Smith Braswell
Asa Gordon and Savannah Woods Braswell
Blake and Pearcy Peacock Bridges
Jeremiah Wesley and Ida Sikes Brinson
Jeremiah Wesley and Elizabeth Lovett Brinson
Barnabus and Sarah Flanders
Francis Richard and Nancy Jordan Flanders
John R. and Nancy Sumner Flanders
James and Sarah Swain Fortner
Swain M. and Sophia Powell Fortner
Daniel Green, Sr.
Daniel and Mahala Hall Green, Jr.
Nathan and Susan Parrott Garnto
Amos Daniel and Martha Mimbs Garnto
George Littleton and Ellie Spence Garnto
William Hall
Willis and Delitha Meeks Johnson
Malachi and Rachel Gardner Joiner
Rev. Warren and Nancy Polly Beasley Key
Spencer and Elizabeth Flanders Key
Abraham Lamb
Isaac Lamb
Matthew Lamb
David J. and Mariam Borah Lamb
Ervin and Jane Brooks Lovett
Richard Terrell and Elizabeth Mixon Lovett
Allen and Susannah Tyson Meeks
Benjamin Mimbs, Sr.
John and Katherine Mimbs
John L. and Katherine Flanders Mimbs
William Wesley and Mary Ann Pollock Mixon
John Pollock and Martha Rowland Mixon
John Peacock, Sr.
Sampson and Patience Norris Powell, Sr.
Silas and Litha Webb Powell
Nathan Rowland
Williamson Rowland, Sr.
Joseph and Elizabeth Smith Rowland
John R. and Susannah Johnson Rowland
Joseph Henry and Nancy Jane Snell Rowland
James Roy and Jerradine Brinson Rowland, Sr.
Joseph Wesley and Helen Garnto Rowland, Sr.
Mary Beth Rowland Thompson
Colesby and Anna Henry Smith
Micajah and Rebecca Duty Smith
Joseph Duty and Elmina Joiner Smith
William D. and Nancy Stewart Smith
Christopher Snell
George W.W. and Margaret Snell
James C. and Martha M. Green Snell
Leaston D. and Sarah Fortner Spence
John and Mary Stewart
Joseph and Mary Kight Sumner, Sr.
Stephen and Margaret Swain, Jr.
Henry and Claudie Braswell Thompson
Dale Thompson
Archibald and Permina Rollins Woods, Sr.
Archibald and Nancy Key Woods, Jr.
As clear as any great white wine having
Missed the red clay,
From a springs in Washington County
It started its wandering way,
Passing Mason's Bridge where we'd climb
Out on a sweetgum limb
Plunging eagerly into its dark cool depths searching
For the bottom before our lungs would burst.
No bottom at Mason's Bridge
Or so the old timer said.
On she flowed through sandy loam
Seeking the sea her final home
On past a bend with golden sand,
Yellowlanding was molded by the Almighty's hand.
It was here I learned to swim and where small caves
Formed in the banks and Pig Moore excelled
Into the caves he'd swim and hands
Along logs and roots would pass.
Pig was a little different --- what we'd call a hand
Fisherman down south.
When he'd surface, you could see his catch
In both hands and in his mouth.
Route 80 bridge spanned the river and swamp
An there was James' well
An artestian flow so sweet and soft
One sip and you were under its spell.
Timberlanding where the Baptists came
To wash their sins away
A super swimming hole where in the eighteen hundreds
Logs would find their way
To be floated when the river was high
To mills down by the sea.
Older boys made sport of us and made
Us fear Blue Hole.
A scary place both dark and deep with
Tales of depths untold
Oh, Ohoopee!, Ohoopee, Ohoopee of my youth,
Roll on you clear proud stream
Your beauty has so entranced me,
You're still my boyhood dream.
Paul Kea, June, 1977.
ALLEN, DAVID - Born ca. 1805, mechanic, m. on April 8, 1829 to Carolina Duty Smith, born ca. 1815, dau. of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith; Children: Elizabeth W. (b. ca. 1838); Sarah (b. ca. 1845); Mary A., Abel. 1850 Washington # 738, 1830 Washington p. 240.
ALLEN, JAMES L. - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married Sarah ______, born 1835/6 in Georgia; Children: Sarah P., Theopolis, James J., and Benjamin F.. 1860 Johnson # 19.
ANDERSON, J.L. - Born 1835/6 in Georgia, married ca. 1856 to Julia A. ______, born 1838/9 in Georgia; Children: Martha E., et al. 1860 Johnson # 164.
ANDERSON, JAMES - Born 1816/7 in Georgia, son of Uriah and Winney Anderson, Member of Co. C, 2nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., married Eady Rountree, born 1819/20 in Georgia, daughter of Joshua and Zilpha Durden Rountree, died ca. August 29, 1860, married second to Martha Jane Steptoe, daughter of John R. and Rebecca Steptoe, both buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Manning (m. Elizabeth _____), Joseph, Zelphy, John, Eady, Malindy, Winney, Lucinda, Roxey A., James, Brasey ?; by second wife, Amanda. (m. James Marion Tapley, Jr.) 1850 Emanuel # 229, 1860 Johnson, # 88, Cemetery, p. 228, Tapley, pp. 54, 60, 79.
ANDERSON, JOEL - Born May 17, 1824 in Georgia, died June 18, 1896, married on July 24, 1842 to Debby (Deborah) Powell, born Aug. 27, 1823 in Emanuel Co., daughter of Sampson and Litisha Barfield Powell, died May 17, 1908, both buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Nancy Lee, (m. John Morgan Claxton), Uriah, Tishy, Susan, Aden. 1850 Emanuel # 228, Claxton, p. 129, Cemetery p. 228, Emanuel Marriages, A-7, 1860 Johnson # 439.
ANDERSON, MANNING - Born 1837/8 in Georgia, son of James and Eady Anderson, married Elizabeth ________, born 1840/41, Children: Ella, Dr. Manning (m. Mozelle Claxton)..., 1860 Johnson 101, Tapley, p. 79.
ANDERSON, URIAH - Born before 1775, married Winnie _______, born ca. 1799 in South Carolina, 1798 Montgomery Landowner, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807, Land Owner Mont. Co. 1805/06/11/12, first granted land in Montgomery Co., 1801, children: Joel, James, Eliza, Nancy, Lawson, Elizabeth, and Uriah. 1820 Emanuel p. 94Mayo, p. 1, Montgomery, pp. 44, 56, 64, 74, Grants, p. 10.
ANDERSON, URIAH (RICE) - Born 1839/40 in Georgia, son of Uriah and Winney Anderson, Private Co. F, 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., killed at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1863, married on March 9, 1859 to Charlotte Davis, daughter of Lewis Davis and Piercey Powell, died June 9, 1921; Children: Martha (m. George N. Ivey), Charlotte D. Anderson married second to John W. Mayo, ca. 1865; Children: George Washington (m. Theodosia Melvira), Jennie (m. Nathan Snider), Molly Etta (m. Frank E. Pound), Nona Belle (m. M.F. Hatcher), Trudie (m. F.P. Todd). 1860 Johnson # 254, 1850 Emanuel # 199, Mayo, pp. 1, 4, Emanuel Marriages B-47.
ANDREWS, SUSAN - Born 1800/10. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169.
ARLINE, JAMES - Born on Oct. 18, 1798, son of John Arline and Phereby Pullen, m. on April 1, 1822 in Emanuel County to Elizabeth Ricks, daughter of Richard Ricks and Elizabeth Herring, born Jan. 25, 1802 in Emanuel Co, died on Sept. 20, 1879 in Mitchell Co., lived in Washington or Johnson County until about 1838; Children: John Wesley (b. Aug. 23, 1823, m. Martha Arline on Oct. 15, 1849); Martha Jane (b. Jan. 16, 1825, d. Nov. 15, 1837); James Thomas Pullen (b. Jun. 12, 1827, d, 1907, m. Abigail Herrington on June 20, 1849, Miss Wiker, and Annie E. Davis on Nov. 21, 1878); Mary Elizabeth (b. June 27, 1829, d. Jan. 15, 1920, m. James William Jackson on March 25, 1845); Elizabeth An (b. Jan. 8, 1833, d. March 29, 1924, m. Charles Culpepper O'Neal on March 6, 1850); Arthur Richard (b. Jan. 31, 1836, d. Dec. 29, 1861); Josephina Bowers (b. Jun. 27, 1839, d. July 5, 1909, m. Joshua Thomas Holt on Mar. 1, 1865); Daniel Henry (b. Aug. 28, 1841, d. Sept. 19, 1919, m. Sarah Elizabeth Mansfield, Missouri Virginia Wheeler Stephens on Jan. 21, 1879. 1830 Washington p. 267, Tompkins/Kea, p. 234.
ARLINE, JETHRO - Son of John and Phereby Pullen Arline, born October 15, 1804, first granted land in Laurens County in 1844, died in 1890, married on July 26, 1827 to Elizabeth Mason, born 1808/9; Children: Mary Sarah Jane E. (m. Joshua Hightower), Elizabeth (m. John Maddox), Winney, Thomas J., Martha, John M.. 1860 Johnson # 22, Laurens Mid 1800, p. 2, Laurens I, p. 287, Grants, p. 13, Headlight Centennial, p. F-2, Thomas/Kea p. 220, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist..
ARLINE, JOHN - Born in Virginia, ca. 1765-70 in North Carolina, first granted land in Washington County near or on the Ohoopee River in 1792, purchased land on the Ohoopee River in western Johnson County near Highway 319, in 1797, died ca. 1812, Married Phereby Pullen, daughter of Thomas Pullen and Lydia Bowers, she married second to Joel Williams on Feb. 11, 1816; Children: Jethro (b. Oct. 15, 1804, d. in 1890, m. on July 26, 1827 to Elizabeth Mason), Mary (b. Dec. 5, 1806, died before 1823), Sarah (b. Oct. 29, 1802 in Washington Co., d. on Aug. 8, 1867 m. on June 14, 1821 to James Glass), Jesse (b. Jan. 22, 1797, d. Nov. 11, 1880, m. on Jan. 10, 1826 to Eliza Kitchens), James (b. Oct. 18, 1798 in Washington Co., d. Oct. 22, 1871 in Mitchell Co., m. on April 1, 1822 to Elizabeth Ricks), Elizabeth (b. March 10, 1811), Henry (b. Oct. 14, 1800, d. ca. 1865, m. on Nov. 8, 1822 to Elizabeth Ann Neil); Lazarus Pullen (b. Feb. 11, 1809), Martha (b. Dec. 5, 1806, d. 1819). Laurens Records, 1, p. 35,36,490, Laurens I, p. 287,288, Grants, p. 13, Headlight Centennial, p. F-2, Tompkins/Kea, p. 217-221.
BALDWIN, GEORGE - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1806, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, p. 56, 64.
BANKS, JOSEPH - Born 1810-1820. 1840 Washington 91st p. 215, 1850 Washington, # 5.
BARBER, AARON - 1797/8 Landowner, first granted land in Montgomery County in 1812, may have been granted land in Burke County in 1788, 1804 Jurymember 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/06/11/12, Unfortunate Drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 44, 49, 56, 64, 74, Grants, p. 28.
BARBER, MOSES - First granted land in Montgomery County in 1817, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 74.
BARRON, JAMES - Born ca. 1816, married Georgia Ann, born ca. 1828. Children: Mary, et al. 1830 Washington p. 269, 1840 Washington 91st p. 215, 1850 Washington # 101.
BARRON, JOSEPH - 1804 Jurymember 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, pp. 49, 64.
BARWICK, CURTIS MANNING - Born Apr. 9, 1823 in Darlington, South Carolina, son of Nathan B. and Elizabeth Whiddon Barwick, 1st Lieutenant, Capt. Moring's Co., Emanuel Troops, C.S.A., Physician, died Jan. 23, 1902, Montgomery County, Ga., buried in Barwick Cemetery, Norristown, married Mary Ann Kea, born Jan. 8, 1833, daughter of Burrell Kea and Elizabeth Tapley, died July 31, 1917, Soperton, Ga.; Children: Nathan (m. Missouri Phillips, Martha Carter), Elizabeth (m. John Malancton Thigpen), Mary Jane (m. Angus Alexander Gillis), Lott W. (m. Malinda Hutcheson), Amanda (m. Andrew M. Thigpen), James W., George Manning (m. Laura O. Johnson), Ira B., Sally Ann (m. George Mosley). Gillis, pp. 118-121, 1860 Emanuel # 63, 1850 Emanuel # 481, Tapley, p. 102, Barwick, p. 64, Key, p. 159.
BARWICK, LOTT - Born Apr. 6, 1813 in Darlington County, S.C., first granted land in 1846 in Emanuel County, died May 25, 1894, buried in Canoochee Church Cemetery, married 1st to Elizabeth Rountree on Jan. 29, 1835 in Laurens County, born 1815/6 in Georgia; Children: Nancy (m. _______ Cowart), Elizabeth (m. J.R. Williamson), George I. (b. Arpil 1, 1843, m. Jane Rountree), Missouri (m. C.L. Lawrence), Lee L. (b. 2/21/1848, m. Missori Overstreet, Ella Hill), Catherine (m. ____ Bishop), Lucian P.B. (m. Elizabeth Tapley), James M., Rountree (m. Mollie Woods), and Lott. Gillis, p. 116, 1850 Emanuel # 318, Tapley, p. 155, Laurens I, p. 291, Grants, p. 33, Barwick p. 59-62.
BARWICK, NATHAN B. SR. - Born on Aug. 3, 1782 in North Carolina, son of William B. and Elizabeth Phillips Barwick, died Apr. 5, 1868 in Emanuel Co., Land Lottery Winner, 1820, Chason's Dist., married June 21, 1810 in Darlington, South Carolina to Elizabeth Whiddon, daughter of William Whiddon and Mary Davis, born ca. 1790-2 in South Carolina, died ca. 1886-8; Children: Mary (m. Eleazar Durden), Lott (m. Elizabeth Rountree, Annie Clifton), Nathan (m. Jane Tapley), Phoebie (m. Ira F. McLemore), William Whiddon (m. Winny Odom, Martha ______), Elizbeth (m. William Durden), Curtis Manning (m. Mary Ann Kea), Susannah (m. Simeon Durden), Eliza Ann (m. Solomon Yeomans), Elcianne "Lucy", (m. Warren Ricks), 1860 Emanuel # 59, 1850 Emanuel # 481, 1840 Emanuel 53/2, 1830 Emanuel, 53rd, p. 171, 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, Gillis, pp. 113-6, Tapley, pp. 78, 153, 1820 Lottery, p. 21, Barwick p. 59-64.
BARWICK, NATHAN B., JR. - Born March 17, 1815, died July 7, 1859, buried in Barwick Cemetery, Norristown, married Jane Tapley, born 1821/2 in Georgia. Gillis, p. 116, 1860 Emanuel # 67, 1850 Emanuel # 341, Barwick, p. 62.
BARWICK, WILLIAM WHIDDON - Born 1806/7 in South Carolina, son of Nathan B. Barwick, Sr. and Elizabeth Whiddon; married on Sep. 17, 1840 to Winny Odom, Martha _______, born 1811/2 in Georgia; his children were: William J., Sarah M., Henry F., Elizabeth J.F., Elsey E.J., and Martha E.. 1860 Emanuel # 95, Emanuel Marriages A/2, Barwick p. 62.
BASS, WRIGHT - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, married Charlotte ______, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Freeman, Charley. 1860 Johnson # 305.
BATEMAN, JASON - Born ca. 1800. 1830 Washington p. 265, 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
BEASLEY, ASA - Born 1835/6 in Georgia, son of Daniel Elijah and Rebecca Barnes, married on June 23, 1853 to Sarah Ann Riner, born 1831/2 in Georgia, daughter of John B. and Temperance Meeks Rhyner; Children: Berrian, Nancy E., Juliann F., John E., Amanda J. (m. Matthew Ely Tyson). 1860 Emanuel # 70, Emanuel Marriages, A/45. Riner, p. 2.
BEASLEY, DANIEL - Born 1824/5 in Georgia, son of Daniel Elijah and Rebecca Barnes Beasley, married Elizabeth _______, born 1832/3 in Georgia; Children: Rebecca (b. ca. 1854), Martha (b. ca. 1857). 1860 Emanuel # 107
BEASLEY, DANIEL ELIJAH - Born February 19, 1796 in South Carolina, 1827 Land Lottery winner, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, first granted land in Emanuel County in 1848, son of William Beasley and Rachel Robinette Beasley, married Rebecca Barnes, born May 29, 1802, possibly daughter of James Barnes. Children: Elbert Burton (b. ca. 1820, m. Martha Meeks), William (b. ca. 1825, m. Elizabeth Riner), Daniel (b. ca. 1826, m. Elizabeth _______), Milly (b. after 1850, m. Josiah Hutcheson), Elizabeth (b. ca. 1831), Rebecca (b. ca. 1834, m. Amos J. Riner), Fairby (Pherriba) (b. ca. 1837), Catherine (b. ca. 1838, m. William J. Grant, William Hall), John Thomas (b. ca. 1840, Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf. m. Mary Ann D. Hutcheson), Delila (b. ca. 1847, m. Charlton Thigpen), Susan (b. after 1850), Asa (m. Sarah Ann Rhiner). 1860 Emanuel # 107, 1850 Emanuel # 525, 1840 Emanuel 53/24, 1830 Emanuel, 53rd, p. 171, 1820 Emanuel p. 86, Hutcheson, p. 250, Beasley, p. 9, 10, Tapley, p. 124, Grants, p. 36, 1827 Lottery, p. 23, 1832 Land Lottery, p 35, Emanuel Marriages B/81, Tompkins-Kea, p. 288.
BEASLEY, ELBERT BURTON - Born in Emanuel County in 1821, son of Elijah and Rebecca Barnes Beasley, married Martha Pheraba Meeks in 1841, she was a daughter of Allen and Susanna Tyson Meeks; Children: William Alvin, (b. ca. 1841, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., m. Kesiah Hutcheson), Elijah Samuel (b. ca. 1842, m. Elizabeth Price, Juley Claxton, Martha Ida Price), Susanna (b. ca. 1843), Barnabus (b. ca. 1844, m. Jane Price), Roxey E. (b. ca. 1846, m. Joseph Wesley Hutcheson), Mary (b. 1850), Saranne R. (b. ca. 1855, m. James L. Tapley). 1860 Emanuel # 108, 1850 Emanuel # 346, Hutcheson p. 249, Tapley pp. 55, 136, Emanuel Marriages A/1, B/203, B/81.
BEASLEY, ELIJAH SAMUEL - Born 1842/3, son of Elbert Burton and Martha P. Meeks, Private Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., married Elizabeth Price, born Dec. 27, 1849, daughter of Loyd and Louisa Kight Price, died Apr. 22, 1887, both are buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, married 2nd to Juley Claxton, born July 16, 1860, daughter of William and Zilpha Claxton, died July 18, 1899, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, married 3rd to Martha Ida Price, born 1874, daughter of John and Florence Claxton Price, died 1962, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery. Cemetery, pp. 227, 228, 1870 Johnson # 414?, Conf. Roster III, p. 723.
BEASLEY, ELIZABETH - Born 1780/90. 1840 Emanuel 55/40.
BEASLEY, JAMES - Born Nov. 17, 1789, possibly a son of William Beasley, moved to this area after 1821, Land Lottery Winner, 1832, (395th Dist.) first granted land in Emanuel County in 1846, died Dec. 6, 1858, buried in James Beasley Cemetery, married Mary _______, married 2nd, Lucinda _______, born 1805/6: Children: Redding (b. 8/10/1823, d. 6/11/1901, m. Mary Smith, m. 2nd Mary Hart), John (b. 1/15/ 1821, d. 3/26/1864, m. Jane Vick), Reuben (m. on 5/10/1846 to Mary Smith), Wright M. (m. on 4/19/1846 to Jane Johnson), James (m. Jane Sumner?). 1850 Emanuel # 540, 1840 Emanuel 395/18, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, Cemetery p. 18, Burch III, p 7, Laurens I, p. 293, Grants, p. 36, 1832 Lottery, p. 35, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 294?.
BEASLEY, JOHN - Born in South Carolina on Jan. 15, 1821, son of James and Mary Beasley, died on March 26, 1864, buried in Beasley Cemetery, Laurens Co., lived in the area north of Pleasant Springs Church on the Old Savannah Road, may have been a member of Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., married Jane Vick, born ca. 1816, possibly a daughter of John or Simon Vick; Children: James M. (b. ca. 1845); Jane (b. ca. 1847); Huldah (b. ca. 1848); Redding (b. ca. 1851); Nancy B. (b. ca. 1853); John (b. ca. 1855); Martha M. (b. ca. 1859), Mary (b. ca. 1862). 1860 Laurens # 70, Some Mid 1800 People, p. 4, 1870 Laurens # 1291, Conf. Roster III, p. 723, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist..
BEASLEY, REDDING - Born Aug. 10, 1823 in South Carolina, son of James Beasley, first granted land in Emanuel County in 1846, died June 11, 1901, buried in Poplar Springs Cemetery, married 1st Mary Smith, born Nov. 5, 1827, daughter of William D. and Nancy Stewart Smith, died Dec. 20, 1852, buried in Smith-Lampp Cemetery. Children: Nancy Ann Elizabeth, Mary Ann (m. John Lee Thompson), and Ruth Jane, married second Mary Hart in Pulaski Co., born May 25, 1831, died Sept. 12, 1897, buried in Poplar Springs Cemetery; Children: Nancy Elizabeth (b. ca. 1846, m. Joseph Carter), Mary Catherine (b. 1849, d. 1935, m. John Lee Thompson), Jane (m. J.Bob Thompson), by second wife; Rachel H. (b. 5/24/1854, d. 9/9/1927, m. Wiley Kea), Addeline "Della" (b. ca. 1855, m. William A. Webb), James Redding (b. ca. 1857, m. Betsy Hutcheson), Juliann S. (b. 2/18/1860, d. 10/28/1912, m. John E. Webb), Georgia Arilla (b. 2/4/1863, d. 1943, m. James Lewis Hutcheson), Sophronia (m. Freeman Williams), John (m. Dora Sumner), Rutha (b. ca. 1850), Kitt/Liza (m. W. Hicks Thigpen), Maggie (m. Henry Hester, John Hester, and Robert Thompson). 1870 Johnson # 552 (Duden Beasley), 1860 Emanuel # 121, 1850 Emanuel # 538, Johnson Co. Will Book A, p. 12, Cemetery, p. 322, 323, 381, Grants, p. 36, Burch III, pp. 8-9, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 294 - 296.
BEASLEY, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1767 in North Carolina, son of James Beasley, Sr. and Polly Ann Pate, daughter of Travis and Annie Pate, Land Lottery Winner, 1832, died 1850-60, moved to southwestern Emanuel County between ca. 1818, married Rachel Robinette ? Children: James ?, Nancy (b. ca. 1791, d. after 1850, m. Warren Key), Elijah (b. ca. 1795, d. ca. 1857, m. Rebecca Barnes), Mary (b. ca. 1800, m. Allen J. Webb), William, Jr. (b. 1800-10, m. Elizabeth _____), possibly Right M. Beasley (b. ca. 1810). First four children born in South Carolina. Beasley, p. 7,8, Tapley, p. 66, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, 1830 Emanuel, 53rd, p. 171, 1832 Lottery, p. 35, Burch III, pp. 5-6, Tompkins-Kea, p. 280.
BEASLEY, WILLIAM, JR. - Born 1800/10 in South Carolina, son William Beasley, Sr., 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.), died ca. 1837, married Elizabeth ________________, Children: John, William, MaryAnn, and Fereby. Beasley, p. 11, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1832 Lottery, p. 35, Tompkins-Kea, p. 280.
BEASLEY, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1824, son of Elijah Beasley and Rebecca Barnes, died 1883, buried in Beasley-Skinner Cemetery, married on March 7, 1850 to Mary Elizabeth Rhiner, born Oct. 27, 1830, daughter of Edward Rhiner and Ritty Meeks, died Dec. 10, 1924, buried at Sardis Church; Children: Delila (b. ca. 1851, m. _____ Roundtree), Rebecca (b. ca. 1855, m. Joe Collins), Susan (b. ca. 1857, m. Andrew J. Webb), Martha (b. ca. 1860, m. James Lewis Henry), John "Dude" (b. 4/2/1863, d. 11-1-1951, m. Elizabeth F. Douglas), Rittie (m. Nathaniel Tobe Henry), Euna (m. James A. Woods), Annie (m. W. Duncan Wheeler, Ben Wilkerson). 1850 Emanuel # 525, 1860 Emanuel # 69, Tapley, p. 66, Emanuel Marriages A/30, Riner, pp. 6-9.
BEASLEY, WRIGHT M. - Born 1810/20 in Georgia, son of James Beasley or William , Land Lottery Winner, 1832, (56th Dist.), first granted land in Emanuel County in 1847, died ca. 1847, married on April 19, 1846 in Laurens County to Jane E. Johnson, born 1831/2; Children: Alexander, Mary Ann, Joseph, James, Elizabeth, John R., Wright M.. 1840 Emanuel 56/16, Beasley, p. 11, Laurens I, p. 293, Grants, p. 36, 1832 Lottery, p. 35, Tompkins-Kea, p. 290.
BEDGOOD, ELI - Born ca. 1825, son of _____ and Rhoda Bedgood, Pvt. Co. F, 14th Ga. Inf., Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf. married Elizabeth Joiner, b. Feb. 10, 1819, dau. of Malachi Joiner and Rachel Gardner, d. Aug. 13, 1883, she is buried in the Bedgood/Boatright Cemetery, Laurens County; Children: William Thomas (b. May 2, 1845, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., m. Mary Ann Boatright), John E. (b. ca. 1849); Henry (b. ca. 1851). 1850 Washington # 727, 1860 Laurens County, p. 577, # 6, Conf. Roster III, p. 408.
BENRTSON, GEORGE - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 74.
BENTON, ADAM C. - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, 3rd Sgt., Co. H, 48th Ga. Infantry, died of disease on July 26, 1862; married Nancy Matilda Riner, daughter of William and Eliza Kea Riner), born 1835/6 in Georgia; Children: James B., Mary A., Sarah, Nancy, George A.and Jane. 1860 Johnson # 142, Riner, p. 53.
BIRD, CHARLES - Born ca. 1800 - 1810. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215.
BIRD, HENRY - Born 1836/7 in Georgia, married Mandy ______, born 1841/2 in Georgia. 1860 Johnson # 96.
BISHOP, ELBERT - Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 74.
BISHOP, RUTH - Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 74.
BLACK, JAMES - Born 1804/5 in Georgia, married Piety (?), born May 8, 1803, in Georgia, she married 1st Stephen Derriso, she died in 1875 and is buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, he may have been the son of Robert and Lovicy Black; Children: Ann, John, Quincilla, Serena, Bennett, and Daniel. 1840 Emanuel 55/23, 1850 Emanuel # 212, 1860 Johnson # 127, Cemetery, p. 235.
BLACK, ROBERT - Born 1774/5 in Georgia, son of William, Revolutionary War Soldier, and Jane Tumlin Black, married Lovicy Bruton, daughter of John and Jeannette Griffin Bruton, born ca. 1783 in Virginia. Children: ... Teresa (m. Elias Powell) 1850 Emanuel # 395, Tapley, p. 86, 91, Cemetery, p. 242.
BOATRIGHT, GEORGE - Born in North Carolina, ca. 1793, son of Samuel and Nancy Weathers Boatright. Married Sophia McLendon and Elizabeth Harden. Children (1) Rolly (2) James (m. Sara Hunt), Zilpha Ann (1810-1856, m. Jeptha Brantley), George E. (1815-1871, m. Elizabeth Sessions), 1830 Washington, p. 242, 1840 Washington 91st p. 213, Washington, p. 378.
BOATRIGHT, GEORGE JR. - Born ca. 1815 (1822), son of George Boatright, married Elizabeth Sessions, b. ca. 1825, Children: Benjamin, Mary, George F., James R., et al. 1850 Washington # 48.
BOATRIGHT, JAMES T. - Born July 2, 1928, son of John and Jane Boatright, probably in South Carolina; Private, Co. C, 57th Ga. Inf., killed at Baker's Creek, Mississippi on May 16, 1863; married Rachel Joiner, dau. of Malachi and Rachel Gardner Joiner, born on March 25, 1824, died on Sept. 9, 1880, buried in Boatright/Bedgood Cemetery, Laurens Co.. Children: Charles Thomas (b. Feb. 15, (Nov.3) 1850, m. M.E.A. _______, d. Dec. 24, 1926); Mary Ann (b. March 17, 1852, d. Nov. 26, 1917, m. on Feb. 17, 1871 (2) to William Thomas Bidgood/Bedgood); James Jason (b. ca. 1854, m. on Sept. 24, 1874 to Sarah Jackson, died Jan. 9, 1919); Cenean P. (b. May 13, 1856, d. Oct.21, 1917, m. Thomas Ivey Smith on July 25, 1880); William Moses (b. May 16, 1859, m. P.R. Rawls on Aug. 12, 1880); Francis Marion (b. ca. 1861). 1850 Washington, # 859, 1860 Laurens p. 596, line 120, http:ppp.jax-inter.net/users/rutledge/i0001106.htm.
BOATRIGHT, JOHN - Born ca. 1786 in South Carolina, married Jane ______, born ca. 1799 in South Carolina; Children: James T. (b. 1829, d. 1862, married Rachel Joiner); Susan Ann (b. 1839); Zacha Ann (b. 1835). 1830 Washington p. 247, 1840 Washington 91st p. 214, 1850 Washington # 861.
BOZEMAN, LUKE - 1795 jury member, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 44, 49, 56, 64.
BRADDY, A.J. - Born 1819/20 in Georgia, married Elizabeth ______, born 1826/7 in Georgia, ca. 1842; Children: John J., Elizabeth, Frances, George W., Rutha A., Mandy. 1860 Johnson # 370.
BRADSHAW, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 55th Dist., Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, pp. 49, 64.
BRANTLEY, BENJAMIN - Born in 1824, son of Thomas and Martha Young Brantley, died ca. 1864, m. Elizabeth Jenkins, born 1823. 1850 Washington, # 858, 797.
BRANTLEY, EDWARD - Born March 14, 1806, son of James and Elizabeth Brantley Brantley, died on March 31, 1888. Married Sarah Patterson, born Jan. 10, 1818, died Oct. 26, 1888, dau. of Joel and Sarah Patterson; Children: Elizabeth (b. 1838, d. 1905, m. James R. Vickers); Moses Harris (b. 1840, d. 1862, m. Pearcy A. Braswell); Rhoda Rachel (b. 1842, m. William S. Cobb); James Knox Polk (b. 1844, d. 1860-1870); Martha (b. 1846, m. John Burris, William S. Morris); Celia, (b. 1848); Nancy M. (b. 1853, m. James W. Lafarve); Mary Frances (b. 1855, m. Augustus H. Lawrence, Silas Shirey.) Washington, p. 379, 1850 Washington # 143, 1840 Washington 91st p. 214.
BRANTLEY, HARRIS - Born ca. 1785, son of Joseph Brantley, Sr., died on Feb. 29, 1852, m. __________ca. 1808, Children: Nancy (b. 1809, d. 1873, m. Thomas A. Irwin, Kinchen W. Massey); Jeptha (b. 1810, d. 1856, m. Zilpha Boatright); William (b. 1812, d. after 1870, m. Rebecca Young?; Mary b. 1823, d. bef. 1870, m. John Fisher); m. on April 4, 1841 to Permelia Boatright Bridges, born ca. 1805, died after 1860, dau. of George Boatright; Children: James Harris (b. 1842, d. 1922, m. Jane Orr.) Washington, p. 379, 1850 Washington # 851, 1840 Washington 95th, p. 198, 1830 Washington p. 240 or 256.
BRANTLEY, JAMES - Born ca. 1772, in Tar River, North Carolina, son of Joseph Brantley, Sr., died Aug. 27, 1852, married Elizabeth Brantley (b. ca. 1775, d. ca. 1816-27), dau. of John and Elizabeth Marsh Brantley; Children: John Franklin (1803-1872, m. Lucinda Barlow); Edward (1806-1888, m. Sarah Patterson); James Jr. (1811 - _____, m. Catherine ______, m. Winnefred Cunningham Logan). May have married a second time to Mary _____. Washington, p. 379, 1850 Washington # 807, 1840 Washington, 91st, p. 215, 1830 Washington p. 240.
BRANTLEY, JAMES, JR. - Born ca. 1811, m. Catherine _____, Children: William (b. 1833, m. Nancy A. Sweat), Mary (b. 1835, m. Richard F. Collins), Martha (b. 1837, m. Jacob Tyson), Hannah (b. 1842, m. Phillip D. Logan); Elizabeth (b. 1846, m. Edward Brantley Ely); Agnes (b. 1849); Elijah Solomon (b. 1852, m. Annie E. Sellars), married second on July 29, 1859 to Winnefred Cunningham Logan, b. ca. 1822, died after 1880, dau. of Thomas Cunningham; Children: John Cooper, b. 1848, m. Malissa Page, dau. of John Allen and Judy Page, Martha A. Page, dau. of Joseph Page, Rebecca Herndon); Nancy Ann M. (b. 1860, m. Charlie Ricks), Winnefred (b. 1862, m. _____ Kight); Celia Ann Delilah (b. 1866, m. Jeptha L. Morris); Cinderella R.V. (b. 1867, m. Tim T. Moore, Kennel Wicker); James H. (b. 1869, m. ______ Smith). Washington, p. 379, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1850 Washington # 178.
BRANTLEY, JAMES M. - Born 1811 inGeorgia, son of John and Elizabeth King Brantley, married on March 2, 1841 in Washington County to Mahala Young, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Thomas, Elizabeth, William W., Robert N., Mahala, James F., Eliza. 1860 Johnson # 27, Washington Records, p. 87.
BRANTLEY, JEPTHA - Born in 1810, son of Harris Brantley, died in 1856, married Zilpha Boatright, born ca. 1819; Children: Catherine, Mary, James H., Susan E., Charles, et al. 1850 Washington, # 118, 1840 Washington 97th, p. 232.
BRANTLEY, JOHN - Born ca. 1782, son of Joseph Brantley, Sr., died ca. 1830, married Elizabeth King; Children: James M. (b. 1811, d. 1883, m. Mahala Young, Nancy Smith); John F. (b. ca. 1822, d. ca. 1862, married Nancy Young, Mary Winnefred Sheppard). Washington, p. 379.
BRANTLEY, JOHN FRANKLIN - Born on Sept. 27, 1803, son of James and Elizabeth Brantley Brantley, died on Oct. 15, 1872., married Lucinda Barlow (b. March 22, 1811, d. May 14, 1865, dau. of William and Eady Barlow): Children: James Lafeyette (b. 1828, d. 1916, m. Rebecca Young); female child; William Thomas (b. 1834, Sgt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 1920, m. Anna E. Bridges); Benjamin Harris (b. 1835, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf. d. Oct. 5, 1862, m. Elmina Rebecca Smith); Martha Melinda (b. 1838, d. 1892, m. Elisha Peacock); George Moulton (b. 1841, d. 1923, 5th Sgt. Co. A. 28th Ga. Inf. m. Permelia Bridges); Edith Matilda (b. 1843, d. 1907, m. Jesse Braswell); Joseph Daniel (b. 1845, d. 1900, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., m. Nancy Massey, Almerinta Cowart, Beulah Haddock); Celia Permelia (b. 1848, d. 1929, m. Gene W. Hartley), Mary Eliza (b. 1850, d. 1922, m. Robert W. Young). Washington, p. 379, 1850 Washington # 181, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, Conf. Roster III, p. 361,409.
BRANTLEY, JOSEPH - Born 1770/1780, 1797/8 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/06/11/12. 1820 Emanuel p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1840 Emanuel 55/31, Montgomery, p. 44, 49, 74.
BRANTLEY, JOSEPH, SR. - Born ca. 1745 in North Carolina, probably a son of Benjamin Brantley, died ca. 1814 in Washington County. Children: Joseph, Jr., James, Thomas, John, Spencer, and Harris. May have been the father of Elizabeth Brantley Duty? Washington, p. 378.
BRANTLEY, JOSEPH, JR. - Born ca. 1769, son of Joseph Brantley, Sr., married Martha Brantley, born ca. 1773, dau. of John and Elizabeth Marsh Brantley, she died before 1811. Children: Hannah (1795-1867, m. William Green Peacock); Celia (1797 - 1860); Arsenia (1801-died b. 1870, m. Rev. Isaac Smith), Edwin (1803-1856, m. Mary _______). Washington, p. 378, 1850 Washington # 745.
BRANTLEY, SPENCER - Born ca. 1784, son of Joseph Brantley, Sr., died on April 30, 1861, married ca. 1815 to Joanna Logan, b. 1872, d. ca. 1862, dau. of Phillip Logan; Children: Joseph (b. ca. 1808, died aft. 1870, married Nancy W. ______); Mary (b. 1811, d. 1884, m. William Wommack); Spencer, Jr. (b. 1824, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. Aug. 1862), Arsenia (b. 1825, d. aft. 1860, m. William Smith); John J. (b. 1828, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. June 17, 1862, m. Nancy Brantley). Washington, p. 379, 1850 Washington # 184, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, Conf. Roster III, p. 409.
BRANTLEY, THOMAS - Born ca. 1780, son of Joseph Brantley, Sr., died before 1856, married Martha Young, b. ca. 1784, died 1861-1878, dau. of William and Elizabeth Young; Children: Male (b. ca. 1804); Female (b. ca. 1806); Female (b. ca. 1808); Nancy (b. 1810, m. Middleton Pool); Emeline (b. 1812, m. George F. Brantley, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.); William (b. 1816, d. bef. 1860, married Eliza Brantley); Thomas J. (b. 1819 died ca. 1863, m. Sarah Hartley); Jesse M. (b. 1820, d. 1876, m. Mary E. Smith); James S. (b. 1821, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 1883 m. Siney Hartley, Nancy Smith); Benjamin (b. 1824, d. ca. 1864, m. Elizabeth Jenkins); Martha (b. 1828, m. Wiley A. Wommack); John Harris (b. 1831, d. ca. 1863, m. Julia A. Cunningham.) Washington, p. 379, 1850 Washington # 749, 804, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, Conf. Roster III, p. 361,408,409.
BRANTLEY, WILLIAM - Born in 1816, son of Thomas and Martha Young Brantley, died before 1860, married Eliza Brantley, born in 1816 in North Carolina; Children: Mary A.A., (born ca. 1838); Nancy R. (born ca. 1841); Julian (born ca. 1843), Ann E. (born ca. 1843); Matilda (born ca. 1845); Celia (born ca. 1848), et al. 1850 Washington # 180, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
BRASWELL, ARTHUR - Born ca. 1800 in Robeson County, North Carolina, son of William and Susan (Gordon?) Braswell, died ca. 1867-1870, married 1st ca. 1820 to Patience Pearce, born ca. 1800, daugther of Phillip Pearce and Patience Oliver, moved to Wilkinson County, ca. 1820, moved to Washington County, ca. 1821; married second to Nancy Rebecca Cox, widow of Benjamin Forbes, on July 22, 1863; Children: Sarah (b. ca. 1822, m. 1-16-1849, John Jones); Timothy Arthur (b. ca. 1823); William M. (b. 8-18-1825, d. 12-9-1873, m. 2-10-1852, Eliza Adaline Cox); Asa Gordon (b. 1-11-1827, d. 5-2-1862, m. 1843, Jane Ellen Bridges); Jesse Burch (b. 8-21-1829, d. 8-10-1895, m. 6-16-1860, Eady M. Brantley); child of Arthur and Nancy: Elizabeth (b. ca. 1865, m. 12-31-1882 to Robert Fortune). 1840 Washington 91st p. 213.
BRASWELL, ASA GORDON - Born on January 13, 1827 in Washington, County, son of Arthur and Patience Pearce Braswell, Tax Commissioner, Washington County, 1856 - 1857, State Representative, 1857-58, Road Commissioner, 1857, founder of Indian Hill School, 1861, Elected Jr. 2nd Lt. of Co A of the 28th Ga. Inf., C.S.A.; died on May 2, 1862 between Richmond and Yorktown, Virginia, buried in the Peacock Cemetery, Washington County, married in 1843 to Jane Ellen Bridges, born January 7, 1823, a daughter of Blake Bridges and Pearcy Peacock, on Oct. 31, 1869, she married for a second time to Thomas Harrison, who died in the 1870s, they had no children. She died on March 9, 1905 and is buried in the Peacock Cemetery, Washington Co. Children of Asa Gordon Braswell and Jane Ellen Bridges: Pearcy Ann (b. Feb. 20, 1844, d. Jan. 12, 1919, m. Moses H. Brantley, Thomas Green Smith, Asa Conway); John Arthur (b. Jan. 6, 1846, d. March 3, 1929, m. Elmina Smith Brantley), George M. (b. Dec. 10. 1848, d. ca. 1850); Elizabeth E. (b. May 31, 1853, d. Jan. 8, 1926, m. William Morgan Smith); Timothy Jordan (b. Dec. 22, 1854, d. Jan. 18, 1927); Sally A.J. (b. Dec. 22, 1854, died as an infant); Martha Jane (b. Oct. 13, 1857, d. Feb. 9, 1928, m. Joseph Jonathan Smith); Annie L. (b. Nov. 30, 1859, d. Oct. 15, 1867); Susan Gordon (b. Dec. 29, 1862, d. Aug. 14, 1880); V.G.E. (b. Dec. 29, 1862, died as an infant.) 1880 Washington 92nd G.M. Dist, Conf. Roster III, p. 360.
BRASWELL, JESSE BURCH - Born on Aug. 21, 1829, in Washington Co., son of Arthur Braswell and Patience Pearce, died Aug. 10, 1905, buried in Mt. Gilead Cemetery, Wash. Co., married on June 16, 1860 to Edith Matilda Brantley, (b. Aug. 4, 1841, d. Feb. 29, 1907, dau. of John Franklin Brantley and Lucinda Barlow); Children: John W. (b. ca. 1862, m. Frances Victoria Morris); Sallie A.L. (b. ca. 1865, m. Zachariah Smith, Newton Jordan); Timothy Arthur (b. 1868, m. Sallie Jones [8-11-1905], Susie Deal); Jesse Gordon (b. 3-18-1870, m. on Feb. 7, 1905 on Fannie Mildred Braswell); Rebecca Patience (b. 5-15-1874, d. 9-10-1905, m. Luther Smith); Dr. Benjamin Darius (b. 6-17-1876, d. 6-24-1908, m. 12-21-1904, Carrie Pughsley); George Washington (b. 3-22-1879, d. 3-28-1950, m. 8-4-1909 to Saphronia Agnes Cowart); Thomas Jefferson (b. 2-28-1882, d. 5-29-19-1964, m. Annie Mae Rowland, Ola Ussery, Addie Cannon, Bessie Bell Collins); Rosa Lee (b. ca. 1887, d. 1915, m. ______ Camp).
BRASWELL, TIMOTHY - Born ca. 1823 in Washington County, son of Arthur Braswell and Patience Pearce; wife unknown, children: William A. (b. ca. 1848), Matthew M. (b. ca. 1850).
BRASWELL, WILLIAM M. - Born on Aug. 18, 1825 in Washington County, son of Arthur Braswell and Patience Pearce, died on Dec. 9, 1873, buried in Peacock Cem., Washington Co., married on Feb. 10, 1852 to Elizabeth Adeline Cox, born 1831, Washington Co., Children: Nancy Elizabeth (b. ca. 1852, m. Newton Martin); Robert H. (b. ca. 1854, m. Fannie C. Bland); Jesse Arthur E. (b. 7-11-1857, d. 1-22-1929, Scotland, Ga., m. 3-1876, Nannie Penelope Sellers); Sarah (b. ca. 1861, m. Amos Fennel); Louise (b. ca. 1866, m. Robert Tarpley); William (b. ca. 1869, died young, never married); John (b. ca. 1871, m. Bessie Cox). Marriage Book B, page 15, Wash. Co.,
BRIDGES, ALEXANDER - Born ca. 1825, son of Silas and Permelia Boatright Bridges, married Nancy Moulton Bridges, born Nov. 26, 1825, in Washington County, dau. of Blake and Pearcy Peacock Bridges; married second to Mary Jane Duggan (b. 1854, d. 1888), married third to Ava Youngblood Waters (b. 1884, d. 1928); Pvt. Co. E, 12th Ga. Batallion, C.S.A.; Children: Permelia Sessions (b. 7-28-1845, d. 10-3-1934, m. George Moulton Brantley on Feb. 14, 1864); Annie Eliza (b. 12-17-1847, d. 11-12-1916, m. Thomas "Booky" Brantley on June 16, 1865); Jane Ellen (Jency) (b. 1850, d. 1946, m. Benjamin Sumner and Daniel Rudloph Wommack; Artimessia (b. 1862, d. 1933 m. Benjamin Darius Joiner); Moulton Edwin (b. 6-7-1853, d. 9-11-1932, m. millie Anna Wood, Elizabeth Cowart, Frances Wood, and Elizabeth J. Diekel); Margia Ann (b. 2-11-1855, d. 1928, m. William Lucian McMillan); Almedia Ann (b. 3-5-1858, d. 12-24-1925, m. Dec. 1881, William Thomas Brantley; Georgia Elizabeth (b. 6-15-1860, d. 1940, m. Isaac L. Joiner); John Irwin J. (b. 7-2-1862, d. 1940, m. Annie E. Batchelor); Children by second wife: James Harris (b. 5-12-1888, d. 1968, m. Addie Collins); Children by third wife:Adel (b. 1891, d. 1940 m. Cleon Hodges); Mable (b. 1894, m. Feliz Andrew Shealy); Jenny Vema (b. 1897, d. 1981 m. Julius Leon Brantley); Alexander, Jr., died young. Washington, p. 381, 1870 Washington, p.9, 93rd GMD.
BRIDGES, BLAKE - Born ca. 1780 in Johnston County, North Carolina, son of Benjamin Bridgers, Jr. and his wife Rebecca _______, died ca. 1835. He married Pearcy Peacock, dau. of John and Edith Peacock, April 14, 1826, probably buried in the Peacock Cemetery, Washinton County. Children: Edith (b. Feb. 16, 1818, d. 1853, m. Joseph M. Sumner); Rebecca (b. Feb. 22, 1822, died on Feb. 22, 1822); Jane Ellen (b. Jan. 7, 1823, d. March 9, 1905, m. Asa Gordon Braswell); Nancy (b. Nov. 26, 1825, d. July 5, 1855, m. Alexander Bridges), et al., Washington, p. 381.
BRIDGES, SILAS - Born ca. 1790 in Johnston County, North Carolina, son of Benjamin and Rebecca Bridgers, m. Permelia Boatright, (b. 1804, dau. of George Boatright, d. ca. 1855), she married second to Harris Brantley, son of Joseph Brantley); Children: Alexander (b. 1825, m. 1-2-1844 to Nancy Bridges); Edwin (b. 1825, m. Lilliburn Wright); Mary Margiann (b. 1831, m. 1846 to Isaac L. Smith, b. 1825, d. 1889); Almedia (b. 1832, m. Green R. Roberson). Washington, p. 381, 1830 Washington, p. 240.
BRIDGES, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1780s in Johnston County, North Carolina, son of Benjamin and Rebecca Bridgers, Mary (Livingston?); Lived in Laurens County, Georgia (Buckeye District). Laurens 1830, p. 12.
BROWN, SAMUEL - Born ca. 1790 - 1800. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
BRUMFIELD, JAMES - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 49.
BURNS, ANSFORD - Born ca. 1790-1800. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214.
BURNES, JAMES - Born ca. 1795 in North Carolina, married Mary _______, born ca. 1812, Children: Julia A.C. (b. ca. 1837); Pleasant T. (b. ca. 1842); William T. (b. ca. 1844); Jordan M. (b. ca. 1847); Mary A. (b. 1850). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 167.
BUSH, JAMES - Born 1812/3 in Georgia, married Sealy _______, born 1815/6 in Georgia; Children: James, John, Louisa, William H., May C., Martha, George W. (m. Alles _____), Thomas, Ella, Viney. 1860 Johnson # 43, 1870 Johnson # 245, 1880 Johnson # 175.
CALDWELL, CHARLEY Y. - Born Landowner 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 74.
CALHOUN, ALLEN - Born ca. 1800 - 1810. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
CALHOUN, JAMES -1804 Jurymember 55th. Montgomery, p. 49.
CALHOUN, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Montgomery, pp. 49, 65.
CALHOUN, JOSEPH - 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Land Lottery Winner, 1805. Montgomery, pp. 44, 49, 57, 65.
CALHOUN, ORRA - Female, born ca. 1790 - 1800. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
CANEEGA, HENRY - Born 1834/5 in North Carolina, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., married Mary A. _____, ca. 1855; Children: Susan A., Henry H. (m. Mary C. ____), et al. 1860 Johnson # 335, Cemetery, p. 443, Conf. Roster III, p. 409.
CAPERMAN, FREDERICK - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 49.
CARTER, ELIJAH - Born 1810 in Georgia, son of Frederick Alex Carter, first granted land in Laurens County in 1845, married Mary Flanders, born Jan. 7, 1820 in Georgia, d. 1894, buried in Piney Mount Cemetery, dau. of Barnabus and Sarah Flanders; Children: Sarah Ann, b. 1841, m. Samuel Whitfield on May 4, 1865), Frederick (b. Mar. 22, 1842, d. Jan. 18, 1918, buried in Piney Mt. Cemetery, m. Elizabeth Sumner on Oct. 13, 1864), Joseph (b. Mar. 22, 1849, d. Jun. 12, 1920, buried in Bay Springs Cem., m. Nancy Elizabeth Beasley, m. Julia ?), Cloe Ann (b. 1850), Elijah (b. 1853, d. July 7, 1937, m. Sallie Parker), Gilo (b. 1858), Thomas Budd (b. Mar. 13, 1857, d. May 7, 1921, m. Martha Sumner on Nov.21,1878), Sylvester (b. Oct. 13, 1858, d. Jun 9, 1938, buried in Piney Mount Cem., m. Ruthie Mollie Sumner on Feb. 2, 1879) 1860 Johnson # 58, Flanders, p. 153, Laurens Mid 1800, p. 8, Grants, p. 99, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest 86th Dist., Researcher: Jones Peebles, JPeeble@clds.net.
CARTER, EZEKIEL - Born ca. 1780-1790. 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 168.
CARTER, FREDERICK ALEX - Born ca. 1775-80, first granted land in Laurens County in 1837, married Sallie Hightower, b. ca. 1787; 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Children: Thomas (m. Nancy _______), Elijah (b/ 1810 in Hickory, N.C.?, d. 1862-4 in Civil War, m. ca. 1840, Mary Flanders, dau. of Barnabus and Sarah Flanders). 1840 Laurens p. 166, Grants, p. 99. Montgomery, pp. 44, 49, 57, 65, Laurens Records 1, p. 132?, Researcher: Jones Peebles, JPeebles@clds.net.
CARTER, GILES, SR. - 1797/8 Landowner, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 57, 65, Laurens Records 1, p. 132.
CARTER, GILES, JR. - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 65.
CARTER, REBECCA - Born ca. 1770-1780. 1840 Laurens p. 166.
CARTER, ROBERT - 1797 Jurymember, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807, may have been granted land in Laurens County in 1826. Montgomery, pp. 45, 49, 57, 65, Grants, p. 100.
CARTER, SILAS - Born ca. 1750-1760. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168.
CARTER, THOMAS - Born ca. 1800/10. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168.
CARTER, WILLIAM BRADY. - 1797/8 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, first granted land in Montgomery County, 1796. Montgomery, p. 45, 49, 65, Grants, p. 101.
CARTER, WILLIS - Born on Feb. 28, 1802, in South Carolina, son of Elmore and Delila West Carter, died on Aug. 1, 1878, buried in Bethsaida Cemetery, Treutlen County, lived in the eastern corner of Laurens County, married on April 26, 1836 to Edith Calhoun, daughter of Angus and Winifred Ryals Calhoun of Longpond, Montgomery Co., born on Sept. 12, 1812, died on Dec. 9, 1897. Children: Mary Catherine (b. 2/22/1837, d. 8/27/1862, m. Andrew J. Hilbun); Elizabeth K. (b. 4/2/1838, d. 12/23/1867); Delilah West (b. 9/25/1839, m. Isom Davis), Tommy B. (b. 5/17/1841, died in Civil War); James Willis (b. 10/28/1843, d. 11/25/1843); John Gillis, M.D., (b. 10/6/1846, d. 5/8/1925, m. Mary A. Hightower); Nancy J., (b. 10/18/1848, d. 11/1/1867); George West, (b. 11/25/1849, d. 6/1936); Martha C. (b. 5/16/1852, d. 2/5/1937, m. Nathan Barwick); Joseph Warren (b. 11/15/1857, d. 5/2/1931, m. Georgie Lanore Holmes), Henry Chappell (b. 10/1/1859, d. 10/8/1897). LCH2, p. 459-462, Laurens Mid 1800 People, p. 8.
CASEY, LETIS - Her illegimate children, residents of Swain's (55th) Dist. were Land Lottery Winners, 1827.
CHESTER, ABSALOM - Married Rebecca Barber, born ca. 1770. Children: Statia, Rebecca, et al. 1850 Washington # 848, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
CHESTER, ISAAC - Born ca. 1838, died on Sept. 14, 1913, buried in Mt. Moriah Cemetery, married to Martha Ann Smith, b. Aug. 18, 1835, dau. of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith, died on Nov. 25, 1924; Children: Lee (m. Irene Martin); Mary Ann (b. March 8, 1862, d. Nov. 23, 1887, m. Wiley Smith); Martha (m. George Smith). 1860 Washington # 708.
CLARK, DAVID E. - Born 1824/5 in Georgia, married ca. 1847 to Mary A. ______, born 1823/4 in Georgia; Children: Mary L., Albert A., Penelope, Andrew. 1860 Johnson # 163.
CLAXTON, HENRY J. - Born April 20, 1829 in Edgefield Co., S.C., son of Zachariah William and Lincelia Bush Claxton, died ca. 1866, buried in Edgefield Co., S.C., settled in the northeastern portion of Johnson County circa 1854, married Martha Mack, born Nov. 17, 1833 in Edgefield Co., S.C., daughter of Isaac and Florence Mack, died ca. 1886; Children: Zachariah Matthew (m. Georgia Ann Wombles), Florence (m. Cullen Price), Ophelia (m. John Henry Carraway), Isaac (m. Amanda Price), John Henry (m. Julia Elizabeth Dukes), and Thomas Lee (m. Mary Branch). Claxton, pp. 11-15.
CLAXTON, JOHN W. - Born ca. 1841, son of Zachariah William and Lincelia Bush Claxton, Private Co. E, 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., killed in action on Aug. 7, 1862, married on Feb. 3, 1861 to Nancy Price, born Apr. 17, 1848, died Sep. 18, 1896, she married 2nd to Harold Horton, buried in Gumlog Church Cem.; Children: John W. (m. Mary Elizabeth Williams).
CLAXTON, WILLIAM I. - Born Apr. 16, 1832, in Edgefield Co., S.C., son of Zachariah William and Lincelia Bush, moved to the Kite area ca. 1858, Private Co. D, 54th Ga. Infantry, C.S.A., died in Apr. 14, 1900, buried in Claxton-Kersey Cem., married on Dec. 13, 1858 to Zilpha Anderson, born 1836, died Jan. 1, 1925, buried in Claxton-Kersey Cem.; Children: Ferbie (m. Jim M. Price), Julie (m. Marvin Elijah Beasley), Celia (m. Joseph Kersey), Eady (m. Ben Kersey, John Henry Claxton), Lewis (m. Elefair Rowland), Bell (m. James Redding Clements), James Marcus (m. Arlie Ann Ellen Mimbs), Harriette (m. William Sampson Powell), William (m. Exie Kight), Lizzie (m. Samuel Andrew Beasley), Mollie (m. Johnnie Kight), Cindy, and John Esra. Claxton, p. 313, 1860 Johnson # 106, 1880 Johnson 55th # 217.
CLAXTON, ZACHARIAH J. - Born Jan. 29, 1836 in Edgefield County, S.C., son of Zachariah and Lincelia Bush Claxton, died Jan. 25, 1914, 5th Sergeant, Co. E, 48th Georgia Infantry.married Temperance Powell, born Mar. 25, 1836, daughter of Elias and Teresa Black Powell, died July 15, 1906; Children: Charles William (m. Nancy Lee Anderson, Emma Jean Dann), Mattie (m. Berry Cannady), Lorenzo Burton (m. Isabelle Agnes Allen), Bennett (m. Mary Tyson), Mary Eugenia (m. Joseph Allen Atkins), Mozelle (m. Manning Anderson, Jr., Robert A. Powell), Susan (m. Henry Anderson Garrett), Teresa Jane (m. Robert Jordan Waller), Tempress Ocilla (m. Enoch David Smith). Claxton, p. 111-122.
CLAXTON, ZACHARIAH WILLIAM - Born Dec. 23, 1806 in Edgefield County, S.C., son of Henry Claxton and Fannie Jordon, died on April 22, 1895, moved to Jefferson County ca. 1858, later moved into the Ohoopee area with many of his children, married in 1823 in Edgefield Co., S.C., to Lincelia Bush, daughter of John B. Bush, born Feb. 5, 1806 in Edgefield Co., S.C., died Jan. 7, 1872, both are buried in the Davis/Schwalls Cemetery; Children: Martha A. (m. James B. Kennedy), Henry J. (m. Martha Mack), Harriett (m. Willard C. Coursey), William I., Zachariah J. (m. Temperance Powell), Lincelia E. (m. ________ Price, George W. Schwalls), Pollie (m. Reddin M. Hall), John W. (m. Nancy Price), Charles Thomas Jefferson (m. Eady Anderson), and James (m. Bathsheeba Godbee). Claxton, p. 7.
CLEMENTS, JOSEPH - Born ca. 1770-80, Landowner 53rd Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12. 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170. Montgomery, pp. 65, 74.
COBB, AMOS - Born ca. 1800 - 1805. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
COCHRAN, JOHN SR. - Born ca. 1790 in North Carolina, merchant, married Catherine ________, born ca. 1794 in Georgia; Children: Jasper (Pvt. Co. E, 32nd Ga. Inf., m. Sarah _______), John (Pvt. Co. E, 32nd Ga. Inf.), Frances M., Elephare, William, Rufus, James (m. Sarah ______), and Eldred. 1860 Johnson # 290, 1870 Johnson # 177, 179, 181, 1880 Johnson, #468, Conf. Roster III, p. 704.
COCHRAN, JOHN, JR. - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, married Mary E. ______, born 1836/7 in Georgia; Children Mary, et al. 1860 Johnson # 368.
COLE, JAMES R. - Born 1805/6 in South Carolina, married Sarah Riner, born 1813/5 in Georgia, daughter of Amos and Elizabeth Riner, charter member of Sardis Baptist Church; Children: William Y., Manda, and Elizabeth. 1860 Johnson # 145, Riner, p. 64.
COLE, WILLIAM Y. - Born in 1838, son of James R. and Sarah Riner Cole, Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, killed at Petersburg, Va. on July 3, 1864. Riner, p. 64.
COLEY, M.J. - Born 1819/20 in Georgia, merchant, married Mary M. _______, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: Mary E., John F., Sarah E., Lanah L. 1860 Johnson # 285.
COLSTON, CHARLES H., JR. - Born July 27, 1823, in Maryland, Private Co. F. 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died at Richmond, Va. on August 3, 1862, married Selina ______, born 1825/6 in Georgia, Children: William, Columbus, James, Ann (m. Darling Johnson) (Mary may be Mary Ann). 1860 Johnson # 114, 1870 Johnson # 501, Headlight, 11/2/1995, p. 7A, 1880 Johnson 56th # 266.
COPELAND, JAMES - "See Cupling, James"- Born 1828/9 in Georgia, married ca. 1847 to Matilda ________, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Efeline, James, Emeline, Jefferson, Andrew, Wright, Mary, Griffin. (James?) 1860 Johnson # 159, 1870 Johnson # 406, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 75.
CORBIN, SILAS J. - Born ca. 1790 in Connecticut, Mechanic, married Mariah ________, born 1812/3 in Georgia; Children: Lucinda, Welthy Ann, Nelson, Silas, Wellington, Tamsey. 1850 Emanuel # 550, 1840 Emanuel 395/30.
COSTIN, JOHN - Born ca. 1770-1780. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215.
COSTIN, LOTT - Born ca. 1800 - 1810, possibly a son of John Costin. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215.
CRABB, ROBERT - Born ca. 1780 - 1790. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
CRAWFORD, JESSE - Born 1819/20 in Georgia, married Eliza A. ______, born 1831/2 in Georgia; Children: George W., Eliza, Mary A., Martha A., James M., Sarah, Frances, Henry. 1860 Johnson # 11, 1870 Johnson # 297.
CRAWFORD, JOHN - Born 1827/8 in Georgia, married on Nov. 12, 1846 in Washington County to Lily/Liddia A. Outlaw, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Mary R., William, David, John W., James H. 1880 Johnson # 129, 1860 Johnson # 116, Washington Records. p. 89.
CRAWFORD, THOMAS - Born ca. 1780 - 1790. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
CUNNINGHAM, THOMAS - Born ca. 1773 in South Carolina; Children: Marja Ann, Juliann, Rebecca, et al. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223. 1850 Washington # 703.
CURL, MATTHEW - Born ca. 1775-1795, 1798 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. 1820 Emanuel p. 86, Montgomery, pp. 45, 50, 57, 65, 75.
CURL, MATTHEW, JR. - Born 1795-6 in Georgia, married Mary ______, born 1810/1811; Children: Reuben?, Elijah?, John, Daniel, David, Jane, Nathan, et al. Land Lottery Winner, 1832. 1832 Lottery, p. 90, 1860 Emanuel # 304, 298, 291. This Elijah moved to Laurens County. He served in the 49th Ga. Inf., C.S.A. and is credited with shooting Federal General Kearney at Ox Hill, Va. on Sept. 1, 1862.
CUPLING, JAMES - "See Cupling, James"- Born 1828/9 in Georgia, married Matilda ________, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Efeline, James, Emeline, Jefferson, and Andrew. 1860 Johnson # 159.
DAILEY, VINES? - 1840 Washington 89th p. 221, 1850 Washington # 832.
DANIEL, EZEKIEL - Born ca. 1780 in North Carolina, 1840 Washington 89th p. 222, 1850 Washington # 732.
DANIEL, JAMES M. - 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 131.
DANIEL, JOHN - Born ca. 1794, married Martha ____, born ca. 1803; Children: John H. (b. ca. 1825), Solomon (b. ca. 1832), Mary (b. ca. 1835), Nancy (b. ca. 1838), Sampson (b. ca. 1838), Harrison (b. ca. 1843), Thomas (b. ca. 1845), Louisa (b. ca. 1848). 1840 Washington 91st p. 213, 1850 Washington # 170.
DANIEL, MARY - Born ca. 1790 - 1800. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
DANIEL, WILLIAM - 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 131.
DANIELL, WILLIAM B. - 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 131.
DAVIS, ALLEN - Born 1801/2 in Georgia, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (55th Dist.), died ca. 1858-60, married Sarah ______, born 1813/4 in Georgia; Children: John B. (m. Mary F.), Mary Ann, David (m. Sarah Strange?), Temperance, Martha, Elephare (Alifair), Mary Ann, Nancy, James, Casewell, and Louis. 1840 Emanuel 56/40; 1850 Emanuel 381, Cemetery p. 425, 1860 Johnson # 31, 1832 Lottery, p. 131.
DAVIS, DAVID - Born 1798-1800, in Georgia, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist., first granted land in 1836 in Emanuel County, married Pennie _________, born 1818/9; Children: Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, David A., Malisa, Susan, Belicent, John, Joseph, Olif. 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1840 Emanuel 55/30, 1860 Johnson # 205, 1870 Johnson # 155, 1821 Lottery, p. 63, Grants, p. 149.
DAVIS, GEORGE C. - Born 1834/5, son of Lewis and Piercey Powell Davis, married Elizabeth ______, born 1839/40. 1860 Johnson # 94.
DAVIS, IRVIN - Born 1823/4 in Georgia; married Martha _____, born 1817/8 in Georgia; Children: William, Silas, Ruthy, Samuel. 1850 Emanuel 385.
DAVIS, IRWIN - Born ca. 1750-1760. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
DAVIS, JAMES ALLEN - Born Aug. 16, 1826, son of Lewis Davis and Piercey Powell, died Oct. 14, 1882, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, married on May 5, 1852 to Nancy Powell, born Feb. 7, 1833, daughter of Silas and Litha Webb Powell, died Oct. 1, 1853, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, married 2nd to Alice Williams, born Mar. 3, 1832, daughter of Freeman Williams and Mary Horton, died Jan. 26, 1925, buried in James Allen Davis Cemetery; Children: James Allen,Jr., Belle Davis (m. John Sinquefield), Elizabeth (m. Thomas L. Brown), Nancy, Lewis, Lenora. 1850 Emanuel # 228, 1860 Johnson # 118, Cemetery pp. 70,71, 218, 230, Emanuel Marriages A/44, Researchers: Tanya D. Smith, cookie@ellijay.com.
DAVIS, A.J. - Born 1826/7 in Georgia, married Alla ______, born 1833/4 in Georgia; Children: Lewis, Jancy, and Sanorah?, et al. 1860 Johnson # 118.
DAVIS, JEREMIAH - Born before 1775, may have died in 1821, Land Lottery Winner, 1820, 55th Dist., his orphans were 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist.. 1820 Emanuel p. 90, 1820 Lottery, p. 85, 1821 Lottery, p. 63.
DAVIS, JOHN R. - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married ca. 1853 to Mary ______, born 1837/8 in Georgia; Children: Martha, Sarah, Elizabeth, et al. 1860 Johnson # 181.
DAVIS, LEVI - Married Rebecca Mason, daughter of Turner Mason in 1828; died after 1842 and prior to 1850. Children: Thomas D. (b. ca. 1834); Frances (b. ca. 1836); James T. (b. ca. 1837, d. 1863); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1839); Susan E. (b. ca. 1840); and Richard (b. ca. 1842). Mid 1800 p. 31.
DAVIS, LEWIS - Born 1803/4 in Washington Co., Georgia, son Diocletion and Nancy Fluker Davis, died Dec. 3, 1852, Justice of Inferior Court, Emanuel Co. 1849-51, first granted land in Emanuel County in 1838, married 1st to Martha Kight, born Mar. 10, 1811, died Oct. 15, 1898, divorced, she married 2nd to a Meadows; married 2nd to Piercy Powell, born Oct. 12, 1813 in Georgia, daughter of Sampson Powell, Jr. and Latisha Barfield, died 1875; Children: By first wife: James Allen (m. Nancy Powell, Alice Williams), Malathy (m. Joseph E. Rich), William Godfrey (m. Dicey Williams); Children by second wife: Sampson (m. Elizabeth _______), George Carter, C.S.A., died in 1863, Charlotte (m. Uriah Anderson, John W. Mayo), Vianna, Jordan F. (m. Roxana Fortner, Annie Mayo Garnto), Bennett, C.S.A. died in 1864, July Ann, Lewis J. (m. Mary J. Sneed), Emanuel, and Mary. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, 1840 Emanuel 55/28; 1850 Emanuel 223, Cemetery, pp. 70, 230, 1860 Johnson # 93, 1870 Johnson # 415, Tapley, p. 117, Mayo, pp. 5, 6, 24, Grants, p. 149, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 24. Researcher: Tanya D. Smith, Cookie@ellijay.com.
DAVIS, SAMPSON - Born 1834/5, son of Lewis and Piercey Powell Davis. 1860 Johnson # 93.
DAVIS, SUSANNAH - Born ca. 1770-1780. 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167.
DEESE (DEEZE), WARREN - Born ca. 1790-1800. 1830 Emanuel 55, p. 168.
DELANEY, LEWIS. - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 66.
DENT, JOHN - Born ca. 1800 in Georgia, married Frances ______, born ca. 1797 in Georgia; Children: William R.?, W.J. ?, Benjamin, Sarah A.. 1860 Johnson # 342.
DENT, W.J. - Born 1830/1 in Georgia, married Henrietta ______, born 1839/40 in Georgia; Children: Mary C., Charley M., John, and Bennett. 1860 Johnson # 313.
DENT, WILLIAM R. - Born 1834/5 in Georgia, married Sarah Parker?, born 1836/7 in Georgia; Children: Eves E.?, James, Elizabeth. 1860 Johnson # 286, 1880 Johnson 373?
DIXON, JOHN - Born 1760/1770, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.). 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1832 Lottery, p. 131.
DODD, ROBERT - Land Lottery Winner from Swain's (55th) Dist. 1827 Lottery, p. 152.
DORMANY, JOHN - 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/011/12. Montgomery, pp. 50, 66,75.
DOUGAN, JOHN C. - Born 1828/9 in Georgia, married ca. 1854 to Frances M. _______, born 1834/5 in Georgia; Children: Elizabeth, Sarah J., et al. 1860 Johnson # 78.
DOUGAN, WILLIAM - Born 1830/1 in Georgia, married ca. 1848 to Martha _______, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Frances, Newton C., Charley A., and John W.. 1860 Johnson # 82.
DOUGLAS, AMOS - Born Jan. 27,1815 in Georgia, son of John and Phada Yates Douglas, died Nov. 24, 1864, buried in Riner Cemetery; married Susannah Meeks, born March 14, 1813 in Georgia, daughter of Allen and Susannah Tyson Meeks, died October 22, 1880, buried in Riner Cemetery. Children: Lavina, Nancy (m. Thomas Jefferson Rowland), Alifarro, John Allen, and David Zachariah. 1840 Emanuel 56/3, 1850 Emanuel #193, 1860 Johnson # 149, Cemetery 355, 362, Tapley, p. 65.
DOUGLAS, DAVID - m. Elizabeth Claiborne; Children... John Douglas (m. Phada Yates). Tapley, p. 65.
DOUGLAS, DAVID - Born 1831/2 in Emanuel Co., son of Fady Douglas, Private Co. C, 38th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., wounded and captured at Gettysburg, Pa., July 2, 1862, died at Point Lookout Prison, Md. in 1864 where he is buried, married Nancy Mozelle Key, daughter of Spencer and Elizabeth Flanders Key, born Nov. 12, 1838 in Emanuel Co., she married second Archibald Woods, Jr., died Oct. 16, 1903, buried in Moxley Cemetery, Children: Elizabeth F., William Spencer, and 1860 Emanuel # 72, Key, p. 582.
DOUGLAS, EDWARD - Born before 1775, 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist. 1820 Emanuel p. 88, Montgomery, pp. 45, 50, 58, 66, 1820 Land Lottery, p. 63.
DOUGLAS, FADY - Born 1793/4 in Georgia, probably a son of John Douglas, R.S. and Phada _______, married _________; Children: James, Rebecca, Arlican, David, (m. Nancy M. Key), 1840 Emanuel 56/4, 1850 Emanuel 260, Wiregrass I, p. 67.
DOUGLAS, FREDERICK - Born before 1775, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, first granted land in Montgomery Co. in 1805, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. 1820 Emanuel, p. 94, Montgomery, pp. 58, 66, Grants, p. 169.
DOUGLAS, HENRY - Land Lottery Winner of Nabb's Dist., 1827. (Shown as an idiot) 1827 Lottery, p. 94.
DOUGLAS, JAMES - Land Lottery Winner, 1820, 56th Dist., 1820 Lottery, p. 85.
DOUGLAS, JOHN - Revolutionary War soldier, died 1832 in Emanuel County, married Phada Yates, daughter of Burrell Yates, Children: John (m. Mary Bowen), and most likely Phada, William, etc. Wiregrass I, p. 67.,
DOUGLAS, JOHN - Born 1780/90, Land owner, 55th Mont. Co., 1812, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist. 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, Montgomery, p. 75, 1821 Lottery, p. 63.
DOUGLAS, JOHN - Soldier, Emanuel County Militia, 1810's. Emanuel Militia, p. 1.
DOUGLAS, RIGHT - Unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 58.
DOUGLAS, ROBERT, SR.- 1798 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 45, 49, 58.
DOUGLAS, ROBERT, JR.- 1797/8 Landowner, Unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 45, 58.
DOUGLAS, SEABORN - Born ca. 1795-1804, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist.. 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1821 Lottery, p. 63.
DOUGLAS, WILLIAM - Born 1782-3 in Georgia, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist., Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, married Elizabeth ________, born 1789-90 in Georgia; Children: Loduski, Mary Ann, Zilphy, Emeline, Cassena, John, James. 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1840 Emanuel 55/10; 1850 Emanuel # 286, Montgomery, pp. 66,75, 1821 Lottery, p. 63, Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
DRAKE, FRANCIS BRYANT - Born 1806/7 in North Carolina, son of Richard and Phereba Bryant Drake, grandson of Exum Drake, married on Nov. 6, 1828 in Washington Co. to Selina King, born 1812/3 in North Carolina; Children: James William (m. Mary Ann Brantley), Pheribah Elizabeth (m. John Nelson Key), Bathsheba Winfred (m. Frederick T. Flanders), Eliza Jane (m. Warren Kea), Francis Milton. (m. Elizabeth Smith), Richard Franklin (m. Zefra Ann Peacock), John Saffold (m. Martha C. Flanders), Thomas Lamar (m. Nellie Watson), Sarah Ann Selina (m. J. Leonard Harrell, James Ashley Pollett), Robert Lemuel ( m. Elizabeth Watson), Adra Anne Sarusha (m. Archibald William Odom). 1860 Emanuel # 99, Drake p. 1, 1870 Johnson # 546, 547.
DRAKE, FRANCIS MILTON - Born Dec. 12, 1836, son of Francis Bryant and Selina King Drake, Private Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died July 19, 1912, married Elizabeth Smith, born Oct. 27, 1849, daughter of William T. and Nancy Key Smith, died Nov. 5, 1884, both are buried at Poplar Springs; Children: Mary Savannah (m. William Knox Porter), George William (m. Ellen Elizabeth Walker), Morris Timothy (m. Margaret Priscilla Williams, Mary Martin Griffin), Charlie Wright, Nancy Audrey (m. Joseph Benjamin Williams, Juanita Agnes Lumley), John Redding, Milton Franklin (m. Nancy Leona Rolland), and Ninnie Elizabeth (m. William Redding Beasley). Drake, pp. 318 - 371, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 208, Conf. Roster III, p. 724.
DRAKE, JAMES WILLIAM - Born Dec. 19, 1829, son of Francis Bryant Drake and Selina King, Private Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., died Dec. 14, 1908, buried in Poplar Springs Cem., married ca. 1855 to Mary Ann Brantley, born Dec. 19, 1837, died May 5, 1891, buried in Poplar Springs Cem.; Children: William John (m. Willie Elizabeth Allen, Emma Vernell Harrell), Francis Richard, James Thomas (m. Sally Arminia Walker), Willie Elizabeth, Martha Lou (m. Daniel Smith), George Franklin, Mary Salina, Nancy Elizabeth (m. Tommie George Washington Johnson), and Lovick Pierce. Drake, pp. 2-90, Conf. Roster III, p. 724.
DRAKE, JOHN SAFFOLD - Born Apr. 29, 1841, son of Francis Bryant Drake and Selina King, Private Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died May 10, 1916, buried in Poplar Springs Cemetery, married Martha C. Flanders, born March 21, 1842, daughter of Francis Eugene and Elizabeth Mason Flanders), died March 25, 1911, buried in Poplar Springs Cemetery; Children: Thomas Francis (b. 10-16-1866, d. 11-21-1932, m. Annie Lou Thompson), Ira Jack (b. 3-8-1868, d. 9-13-1942, m. Amanda Elizabeth Sumner), John Lemuel (b. 8-13-1869, d. 9-23-1947, m. Matilda Smith), Joseph Ellis (b. 7-14-1874, d. 7-18-1956, m. Kattie Frances Lawson), Elizabeth (b. 7-14-1874, d. 7-18-1956, m. Nathan Tucker Foskey), Sarah Ophelia (b. 6-12-1876, d. 11-13-1938, m. Henry Aaron Hutcheson), Eula J. (b. 8-51-1879, d. 1-21-1898), and Arley L. (b. 2-18-1880, d. 2-9-1883). Flanders, pp. 684, et seq, Tapley, p. 91, Drake pp. 378 - 461, Roster III, p. 724.
DRAKE, RICHARD FRANKLIN - Born Feb. 1, 1839, son Francis Bryant Drake and Selina King, died Feb. 18, 1889, buried in Peacock Cemetery, Washington Co., married Zefra Ann Peacock, she married second to a McMillan; Children: Julia Edna (m. Benjamin Hamilton Atchison). Drake, pp. 371-379.
DRAKE, ROBERT LEMUEL - Born Dec. 4, 1849, son of Francis Bryant Drake and Selina King, died in 1923, married Elizabeth Watson, died 1921, both are buried in Ohoopee Cemetery, Ohoopee, GA.; Children: Robert Joel (m. Laura E. Barwick), Thomas Lowery (m. Nancy L. Skinner, Ethel Perkins, Lola Meadows), Ella Virginia (Meredith Saffold Barwick), Randolf Francis, Milton Marvin (m. Linnie C. Merritt), James William (m. Datie Brantley), Nita Amelia (Theophilus L. Ricks), John B. Gordon (m. Nola E. Holland), Ottis Lindon (m. Alice Leola Wright), Claudeus Hinton (m. Alice May Belle Murray), and Alonzo Minter (m. Mattie Lee Hughes, Ollie Davis. Drake, pp. 532 - 616, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 309.
DRAKE, THOMAS LAMAR - Born June 30, 1844, son of Francis Bryant Drake, and Selina King, died Sept. 25, 1913, married Mollie Watson, born Oct. 27, 1845, died Jan. 12, 1933, both are buried in Watson Cemetery, Odomville; Children: Marcus Jackson Drake (m. Lena Etheridge), Lillie Belle (m. Minza Leonard Bailey). Drake, pp. 462-483.
DUDLEY, JOHN - Born ca. 1810-1820. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215.
DURDEN, ELEAZAR - Born on January 30, 1809 in Montgomery County, son William Durden, Sr. and Mary Dekle, sheriff of Emanuel County, 1846-8; 50-2; died March 22, 1861, buried in Barwick Cemetery, Norristown; married in 1824 to Mary Barwick, daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth Whiddon Barwick, born July 30, 1811 in Darlington Co.,South Carolina, died Oct. 30, 1898 (6), buried in Barwick Cemetery; Children: William (m. Delila Hutcheson), Elizabeth (m. Lyman Hall), Mary Ann (m. John Curtis Tapley), Louisa Malinda (m. William L. Tapley, James L. Woods), Matilda Martha (m. John J. Ricks, William G. Ricks), Christian (m. William S. Griffis, E.P. Smith), John Whitney (Sgt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., m. Mary Durden), Victoria, Ann Marintha (m. Elijah Anderson Odom, Isaac Hall), Eann (m. Henry H. Flanders). Gillis, p. 116, 1860 Emanuel # 103, 1850 Emanuel # 446, 1840 Emanuel 53/25, 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 171, Tapley, pp. 129, 136, 151, Wiregrass IX, p. 168, Conf. Roster III, p. 724.
DURDEN, NATHAN "BAY" - Born in 1845, son of Simeon Durden and Susanna Barwick, married Annie E. Hatcher, daughter of Eldridge Hatcher. Wiregrass IX, p. 170.
DURDEN, NATHAN MORRIS - Born on Oct. 20, 1839, son of William and Elizabeth Barwick Durden, Jr., died March 4, 1933, buried in Family Cemetery, Norristown; married May 10, 1857 to Malinda Kea, daughter of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea, born March 10, 1841 in Emanuel Co., died on Feb. 25, 1920, buried beside her husband:, Children: Mary Elizabeth, Lucinda Jane (m. Charles Holmes), Minnie Lee. 1860 Emanuel # 102, Emanuel Marriages A/59, Key p. 318.
DURDEN, SIMEON - Born March 21, 1821 in Emanuel County, son of William Durden, Sr. and Mary Dekle, married on March 17, 1842 to Susannah Barwick, born May 18, 1824, daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth Whiddon Barwick, died Oct. 19, 1905, buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Norristown; Children: William E., Nathan "Bay" (m. Annie E. Hatcher), Eliza Ann (m. Isaac Hall), Lott (m. Sarah E. Flanders), Mary (m. John W. Durden), Martha (m. Garrett Moore), George Dallas (m. Indiana Sherodd), Francis Marion (m. Georgianne Hall), Eleazar (m. Eann Durden), Simeon Bartow (m. Martha Hall), Lucinda Elizabeth (m. Ebenezer S. Durden), John R. (m. Ella Youngblood). Gillis, p. 116, 1860 Emanuel # 55, 1850 Emanuel # 520, Tapley, p. 78, Wiregrass IX, p. 170, Emanuel Marriages B/196.
DURDEN, WILLIAM, JR. - Born August 15, 1817 in Emanuel County, son of William Durden, Sr. and Mary Dekle, died on July 11, 1860, buried in Barwick Cemetery, Norristown, married in 1838 to Elizabeth Barwick, daughter of Nathan and Elizabeth Whiddon Barwick, born Dec. 16, 1820, died Dec. 20, 1909, buried in Barwick Cemetery; Children: Mary (m. Eleazer Smith), Nathan Morris (m. Belinda Kea), Martha Jane, Dennis Saffold, Jr. 2nd Lt, Co. H, 48th Ga. Inf., Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., (m. Mary A.E. Hooks), William J. (m. Sarah Moore), Rowan (m. Susan Moore), Eleazar Lanson (m. Unie Mae Hutcheson), John F. (m. Martha Kight), Angus G. (m. Dicy Herrington), Georgiann E., Ellefair (m. E.L. Ricks). Gillis, p. 116, 1850 Emanuel # 480, 1853 Emanuel 53/47, Wiregrass IX, p. 171, Emanuel Marriages B/194, Conf. Roster III, p. 724.
DURDEN, WILLIAM, SR. - Son of John Durden, Jr. (RS) and Sarah Newton, grandson of Capt. John Durden and Mary Hilliard, Granted land in Montgomery County in 1805, married Mary Dekle, daughter of John L. Dekle, Sr. and Sallie Grissom; Children: Eleazar (m. Mary P. Barwick), Simeon (m. Susannah Barwick), William (m. Elizabeth Barwick), Wiregrass, IX, pp. 168-171.
ELTON, JOHN - Born ca. 1818, married Susan ______, born ca. 1824; Children: Elizabeth (b. ca. 1845), Melissa (b. ca. 1848), et al. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 876.
ENNIS, JAMES - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, married on July 28, 1844 in Washington Co. to Elephare Raines, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: William P. (m. Nancy Mason), Jane, Sarah, John M. (m. Celia Hutchinson), Mary A., George W., James, and Elephare. 1860 Johnson # 330, Washington Records, p. 90, 1870 Johnson # 238.
ETHERIDGE, SAMUEL - 1804 Jurymember, 55th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 50.
EUBANKS, ORMON - Born ca. 1760-1770, female. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168.
EUBANKS, WILLIAM - Born 1800/10, 1827 Land Lottery Winner, Snell's (56th) Dist, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.). 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1827 Lottery, p. 200, 1832 Lottery, p. 225.
EVANS, BENJAMIN - 1797/8 Landowner, first granted land in Montgomery Co. in 1798, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, pp. 45, 50, 66, Grants, p. 190.
EVANS, HEZEKIAH - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 58, 66.
EVANS, OBEDIAH - 1797/8 Landowner, 1795/7 Jurymember, Landowner 56th Mont. Co, 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 45, 58, 66.
FAIRCLOTH, ETHELRED - Born before 1775, Land Lottery Winner, 1820, 395th Dist., 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, 1820 Lottery, p. 112.
FARMER, JOHN - His orphans were Land Lottery Winner, 1820, 55th Dist., 1820 Lottery, p. 112.
FARMER, THOMAS - Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 58, 66.
FENNELL, CULLEN - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married Anna ______, born 1833/4 in Georgia; Children: James, An----, Benjamin, Amons. 1860 Johnson # 274
FENNELL, STEVEN - Born ca. 1798 in South Carolina, married Anna ______, born ca. 1800 in South Carolina; Children: Benjamin, Milley, George A., William J. 1860 Johnson # 176.
FERGUSON, ISAAC - Born ca. 1775-1795, Landowner 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12. Montgomery, pp. 66, 75, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86.
FINCH, ICHABOD- Landowner 55th, Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 75.
FLANDERS, ALEXANDER CHESTNUT Born 1828 in Emanuel County, son of John R. and Nancy Sumner Flanders, Captain Co. H, 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., 1862-1865, Methodist Minister, died in 1919, married on Apr. 7, 1850 to Rachel Moxley, born 1825-6, Children: Jordan, Joseph R. (m. Nancy Smith, Lillian Thompson), Martha. 1850 Emanuel # 183.
FLANDERS, BARNABUS - Born 1784, son of Francis Richard and Nancy Jordan Flanders, Constable of Captain Smith's Dist., Laurens Co., 1812, married Sarah ________, Children: Mark (b. ca. 1805, m. 11-9-1828, Mary Wall), Eliza (b. ca. 1809, m. 1-30-1829, William Andrews), Mary, (b. 1-7-1820, m. Elijah Carter), Mariah (b. ca. 1814, m. John Parrott), Elbert (b. 6-6-1818, m. Matilda Jane Rowland), Barnabus, Jr. (b. ca. 1820, m. Susan Williams), Frederick William (b. 12-7-1825, m. Bathsheba Drake), Jordan (b. ca. 1827), Mary J. (b. ca. 1830), Charles (b. ca. 1834), Delila (b. ca. 1837), and probably Katherine (b. 8-14-1829, d. 3-20-1869, m. John L. Mimbs). Flanders, pp. 152-153, 1860 Laurens # 85, Laurens Mid 1800 p. 15, 1840 Laurens p, 166, Laurens Records I, p. 245, Researcher: Jones Peebles@clds.net.
FLANDERS, ELBERT - Born June 18, 1818 in Laurens County, son of Barnabus and Sarah Flanders, married Matilda Jane Rowland, born 1826/7, probably a daughter of Williamson Rowland, Children: William (b. ca. 1842, m. Nancy Sumner), Nancy (b. ca. 1843), Eliza (b. ca. 1846), Martha A. (b. ca. 1848), Lucretia, Joseph (b. ca. 1852), Mary (b. ca. 1845), Elizabeth (b. ca. 1847), John (b. ca. 1855), Julia (b. ca. 1857), and Sarah (b. May, 1860). Flanders, p. 154, Laurens Mid 1800, p. 15, 1860 Laurens # 88, 1880 Johnson # 328, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
FLANDERS, FRANCIS EUGENE - Born Oct. 4, 1800 in Montgomery Co., Ga.. son Francis Richard and Nancy Jordan Flanders, Land Lottery Winner, 1832 (Blackshear's Dist., Laurens County), lived at the intersection of the present day Snellbridge Road and Ga. Hwy. 15 south of Wrightsville; founder of Snell's Bridge Methodist Church and founder of Maple Springs Methodist Church, died August 1, 1885, buried in Smith-Flanders Cemetery, married 1st to Delilah Beasley, no children; married 2nd to Elizabeth Mason, born 1804, daughter of Rev. James Mason and Rebecca Davis, died May 31, 1887, buried in Smith-Flanders Cemetery; Children: William Crawford (b. 6-7-1825); Mary Ann (b. 7-18-1827, d. 8-9-1906, m. Joseph M. Sumner), Nancy Sarah Elizabeth (b. 2-5-1831, d. 10-11-1911, m. William Kimball Smith), John Mason (b. 7-26-1833, d. 7-2-1863, m. Eliza J. Sumner), Jefferson Tucker (b. 5-10-1837, d. 11-8-1903, m. Sarah Montford), James Washington (b. 7-4-1839, d. 6-28-1913, m. Sarah Q.E. Hightower), Martha C. (b. 3-26-1842, d. 3-25-1911, m. John Saffold Drake). Flanders, p. 166, 176, 177, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 15, 1840 Laurens, p. 166, 1832 Lottery, p. 175, 1880 Johnson # 315, Headlight 4/22/1971, p. 3, Laurens DB H, p. 228, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
FLANDERS, FRANCIS RICHARD - Born ca. 1756 in Virginia, (possibly Botetourt Co.), died ca. 1802 in Montgomery Co., married Nancy Jordan, she is shown as property owner in 55th Mont. Co., 1805/6, she was an unfortunate drawer in the 1805 Land Lottery; Children: Barnabus (married Sarah ________, William, (m. Ruth Sumner), Jordan (m. Sarah Thompson, Mary J. Daniel), John R. (Nancy Sumner), Francis Eugene (m. Delila Beasley, Elizabeth Mason), Nancy, Katherine, Flanders, pp. 144, Montgomery, p. 58, 66.
FLANDERS, FRANCIS T. - Born 1820 in Emanuel County, son of Jordan and Sarah Thompson Flanders, married Annie Daniels; Children: Jordan (b. ca. 1850), Sarah (b. ca. 1853), Chelton (b. ca. 1855), and Hamilton (b. 1859). 1860 Johnson # 126.
FLANDERS, FREDERICK WILLIAM - Born Dec. 7, 1825 in Laurens County, son of Barnabus and Sarah, died June 10, 1899, buried in Westview Cemetery, teacher, married on Aug. 22, 1850 to Bathsheba Winifred Drake, born March 23, 1832, daughter of Francis Bryant Drake and Selina King, died Aug. 25, 1893, buried in Westview Cemetery, Wrightsville; Children: James Bryant (b. 1-12-1852, d. 5-31-1852), Milton Lowery (b. 3-9-1853, d. 1874), Sarah Selina (b. 12-23-1855, d. 12-26-1935, m. Charles Malone Dent), George Thomas (b. 2-20-1858, d. 3-22-1894, m. Georgia Polly Stokes), Dr. William Jordan (b. 3-31-1860, d. 4-7-1936, m. Martha A. Walker), Franklin Frederick (b. 5-18-1862, d. 11-20-1937, m. Sarah Ann Elizabeth McAfee), John Chestnut (b. 8-2-1864), Arrie (b. 1866, d. 1890), Lillie (B. 5-4-1869, d. 3-4-1956, m. John White Hooks), Ethel (b. May 5, 1871, d. 4-19-1940, m. Obed Eugene Pierce, Paul A. Mason). Emanuel Marriages A/29, Drake, pp. 170-316, 1870 Johnson # 276, 1880 Johnson # 159, 160, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
FLANDERS, DR. JAMES WASHINGTON - Born July 4, 1839 in Laurens County, Georgia, son of Francis Eugene and Elizabeth Mason Flanders, died June 28, 1913, buried in Westview Cemetery, married Sarah Q.E. Hightower, born Sept. 4, 1848, daughter of Joshua E. and Sarah A. Watts Hightower, died Dec. 20, 1927, buried in Westview Cem., Children: Eugenia Blanche (b. 4-21-1886, d. 2-6-1961, m. Mithcell R. Perkins), Augusta deGraff (b. 4-21-1868, d. 1916), Mary Elizabeth (b. 2-25-1871, m. John Butterly), Ophelia Maude (b. 2-6-1873, d. 4-12-1967, m. James Hyland Birch), John Wesley (b. 12-27-1875, d. 9-18-1944, m. Mamie Marie Carter), James Frank (b. 6-22-1978, d. 3-8-1950, m. Irene Dominy), Austin Flint (b. 11-9-1882, d. 6-16-1955, m. Martha F. Rhodes, Elizabeth R. Griffin), Richard Nunn (b. 5-12-188, d. 1912). Flanders, pp. 636, et seq., 1880 Johnson # 38.
FLANDERS, JEFFERSON TUCKER - Born May 10, 1837 in Laurens County, Georgia, son of Francis Eugene and Elizabeth Mason Flanders, died on Nov. 8, 1903, buried in Smith Flanders Cemetery, he was a surveyor and carpenter, enlisted on May 8, 1862 in Co. C, 57th Ga. Infantry, C.S.A., married on Nov. 24, 1858 to Sarah Jane Elizabeth Montford, born Apr. 2, 1840, died Feb. 12, 1916, buried in Northview Cemetery, Dublin; Children: John, Elizabeth, Ella Celia Elizabeth (b. 4-19-1864, d. 9-13-1897, m. Charles R. Crowder), James Francis Joseph (b. 3-9-1869, d. 10-25-1958, m. Florence Leona Deen), Thomas Edgar William (m. b. 2-29-1877, d. 5-7-1934, m. on 5-15-1918 to Emma Agnes), Henry Bascom Vespucci (b. 1879), Charles Levin Almo (b. 0-3-1882, d. 4-10-1933, m. Fannie Jane Barwick), Flanders, pp. 591, et seq, Laurens Widow's Pension Record.
FLANDERS, JOHN MASON - Born July 26, 1833 in Laurens County, Georgia, son of Francis Eugene and Elizabeth Mason Flanders, died July 2, 1863 at Gettysburg, Pa., married on Dec. 17, 1857 to Eliza Jane Sumner, daughter of John Sumner: Children: Sarah (b. Oct. 1862, m. Jim Daniel Lawson), Flanders p. 543, et seq.
FLANDERS, JOHN R. - Born Jan. 4, 1796 in Montgomery Co., , son of Francis Richard and Nancy Jordan Flanders, died June 4, 1848, buried in Moxley Cemetery, Land Lottery Winner, 1820, 55th Dist., married Nancy Sumner, born May 1, 1800, died May 17, 1858, daughter of Joseph and Mary Kight Sumner or possibly Richard and Elizabeth? Sumner, buried in Moxley Cemetery, Children: Elizabeth (b. ca. 1820, d. ca. 1867, m. Spencer Key), Alexander Chestnut, Capt. Co. H, 48th Ga. Inf., (b. 2-1828, d. 1919, m. Rachel Moxley, Catherine Thompson), Joseph Sumner, (b. 1-30-1830, d. 4-25-1805, m. Sallie Hall), John Rushin, Private Co. C., 38th Ga. Inf., Co. H. 48th Ga. Inf., (b. 5-1843, m. Emma Black), Frances Delilah (b. 5-16-1836, d. 9-20-1834, m. Warren Key, Jr.), Martha M. (b. ca. 1840, m. Thomas Moxley), Nancy (b. ca. 1835, m. David H. Smith), Jemima (m. John Woods), William Jordan (b. ca. 1824, m. Winiford Hall), Richard Bird, Private Co. H, 48th Ga. Inf., (m. Julie Coleman), and Jesse (b. ca. 1841). 1850 Emanuel # 183, 1840 Emanuel 53/52, 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 171, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, Flanders, p. 157, 1820 Lottery, p. 112, Emanuel Marriages B/91, Cemetery, p. 199.
FLANDERS, JORDAN - Born 1827 in Laurens County, Georgia, son of Barnabus and Sarah Flanders, married Mary _______, Children: Mary J. (b. ca. 1848), Frederick W. (b. ca. 1847), Elbert B. (b. ca. 1850), James W. (b. ca. 1853), Charles L. (b. ca. 1854), Caroline M. (b. ca. 1856) and Martha Flanders (b. May, 1860). 1860 Laurens # 87, Flanders, p. 153, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest 86th Dist..
FLANDERS, REV. JORDAN - Born March 8, 1793, son of Francis Richard and Nancy Jordan Flanders, died May 8, 1878, Founder of Methodism in the Ohoopee area, Clerk of Emanuel County Superior Court, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Chason's Dist., Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, married 1st on Mar. 6, 1817, Sarah Thompson, daughter of Reuben Thompson: Children by 1st wife: Betty, (m. Jim Barnes), Nancy (b. ca. 1818, m. Tom Scott), Francis (b. ca. 1820, m. Annie Daniels), Katie (b. 12-14-1824), Sallie (b. ca. 1832, m. John Hayes), Jemima (b. ca. 1834, m. Hamp Price), William Arnold (b. ca. 1830, m. Kitsy Hall), John, and Rachel (b. ca. 1826, m. White Smith); married 2nd on Jan. 12, 1834 to Mary J. Daniel, born Dec. 1, 1814, died April 22, 1901; Children by second wife: Eliza (b. 4-7-1837, d. 3-27-1911, m. John Scott), Paul Fitzsimmons (b. ca. 1839, m. Louise Hall), Millie (b. ca. 1845, m. William Webb), Celia (b. ca. 1844), Martha (b. ca. 1852, Julia C. (b. ca. 1855, m. James Peebles), Joseph (b. ca. 1855, m. Celia Brantley), Marshall/Madison (b. ca. 1846, m. Seneath McCarthy), Robert H. (b. ca. 1848, m. Elizabeth Williams), Sarah C. (b. ca. 1857), Mary, William, and Anna. Flanders, p. 156, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, 1840 Emanuel 55/1; 1850 Emanuel # 189, 1860 Johnson # 137, Cemetery p. 386, 1821 Lottery, p. 82, Emanuel Milita, p. 1, Emanuel Marriages A/2, B/62,297.
FLANDERS, JOSEPH SUMNER - Born Jan. 30, 1830 in Emanuel Co., son of John R. and Nancy Sumner Flanders, Private Co. H., 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died Apr. 25, 1905, buried in Moxley Cemetery, married on Aug. 31, 1853 to Sarah/Sallie Hall, daughter of _____ and Lucy Hall, born Nov. 16, 1831 in Georgia, died Mar. 22, 1908, buried in Moxley Cemetery; Children: John A., William G., Alexander C. 1860 Emanuel # 264, Emanuel Marriages A/46, Cemetery, p. 199, 1850 Emanuel # 133, 183.
FLANDERS, MARK - Born ca. 1805, son of Barnabus and Sarah Flanders, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (Blackshear's Dist., Laurens County); married Mary Wall on Nov. 9, 1828; Children: Joseph, Sarah, Madison M., Jemima, Marjaril, and Owen E.. Moved to Irwin County 1840-50. Flanders, p. 153, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens I, p. 288, 1832 Lottery, p. 175.
FLANDERS, RICHARD BIRD - Born 1817/8 in Georgia, son of John R. and Nancy Sumner Flanders, Private Co. H, 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., married on July 11, 1841 to Jane Sconyers, married on May 3, 1858 to Julie/Juliann Coleman, born 1824/5 in Georgia. 1860 Emanuel # 32, 1850 Emanuel # 143, Emanuel Marriages A/4, B/20.
FLANDERS, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1790 in Georgia, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist., 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.), married ca. 1811 to Ruth Sumner, b. ca. 1792, daughter of Joseph Sumner and Mary Kight, married second Sealy ______, born 1808/9 in Georgia, Children: William, Jr., 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, 1830 Emanuel 56, p. 169, Flanders, p. 155, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 15, 1840 Laurens, p. 166, 1821 Lottery, p. 82, 1832 Lottery, p. 170, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
FLANDERS, WILLIAM ARNOLD - Born Dec. 31, 1829 in Georgia, son of Jordan and Sarah Thompson Flanders, died March 16, 1906, buried at Bethel Church, married on Feb. 27, 1853 to Kitsy Hall, daughter of ______ and Lucy Hall, born May 18, 1833, died Feb. 21, 1897; Children: John J. (b. 6-9-1854, d. 8-7-1934), James W. (b. ca. 1855), Louisa (b. ca. 1858), George Frederick (b. March 4, 1871, m. Carrie Louise Sutton), and Joseph Chestnut (b. 3-4-1871, d. 7-16-1902). 1850 Emanuel # 133, 183, 189, 1860 Johnson # 132, Emanuel Marriages A/41.
FLANDERS, WILLIAM JORDAN - Born 1824 in Emanuel County, son of John R. and Nancy Sumner Flanders, died in 1863, buried in Moxley Cemetery, married on Oct. 17, 1850 to Winiford Hall, born ca. 1820, died 1887; Children: Chester (m. Elmira Odom), Henry Hicks (m. Eann or Connie Durden), Sarah (m. Lott Durden), Nancy (m. Emory Odom), Minnie "Jemima" (m. Archibald Odom), Joe Bartow (m. Mary Frances Douglas), John A. 1860 Emanuel # 85, Emanuel Marriages A/30, Cemetery, p. 199.
FOLSOM, BENJAMIN- Born ca. 1760/1770. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166.
FORBES, BENJAMIN - Born ca. 1780 - 1790. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
FORD, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 51.
FORTNER, EBENEZER - Born ca. 1852/3, son of Swain M. and Sarah Powell Fortner, married Samantha _____, born ca. 1857/8; Children: A.S., Swain, J.T., and Susan. 1880 Johnson 55th # 150.
FORTNER, JAMES TOL, SR.- died prior to 1821, married Sarah Jane Swain, daughter of Stephen and Margaret Swain, born May 7, 1800 in Montgomery County, Died Feb. 10, 1883, buried in Fortner Cemetery, her illegitimate children were land lottery winners in 1827, they being residents of the Swain's (55th) District; Children: Swain M. (Sarah Powell), James T. Jr. (m. Polly Powell), Mitchell,: Illigetimate children of Sarah: Eason, Eliza, Martha. May have had a daughter (Wilthe?) who married a Connor. 1820 Emanuel, p. 82, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 167, 1840 Emanuel 55/14, 1850 Emanuel # 206, Cemetery, p. 75, Tapley, p. 56, 1827 Lottery, p. 155, 1870 Johnson # 436.
FORTNER, JAMES T. "T0L", JR. - Born December 12, 1822 in Emanuel County, Died June 5, 1891, buried in Fortner Cemetery, son of James T. and Sarah Swain Fortner; married Mary "Polly" Powell, born August 8, 1820 in Georgia, daughter of Silas and Letha Webb Powell, died January 8, 1838 (/), buried in Fortner Cemetery; Children: Benjamin (m. Susan Meeks), Stephen Swain (m. Missouri Meeks), Roxey Ann (m. Jordan Davis), Freeman (m. Appie Whitfield), Calcy/Talcy (Babe), (m. Bennett Powell), Silas (m. Amanda Davis), Malinda (m. Martin Price), Saffie (m. William Thomas Wheeler), Tol. 1850 Emanuel # 275, 1860 Johnson # 203, 1870 Johnson # 492, Cemetery pp. 75, 77, Powell, p. 169-170, Tapley, p. 56, Mayo, p. 24, 1870 Johnson # 426, 1880 Johnson 55th # 153, 155, 156, 157, 158.
FORTNER, MITCHELL G. - Born 1814/5 in Emanuel County, son of James T. and Sarah Swain Fortner; married on Feb. 23, 1840 to Axey Bedgood, born 1823/4 in Georgia; Children: Jonathan, James, Stephen, Nancy, Benjamin. 1850 Emanuel # 196, Emanuel Marriages A/4, 1870 Johnson # 426?
FORTNER, SWAIN M. - Born December 29, 1820 in Emanuel County, son of James T. and Sarah Swain Fortner, Died March 13, 1881, buried in Fortner Cemetery; married Sophia Powell, born Jan. 10, 1820, Died Aug. 4, 1897, daughter of Silas and ______ Powell, born 1820/1 in Emanuel County, Children: Ebenezer (m. Samantha ________, Manda, Obidiah S., Sarah, (m. Leaston D. Spence), Milly, b. ca. 1854/5, (m. Riley Frost), Maria/Martha, Jerusha, Delie, Patty, Benjamin. (William?), Sophia? (m. Thomas Wheeler) 1850 Emanuel # 225, Cemetery, pp. 76, 78, 1860 Johnson # 105, 1870 Johnson # 391, 436, 1880 Johnson 1203rd, # 101, 103, 1880 Johnson 55th # 150, 154, 156.
FOSKEY, ALLEN - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, son of Durrant and Nancy Meeks Foskey, married on July 19, 1854 to Juliann Tyson, Children: Jane, Lewis, Martha, Manning, Harriett, John, Marcella, Emory. Emanuel Marriages A/47, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 312.
FOSKEY, ANDREW J. "Jackson?" - Born 1838/9 in Georgia, son of Durant and Nancy Meeks Foskey, married married Feb. 26, 1860 to Roxanna Barwick, born 1843/4 in Georgia. 1860 Emanuel # 118.
FOSKEY, DURAN (DURANT) - Born 1812/3 in Georgia, married Nancy Meeks, possibly a daughter of Allen Meeks, born 1811/2 in Georgia, both buried in Foskey Cemetery; Children: Stanley (m. Charlotte C. Branby?), Emery, Jonas (m. Sarah A. Mason), William (Elizabeth Williams), Andrew, Seally Ann, Westley, John, and Mary A., and George (m. Georgia Ann Pope). 1840 Emanuel 56/7, 1850 Emanuel # 404, Cemetery, p. 81, 1860 Johnson # 66, Emanuel Marriages A/35, 1870 Johnson #544, 545?, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 310, 311, 314.
FOSKEY, STANLEY M. - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, son of Durrant and Nancy Foskey, married on Dec. 23, 1851 to Charlotte "Lotty" _______, born 1834/5, died in 1903. (Lollie, Laurens Co. Ga.?) He enlisted in Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, was killed at Gettysburg, Pa. on July 2, 1862; Children: Mary, Nancy, William, and Clin---y, 1860 Johnson # 67, Laurens Pension Records.
FOUNTAIN, HENRY - Born 1813/4 in Georgia, married Susan _______, born 1815/6 in Georgia; Children: William, Rias, Noah, Zitty, Sintha, and Andrew. 1860 Johnson # 360.
FRANKLIN, ELIZABETH - Born ca. 1800 - 1810. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
FROST, JAMES - Born 1821/2 in Georgia; married ca. 1843 to Sealy _______, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: Manze A., Thomas, William, John, Calsey, Jane, Harriet, Louisa/Bitha, Annie, Wash. 1860 Johnson # 165, 1870 Johnson # 367.
FROST, RUBEN - Born 1829/30 in Georgia, married ca. 1852 to Mourning ______, born 1831/2 in Georgia; Children: William, Elizabeth, Reuben, et al. 1860 Johnson # 169, 1870 Johnson # 365.
GARDNER, AARON - Born 1773/4 in North Carolina, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, 1807 Land Lottery Winner, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.) 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, 1840 Emanuel 56/14, 1850 Emanuel #356, Montgomery, pp. 51, 58, 67, 75, 1832 Lottery, p. 190.
GARDNER, NANCY - Born 1789/90 in North Carolina, living in household of Jonas Meeks, Sr. in 1850. 1850 Emanuel # 353.
GARNTO, AMOS DANIEL.- Born December 15, 1839 in Laurens County, son of Nathan and Susan Parrott Garnto, Private Co. B, 57th Ga. Infantry, C.S.A., captured at Vicksburg, Miss. on July 4, 1863, died November 16, 1905, buried in Red Hill Cemetery, married on Dec. 31, 1871 in Laurens County to Martha Ann E.J. Mimbs, daughter of John L. and Catherine Flanders Mimbs, born Sept. 24, 1850, died Oct. 18, 1919, buried in Red Hill Cemetery; Children: Caswell (m. Polly Ann Brantley), Jethro (m. Mett Spell), Billy (m. Sence Graham, Lessie Meeks), Daniel (m. Bessie Everett), George Littleton (m. Ellie Spence), Susie Annie (m. Edd Toler), Lizzie (m. Bud Morgan), Mollie (m. Sampson Brantley), Sylvannia (m. Gene Miller), Katherine (m. Roman Howell), Nancy (m. Bee Brantley), Sarah, Mary, and Nathan. Service Records, 57th# 458, 1870 Laurens, p. 323., 1880 Johnson 1266th # 286,
GARNTO, BARNABUS L.W. - Born May 3, 1848, son of Nathan and Susan Parrott Garnto, Private, C.S.A. or Georgia Militia, died June 26, 1933, buried in Poplar Springs Cemetery. Married Lizzie ______ (b. 4/16/1853, d. 10/6/19260. Children Joe, Jim W. ? 1874-1940, m. Nettie Hutchinson?): 1870 Johnson # 558. Pensions, Johnson Co.
GARNTO, BENJAMIN - Born ca. 1827/8 in Laurens County, son of Nathan and Jemima Mimbs Garnto, Private Co. C., 57th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., killed at Lovejoy Station, Ga. on November 16, 1864, married Jane Stokes, born ca. 1827/8; Children: John, William D., Elizabeth, Mary A., and Margaret. Laurens Mid-1800, p. 17, Service Records, 57th#459, 1860 Johnson # 333, 1880 Johnson # 161.
GARNTO, JOHN - Born August 24, 1831 in Laurens County, son of Nathan Garnto and Jemima Mimbs, Private Co. C, 57th Ga. Inf. C.S.A., married Mary Linder on October 13, 1861 in Laurens County. Pensions, Johnson Co, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
GARNTO, NATHAN - Born 1803/4 in Onslow County, North Carolina, possibly a son of John Garnto, who may have married Treasey Sparkman in 1794, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (O'Neal's Dist., Laurens County), died ca. 1862, buried in Johnson County; married 1st on May 6, 1825 to Jemima Mimms, daughter of Benjamin Mimms of Laurens County, Georgia, married 2nd Susan Parrott, born Feb. 1814, probably a daughter of William Parrott of Laurens County, Georgia, died April 24, 1885, buried in Red Hill Cemetery; Children, by 1st wife: Nathan (m. Mary Rowland), John (m. Mary Linder), Elizabeth, William (m. Elizabeth J. Williams), Thomas ? (m. Nancy Wyatt), David (never married), and possibly Caroline (b. ca. 1832); by 2nd wife: Amos Daniel, (m. Martha Mimbs), Angeline, Jethro, Barnabus, Mary Ann (m. Joseph Spell), Martha (m. William Love), Isabel. 1840 Emanuel 56/36, 1850 Emanuel # 365, 1860 Johnson # 226, 1880 Laurens # 259, Laurens I, p. 288, 296, 1832 Lottery, p. 190, 1810 North Carolina Census, (Anson Co.), 1820 North Carolina Census (John, Anson Co., p. 8.), Laurens Mid 1800, p. 23.
GARNTO, NATHAN, JR. - Born June 4, 1829, son of Nathan Garnto and Jemmima Mimbs, died Oct. 22, 1901, married Mary Rowland, born May 11, 1824, died Oct. 7, 1905, both are buried in Garnto Cemetery; Children: Sarah, Jane, Henry (m. Jerusha Stephens), Elizabeth, Nathan B. (m. Annie Mayo), Joseph, Wilson, M.S., Laurens Mid 1800, p. 17, 1860 Johnson # 207, Cemetery, p. 90, 222, 1880 Johnson 55th # 169.
GARNTO, THOMAS - Born ca. 1828, possibly a son of Nathan and Jemima Mimbs Garnto, also known as Thomas Grinter, married Nancy Wyatt, born ca. 1834, dau. of Hardy and Martha Wyatt. Mid 1800 Laurens p. 12, 53.
GARNTO, WILLIAM - Born 1837/8, son of Nathan and Susan Parrott Garnto, private C.S.A., died in 1904, married on December 24, 1861 in Johnson County to Elizabeth J. Williams. Children: Margaret. Pensions Johnson, Johnson Marriages A-17, 1880 Johson 55th # 178.
GILBERT, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1785 in North Carolina, married Mary _______, born 1811/2 in Georgia; Children: Green, et al. 1860 Johnson # 303.
GILLIS, ANDREW J. - Born ca. 1830 in Emanuel Co., son of Norman and Pheriba (Fairby) Pate Gillis, Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., married Elizabeth Ricks, born Oct. 28, 1835, daughter of Daniel H. Ricks and Mary Mason, she died on Dec. 11, 1926 in Haines City, Fla.; Children: Georgia (b. 1850, m. Joseph Noah Smith), Molly (b. 1852, m. Moses or Martin Foster), Arrilla (m. Joseph Beasley), Messie Bertha (m. William Smith). Ricks, p. 628, 1860 Montgomery # 99, Smith Family File, Conf. Roster III, p. 725.
GILLIS, JOHN C. - Born ca. 1780 in Scotland, among his children were Archibald (m. Mary _____), Davis, Rebecca, and Margaret. 1850 Montgomery 51st GMD # 57.
GILLIS, JOHN D. - Born Feb. 8, 1802/7 in North Carolina, possibly a son of Murdoch and Catherine Gillis, died Oct. 22, 1856, lived in the Gillis Community, married in 1834 to Edaline ________, born Sep. 19, 1812, died June 20, 1901, Emanuel Co.; Children: Angus, Mary Ann, Catherine, Christian, Martha, and July Ann. Gillis, pp. 152, 153, 1850 Emanuel # 545, 1840 Emanuel 395/7. Note: Angus, son of John D, may be the father of John D. Gillis, II, who married Eliza Jane Smith, daughter of William T. Smith and Nancy Key. See Key 2, p. 110.
GILLIS, MURDOCH - Born ca. 1769 in Scotland, died March 20, 1829, buried in Gillis Cemetery, Treutlen Co., married Catherine ______, before 1800, born ca. 1777, died Sept. 17, 1840, buried in Gillis Cemetery; Children: Neill, John (b. 1806, d. 1891?), Angus (b. 1809, d. 1867) , Sarah, Katherine, Nancy (b. 1815, d. 1867?), Christian (b. 1819, d. 1840), Mary, Murdoch. Gillis, pp. 56-62, 1850 Emanuel # 546, 1840 Emanuel 395/1, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170.
GILLIS, MURDOCH - Born ca. 1806 in North Carolina, probably a son of Murdoch and Catherine Gillis, married Nancy ______, born ca. 1827 in North Carolina; Children: Katherine, Murdoch, Archibald, Neil, Malcom, and Christian. 1850 Montgomery 51st # 59.
GILLIS, NEIL - Born ca. 1800/10, probably a son of Murdoch and Catherine Gillis. 1830 Emanuel 295th, p. 169, Gillis, p. 7, see 1850 Montgomery 51st GMD # 77.
GILLIS, NORMAN - Born ca. 1810, in North Carolina, married Pheraby _____, born ca. 1805 in Georgia., children: Rebecca, Eliza Ann, Andrew J., Norman, Emily, Nancy, Charlton and others. 1850 Montgomery 51st GMD # 36.
GLASS, JESSE- Landowner 55th, Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 75.
GLASS, MARY - Land Lottery Winner, 1820, 55th Dist., 1820 Lottery, p. 126.
GOFF, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1815 in North Carolina, mechanic, married Rutha _______, born ca. 1830; Children: Sarah (b. ca. 1844), William (b. ca. 1846), Thomas (b. ca. 1849). 1850 Washington # 813, See Odom families.
GRAHAM, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 51.
GRAHAM, JOSEPH - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1806. Montgomery, p. 67.
GREENWAY, BERRY ANN - Born 1819/20 in Georgia, possibly son of Samuel Greenway; married Martha ______; Children: Bengamin (m. Mary Harris), John, Isaac (m. Delila Wilson), Elizabeth, Nancy. 1850 Emanuel # 158.
GREENWAY, SAMUEL - Born 1795/6 in Georgia, married Elizabeth _______, born 1805/6 in Georgia, Children: Martha, Margaret, Milly, Nancy, and George. 1840 Emanuel 55/16, 1850 Emanuel # 209, 1860 Johnson # 107.
GREGORY, SAMUEL, JR. - 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D., 1820 Lottery, p. 126.
GREGORY, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1789 in South Carolina, wheelright, married Penelope ______, b. ca. 1802; Children: John M. (b. ca. 1816, m. Mary ________), 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1850 Washington # 276.
GRIFFIN, SHEPARD - Born ca. 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215.
HALL, BOLLING - Born 1817/8 in Georgia, probably a son of Juniper Hall, Jr. and Martha Thigpen, married Mary ___________, born 1819/20 in Georgia; Children: Dicy, Mary, Daniel, Martha, Lavina/Lavinia, Temperance, Angus, Katherine/Caty, Pheriba, Elender, John, Henry, and Uriah. 1850 Emanuel, # 343, 1860 Emanuel # 67.
HALL, DANIEL G. - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, probably a son of Juniper Hall, Jr. and Martha Thigpen, married Mary J. ________, born 1834/5 in Gerogia; Children: Georgean F., Mary. 1850 Emanuel # 182, 1860 Emanuel # 64.
HALL, HENRY - Born 1808/9 in Georgia, possibly and 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.), married Emilia ____________, born 1818/9 in Georgia, Children: Daniel, James, Joseph, John, William, Henry, Elizabeth, George (m. Nancy Foskey), Eliza, Barney B., Mary C., Thomas. 1840 Emanuel 56/23, 1850 Emanuel #403, 1860 Johnson # 193, 1870 Johnson # 570, 571, 1832 Lottery, p. 225.
HALL, JAMES- Born before 1775, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th, Mont. Co., 1805/06/12. Montgomery, pp. 51, 67, 75, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86.
HALL, JOSEPH - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, pp. 51, 67.
HALL, JUNIPER/GENEPER, SR. - Born before 1775. Children: William, Juniper, Jr. (m. Martha Thigpen, Malinda Ross). 1820 Emanuel, p. 78.
HALL, JUNIPER/GENEPER, JR. - Born 1795, son of Geneper Hall, Sr., died on Aug. 12, 1880 near Bartow, Jefferson Co., Soldier of the War of 1812, may have married in 1811 to Martha Thigpen, born ca. 1780, died August 12, 1880 in Jefferson County. possible children: Daniel G., Travis, Bolling/Bolen, John C., and Cyrus, married Malinda Ross (b. bef. 1800, died Mar. 19, 1842), married on July 31, 1851 to Sarah Fokes in Jefferson County. She was a daughter of John Fokes; Children: Matilda (b. Dec.20, 1820, d. Oct. 13, 1886 in Irwin Co.), Mahala (b. 3/8/1823, m. Daniel Green, Aaron Odom, d. Feb. 6, 1925), Malcolm (b. 1825, d. 1887), Elizabeth (b. Mar. 10, 1836), Sarah (b. July 9, 1832), Augustus (b. 1835, d. 1880), Enoch (b. 1837), John (b. 1840). 1820 Emanuel, p. 78, 1840 Emanuel, p. 196, 1850 Emanuel # 182, 1860 Jefferson p. 339, # 53, 1870 Census Jefferson, p. 75), 1880 Census Jefferson, # 384, http://www.pollette.com/g_hall_1812.htm, Researcher: Scott B. Thompson, GemCity@DataSteam.net.
HALL, STANLEY- Landowner 56th, Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 75.
HALL, TRAVIS - Born 1815/6 in Georgia, (probably a son of Juniper Hall, Jr., married Martha Mores (Moore?), born 1828/9 in Georgia; Children: Martha, Caty, Dicy, Maggy, Lyman. 1860 Emanuel # 65, 1850 Emanuel # 340, Emanuel Marriages A/21.
HALL, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1792 in Georgia, probably the son of Juniper Hall, Sr., may have been the soldier from the 57th Dist. who was a land lottery winner in 1827; Children: Willis D. Hall (b. Feb. 1825, d. ca. 1900), Joseph (b. ca. 1830), Roxey Ann (b. ca. 1830), Emilia (b. 1836), Henry (b. 1837), possibly William B., 1850 Emanuel # 108, 1840 56/27, 1827 Lottery, p. 8, Hall Family File, Laurens County Library.
HALL, WILLIAM B. - Born 1810/11 in Georgia, possibly the son William Hall, died 1880/85, married Mary Ann Kight, daughter of Shadrick and Martha Jewell Kight, born 1812 in Georgia, died 1904, Both are buried in Liberty Grove Cemetery. Children: William, Betsy, Sealy, Henry, Julia, Exey, Isabella, John, Andrew, Nancy, Ransom, Martha, Louezar, James, Malinda, Shadrick, Senia (m. Thomas Carter, Jr.), July Ann, Evie, Christian, Lizzie, Amanda, Charles. 1840 Emanuel 56/27, 1850 Emanuel # 394, 1870 Johnson # 466, 1880 Johnson # 73, 296, Cemetery, p. 158, Kight, p. 81.
HAM, AARON - Born ca. 1780/90. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169.
HAMILTON, IRWIN - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, married Mary A. ______ ca. 1852; Children: William J., John, Sarah, et al. 1860 Johnson # 369.
HAMILTON, J.S. - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf., died on Aug. 6, 1862; married ca. 1851 to Rutha _____, born 1832/3 in Georgia; Children: John C., Mary A., Joseph, Thomas. 1860 Johnson # 182, Conf. Roster III, p. 363.
HAMILTON, MORRIS - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
HAMILTON, SHERROD - Born ca. 1808, married Juda, born ca. 1812; Children: Samantha (b. ca. 1836), Gordon W. (b. ca. 1838), Daniel L., (b. ca. 1840), William B. (b. ca. 1842), Narcissa W. (b. ca. 1844), Charles P. (b. ca. 1846), Edy A. (b. 1850). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 850.
HAMMOCK, GEORGE W. - Born 1813/4 in Georgia, married on June 2, 1839 in Washington Co. to Sarah A. Smith, born 1827/8 in Georgia; Children: Samuel (m. V.R. Hightower), James, Nancy, Elizabeth, Johsua, and Henry. 1850 Washington # 709, 1860 Johnson # 275, Washington Records, p. 92.
HAMPTON, REASON - Born 1800/10. 1840 Emanuel 395/31.
HAMPTON, SARAH - Land lottery winner, 1827, of Arline's Dist., Laurens County. 1827 Lottery, p. 188.
HARGROVE, CHARITY - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 59, 67.
HARGROVE, HENRY - Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's. Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
HARGROVE, JORDAN - Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 67.
HARGROVE, LODERICK - Land Lottery Winner, 1820, 56th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 149.
HARRELL, ELISHA - Born before 1775, Landowner 51/56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 59, 67, 1820 Emanuel p. 78.
HARRELL, G.W. - Born 1829/30 in Georgia, married ca. 1858 to Thene ______, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children George, etc.
HARRELL, THOMAS - 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 225.
HARRIS, W.T. - Born 1822/3 in Georgia, married Cristin? _______, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: Mary, Martha, Burthena?, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Anna. 1860 Johnson # 134.
HARRISON, J.C. - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, married ca. 1855 to Eliza ______, born 1826/7 in Georgia; Children: Anna, William. 1860 Johnson # 162.
HARRISON, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 51.
HART, JONATHAN - Died before 1850, married Nancy _______, b. ca. 1798. Children: William Samuel Hart (m. Celia Smith), Eldridge C.W. (b. ca. 1832), Jonathan Edge (m. Angerona Smith) 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, Washington, p. 428, 1850 Washington #739, 740.
HART, JONATHAN EDGE - Born ca. 1825, son of Jonathan and Nancy Hart, married Angerona Smith, dau. of Rev. Isaac and Arsenia Brantley Smith; Children: Vina Nancy, Pamela A., Isaac J., John L., and Maria. 1850 Washington # 739, 740.
HART, WILLIAM SAMUEL - Born Jan. 1, 1817, son of Jonathan and Nancy Hart, died Nov. 10, 1881, buried in Hart Family Cemetery, married Celia Smith, b. Feb. 23, 1818, died Oct. 27, 1882, buried in Hart Family Cemetery, daughter of Rev. Isaac and Arsenia Brantley Smith; Children: Zachariah (b. Sept. 2, 1847, m. Pennie Ann Jordan in 1868); William H. Hart (b. ca. 1850); Louisa; Bee (Researcher: Paul E. Hatcher, Jr., scorpion@nlamerica.com).
HARTLEY, BURWELL/BURRELL - Born ca. 1816, married Rebecca ______, born ca. 1828, may be second wife; Children: Emily (b. 1850) 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 795.
HARTLEY, HARDY - Born ca. 1815, married Jane ________, born ca. 1825, Children: Sarah C. (b. ca. 1847), John B. (born ca. 1849), 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 794.
HARTLEY, HARDY - Born ca. 1798-1800 in North Carolina, married Martha ______, born ca. 1802-5, Children: Harriet (b. ca. 1826); Riley (b. ca. 1827); Jincey Ann (b. ca. 1829); George Dixon (b. ca. 1831); James Jackson (b. ca. 1831); Jonas B. (b. ca. 1832); Hardy H. (Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., b. ca. 1834), Isaac M. (b. ca. 1838); Jasper W. (b. ca. 1840); John H. (b. ca. 1842, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.). 1850 Washington # 863, 1840 Washington 91st p. 215, Conf. Roster III, p. 410.
HARTLEY, SAMUEL - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, 1807 Land Lottery Winner. Montgomery, pp. 59, 67.
HAYS, QUINNY - 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214.
HEATH, DANIEL - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223.
HEATH, WILLIAM HENRY - Born July 31, 1827 in Washington Co., son of Daniel Heath, Private Co. B. and Co. E., 12th Ga. Light Artillery, shot at Petersburg, Va. on March 25, 1865, died October 26, 1895, buried in Heath Cemetery, married on Nov. 4, 1847 in Washington Co. to Arceany Brady, born 1826/7 daughter of Jack Brady; Children: James F. (m. Elizabeth Wilson), Mary J., Sarah, Nancy A., William (m. Lula Lord), Amos, Martha, Henry J., and Minnie; married 2nd to Julia Screws; Children: Daniel Lewis, Ervin, George C., Henry C., Allie Mae, Leola. Headlight, 11/2/1995, p. 7A, Cemetery, p. 127, 1860 Johnson # 13, Washington Records, p. 92.
HELTON, JOSIAH - 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 225.
HENDRICKS, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 51.
HERRING, DOROTHY - Born ca. 1800/10, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.). 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1832 Lottery, p. 225.
HESTER, STEPHEN B. - Born 1811/2 in Georgia, carpenter, married 2nd? to Charlotte _____, born 1834/5; Children: Robert, Francis M., Sarah A., Eliza, El?, Archibald, Henry Neel. 1860 Johnson # 187.
HEWLING, JOSEPH - Born 1824/5 in Georgia, married ca. 1841 to Myria ____, born 1814/5 in Georgia; Children: William, Julia A., Sarah, Rocksey A.. 1860 Johnson # 174.
HICKS, JAMES - Born March 20, 1799 in Georgia, son of Nathaniel and Mary Mason Hicks, died March 4, 1888, buried in Major Hicks Cemetery, Major in the army during the War of 1812, 1820 Land Lottery Winner 56th G.M.D., 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.), surveyed and set out Johnson County in 1858, one of the first Johnson County Commissioners, 1858, gave the land for the Johnson County Academy, married Mary Pullen, born 1807/8 in Georgia, daughter of Rev. Thomas and Lydia Bowers (Thomers), Pullen, she died in 1835, married second Mary Elizabeth Hightower Ellington, daughter of Joshua Hightower, in 1837; Children by 1st wife: William P. (m. Jane Outler) (School teacher), Dr. Henry (Mary Frances Wright, Nancy Wright), Elizabeth (m. Robert J. Hightower), Children by 2nd wife; Jane (m. William Snell), Martha (Mattie?), Sarah Joyce (m. John Peacock), James (m. Mary ____), Nancy Ellen (m. Rev. Charles Moore), Reuben, Richard Lowery (m. Sara Daniels), Joshua, Eugene, and Dr. Charles (m. Alice McRae). 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1840 Emanuel 56/12, 1850 Emanuel # 371, 1860 Johnson # 25, 1870 Johnson # 249, 250, Cemetery, p. 129, 1820 Lottery, p. 149, Laurens County History I, pp. 401-403, Johnson Centennial, pp. 6,16, 1832 Lottery, p. 225, Headlight Centennial, p. B-5.
HICKS, JANE - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 68.
HICKS, NATHANIEL - May have been the son of Nathaniel Hicks, soldier of the American Revolution, was the first settler of the Wrightsville area in while it was located in Washington County, settling on the Ohoopee about three miles southwest of Wrightsville, granted several tracts in Washington County from 1784 to 1788, purchased land on the Great Ohoopee in 1791, Justice of the Peace of Montgomery County, 1793, security on the bond of Clerk Thomas Pugh in 1794, 1797/1798 Landowner, Montgomery Co., married Mary Mason, may have also married Martha _______, born ca. 1760/70, see 1830 Census, Children: James (m. Mary Pullen, Elizabeth Hightower Ellington), possibly Reuben. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, Laurens County History I, p. 401, Montgomery, pp. 46, 336, 340, Dublin Post, 5/5/1886, p. 3, Montgomery Records, p. 48, Grants, pp. 287,88.
HICKS, REUBEN - Possibly a son of Nathaniel Hicks, d. ca. 1829: Children: William, Jane Ellen, et al. Laurens Records 1, p. 372.
HICKS, WILLIAM P. - Born 1829/30 in Georgia, son of James and Mary Pullen Hicks, donated land on which Wrightsville now sits, served as Postmaster of Dublin, 1887-1892, married 1st on Sept. 1, 1850 to Jane Outlaw, married 2nd Elizabeth _______, born 1831/2 in Georgia; Children: James P., William J., Mary C., David M., Thomas, Daniel, Edward, Ida, and Reuben. 1880 Johnson # 4, 1870 Johnson # 596, 1860 Johnson #37, Johnson Centenial, p. 16, Emanuel Marriages A/31.
HIGHTOWER, CHARNEL SR. - Born in Virginia, possibly a son of Charnel Hightower, Landowner 1797/8 Montgomery Co., jurymember 50th Dist., 1804, landowner land lottery winner 1805, 50th Dist., Montgomery Co., 1805/6, died ca. 1807 in Montgomery County, pioneer citizen along western side of Ohoopee, married Sarah _______; Children: Joshua, Charnel, Jr., Edas, Ephraim, James, Mrs. Frederick Carter, Mrs. Thornton Perry, Mrs. John Perry, and Mrs. Allan Smith. Laurens History II, p. 585, Montgomery p. 46,52,59,68.
HIGHTOWER, CHARNEL JR. - Son of Charnel and Sarah Hightower, jurymember 1804, 50th Dist., Montgomery, Co., Unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, granted lands in Washington Co. in 1814, may have married Mary Ware on Dec. 24, 1815 in Laurens County. Montgomery, p. 52,59, Grants, p. 289, Laurens Records 1, p. 376.
HIGHTOWER, EPHRAIM - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, married ca. 1843 to Sarah ______, born 1830/1 in Georgia; Children: Elizabeth, John, Sarah, Martha, et al. 1860 Johnson # 183, 1870 Johnson # 242?.
HIGHTOWER, F.E. - Born 1812/3 in Georgia, married ca. 1835 to Martha ______, born 1819/20 in Georgia; Children: William, Francis, Richard, Sarah, Martha, R.R. Laurens Mid 1800, p. 22.
HIGHTOWER, FREDERICK - Son of Charnel and Sarah Hightower, Sr., married Martha ________, ca. 1835; she also married Ezekiel Thompson, Henry Cooper, and Jesse Bellflower; Children: William, Francis M., Richard, Sarah Clementine (m. _____ Linder, Gideon Spivey), Martha (m. William J. Gilder), and Robert Bryant (m. Frances Gilbert). Laurens History II, pp. 585-6.
HIGHTOWER, JOSHUA - Son of Charnel and Sarah Hightower, Sr., land owner 1797/8 Montgomery Co., jurymember 1804, 50th G.M.D., unforunate drawer land lottery of 1805, land owner 1805/6 50th G.M.D., Justice of the Inferior Court of Montgomery Co., 1809, granted lands in Laurens County 1845/7, died in 1847 in Laurens County, married _________; Children: Raleigh, Rebecca (m. James Underwood), Gregory D., Winfield, Mary (m. James Hicks), Josiah Warren, Frederick, and Sarah. Laurens History I, pp. 276, 407, Montgomery, pp. 52,59,68,337, Grants, p. 289, Laurens Records 1, p. 377.
HIGHTOWER, JOHN - Born 1825/6 in Georgia, married ca. 1850 to Drucilla ______. Laurens Mid 1800, p. 22.
HIGHTOWER, JOSHUA - Born 1829/30 in Georgia, married ca. 1847 to Mary _____, born 1833/4 in Georgia; Children: Elizabeth, James M., et al. 1860 Johnson # 183.
HIGHTOWER, JOSHUA - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, married in 1846 to Sarah Watts, born 1828/9 in Georgia; Children: Luther, Sarah. Laurens Mid 1800, p. 22.
HIGHTOWER, R.J. - Born 1825/6 in Georgia, son of Joshua Hightower, married Elizabeth Hicks, daughter of Nathaniel Hicks, born 1830/1 in Georgia; Children: Sarah, James E., Dr. Robert Henry (m. Eugenia Williams), Richard, William Joshua (m. Alice G. Hall), and Thomas Marion (m. Charity Zenobia Smith). 1860 Johnson # 53, 1870 Johnson # 248, Laurens Mid 1800, p. 22, Laurens History I, pp. 407-9, Laurens History II, p. 587.
HIGHTOWER, WINFIELD - Born 1807/8 in Georgia, son of Joshua Hightower, married in 1828 to Elizabeth Smith, born 1813/4; Children: Sarah (m. James Dent), Joseph (may have been a member of Co. A. 28th Ga. Inf., m. Susan Hall), William W., Elizabeth, and Diannah. Laurens Mid 1800, p. 22, Laurens Records 1, p. 377, Conf. Roster, III, p. 363.
HILBUN, ANDREW JACKSON - Born April 19, 1833 in Laurens County, Georgia, son of Vaughn and Eliza Ann McLemore Hilbun, died on August 11, 1916 and is buried in Northview Cemetery; married Mary Carter, daughter of Willis and Edith Calhoun Carter, born on Feb. 23, 1837, died on April 27, 1863, buried in Bethsaida Cemetery, Treutlen County. Children: Luvenia (m. _____ Jones), Sally (m. John Dominy), Jeannie (m. Henry Thigpen), Ellen, Ira E. (m. on Jan. 21, 1885 to Melvina Cornelia Jackson), he married second to Louraney Odom on February 20, 1865. She was born on November 17, 1834 and died on March 26, 1870. They had two children: Octavius Inman (m. on 12/14/1890 to Eugenia Caledonia Jackson), Elizabeth (m. Will Hudson), he married third to Nancy Brantley, who was born on March 21, 1834 in Washington Co., died on January 3, 1908 and is buried in Northview Cemetery. He served as a tax collector and was a founder of Bethsaida Baptist Church. Laurens County History, Vol. 2, p. 589.
HILBUN, IRA H. - Born on March 17, 1843 in Laurens County, son of Vaughn and Eliza McLemore Hilbun, Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died on May 24, 1923, buried in Carter's Chappel Church, married on Jan. 19, 1868 to A. Elvenia Odom, born on December 18, 1849, daughter of Aaron G. Odom and Mahala Hall Green, died on May 22, 1884, buried in the Aaron G. Odom Cemetery. Children: Bennett M. (b. Dec. 8, 1868, m. Eva King), Henry I. (b. 1870, d. 1937, m. Fannie C., Jennie S.), Martha (b. 1872, d. 1964, m. A.R. Barfield), Samuel H. (b. 1876, d. 1955, m. Beulah Alford), Johnnie, Mollie, daughter who married Grable Ricks, Laurens County History, Vol. 2, p. 589, Division of Estates Book B, p. 325, Conf. Roster III, p. 725.
HILBUN, VAUGHN - Born April 6, 1806 in Virginia, son of John Hilbun, settled in extreme eastern Laurens County at the headwaters of Pendleton Creek, died May 30, 1891, buried in Bethsaida Cemetery, Treutlen County, married in 1832 to Eliza McLemore, daughter of John Henry McLemore and Eliza McMorris, born February 3, 1812, died Nov. 20, 1893, buried in Bethsaida Cemetery; Children: Andrew Jackson (m. Mary Carter), Sarah Ann, Mary (m. Daniel Thigpen), Ira H., (m. Arphelia E. Odom), Madison V. (b. 1848/9, m. on Feb. 16, 1873 to Artrinity Odom), Elizabeth M., Ada (b. 1859/60), and Lugenia (b. 1861/2). Laurens History II, p. 588, 1880 Census Laurens, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist.
HODGES, JOHN - Probably a son of Joseph Hodges, lived in the area where Snell's Bridge Road (Dude Beasley Road), crosses Highway 15, may have been the donor of the land for MaFple Springs Methodist Church in 1825; Married Nancy ________; Children: Mavel, John. Laurens Records I, p. 382.
HOGAN, SAMUEL - 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 149.
HOLDER, G.W. - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married Apalay ______, born 1834/5 in Georgia; Children: John, William, Wilson, James, Martha, Wiley, and Asa. 1860 Johnson # 124.
HOLLAND, DAVID - Landowner 58/56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 59, 68.
HOLLAND, HENRY - Landowner 58/56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 59, 68.
HOLTON, FRANCIS - Born 1800/10. 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 171.
HOLTON, ISAAC - Born ca. 1790 in North Carolina, married Mary, born 1804/5 in Georgia, married 2nd to Jane, born 1811/2 in Georgia; Children: Amanda, Sarah, Daniel (m. Martha _____), Emery, and Thomas; by second wife?, Absalom, John?. 1850 Emanuel # 549, 1860 Emanuel # 318.
HOLTON, JOSIAH - Born ca. 1790-1800. 1830 Emanuel, 56th, p. 168.
HORTON, J.J. - Born 1816/7 in Georgia; married ca. 1842 to Sarah ______, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: Solomon, James, Thanis?, William, Josiah J., John, Martha, Elizabeth, et al. 1860 Johnson # 171, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 293.
HOWELL, ELISHA - Born 1809/10 in North Carolina, married Elizabeth _______, born 1809/10 in Georgia; Children: Elizabeth, Martha, Mary, Nancy Ann, Sarah, John A., Joseph, Seney. 1860 Emanuel # 61, 1850 Emanuel # 521.
HOWELL, RICHARD - Born 1770/80. 1840 Emanuel 55/39.
HUBANKS, ORMON - See Eubanks.
HUDGENS, JOHN - His orphans were 1832 Land Lottery Winners (395th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 225.
HUDGENS, THOMAS - 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (395th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 225.
HURST, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1800, 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 842.
HUTCHENS, LEWIS - Landowner, 1798, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 46, 52, 59, 68.
HUTCHENS, LEWIS, JR. - 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Mont. Co., Unfortunate drawer 1805, Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 51, 59.
HUTCHENS, WINNEY - Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 68.
HUTCHESON, AARON - Born on September 15, 1806 in Montgomery County, Georgia, son of John and Sarah Mills Hutcheson, married Elizabeth Neal. Children: Sarah, John (m. Rebecca), William, m. Eady Johnson, Fairo, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., Mitchell (m. Victory Neal), Mary, Julia Ann (m. Thomas Cobb), James (m. Pollyanne Woods). Hutcheson, p. 247, 1860 Emanuel # 114, 1850 Emanuel # 536, 1840 Emanuel 395/11.
HUTCHESON, AARON - Born on May 12, 1828, in Emanuel County, Ga., son of John Meredith Hutcheson, died August 17, 1882, married Rutha Tharpe; Children: James Lewis (b. 1863, d. 1943, m. Georgia Arilla Beasley, b. 1863, d. 1943); Sara Elizabeth (b. 8/16/1864, d. 8/24/1943, m. James Andrew Beasley, b. 4/1/1858, d. 1/8/1944); Evan Perry (b. 2/7/1870, d. 1/26/1938, m. Bee Ann Wilson, b. 2/7/1876, d. 6/4/1945); Ritter Jane Hutcheson (b. 2/24/1866, d. 9/13/19090, m. Joseph Madison Smith, b. 3/8/1862, d. 12/18/1917); William (m. Mary Ann ____, Laura _____); Henry Aaron (b. 11/10/1868, d. 1/23/1934, m. Sara Ophelia Drake, b. 6/12/1876, d. 11/13/1938, buried in Corinth Church Cem.); John Meredith (b. 10/17/1872, d. 3/5/1955, m. Georgia Lenora Harrell, b. 9/3/1878, d. 9/2/1920); Rutha; George Warren (b. 10/20/1877, d. 9/14/1946, m. Annie W. Snead) Hutcheson Lines, p. 72, et seq.
HUTCHESON, ANDREW ELI - Born 1836/7 in Emanuel Co., son of Moses and Ellender Barwick Hutcheson, Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., married Bethany _____, born 1840/1 in Georgia; Children: Joshua, Victory, etc. 1860 Emanuel # 89, Conf. Roster III, p. 725.
HUTCHESON, ENOCH - Born March 3, 1825 in Emanuel County, Georgia, son of John Meredith Hutcheson, married on December 25, 1842 to Zilphy Meeks, born on November 16, 1816 (1821/2) in North Carolina (Emanuel County?), died on April 17, 1886, buried in Corinth Cemetery, daughter of Jonas Meeks and Celia Tyson; Children: John J. (b. 10/27/1843, died during the Civil War, m. E.N. J. Smith), William Colvin (b. 7/6/1847, d. 1/17/1924, m. Edith E. Johnson), Enoch Franklin (b. 1/27/1850, d. 12/27/1916, m. Mary A. Palmer), Sealey/Celia (b. 3/20/1851, d. 8/15/1940, m. John M. Ennis), Creacy/Treacy/Nancy Tressa (b. 2/4/1854, d. 5/12/1947, m. Rev. John W. Spell); , and James Hygeia (b. 9/2/1857, d. 11/11/1927, m. Julia Lugenia Tapley), 1850 Emanuel # 352, 1860 Johnson # 245, Tapley, p. 130, 1870 Johnson # 574, Hutcheson Lines, p. 8.
HUTCHESON, JAMES LEWIS - Born on December 22, 1813 in Emanuel County, son of John and Sarah Mills Hutcheson, died April 21, 1885, buried in Hutcheson Cemetery, Johnson County, married Louisa Tyson, born August 15, 1815 in North Carolina, daughter of Noah Tyson; Children: Ritta (b. 1839, m. Samuel Yarborough), Joseph Madison (b. 2/6/1841, d. 12/15/1911, m. Delila Odom), Elizabeth (b. 4/23/1843, d. 7/30/1914, m. Thomas G. Gillis), Sarah (b. 1846, m. W.J. Barwick), Perrymon (b. 1/9/1848, d. 1/1/1859), Mary (b. 1/2/1852, d. 1/17/1832, m. A.S. Curry), Louisa (b. 1854, m. Tom Williams), James Buchanan (b. 7/17/1857, d. 11/20/1923, m. Elizabeth Kea), Aaron (b. 12/28/1859, d. 12/25/1939, m. Eliza Jane Kea). Hutcheson, p. 248, Hutcheson Lines, p. 278, 1840 Emanuel 395/2, 1850 Emanuel # 537, 1860 Emanuel # 115, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 305, Key, p. 186.
HUTCHESON, JOHN - Born in Duplin County, North Carolina in 1767, son of Aaron and Ann Hutcheson, he died in 1836, married Sarah Mills, born in 1780 in North Carolina, may have settled along the Ohoopee as early as 1797 when he is shown in Montgomery County. Children: Fairby (m. Gabriel Moody), Thomas (m. Martha Tyson), Moses (m. Ellender Barwick), Nancy Ann (m. George Smith), Dolly, John Meredith, Aaron (m. Elizabeth Neal), Sarah (m. Ezekiel Brill), James Lewis (m. Louisa Tyson). Hutcheson, p. 3, 1850 Emanuel # 531, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86.
HUTCHESON, JOHN - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, married Elizabeth ______, born 1834/5 in Georgia; Children: Margaret, Henry, Viannah, Liddy, Levy, Thomas, and Sarah. 1860 Johnson # 72.
HUTCHESON, JOHN MEREDITH - Born May 15, 1802, son of John and Sarah Mills Hutcheson. Children: John Thomas (m. Nancy Fulford), Enoch (m. Zilphia Meeks), Aaron (m. Rutha Tharpe), James Lewis (m. Lucretia Tucker), Joshua (m. Sarah Ann). Hutcheson, p. 242, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, Emanuel Marriages A/8.
HUTCHESON, JOSIAH/JOSEPH - Born in 1827/8 in Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Thomas and Martha Tyson Hutcheson, Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf. married ca. 1847 to Milly Beasley, born 1828/9 in Emanuel Co., Ga., daughter of Daniel Elijah and Rebecca Barnes Beasley; Children: Josiah Wesley, William, Margaret, James H., Joel. 1850 Emanuel # 526, 1860 Emanuel # 134, Conf. Roster III, p. 725.
HUTCHESON, MOSES - Born December 22, 1795 in
Duplin County, North Carolina, son of John and Sarah Mills Hutcheson, died July 26, 1872, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D.; married Ellender Barwick, daughter of James and Ellender Whiddon Barwick, born February 18, 1804 in Darlington County, South Carolina, died July 27, 1872; Children: Mary Ann (m. Bolling Hall), Pherriba (Fariby), John Green, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., (m. Tracy Meeks Hightower), James Kinyon, Ellender (m. Cyrus Hall), William (m. Elizabeth Meeks, May Arnold), Sarah Ann (m. William Bryant Riner), Andrew Eli, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., (m. Bethany Youngblood, Ecilia Cox), Leonard, (Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf. m. Julia Ann Odom Meadows), Henry Harrison (Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf. married Eliza Ann Jane Odom), Una M. (m. Eleazor Lanson Durden), Susan Delila, Parriman (Perryman). 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1840 Emanuel 56/11, 1850 Emanuel #344, 1860 Emanuel # 88, Hutcheson, p. 139, 1820 Lottery, p. 149, Emanuel Marriages A/55, Conf. Roster III, p. 725.
HUTCHESON, THOMAS - Born February 21, 1794 in Duplin County, North Carolina, son of John and Sarah Mills Hutcheson, died May, 1850; married 2nd Martha Tyson, daughter of Stephen and Catherine Tyson, born 1809 in North Carolina; Children: Lewis (m. Penny Jane Miller). Josiah (m. Milly Beasley), Delila (m. William Durden), Saranne Catherine (m. Jacob Hooks), Stephen Mills (m. Martha Miller), Amanda Melvina (m. Joel Miller), Hulda (m. Hardy Hooks), Kesiah (William A. Beasley), Rutha (m. Stafford Davis), Charles (m. Martha A. Hall), William Bryant (m. Elizabeth ______), Maryanne, m. John T. Beasley) Hutcheson, p. 10, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1840 Emanuel 395/14, 1850 Emanuel # 544, 1860 Emanuel # 58, Emanuel Marriages A/24,52.
IRWIN, ALEXANDER - Born in 1752, son of Thomas and Rebecca Lawson Irwin, died in 1842, married Penelope Lawson or Nancy Sessions; Children: Jared (m. Ann Williams); Alexander, Jr. (b. 1820, d. 1875, m. Lucretia Alerand); Elizabeth (b. 1828). Washington, p. 439.
IRWIN, ALEXANDER II - Born in Aug. 9, 1792, son of John Lawson Irwin and Rebecca Sessions, died on May 10, 1842, married Margaret Moore Lawson, born May 11, 1798; Children: Thompson Irwin; Capt. John Lawson Irwin, C.S.A., died in 1861; William Alexander (m. Sara Elizabeth Daniel); Reason Whitehead, (b. 1840, m. Nannie Warthen); Rebecca (m. Sila Daniel), Thomas Jackson (b. 1850, m. Clara Warthen); Margaret; Jared Iverson Irwin (b. 1834, 1st Lt. Co. A. 28th Ga. Inf., d. 1901, m. Sara Lou Warthen); Andrew Barry (b. 1838, d. 1862); Louisa Avaline. Washington, p. 439, 1840 Washington 90th, p. 220, 1850 Washington # 404, Conf. Roster III, p. 360.
IRWIN, JARED - Born 1750 in Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina, son of Thomas and Rebecca Lawson Irwin; died in 1818, settled near the headwaters of the Ohoopee River in 1784, represented Washington County in the legislature from 1783 to 1796 when he was elected Governor of Georgia. Married _______ Stewart, and possibly Isabelle Ervine; Children: Thomas, John, Nancy (m. Thomas Randolph Lamar); Rebecca (m. Thomas Pace); Elizabeth (m. Simon Whitaker); Jane. Washington, p. 299, 438.
IRWIN, JOHN LAWSON - Born in 1755, son of Thomas and Rebecca Lawson Irwin, died in 1822, married Rebecca Sessions, born March 20, 1773, died June 8, 1839; Children: Alexander Irwin (b. 1792, d. 1842, m. Margaret Moore Lawson); General William (m. Margaret Gamble, d. in 1850); Sallie (m. ______ Miller); Margaret (m. _____ Blount); Rhoda (m. Stephen Daniel); Nancy (m. Stephen Daniel); Rebecca (m. Brian Pace). Washington, p. 439.
ISAACS, ROBERT - 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, pp. 46, 52, 68.
IVEY, ZACHEUS - Born 1824/5 In Georgia. Married on April 21, 1864 to Mary Johnson, born Oct. 18, 1831, died March 22, 1916, buried in Hutcheson Cemetery. Children: Nick, Francis, Brad?, William, Lucinda E. E.A. and J.W. 1870 Johnson # 418, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 144, 56th # 267?, Cemetery, p. 134.
JACKSON, HIRAM M. - 1827 Land Lottery Winner of Swain's (55th) District. 1827 Lottery, p. 110.
JACKSON, ISIAH- Born 1822/3 in Georgia, married Clemcy _______, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: John, Nancy J., and Andrew. 1860 Johnson # 359, 1880 Johnson # 206.
JACKSON, JOHN - Born 1809/10, married Martha _____, born 1809/10; Children: William, Nancy, Elizabeth (m. James Dawson), Mary, James, John, Allen, Elizabeth, Isaiah, Martha, and George. 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 25.
JACKSON, LEWIS - Born 1813/4 in North Carolina, married on December 21, 1837 in Washington Co. to Celia/Alah Barron, born 1819/20 in Georgia; Children: Andrew, Hardy, Nancy, Martha, Mary, James, Erwin, City Ann?, Sarah, et al. 1860 Johnson # 7, Washington Records, p. 93, 1840 Washington 91st p. 215, 1850 Washington # 722.
JACKSON, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1805, wheelright, married Nancy ______, born ca. 1805; Children: Morgan L. (b. ca. 1836), Lucy J. (b. ca. 1837), July Ann (b. ca. 1839), William (b. ca. 1845), et al. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, 1850 Washington # 286.
JENKINS, DRURY - 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
JENKINS, EVAN - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
JENKINS, HEZEKIAH - Born ca. 1800, married Rachel ______, born ca. 1805, Children: Eliza (b. ca. 1820), Jonas (b. ca. 1827), David (b. ca. 1829, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.), Nancy (b. ca. 1830), Elephair (b. ca. 1834), Jordan (b. ca. 1836), Elizabeth (b. ca. 1846). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 857, Conf. Roster III, p. 411.
JENKINS, JOHN - Born 1811/2 in Georgia, married on Jan. 8, 1848 in Washington County to Frinsey/Phrensey Metts, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: Owen (b. ca. 1850), Elizabeth, Uriah, John T.. 1850 Washington # 823, 1860 Johnson # 117, Washington Records, p. 94.
JENKINS, MARTIN - Born 1815/6 in Georgia; married on December 23, 1847 in Washington Co. to Latisha Hightower, born 1827/8 in Georgia; Children: Evan, Charels/Charnel?, Anna, Mary, and Victory. 1850 Washington # 821, 1860 Johnson # 273, 1870 Johnson # 202, Washington Records, p. 94.
JENKINS, URIAH - Born ca. 1817. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 821.
JERNIGAN, J.R. - 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
JERNIGAN, JAMES- Landowner 55th, Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 76.
JEWELL, ELIZABETH - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, Children: Westley, John, Jane. 1850 Emanuel # 390.
JEWELL, HUMPRHEY - Born 1775-1780, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist., 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 167, 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1821 Lottery, p. 129, 1832 Lottery, p. 272.
JEWELL, JORDAN - His orphans were 1820 Land Lottery Winners, 55th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 179.
JEWELL, KINCHEN - Born ca. 1775-1795, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co. 1811/2, (Shown as Kinchen, Jacob [Jewel?]. Private Capt. Braswell's Co., Montgomery County Militia, War of 1812, Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 179, Montgomery, p. 155, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
JEWELL, MOSES - Born 1800/1810, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., 1827 Land Lottery Winner. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 167, 1820 Lottery, p. 179, 1827 Lottery, p. 94.
JEWELL, MOSES- Born before 1775, Landowner 56th, Mont. Co., 1812. May have come from Cheraw Dist. of South Carolina, Montgomery, p. 76, 1790 S.C., p. 46, 1820 Emanuel, p. 88.
JEWELL, WILLIAM H. - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, married on Aug. 1, 1850 to Sarah Ann Marshall, born 1814/5 in South Carolina; Children: Moses, Margaret, Mahala. 1870 Johnson # 447?, 1860 Johnson # 188, 1850 Emanuel # 388, Emanuel Marriages A/30.
JEWELL, ZACHARIAH - Born 1789/90 in South or North Carolina, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist., Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, married Rachel, born 1804/5 in Georgia; Children: Martha (m. Shacrick Kight), Sarah Ann, Areenia, Nancy, Louisa, and James (m. Nancy T. Watson). 1860 Johnson # 361, 1850 Emanuel # 389, 1840 Emanuel 56/43, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, Tapley, p 64, 1821 Lottery, p. 129, Emanuel Milita, p. 1.
JOHNSON, AUGUSTUS F. - Born ca. 1823, born in 1823, son of Israel and Rachel Johnson. Moved to Laurens County ca. 1852, and lived near just beyond Pleasant Springs Church on the Old Savannah Road, Private Co. G., 49th Ga. Inf., C.S.A. Died in Winder Hospital, Richmond, Va. on Sept. 19, 1862, buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond, Va. Married Scena (Thenia) Ann. ________. She was born in Feb. 1830, died: April 10, 1897 and is buried in Pleasant Springs Church Cemetery. Children: Martha R, (b. ca. 1852); Joseph (b. ca. 1854); Vermilia (b. 1855, d. April 5, 1922, m. _______ Howell); Daniel (b. ca. 1858); Lawrence (b. ca. 1858); John Allen (b. May 7, 1860, d. Sept. 16, 1930, m. Eliza Elizabeth Graham), Augusta (b. ca. 1861-2). RCS 5-258, Widow's Pension List, Book 2, 1850 Washington # 735, 1860 Laurens # 72; 1870 Laurens # 1293, Laurens Records 2, p. 185, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist.
JOHNSON, CHANY? - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
JOHNSON, DARLING - Born ca. 1775-1795, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D.. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1820 Lottery, p. 179.
JOHNSON, DAVID - Born before 1775. 1820 Emanuel, p. 92.
JOHNSON, DAVID T.- Born Aug. 20, 1837, son of Willis and Deilia Tyson Johnson, married on Dec. 4, 1861 to Eliza Ann Riner, daughter of James Russell and Pheribee Trull Rhiner, born January 3, 1839; Children: James Willis (m. Mary F.), Roxy Ann (m. George Saffole Kight), John Morgan (m. Minnie Clark), Amanda B. (m. _____ Mormans, George Washington Tapley), George Marcus (m. Ida _______), Charles B., Sarah Ann B., and Harley. Kight, pp. 112-14, 1850 Emanuel # 279, Riner, p. 55, 1880 Johnson 55th # 211.
JOHNSON, ELIJAH - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
JOHNSON, ELIZA - Born ca. 1790 in North Carolina, married Mary _____, born ca. 1795; Children: John, Licy, Robert. 1860 Johnson # 277.
JOHNSON, HARDY - Born ca. 1760/1770, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lotttery, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist., 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.). 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, Montgomery, pp. 52, 59, 68,76, 1821 Lottery, p. 129, 1832 Lottery, p. 272.
JOHNSON, HENRY - Born before 1775, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th, Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) District. Montgomery, pp. 52, 59, 68, 76, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90.
JOHNSON, ISRAEL - Born ca. 1785 in Georgia, died after 1870, married Rachel ______, born ca. 1797; moved to Laurens County near Pleasant Springs Church ca. 1852, Children: Augustus F. (b. ca. 1825, died 1862), John A. (b. ca. 1826, m. Eliza Wilson); James A., 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 735, 734, 1860 Laurens # 71, 1870 Laurens # 1290, 1292, Deed Book M, pp. 152, 165, 356; L - 268; Q - 34, 411; X - 534; Z - 247, Laurens County Records, Laurens Records 1, p. 399, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist..
JOHNSON, JAMES - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
JOHNSON, JAMES - Born 1780/1790, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.). 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, 1840 Emanuel 56/22, 1820 Emanuel, p. 100, 1820 Lottery, p. 179, Montgomery, p. 76, 1832 Lottery, p. 272.
JOHNSON, JAMES A. - Son of Israel Johnson. Children: Luvene (b. 4/1/1855, d. 10/20/1937, m. J.T. Pullen.) Deed Book V, page 190, Laurens Co., Ga.
JOHNSON, JOHN ALLEN - Born 1825 in Georgia, Capt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., died on Feb. 27, 1898, buried in Pleasant Springs Cemetery, married on July 25, 1847 in Washington Co. to Eliza Wilson, born 1829/30 in Georgia, d. July 20, 1911, buried in Pleasant Springs Cemetery; Children: Mary, Isiah, Newton, Julia (b. 1846, d. 1923, m. E.B. Graham), John Allen Jr. (b. 5/7/1860, d. 9/16/1930, m. Elizabeth Graham), and Mary. 1860 Johnson # 323, Washington Records, p. 93, Conf. Roster III, p. 411.
JOHNSON, JAMES - Born 1817/8 in Georgia, married Caroline _______, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Mary A., Julia F., and Lavonia. 1860 Johnson # 322.
JOHNSON, JASEY - Born ca. 1800 in Georgia, married Jursha? ______, born 1804/5 in South Carolina; Children: William R., Clementine, Lucy (m. Jesse McAfee), Robert W., Frances, and Matthew. 1860 Johnson # 325.
JOHNSON, JOHN - Born in 1825, son of Israel and Rachel Johnson, married Elizabeth (Wilson?), born 1820, died on July 20, 1911, both are buried in Pleasant Springs Cemetery in Laurens County. Children: Elmina (1860-1878). 1850 Washington # 734.
JOHNSON, MATTHEW - 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 179.
JOHNSON, REBECCA - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 214.
JOHNSON, THOMAS - 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) District, Emanuel County. 1821 Lottery, p 129.
JOHNSON, W.J. - Born 1838/9 in Georgia, married Martha _______ born 1838/9 in Georgia; Children: Andrew J., Martha, et al. 1860 Johnson # 324.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM - Born 1797/8 in Georgia, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., may have been a soldier in the Emanuel County Milita, 1810's, married Sophia _________, born 1801/2 in Georgia; Children: Susan, Timothy,Isham, Berry Ann, Francis. 1850 Emanuel # 274, 1840 Emanuel 56/24, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, 1820 Emanuel, p. 81, 1820 Lottery, p. 179, Emanuel Militia, p. 3.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM - Born 1810/11 in Georgia, possibly a son of Willis Johnson, married Rebecca ______, born 1810/11 in Georgia; Children: Darling (m. Anne Eliza Colston), Seathy, et al.. 1860 Johnson # 29, 1870 Johnson # 454?
JOHNSON, WILLIS - Born 1788/9 in North Carolina, died after 1870, married Delitha Meeks, daugther of Allen Meeks and Susannah Tyson, born 1801/2 in North Carolina, died after 1870; Children: James, Mary (m. ________ Ivey), , Willis, David T. (m. Eliza Ann Riner), Lucinda, Holland, Susannah (married John R. Rowland), Sadie (m. _____ Hutcheson), Sarah (m. ______ Tyson), Eady, Henry. 1840 Washington, 89th, p. 223, 1850 Emanuel # 279, 1860 Johnson # 33, 1870 Johnson # 455, 456, 457, Kight, p. 113.
JOINER, ELIAS - Born on July 23, 1819, son of Malachi and Rachel Gardner Joiner, died on Jan. 19, 1891, buried in Joiner Cemetery, Washington Co.; married Martha Smith, born on July 23, 1819, daughter of Rev. Isaac Smith and Arsenia Brantley, died on July 9, 1893, buried in Joiner Cemetery. Children: William Franklin (b. Nov. 16, 1844, Co. H, 28th Ga. C.S.A., died on Oct. 8, 1864 at Fortress Monroe, Va.); Nancy Ann, (b. July 12, 1846, d. on Dec. 15, 1915, m. Joseph H. Peacock); E. Vandalia (b. Dec. 29, 1847, d. Aug., 1850); Benjamin Darius (b. June 12, 1850, d. March 13, 1925, m. Artissima Bridges); Elias Gardner (b. March 23, 1852, d. July 3, 1897, m. Annie Sterling); Isaac Linton (b. June 23, 1954, d. March 23, 1926, m. Betty Bridges); Dora P. (b. Sept. 7, 1857, d. April 18, 1938, married Jerry Brantley); L.G. (b. June 17, 1859, d. Sept. 3, 1862.) 1848 Tax Digest, Washington County; 1850 Washington # 802, 1860 Washington # 68, p. 168, 1870 Washington # 215, 1880 Washington # 99, Conf. Roster III, p. 411.
JOINER, JESSE GARDNER - Born on May 7, 1830 in Washington County, son of Malachi and Rachel Gardner Joiner, Pvt. Co. A. 28th Ga. Inf., died on July 10, 1884, buried in Joiner Cemetery, Washington County; married Emeline Gregory on December 11, 1849; Children: William J. (b. Nov. 28, 1851, d. Jan. 4, 1931, m. Frances Goff); Mary Ann (b. July 29, 1853, d. July 11, 1855); Moses F. (b. ca. 1855); Georgia (b. May 15, 1857, d. April 28, 1887); Emeline (b. ca. 1859); Almedia Ann (b. April 23, 1861, d. Nov. 1862); Elmina Rachel (b. ca. 1866); Jesse Lee (b. April 11, 1868, d. Nov. 22, 1875); James (b. ca. 1870); Jeff (b. ca. 1872); Sallie (b. ca. 1876). 1860 Washington p. 202, #330; 1870 Washington 91st # 17, Conf. Roster III, p. 363.
JOINER, JOHN - Born ca. 1816, son of Malachi Joiner and probably Rachel Gardner, died before 1850; married Sarah ______, born ca. 1820; Children: Augustus (b. ca. 1837, 2nd Lt., Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf. died on Aug. 1, 1862); Thomas (b. ca. 1838); Mary Ann (b. ca. 1840); Sarah Ann (b. ca. 1841); Green (b. ca. 1843). 1840 Washington 91st p. 215, Conf. Roster III, p. 363.
JOINER, JOSEPH - Born on August 16, 1831 in Washington County, son of Malachi Joiner and Rachel Gardner, died on Oct. 11, 1905, buried in Jackson Baptist Church cemetery; married on December 6, 1853, Sarah Tanner, died on January 3, 1928; Children: Martha A.E. (b. ca. 1854); Charles J. (b. ca. 1856); Thomas J. (b. ca. 1857); Mary M. (b. July 25, 1858, d. Jan. 20, 1859); Joseph (b. ca. 1860); Benjamin Moses (b. April 9, 1862, d. Feb. 1, 1905); James F. (b. ca. 1866); John Quincy (b. April 21, 1868, d. Oct. 23, 1943), Sarah (b. June 24, 1870, d. Oct. 21, 1871); William Fuller (b. Aug. 3, 1876, d. Jan. 1, 1938, m. Belle Kelley); Robert (b. ca. 1878). 1870 Washington 91st, # 26, 1880 Washington.
JOINER, MALACHI - Born in 1781 in North Carolina, died on March 30, 1854, married ca. 1815 to Rachel Gardner, b. 1796 in South Carolina, d. Aug. 8, 1871. Lived near the headwaters of the Ohoopee River in Washington County. Children: John, Elmina (m. Joseph D. Smith), Jesse (m. Emeline Gregory), Elias (m. Martha Ann Smith), Malachi Jr. (m. Ann S. Tooke), Elizabeth (m. Cyrus/Eli Bedgood), Rachel (m. James F. Boatright), Joseph (m. Sarah Tanner), Martha Ann (m. Harda Avant, Henry Lindsey), William Jordan (m. Adeline Elizabeth Tanner), Moses (m. Sarah A. Farmer), and Mary Ann (m. John S. Lawrence. 1840 Washington 91st p. 215, Washington p. 445.
JOINER, MALACHI JR. - Born ca. 1825 in Washington Co., son of Malachi Joiner and Rachel Gardner, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf.. married on Oct. 21, 1847 to Ann S. Tooke, born ca. 1819; Children: Mary Frances (b. ca. 1849); Bennett (b. ca. 1852); Marion (b. ca. 1854, m. Martha Virginia Tyson); Andrew (b. ca. 1856); and Cladius (b. ca. 1858, m. Livian Hartley). 1850 Washington # 870, Conf. Roster, III, p. 363.
JOINER, WILLIAM JORDAN - Born ca. 1836 in Washington County, son of Malachi Joiner and Rachel Gardner, married Adeline Elizabeth Tanner, born ca. 1836, dau. of Vincent and Sarah Duggan Tanner; Children: Willard M. (b. ca. 1857); William Vinson (b. June 6, 1858, d. July 16, 1932, m. Harriet Frances Jackson); Sarah A. (b. ca. 1863); Melissa Theodosia (b. ca. 1866); Anita (b. ca. 1868); Florence (b. ca. 1870), Martha (b. ca. 1872); John (b. ca. 1876). 1880 Washington # 119.
JOINER, MOSES J. - Born on March 3, 1838 in Washington County, son of Malachi Joiner and Rachel Gardner, married on Jan. 17, 1861 to Sarah A. Tanner. Children: Mozelle (b. June 23, 1862, d. Sept. 9, 1895, m. Eaton L. Sheppard); Euphrenia (b. Aug. 7, 1872, d. Dec. 12, 1960, m. Eaton L. Shepard), et al. 1870 Washington 91st # 23., 1880 Washington # 196.
JONES, CELIA - Born ca. 1790 - 1800. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214.
JONES, ISAAC - Born ca. 1805 in South Carolina, married Elizabeth _____, b. ca. 1806; Children: James (b. ca. 1838); Julian (b. ca. 1842); and Joannah (b. ca. 1846). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 693.
JONES, JOHN - Born ca. 1800 - 1810. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214.
JONES, JOHN - Born ca. 1823, in Washington County, died June 5, 1862, married Sarah Braswell, on Jan. 18, 1849, born ca. 1822, dau. of Arthur Braswell and Patience Pearce; Children:
James L. (b. ca. 1850); Mary A. (b. ca. 1855), Asa F. (b. ca. 1856), Celia F. (b. ca. 1856); and William M. (b. ca. 1860).
JORDAN, HENRY - Lieutenant Little Ohoopee Dist., 1801. Huxford Magazine, Vol. V, p. 954.
JORDAN, SAMUEL - Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, may have been a brother to Nancy Jordan, wife of Francis Richard Flanders. Montgomery, pp. 59, 68.
JORDAN, T.J. - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, married Mary _____, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: Chastity/Charity (b. ca. 1845), Charles M. (b. ca. 1847, m. Elmira W. Webb), James M. (b. ca. 1850), Phariby (b. ca. 1853), Stephen M. (b. ca. 1857), and John M. (b. ca. 1859) 1850 Washington # 116, 1860 Johnson # 315.
JORDAN, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, may have been a brother to Nancy Jordan, wife of Francis Richard Flanders. Montgomery, pp. 52, 68.
JORDAN, WILLIAM - 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D.., 1820 Lottery, p. 179.
KEA, BENNETT - Born on Feb. 26, 1836, son of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley, Kea, died on Nov. 17, 1917, buried in Kea's Cemetery; married on June 6, 1857 to Caroline Virginia Barwick, born Oct. 13, 1833 in Laurens Co, Ga., dau. of William and Martha Barwick, died on Sept. 3, 1936, buried in Kea's Cemetery. Children: George Ann (b. 11/17/1857, d. 1936, m. F.A. Iwanoski), Elizabeth (b. 3/21/1859, m.James B. Hutcheson), James (b. 11/2/1861), Mary Ann Samantha (b. 9/19/1865, d. 7/21/1954, m. James J. Branch), Jewel Mary (b. 5/8/1867, m. W.Y. Keene), Delaware (b. 10/26/1869, m. William T. Kight), William Dennis (b. 3/7/1872, d. 10/20/1938, m. Mae Estell Bush), Ida Virginia (6/12/1875, m. Jessie C. Webb), Clifford Caroline (b. 6/1/1876, m. Tom Grinstead), Burrell (b. 11/11/1878, d. 4/26/1918) Cornelius (b. 11/11/1880, d. 1964, m. Della Black), and Murphy (b. 3/8/1883, d. 4/5/1884. Key, p. 184.
KEA, BURRELL - Born on Feb. 12, 1810 in Darlington County, South Carolina, son of Rev. Warren Key and Polly (Nancy) Beasley, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, died on Oct. 22, 1894, buried in Kea's Cemetery; married Elizabeth Tapley, born 1813/4 in Georgia, died Jan. 14, 1891, buried in Kea's Cemetery, dau. of James and Mary Benson Tapley; Children: Mary Ann (b. 1/8/1833, d. 7/31/1917, m. Curtis Manning Barwick), James (b. 4/23/1834, d. 7/5/1901, m. Elizabeth R. King), Bennett (b. 2/26/1836, d. 11/17/1917, m. Caroline Barwick), Dennis (b. 1/18/1839, d. 3/16/1892, m. Martha G. Holmes), Wesley (b. 8/20/1837, d. 1915, m. Elizabeth Curry), Malinda (b. 3/10/1841, d. 2/25/1920, m. Nathan Morris Durden), Julia Ann (b. 8/25/1850, d. 10/17/1933, m. Joshua Sumner), William (b. 10/18/1845, d. 1923, m. Mary Curry), Elizabeth (b. 4/27/1853, m. Dr. Meridan N. Odom), Thomas (b. 4/6/1848, 5/18, 1910, m. Susan Delilah Wheeler), Burrell Curtis (b. 3/14/1855, d. 11/23/1923, m. Matlida Durden). 1860 Emanuel # 57, 1850 Emanuel # 350, 1840 Emanuel 53/21, Tapley, p. 102 et seq., 1832 Lottery, p. 291, Key, p. 157.
KEA, DENNIS - Born on Jan. 18, 1839, Pvt. Co. G. 32nd Ga. Inf., son of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea, died on March 16, 1891, buried in Gethsemane Church Cem., Laurens Co., married on Dec. 6, 1868 to Martha Clark Holmes, born Oct. 15, 1851, died Aug. 16, 1905, dau. of _________ of Mary Palmer Holmes. Children: Martha Virginia (b. 12/11/1869, d. 1/21/1936, m. James Ira Moore), Georgia. Key, p. 316, Conf. Roster III, p. 726.
KEA, JAMES W. - Born Apr. 29, 1834, son of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea, Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., died July 5, 1901, buried in Kea's Cemettery; married on July 30, 1879 to Elizabeth R. King, daughter of Duncan King and Catherine Huggins, died on April 27, 1939, buried in Kea's Cemetery; Children: Fitzhugh Lillian Kea (b. 10/14/1882, d. 9/9/1955, m. Eva Dawson), Pearl (b. 12/17/1884, d. 5/20/1886), Dorsey Loren (b. 7/15/1887, d. 6/6/1965), Juanita Malinda (b. 6/2/1890, d. 3/24/1976, m. Charles Pope Tompkins), Dewitt Talmadge (b. 11/23/1892, d. 3/30/1941, m. Margaret Thomas). Tapley, p. 105-6, 1850 Emanuel # 350, Key p. 173, Conf. Roster III, p. 726.
KEA, THOMAS - Born on April 6, 1848, son of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea, died on May 18, 1910, buried in Kea's Cemetery, married in 1878 to Susan Delilah Wheeler, born April 15, 1859, died on Jan. 15, 1903, buried beside her husband, Children: Thomas Byron Kea (b. 4/24/1879, d. 1933, m. Mamie Hughes), Marvin Pierce (b. 8/9/1880, d. 5/27/1929, m. Florence Flanders), Stella Nora (b. 12/26/1882, d. 2/23/1928, m. Charles R. Evans), Frederick William (3/2/1885, d. 4/11/1935, m. Onie Calhoun), Myrtle Houghton (b. 2/6/1888, d. 1979, m. Julian D. Mason), Victor Emanuel (b. 9/10/1890, d. 1942, m. Annie Crumley), Helen Dane (b. 12/31/1893, d. 3/5/1968, m. Hal M. Dekle), Mary Elizabeth (b. 4/22/1896, d. 6/14/1972, m. John B. Flannagan).
Key, p. 352.
KEA, WARREN, JR. - Born 1814, son of Rev. Warren Key and Pollie Beasley, died in September 1862, buried in an unmarked grave at Sharpsburg, Maryland at Antietam Battlefield, married Eliza Jane Drake, born July 10, 1834, daughter of Francis Bryant Drake and Selina King, died Dec. 29, 1856, buried at Kea's Church; Children: Elizabeth (b. 11/1/1856, d. 11/12/1856); he married 2nd to Delila Rich; Children: William Carter Kea (b. 1861, d. 1930, m. Georgia Ann Smith). Drake, p. 317, Key, p. 533.
KEA, WESLEY - Born on Aug. 20, 1837, son of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea, Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., died in 1915, buried in Gethsemane Church Cem. in Laurens Co., married on Jan. 25, 1866 to Elizabeth Curry, born Sept. 12, 1845, died Nov. 10, 1911, buried in Gethsemane Church Cem., Laurens Co.. Children: Annie Lou Kea (b. 11/17/1866, d. 10/7/1928, m. W. Jordan Sumner), Sallie Catherine (b. 12/12/1869, d. 8/23/1951, m. Henry Chappell Carter), Dollie Viola (b. 11/6/1879, 8/10/1933, m. Lewis James Linder), Key, p. 299, Conf. Roster III, p. 726.
KEA, WILLIAM - Born on Oct. 18, 1845, son of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea, died in 1923, buried in Northview Cemetery, Dublin, married in 1876 to Mary "Molly" Curry, born March 27, 1850, died on Aug. 6, 1889. Children: Annie Belle (b. 1876, d. 1931, m. Henry S. Scarborough), Bessie Lee (m. b. 1877, d. 1919, Lawton W. Miller), Adrian Matthew (b. 3/4/1880, d. 1/12/1936, m. Melissa Elizabeth Underwood), William Carl Kea (b. 1883), John Wesley Kea (b. 9/14/1885, d. 5/6/1953, m. Bertha Brantley Lord), Latha Alma (b. 1889, m. Joseph Daniel Braswell). Key, p. 339.
KENDRICK, JAMES - 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215.
KENT, MARMADUKE - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 52, 59, 68.
KENT, THOMAS W. - Born July 28, 1828 in Warren County, son of Thomas Kent and Jerusha Bryant, Captain Co. F., 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died July 1, 1918 in Johnson Co., married Martha Battle (McWhorter), born in Hancock Co., Ga., daughter of Eli McWhorter and Anna Reeves, died March 16, 1926, both are buried in Kent Cemetery; Children: Judge John Luther (m. Clara Virginia Trawick), Henry C., Samantha, Herschel (m. Susie B. _____), William Thomas, Artis W. Brown (stepson), Ider/Ida?, Robert L., Julian G. Cemetery, p. 142, Ga. Register, 1933/7, p. 280, 1870 Johnson # 482, 1880 Johnson # 6, 11.
KENT, STEPHEN - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 52, 59, 68.
KERSEY, JOHN - Born 1783/4 in North Carolina, married ca. 1807 Nancy, born 1787/8 in South Carolina; Children: John B. (m. Sarah Ann Burris), Thomas (m. Susannah _____), Solomon (m. Henrietta Woods), James, Eliza. 1860 Emanuel # 81, 1850 Emanuel # 248, 1840 Emanuel 55/5, Tapley, p. 75, Emanuel Marriages A/39.
KERSEY, JOHN B. - Born 1824/5, son of John and Nancy Kersey, married on Nov. 22, 1848 to Sarah Ann Burris, born 1829/30 in Georgia, Children: Thomas, Elizabeth, John B., Seley, Nicy, and James. 1860 Emanuel # 71, 1850 Emanuel # 256, Emanuel Marriages A/23.
KERSEY, SOLOMON - Born 1828/9 in Georgia, son of John and Nancy Kersey, married ca. 1852 to Henrietta ______, born 1834/5 in Georgia; Children: Jane, Eady. 1860 Emanuel # 82.
KERSEY, THOMAS - Born Sept. 22, 1809 in Georgia, son of John and Nancy Kersey, died on Nov. 30, 1893; married Susannah ________, born March 22, 1813 in Georgia, died on Jan. 7, 1874, both are buried in Kersey Cemetery, Emanuel Co.; Children: John, James, Merentha, Nicy, Mary. 1860 Emanuel # 83, 1850 Emanuel # 250, 1840 Emanuel 55/2.
KEY, JOHN NELSON - Born March 23, 1832, son of Rev. Warren and Polly Beasley Key, died Aug. 15, 1862 in Savannah Church, buried in Key's Church Cemetery, married Pheribah Elizabeth Drake, daughter of Francis Bryant and Selina King Drake, born March 23, 1832, died Oct. 16, 1876, married 2nd to John Barwick, buried in Poplar Springs Cemetery; Children: James (b. ca. 1855, m. Maggie Watson), William Wiley (b. ca. 11/17/1857, d. 1/28/1893, m. Rachel Beasley), John Francis (b. 11/20/1859, d. 1/24/1907, m. Elizabeth Sumner), Eliza Jane (b. 8/1/1862, d. 4/30/1945, m. Aaron Hutchinson). Drake, pp. 93-169, Key 2, p. 347.
KEY, SION - Born 1812/3 in Darlington County, South Carolina, son of Rev. Warren Key and Polly (Nancy) Beasley; married on April 24, 1836 in Washington Co. to Rachel Tyson, born 1816/7 in North Carolina; Children: Stephen William (b. ca. 1838, d. 1862, m. Pheiby Horne), Noah (b. ca. 1840), Mary (b. ca. 1841, m. Robert Crosby), Katherine (b. ca. 1844, m. Daniel Mims), Nancy (b. ca. 1846, m. Henry L. Pollock), William Riley (b. ca. 1850, m. Martha Jane NeSmith), John Nelson (b. ca. 1852, m. Willie A. McCall), Pearlina (b. ca. 1856), Dicy (b. ca. 1858, m. Gilbert Castleberry), Rachel Rena (b. ca. 1861, m. F. Clark Weeks). 1850 Emanuel # 524, 1840 Emanuel 53/19, Washington Records, p. 94, Key, p. 526.
KEY, SPENCER - Born 1817 in Darlington County, South Carolina, son of Rev. Warren Key and Polly (Nancy) Beasley, died in 1857 in Emanuel Co., may be buried in Kea's Cemetery; married ca. 1837 to Elizabeth Flanders, born 1821, daughter of John R. Flanders and Nancy Sumner, she was murdered about 1868; Children: Nancy Mozelle (b. 11/12/1838, d. 10/16/1903, married 1st on Jan. 5, 1858 to David Douglas, ca. 1864 2nd Archibald Woods, Jr. 1850 Emanuel # 184, 1860 Emanuel # 84, Key, p. 582.
KEY, WARREN - Born ca. 1784 in South Carolina, son of James (Jr.?) and Elizabeth Barnes Key, Methodist Minister, founder of Kea's Church, ca. 1820, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Chason's Dist., 1827 Land Lottery Winner of Chason's Dist.; died May 10, 1843, married Polly (Nancy) Beasley, born 1790/1 in South Carolina, daughter of William Beasley, Sr. or James Beasley and Polly Taylor/Pate Beasley; Children: Burrell (b. 2/12/1810, d. 10/22/1894, m. Elizabeth Tapley, Sion (b. 1812, d. ca. 1854, m. Rachel B. Tyson), Spencer (b. ca. 1817, d. ca. 1855, m. Elizabeth Flanders), Wesley (b. ca. 1816, d. 1892, m. Ann Kitchens), Wiley (b. 3/30/1821, d. 8/22/1873, m. Mary Ann P. Mason), Arrena (b. 4/24/1830, d. 4/10/1914, m. John N. Thompson), John Nelson (b. 12/4/1834, d. 8/15/1862, m. Elizabeth Drake), Warren (b. 1814, d. 1862, m. Delila Flanders), Eliza (b. July, 1822, d. 1880), Della, (b. 1818), Nancy (m. William Thomas Smith), Pattie (b. 1818), Polly (b. Feb. 1827, d. 1901, m. Jasper Spivey), Delila (b. July, 1822, m. Daniel T. Sumner). 1850 Emanuel # 529, 1840 Emanuel 53/20, 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 170, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, Beasley, pp. 8,9., Tapley, p. 125, 1821 Lottery, p. 141, 1827 Lottery, p. 192, Key, p. 155.
KEY, WESLEY - Born 1818/9 (1816) in South Carolina, son of Warren Key and Polly Beasley; married Ann S. Kitchens, born 1825/6 in North Carolina; Children: Burrell Smith (b. ca. 1845, m. Ellen Morrison), John (b. ca. 1849), Joseph A. (b. ca. 1862), James W. (b. ca. 1857, d. 1880), Nancy C. 1850 Emanuel # 405, Key, p. 576.
KEY, WILEY - Born on March 30, 1821 in Emanuel Co., son of Warren and Polly Beasley Key, died on Aug. 22, 1873, married on Sept. 16, 1841 to Mary Ann Purling Mason, born 1823/4 in Georgia; Children: Delila (b. 7/14/1844, d. 3/29/1895, m. James Barwick), Mary J. (b. ca. 1847), Nancy Elizabeth (b. 4/21/1848, d. 2/9/1937), William (b. ca. 1850, m. Rose Williams), Daniel (b. ca. 1852), Sarah Ann (b. ca. 1854), Arenia (b. ca. 1856), Gillyann P. (b. ca. 1860), Selina E. (b. ca. 1862), Wiley M. (b. ca. 1864, m. Mary Selina Drake), Martha (b. ca. 1866). Following Wiley's death, Mary Ann Kea had the following children by John J. Jones: John Jerome Kea (b. 8/9/1874, d. 11/7/1942, m. Isabelle Edenfield), Minnie Kea (b. 4/6/1877, d. 12/23/1964, m. A.J. Turner), Mary Palina Kea (b. 4/26/1879, d. 7/17/1964, m. John Jordan Thompson), Robert Luther Kea (b. 6/1/1882, d. 7/12/1949, m. Carrie Eugenia Murphy), Nancy (b. ca. 1890, d. ca. 1890). 1850 Emanuel # 348, 1880 Johnson # 335, Key, p. 678.
KIGHT, GREEN - Born 1828/9 in Emanuel County, Georgia, married on Nov. 16, 1851 to Anna Price; Children: William R., Shadrick, married 2nd to Calsy Ross in 1862; Children: Jane, Elizabeth. Kight, pp. 81, 82, 1860 Johnson # 39. Emanuel Marriages A/45.
KIGHT, HENRY J. - Born 1823 in Georgia, son of Shadrick and Martha Kight, died Feb. 20, 1885, married on April 7, 1845 to Exey Matilda Rowell, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Mary Ann, William, Shadrick, Julia A., Bennett, Benjamin, George A., and Henry. 1860 Johnson # 74, 1850 Emanuel # 216, Kight, p. 82.
KIGHT, HENRY JASPER. - Born ca. 1844, son of Shadrick and Milly Norris Kight, Co. H., 63rd Ga. Infantry, married on Aug. 8, 1865 to Delila F. Riner, daughter of James Russell Riner and Phereby Trull; Children: John, George, William Joseph, Henry, James, Mary, Roan, Millia, Rufus (m. Cornelia Moore). Riner, p. 58.
KIGHT, MARTHA - Born 1783/4 in South Carolina, married Shadrick Kight, died before 1840. Children: Henry J., Shadrick 1840 Emanuel 55/44, 1850 Emanuel # 215.
KIGHT, SHADRICK - Born ca. 1784 in South Carolina, may have come from Barnwell District in South Carolina, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co. 1811/2, (Shown as Shadrick Kele), Private Capt. Braswell's Company, Montgomery Co. Militia, War of 1812, Soldier Emanuel County, Militia, 1810's, married Martha Pamela (Patsy) Jewell, both are buried in Kight Cemetery, she was an 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.); Children: Elizabeth (m. White Wheeler), Patsy (m. James Meadows), Polly Ann (m. William B. Hall), Shadrick, (m. Millie Norris), Lousia Parmelia (m. Loyd Price), (David ?) Green (m. Anna Price), Henry (m. Exie Matilda Rowell), William (m. Rebecca Thomas, Sallie (m. William Williams). Kight, pp. 10, 80-82, 1850 Emanuel # 215, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, Montgomery, pp. 76, 155, Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
KIGHT, SHADRICK II - Born May 20, 1818 in Emanuel County, Georgia, son of Shadrick and Martha Jewell Kight, died May 22, 1893, married on April 18, 1841 to Millie Norris, born Apr. 7, 1828 in Georgia, daughter of William and Behlison Tapley Norris, died Oct. 16, 1900, both are buried in Kite Cemetery; Children: Henry Jasper (m. Delilah F. Riner), William Norris (m. Sarah Tapley), Millie (m. John E. Meadows), Belisen (m. Henry Carr), John Daniel Green (m. Jane Price, Calsy Ross), Louisa (m. Calvin Price), Betty (m. Hezekiah Brantley), Martha (m. John F. Durden), George Saffole (m. Roxy Ann Johnson), Viannah (m. Laurel Frierson), Sylvannus Kay, Andrew McGowan). Kight, pp. 83, 84. 1850 Emanuel # 218, Cemetery, p. 150, Kight, p. 83, Emanuel Marriages A/4, 1870 Johnson # 499.
KIGHT, WILLIAM W. - Born ca. 1830, son of Shadrick and Martha Jewell Kight, married on Jan. 13, 1850 to Rebecca Thomas; Children: Henry, William, John Wesley (m. Mandy Price), Leaston, Julianne, Bennett, Lucille, James (m. Alice Williamson). Kight, p. 82, 1870 Johnson # 449, 450 1860 Johnson # 40, 1850 Emanuel # 215, Emanuel Marriages A/26.
KIRKLAND, SAMUEL - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 52.
KITCHENS, JAMES BRIDGERS - Born in Roberson Co., North Carolina, son of Joseph and Patience Bridgers Kitchen, married 1st on Sept. 23, 1817 to Anna Smith, born in Roberson Co., North Carolina, daughter of Burrell Smith; Children: Sarah (m. Alexander Sumner), Ann (m. Wesley Key); married 2nd to Margaret Smith, born in North Carolina in 1805, daughter of Allen Smith; Children: Joseph Herrington (m. Ruthy Sumner), Catherine (m. Allen Thompson), James Smith (m. Catherine Thompson), Gaston Allen (m. Elizabeth Thompson), Margaret (m. Asa Thompson, Joseph Webb). Footprints, pp. 186-187, 1850 Emanuel # 139, 190.
KITCHENS, JAMES SMITH - Born 1833/4 in Emanuel Co., Ga., son of James Bridgers Kitchens and Margaret Smith, married Catherine Thompson, daughter of
Rev. Robert Thompson, and Mildred Amelia Beasley, born 1833/4 in Emanuel Co., Ga., Children: Joseph R., John W., James A.. 1860 Emanuel # 295.
LAMB, ABRAHAM - First appeared in Georgia in 1765 when he petitioned for a land grant, Soldier of the American Revolution, granted land for his services in Washington County in 1784, the land was probably located in the northern part of present day Emanuel County, married Mary _________ (possibly Nail), died ca. 1802 in Montgomery County; Children: Abraham, Jr., Ruben, a daughter who married Christopher Snell, Isaac, Jesse, Lydia (m. _____ Sanford), Martha (m. ______ Barrow). Lamb, pp. 1-2.
LAMB, ABRAHAM - Lieutenant Capt. Snell's (56th) Dist., 1802, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Land Lottery Winner, 1805. Montgomery, pp. 52, 60, 68, 76, Huxford Magazine, Vol. V., p. 954.
LAMB, ABRAHAM - Born ca. 1795-1804. 1820 Emanuel, p. 86.
LAMB, ISAAC - Possible son of Abraham Lamb. Land Lottery Winner, 57th Dist., 1807, Landowner 57th Dist, 1805/6/11/12. Montgomery, pp. 60, 68, 76, Lamb, p. 2.
LAMB, HEZEKIAH - Born ca. 1800/10, Private Capt. Braswell's Company, Montgomery Co. Militia, War of 1812, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (55th Dist.). 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1820 Emanuel, p. 82, Montgomery, p. 155, 1832 Lottery, p. 307.
LAMB, JESSE - Son of Abraham Lamb, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 68, Lamb, p. 2.
LAMB, JARED - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Oliver's (56th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 149.
LAYTON, HILLARY - Born ca. 1811 in North Carolina, married Elizabeth ______, b. ca. 1817; Children: Lurinda (b. ca. 1839); John L. (b. ca. 1841); 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1850 Washington # 777.
LAYTON, JAMES - Born in 1807/1812, son of John and Clarissa Hartley Layton, died in 1854, married on Jan. 3, 1838 to Zilpha Boatyright, born 1819, died in 1886, daughter of John and Jane Boatright. Children: Elizabeth (b. ca. 1842); John Wesley (b. ca. 1843), William T., (b. ca. 1844, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf., died in service), Zilpha Ann (b. ca. 1846), James Leonard (b. ca. 1847, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf.), Hilary M. (b. ca. 1849), Mary, Francis, and Solomon 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, Washington, p. 453, 1850 Washington # 862, 865, Conf. Roster III, p. 364.
LEWIS, JOSEPH - Born ca. 1775-1795, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2. 1820 Emanuel, p. 78, Montgomery, p. 76.
LIGHTNER, MICHAEL - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Jordan's (55th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 149.
LINDSEY, HENRY - Born 1810/1 in South Carolina, married Falby _______, born 1811/2 in Georgia; Children: Susan, William T. (m. Milsy P. Wilson), Leroy, Martha, Thomas K., and Ann. 1860 Johnson # 76.
LINZY, MARY - Born ca. 1770/80, her illegitimate children were Land Lottery Winners, 1827, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (395th Dist.). 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169, 1850 Emanuel # 553, 1827 Lottery, p. 5, 1832 Lottery, p. 307.
LINDSEY, NELSON - Born ca. 1790 in North Carolina, married Kitsy ________ b. ca. 1803 in North Carolina, children: James T. (b. ca. 1831); David (Pvt. Co. E, 32nd Ga. Inf. b. ca. 1834); Henry (b. ca. 1837); Richard (b. ca. 1839); Susan (b. ca. 1843); Martha (b. ca. 1845). and possibly John (b. ca. 1825, Pvt. Co. E, 32nd Ga. Inf., m. Sarah Ann E. ______). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 111, 801, Conf. Roster III, p. 705.
LOGAN, BENJAMIN - Born ca. 1788, married Ann ________ b. ca. 1800 in Georgia; children: Phillip D. (b. ca. 1833-5, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.); Abigail (b. ca. 1840); Stephen Daniel. (b. ca. 1842, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., died on June 27, 1862) and possibly James (b. ca. 1815, Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.) and Matthew (b. ca. 1820) and William (Co. H. 28th Ga. Inf.. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, 1850 Washington # 746, 724, and 728, Conf. Roster III, p. 411.
LOGAN, DAWSON - Born ca. 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223.
LOVE, CALEB - Born ca. 1783-90 in North Carolina, married Jemima ________, Children: Lemon, Senith, James (m. Mary Logue?), Elephare, Ellen, Emily, Melvina, B. Ann. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1850 Emanuel # 267, 1860 Johnson # 200.
LOVE, JOHN - Born ca. 1775-1795. 1820 Emanuel, p. 78.
LOVE, LEMON - Born 1806/7 in North Carolina, married Mary, born 1814/5 in North Carolina, children: Marshall, Katharine, Nancy, William, Joseph, Martha, and Mary. 1850 Emanuel # 527, 1840 Emanuel 53/22, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
LOYD, DANIEL, SR. - Born 1760 - 1780. Children: Daniel, Jr., and possibly Drewry. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 855, 856.
LOYD, DANIEL, JR. - Born ca. 1808, son of Daniel Loyd, Sr., married Elizabeth ________, born ca. 1809; Children: Joseph B. (b. ca. 1834); Susan E. (b. ca. 1839); Nancy J. (b. ca. 1841); Martha M. (b. ca. 1845); John (b. ca. 1848). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 855.
LOYD, DREWERY - Born ca. 1818, possibly a son of Daniel Loyd, Sr., married Mary Ann M. ________, b. ca. 1824; children: Drewery E. (b. ca. 1848); Martha E. (b. 1850). 1850 Washington # 856.
LUKE, EDWARD - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Oliver's (56th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 149.
LUKE, JOHN- Born ca. 1790-1800. 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167.
LUKE, WILLIAM - 1832 Land Lottery Winner (55th Dist.). 1832 Lottery, p. 307.
LUMPE, JOHN V. - Born 1818/9 in Georgia, carpenter, married 1st unknown, married 2nd Mary ______, born 1834/5 in Georgia; Children: William, Thomas, John, Mikel, F., et al. 1860 Johnson # 172.
LUPOE, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 52, 69.
LUPOE, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 52.
McAFEE, JESSE - Born 1829/30 in North Carolina, married Lucy Johnson on Oct. 9, 1860. Children: Julia, Annie, Catherine. 1860 Johnson # 267, 1870 Johnson # 214.
McCULLERS, CHARLES - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 53.
McCULLERS, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 53, 60, 69.
McDANIEL, ANDREW J. - Born 1820/1 in Georgia; married Elvy _____, born 1822/3 in Georgia, died ca. 1859; Children: James/Randal, Emily, John/Richmond (m. Mary J. Paul), Lolover, and Patsy. 1860 Johnson # 122, 1850 Emanuel # 207.
McDONALD, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 55th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 53.
McKINNEY, CALEB - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 53.
McLANE, HUGH - Born ca. 1800, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D., 1820 Lottery, p. 225, 1840 Emanuel 395/10.
McLEMORE, HOWELL - Born ca. 1790, son of John McLemore and Cressy Clifton Patrick, d. in 1841, buried in Vidalia Cemetery, 1827 Land Lottery Winner, of Chason's Dist, married Mary born 1793 in South Carolina, also said to have married Sarah Goode Kirkland. (See Laurens County History, Vol. II, p. 588) Children: Eliza (b. 1812), Chesley (b. 1813), Ira T. (b. 1/16/1816), and Matilda (b. 1821, m. Travis Thigpen). 1830 Emanuel, 53rd, p. 171, 1840 Emanuel 53/27, 1860 Emanuel # 52, 1827 Lottery, p. 49, 117, Sharpe, p. 372, 376.
McLEMORE, CHESLEY B.- Born 1813/4 in South Carolina, son of Howell and Sarah Goode Kirkland McLemore, married Elizabeth Thigpen, born Nov. 6, 1823, daughter of Melancton and Barbara Ricks Thigpen; Children: William Melancton (b. 2/18/1850, d. 6/5/1937, m. Florence C. Sharpe), Lucien Bostwick (b. 2/9/1852, d. 10/13/1913, m. Corine McGregor), Ira Travis (b. 12/17/1853, d. 6/1/1932, Elizabeth Ann Coursey), Georgia Ann (b. 2/27/1856, d. 10/30/1944, m. Joseph William Sharpe), Sarah Ann (b. 7/30/1858, d. 9/14/1959, m. A.A. Peterson). and Arlia Elvira (b. 2/1/1861, d. 8/11/1957, m. Robert Lee Coursey), Eliza Jane (b. 2/24/1865, d. 10/27/1949, m. Robert Lee Sharpe). See Laurens County History Vol. II, p. 588. Thigpen, p. 117, 1850 Emanuel # 522, 1860 Montgomery # 199, Sharpe, p. 372,377-381.
McLEMORE, IRA T. - Born January 26, 1816 in South Carolina (Barnwell?), son of Howell and Mary McLemore, died on Jan. 26, 1816, buried in Barwick Cemetery, Norristown; married on Feb. 22, 1842 to Phoebie (Pheriba) Barwick, daughter of Nathan B. and Elizabeth Whiddon Barwick, born Apr. 13, 1817, died March 23, 1871, buried in Barwick Cemetery; Children: John L.,(Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf.), Lawson A., (Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf.), George H. Gillis, p. 116, 1850 Emanuel # 519, 1860 Emanuel # 53, Emanuel Marriages A/5, Conf. Roster III, p. 727, Sharpe, p. 372.
MCVAY, W.T. - Born 1834/5 in Georgia, merchant, married Ella M. ______, ca. 1858; Children: George T. etc.. 1860 Johnson # 372.
MADDOX, DAVID - Born ca. 1800, son of Lewis Maddox, married on Jan. 1, 1823 to Elizabeth Linder, born 1801/2; Children: John (b. ca. 1825, m. Eliza Arline in 1851); Jacob (b. ca. 1827, m. in 1856 to Nancy Arline); Nancy (b. ca. 1841); Nathan (b. ca. 1834, m. Mary Holmes), Elizabeth (b. ca. 1836); Rachel (b. ca. 1839); and David (b. ca. 1842, m. Ruthy Snell). 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 31, Laurens I, p. 289, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist.
MADDOX, JAMES R. - Born ca. 1802, son of Lewis Maddox, married Mary _______, b. ca. 1812; Children: Warren (b. ca. 1835, m. Sophronia Hicks in 1856); James (b. ca. 1840, m. Eliza Hilburn); Jane (b. ca. 1842); Mary (b. ca. 1844); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1846). Laurens Mid 1800 p. 31, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist.
MADDOX, LEWIS - Died in 1845. Children: David R.; Rachel (m. Josiah Ellington); Penelope (m. Trammel); John P.; Nancy J. (m. William Adams). Laurens I, p. 277.
MALLOY, BARNABUS- (See Barnabus Melan), 1798 Landowner, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/12. Montgomery, pp. 47, 69, 76.
MARTIN, JAMES - Born ca. 1805, married Milly ______, b. ca. 1815; Children: William E., b. ca. 1838. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, 1850 Washington # 271.
MARTIN, LEMUEL - Born ca. 1807, married Merty _____, b. ca. 1809; Children: Mary A.D. (b. ca. 1834); Eliza E. (b. ca. 1837); Susan F. (b. ca. 1839); Charles A. (b. ca. 1843); James K.P. (b. ca. 1845); John D. (b. ca. 1848). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, 1850 Washington # 281.
MARTIN, PRISCILLA - Born ca. 1777 in North Carolina. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 303.
MASON, DAVID - 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807: Children? (William, John, Nancy, and Mary Chambers). Montgomery, pp. 52, 60, 69. Laurens Records, II, p. 464.
MASON, GEORGE - Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 60, 69, 76.
MASON, GEORGE - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
MASON, HENRY- Born ca. 1800/01 in Georgia, married Elizabeth ________, born 1804/5 in Georgia; Children: John M. (d. June 26, 1862, m. Nicy Wilson), Sarah A. (m. Jonas Trawl Foskey), Jane, Joel G. (m. Eliza Hightower), George Raiford (m. Mary Nancy Jane Mason)., Henry C. (m. Nancy Wilson), Winneford (m. Cephus Wilson), Nancy, Melton C., Elizabeth Amanda (m. Joseph C. Smith), Mary Ann (m. ______ Palmer, _______ Spell), Allie (m. _____ Wiggins, ______ Lamb). 1860 Johnson # 268, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, 1880 Johnson # 145. Researcher: Alice Mason, am1458@tntech.edu.
MASON, JAMES - Probably a son of Turner Mason, born ca. 1801, never married, died 1861, Land lottery Winner, 1821, Oliver's (56th) Dist., Emanuel Co., founder of Snell's Bridge Methodist Church, 1825 (later Maple Springs Meth. Church). 1821 Lottery, p. 149, Laurens DB H, p. 228, Laurens Mid 1800 p. 31, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist. Children: Madison, Miles, Morris R., Pellina, Sarah Ann. Researcher: Alice Mason, aml1458@tntech.edu.
MASON, MADISON HODGES - Born January 24, 1826 (1821) in Georgia, son of James Mason, died April 26, 1898, married Mary A. Frances Ellington, born July 21, 1829 in Georgia, died July 29, 1889, both are buried in Westview Cemetery, she was a daughter of John Ellington and Mary Hightower; Children: Mary Nancy Jane (b. Aug. 18, 1849, m. George Raiford Mason); James Hodges (b. Dec. 28, 1843, m. Lula Moye); Joseph Morris (b. Aug. 10, 1855, m. Sallie Acree); Sarah Elizabeth (b. January 17, 1857, m. Robert Moye); George Thomas (b. Aug. 12, 1858, m. Epsie _________); John Walter (b. March 31, 1860, d. 1861); Charles A. Mason (b. Jan. 14, 1862, m. Mattie Smith, Lila Watt), Reuben (b. Nov. 26, 1863, m. Fannie Bryan); Martha Mabel (b. Oct. 25, 1865, d. Nov. 15, 1865); William Gray Mason (b. 1866, d. 1927, m. Mamie Crutchfield White), and Annie Mabel (b. Jan. 11, 1869, m. William Bland), Lille Frances (b. Oct. 12, 1872, m. Dr. New, Dick Fletcher), Laurens Mid 1800 p. 31, 1860 Johnson # 20, 1870 Johnson # 314, Cemetery p. 442, (Researchers: Alice Mason, am1458@tntech.edu; http://www.mason.math.tntech.edu/alice.htm., Robert B. Turlington, rbt3@worldnet.att.net
MASON, NATHANIEL - His estate owned land, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 76.
MASON, TURNER - Born ca. 1750/60, died ca. 1843. Settled on the Ohoopee River about where Highway 319 crossses the river ( the old Bridge site known as Mason's Bridge; Children: William L. (b. ca. 1787, m. Margaret Pullen, Tamar Padgett); James (b. ca. 1801, d. ca. 1861); Susan; Rebecca (b. ca. 1808, m. Levi Davis); Mary Ann. 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens I, p. 277, Laurens Mid 1800 p. 31.
MASON, WILLIAM L. - Born ca. 1787 in North Carolina, son of Turner Mason; married 1st in 1826? to Margaret Pullen; Children: Louisa (b. ca. 1828), Turner (b. ca. 1824); married 2nd on May 14, 1829 to Tamara Padgett; Children: Daniel (b. ca. 1831); Virginia (b. ca. 1834, d. 1867); James (b. ca. 1837); Susan (b. ca. 1838); Temperance (b. ca. 1841); Drucilla (b. ca. 1844); and Benjamin (b. ca. 1845) 1840 Emanuel, p. 168, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 31, Laurens I, p. 289, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist.
MASSEY, KINCHEN W. - Born in North Carolina, ca. 1805, married Nancy Brantley, born ca. 1809, daughter of Harris Brantley; Children: William (b. ca. 1829), Solomon Harris Brantley (b. ca. 1834, m. Elizabeth Smith); George F. (b. ca. 1839, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 7/19/1862); Jeptha K. (b. 1841, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.); Nancy M. (b. ca. 1844); Robert S. (b. ca. 1847). 1840 Washington 91st p. 213, 1850 Washington # 843, Conf. Roster III, p. 411-2.
MATHIS, LOVEY - Female b. ca. 1880 - 1890. 1840 Washington 89th p. 222.
MAYO, CHARLES - 1804 Jurymember, 55th. Montgomery, p. 52.
MAYO, HOWELL - Born 1801/2 in Georgia, married Youncey/Yoney? _______, born 1802/3 in Georgia; Children: Dempsey W. (b. ca. 1825, m. Martha _______); Rodey E. (b. ca. 1828); Virgil M. (b. ca. 1831); Zilphy A. (b. ca. 1834); Reuben (b. ca. 1832); Marion D.F. (b. ca. 1836, married Martha ________); Warren R.W. (b. ca. 1839, m. Sarah W. ______); Cinderella/Linday (b. ca. 1841), Darius McDonald (b. ca. 1844), Marian/Meriam (b. ca. 1847)l. 1850 Washington # 60; 1860 Johnson # 310.
MAYO, Marion D.F. - Born 1836/7 in Georgia, son of Howell and Yoney Mayo, married Martha ______, born 1837/8 in Georgia. 1860 Johnson # 280.
MAYO, MARK - First granted land in the 55th G.M. District of Washington Co. in 1790, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 60, 69, Grants, p. 417.
MAYO, WARREN R. - Born 1839/40, in Georgia, son of Howell and Yoney Mayo, married Sarah W. _____, born 1840/1 in Georgia. 1860 Johnson # 280.
MAYO, WILEY - Born Nov. 27, 1819 in Georgia, son of Valentine and Winifred Wilder Mayo, died Nov. 7, 1866, married 1st to Nancy Smith; married 2nd on Nov. 28, 1847 to Sarah Geesling, born April 2, 1821/3 in Georgia, daughter of Samuel Geesling, died March, 1913/May, 1905, buried in New Home Cemetery; Children: William C., Williamson, Martha J. (m. Thomas T. Mixon), John, (m. Charlotte Davis); by second wife; Asa D. m. (Susan _________), Robert Toombs (m. Nancy Sarah Jane Mixon), Camilla (m. ________ Conaway), Frances (m. _______ Rachel), Alexander S. (m. Meedia Lindsey), Lula (m. Melton Rachels). 1860 Emanuel # 100, Mixon, pp. 294, 303, Mayo, p. 22, Cemetery, p. 211, 1870 Johnson # 410, 411.
MAYO, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 55th. Montgomery, p. 53.
MEADOWS, DANIEL - Born ca. 1782 in Georgia, mechanic; Children: Hardy, James R. 1850 Emanuel # 210.
MEADOWS, JESSE - 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.), 1832 Lottery, p. 338.
MEADOWS, HARDY - Born 1803/4 in Georgia, (possibly son of Daniel Meadows) married Rebecca _______, born 1811/2 in Georgia; Children: Sarah, William, Frances, Mary, and John. 1850 Emanuel # 201.
MEADOWS, JAMES R. - Born 1808 in Georgia, (possibly son of Daniel Meadows), married Pasty Martha Kight, daughter of Shadrick and Martha Jewell Kight. Children: James Washington (m. Amelia Powell), Jesse Mitchell, William, July Ann (Lawson Anderson), Matilda, Cannie S. (m. Martha Amanda Price, Mattie McLeod), Martha (m. Emanuel Price), Dicy Ann, J.M., James B. (m. Celia Tyson?) and Jane. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, 1840 Emanuel 55/18, 1850 Emanuel # 232, Powell, p. 171, Kight, p. 80.
MEAD0WS, JAMES WASHINGTON - Born Aug. 12, 1832, son of James R. and Martha Kight Meadows, married Amelia (Milly) E. Powell, born Jan. 24, 1829, daughter of Silas and Letha Webb Powell, died Nov. 8, 1888, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Saffold Jesse (m. Ella Jenkins), Cannie S. (Swain?), m. Sophronia Moseley, Silas Bookie (m. Matilda Odum), Sarah (m. William Lewis), Lady (m. W. Robert Pool), Ernest Otto (m. Mabel Douglas, Nina Banks DeLoach), Pearl (m. James C. Austin), and Elza Lee (m. Annie Dickson, Sara Brazell). 1870 Johnson # 581, 1860 Johnson # 119, Powell, p. 171,172, Cemetery, p. 242.
MEEKS, ALLEN - Born 1776/7 in North Carolina, possibly a son of Francis Meeks, Sr., of Pitt County, North Carolina, may have come from Greene Co., N.C. after 1800, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.), married Susannah Tyson, born 1778/9 in North Carolina, Children: Allen Jr. (m. Mary ______), Retta (m. Edward Rhiner), Delitha (m. Willis Johnson), Martha (m. Elijah Beasley), Spencer (m. Elizabeth Outlaw). 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1840 Emanuel 56/46, 1850 Emanuel 266, Tapley, p. 53, 66, 137, 1800 N.C., p. 593, 1832 Lottery, p. 338.
MEEKS, ALLEN JR. - Born 1804/5 in South Carolina, married Mary, born 1811/2 in Georgia; Children: Allen T. (m. Tempy Stephens), Nancy, Sealy, Mary, John, Elisha, William, Pvt. Co. H, 48th Ga. Inf., and Jane. 1860 Johnson # 135, 1850 Emanuel #192, 1840 Emanuel 55/11.
MEEKS, CHARLES - Born April 30, 1797 in Pitt Co., N.C., died Jan. 13, 1877 in Coffee County, buried in Meeks Cemetery, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist., married Lydia Rhiner, daughter of Amos and Elizabeth Rhiner; Children: Willoughby (m. Elizabeth Taylor), Hymerick (m. Martha Davis), Merritt (m. Mary Ann Morrison), William/ Billy (m. Narcissus Lott), Edward Simpson (m. Mary Roberts), Mary Ann (m. Gray Roberts), Charles Wesley (m. Lucy Moore), and Eliza Ann (Charles Warren Dodge). 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1821 Lottery, p. 163, Wiregrass I, p. 180, Riner, p. 5.
MEEKS, FRANCIS - Born ca. 1770 in North Carolina, son of William Meeks, R.S., moved to Georgia in 1810 may have come from Bladen Co., N.C., died in 1822 in Emanuel County, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist.,; Children: Charles C. (m. Lydia Rhiner). 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, Wiregrass Vol. 1, page 180, 1800 N. Carolina, p. 45, 1821 Lottery, p. 163.
MEEKS, JONAS - Born 1768/9 in North Carolina, may have come from Bladen Co., N.C., married Seally/ Celia (Tyson?), born 1789/90 in North Carolina. Children: Jonas, Jr., etc. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, 1840 Emanuel 56/5, 1850 Emanuel # 353, Tapley, p. 120, 1800 N. Carolina, p. 40.
MEEKS, JONAS, JR. - Born 1811/2 in North Carolina, married Appy Townsen, born 1810/11 in Georgia, Children: Henry (Meeks, Ga. was named after him) (m. Mary Ann J. Wilson), Jonas, III, Silas, Allen, Stephen, James?, 1880 Johnson 56th # 252, 1870 Johnson # 569, 1860 Johnson # 250, 1850 Emanuel # 401.
MEEKS, MARTIN- Born ca. 1800/10. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168.
MEEKS, NOAH - Land Lottery Winner, 1827, of Whiddon's Dist.. 1827 Lottery, p. 49.
MEEKS, REDDING - Born ca. 1795-1804, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist. 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, 1821 Lottery, p. 163.
MEEKS, REUBEN - Land Lottery Winner, 1827, of Whiddon's Dist.. 1827 Lottery, p. 126.
MEEKS, REV. SPENCER - Born 1809/10 in North Carolina, son Allen and Susannah Tyson Meeks, married Elizabeth Outlaw/Townsend, born 1814/5 in Georgia, Children: Spencer Allen (m. Mary Ann Rhiner), Daniel (m. Mary T. McWhorter), Adaline (m. William M. Rhiner, Jr., Joseph W. Rowland), Manda, Bennett (m. Frances Harrell), Morgan, William Riley (m. Sarah E. Williams), Missouri, Elizabeth, John, George, Feby B.. 1840 Emanuel 56/47, 1850 Emanuel # 391, 1860 Johnson # 35, 1870 Johnson # 469, 1880 Johnson # 234, 235, 236, 237, Tapley, p. 51, 74.
MEEKS, SPENCER ALLEN - Born Oct. 14, 1834, son of Spencer and Elizabeth Townsend? Meeks, Private Co. F, 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., wounded and captured at Gettysburg, PA, released at Fort Delaware, June 7, 1865, died Oct. 24, 1912, buried at Pilgrim's Rest Church Cemetery, married Mary Ann Rhiner, born Oct. 1842, daughter of James Russell and Pheriba Trull Rhiner; Children: Georgia Ann, Eugenia, Mary, Dennis Sherman, David, Warren, and Betty. Riner, p. 56, 1870 Johnson # 36.
MEEKS, STANDLEY - Born 1819/20 in North Carolina, married Elizabeth, born 1821/22 in South Carolina, Children: Reubin, John, Aaron. 1840 Emanuel 56/13, 1850 Emanuel 354.
MEEKS, STEPHEN - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, married Elizabeth _____, born 1815/16; Children: Ruben, John, Aaron, Elizabeth, 1860 Johnson # 65.
MELAN, BARNABUS - (See Barnabus Malloy) 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., 1820 Lottery, p. 225.
MERRICK, MILLS - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 76.
MILES, JESS L. - 1804 Jurymember, 55th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 53.
MIMBS, BENJAMIN, SR. - Born ca. 1750/60. Children: Benjamin (m. Lydia _______), John (m. Katherine _____), and possibly George (m. Ann Eliza Daniel), Sally (m. Fleet Pope), Jemima (m. Nathan Garnto), Polly (m. Davis Tucker). 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens I, p. 281, 286, 289.
MIMBS, BENJAMIN, JR. - Born 1805/6 in Georgia, son of Benjamin Mimbs, died ca. 1873, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (Rick's Dist. of Laurens County), he was also known as Benjamin B. Mimbs, married Lydia _________, born in South Carolina in 1807/8; Children: Benjamin (m. Nancy Jackson), John, Jensey (m. Meredith Graham), Calvin, Alsey (m. William Spell), Hannah, Ann Elizabeth. Laurens Mid 1800, p. 32, 1832 Lottery, p. 355, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist., 52nd Dist.
MIMBS, DAVID - First granted land in the 55th G.M. Dist. of Montgomery Co. in 1801. Grants, p. 457, Tax Digests, p. 100.
MIMBS, ELIZABETH - Appears owning land in Laurens County in 1853. 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist.
MIMBS, HENRY - Appears owning land in Laurens County in 1853. 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist.
MIMBS, JESSE - Born ca. 1780-90, Possible children by 1st wife: Elizabeth (m. Kindred M. Jones), Polly (m. Jesse Floyd) [Jesse was the only male Mimms in Laurens County with daughters of marrying age - see 1840 Census], married 2nd on April 15, 1838 to Rebecca Rye, born 1813/4 in North Carolina; Children: Harriet, Elizabeth, Lucinda, William. 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 32, Laurens I, p. 292, 295.
MIMBS, JOHN - Born ca. 1810, son of Benjamin Mimbs, Sr., died 1843 in Laurens County, married Katherine _______ (she married 2nd to a Clements); Children: John L. (m. Katherine Flanders). 1840 Laurens, p. 166.
MIMBS, JOHN L. - Born June 18, 1830 in Laurens County, Georgia, son of John and Katherine Mimms, died on April 1, 1900, buried in Bay Springs Cemetery, married on Sept. 24, 1848 to Katherine Flanders, born August 14, 1829, (probably a daughter of Barnabus Flanders), died on March 20, 1869, buried in Flanders/Mimbs Cemetery near Aaron Odom Cemetery. Children: Martha A. (married Amos D. Garnto), James Caswell (m. Etta ______, Mary, Jinnie, Julia, Missouri (m. Dennis Ivey), Raiford (m. Ella Pope), Thomas, Nathan (m. Mary Webb), Orilla, married 2nd on March 8, 1871 to Anne Parker, born June 10, 1840, probably a daughter of Porter and Mary Pope Parker, died June 20, 1914, buried in Bay Springs Cemetery, Children: Stephen, Mary, Carintha (m. Willis B. Ivey), John Wiley, and Emmett. 1850 Emanuel # 361, 1860 Laurens p. 594. 1870 Laurens # 1195, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 218, Cemetery, p. 9, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 34, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 282, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist..
MIMBS, SARAH - Born 1780/90. 1840 Emanuel 395/21
MIXON, GEORGE G. - Born 1840, son of William Wesley and Mary Ann Pollock Mixon, died Feb. 10, 1914, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, married on Feb. 7, 1865 to Amanda Powell, born Oct. 29, 1842, daughter of Lanier and Milly Ross Powell, she married 1st to John Bird, who lost his life in the Civil War and by whom she had Cecilia Bird (m. Lee Price), Millie (m. Ricey Price), died Sept. 5, 1827, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Elizabeth, James Thomas (m. Ida Page), William Lanier (m. Mattie Belle Shepherd), Bennett Mixon (m. Molly Wiloughby). Mixon, pp. 296-302, Cemetery, pp. 248, 249, 1870 Johnson # 424.
MIXON, JOHN POLLOCK - Born July 9, 1834, son of William Wesley and Mary Ann Pollock Mixon, died Jan. 4, 1910, married Martha Rowland on Nov. 25, 1859, daughter of Williamson and Louisa Rowland, born Feb. 4, 1837, died Mar. 21, 1910, both are buried in Kite Cemetery; Children: Vasti (m. Sheriff J.A. Crawford), Elizabeth (m. Richard Lovett), Lindy (m. Dr. Marcus L. Peacock), John Pollock, Jr., Treutlen Co. State Representative, 1921-22, (m. Hannah Peacock). Mixon, p. 295, 1860 Johnson # 80, 1870 Johnson # 459, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 322, 323.
MIXON, RICHARD CORNELIUS - Born ca. 1842, son of William Wesley and Mary Ann Pollock Mixon, Private Co. F 14th Ga. Regiment, married on Feb. 20, 1863 to July Ann Rowland, daughter of Williamson and Louisa Rowland, born ca. 1843; Children: Nancy, Joanne (m. William B. Tapley, Cincinnatus C. Tapley), Isaac. Mixon, p. 303, Tapley, p. 77, 1870 Johnson # 412.
MIXON, THOMAS T (Thad?). - Born Feb. 18, 1843, son of William Wesley and Mary Ann Pollock Mixon, died Oct. 22, 1922, buried in New Home Church Cemetery, married on Oct. 14, 1863 to Martha Mayo, born May 23, 1844, daughter of Wiley and Sarah Geesling Mayo, died April 25, 1923, buried in New Home Church Cemetery; Children: Augustus, George W. (m. Mary Emma Kight), Nancy, Mary, Francis, M.R. Cemetery, p. 223, 1870 Johnson # 443, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 109.
MIXON, WILLIAM WESLEY - Born ca. 1800 in South Carolina, son of Michael Cornelius Mixon, died Apr. 18, 1864, lived for a while in Screven County, came to Ohoopee area circa 1848, married Mary Ann Pollock, born Oct. 9, 1810, died March 28, 1855, both are buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; William Wesley, Jr., (m. Sarah Cordry, Louisa Cordry), Elizabeth (m. George Cordry), John Pollock (m. Martha Rowland), George G. (m. Amanda Powell), Richard M. Cornelius (m. Julia Ann Rowland), Thomas Thaddeus (m. Martha Mayo), Nancy Sarah Jane (m. Robert T. Mayo), James Knox Polk, (m. m. Susan Matilda Bryant), Mixon, pp. 293-303, 1850 Emanuel # 217, Tapley, p. 77, Cemetery, p. 228.
MIXON, WILLIAM WESLEY, JR. - Born March 1, 1831, Screven County, Georgia, son of William Wesley and Mary Ann Pollock Mixon, first mayor of Wrightsville, 1886, Ordinary of Johnson County, Private Co. G, 57th Ga. Regiment, C.S.A., died Aug. 11, 1897, married on Dec. 25, 1854, to Sarah Cordry, born 1836, died April 13, 1861, both buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Mary Ann (m. William Moorman), Nancy S.E. (m. Jim Hightower); married 2nd to Louisa Cordry Barnes on Dec. 25, 1864, born April 13, 1836, died Oct. 26, 1807; Children: Emma Louise (m. Gideon C. Raines), Annie (m. Joseph Hutchinson), William W., III (m. Louisa Barnes?), Ella B. (m. J.D. Hutchinson), Nona Belle (m. Lee Barnes), Alice Gertrude (m. William F. Dent), Charles Thomas (m. Mamie Hudson), William Henry (m. Mamie Jane Woods), Alfred Clifford. Mixon, pp. 294-5, 1860 Johnson # 85, 1870 Johnson # 310, 1880 Johnson # 12, Cemetery, p. 228.
MONTFORD, HENRY S. - Born ca. 1831, married Anna Smith. Mid 1800 People, p. 32, 1853 Tax Digest, 87th Dist.
MONTGOMERY, ENOCH - Born 1834/5 in Georgia, Pvt. Co. F, 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died in Virginia in 1862, married Elizabeth ______________, born 1819/20 in Georgia; Children: Jane, Julia, Mary. In 1850 he was living in the household of Swain M. Fortner. 1850 Emanuel # 225, 1860 Johnson # 202.
MOODY, D.M. - Born 1817/8 in Georgia, married Martha _______, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: Enoch, Margaret, Sarah, Susan, Belle. 1860 Johnson # 294.
MOORE, WILLIAM M. - Born ca. 1832, Co. H, 48th Ga. Infantry, died of disease on July 9, 1862, married on Nov. 17, 1853 to Lydia Riner, daughter of William and Eliza Key Riner, Children: John W., William J., Sarah E., and Lourance A.. Riner, p. 53.
MOORMAN, SIMEON J. - Born 1829/30 in Georgia, son of William B. Moorman, married Louisa _______, born 1830/1 in Georgia; Children: Everett, Catherine, Josephine, William, Lee Ann, Georgiann/George, Mary, Betsey, Oracher/Honora?, Charles. 1860 Johnson # 63, 1870 Johnson # 534, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 272, Laurens I, p. 278.
MORRIS, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1780 - 1790. 1840 Washington 91st p. 214.
MORRISON, DANIEL - Born ca. 1790-1800. 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169.
MORRISON, DANIEL - Landowner 54th Mont. Co., 1811/2, Montgomery, p. 76.
MORRISON, HUGH - Born ca. 1760-1770. 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169.
MOXLEY, JOHN - Born 1793/5 in Georgia, married Mary, born 1800/3 in Georgia, Children: James, Private Co. H., 48th Ga. Inf., Sarah, John, Mary Ann, Abner, Ester, Joney, Mary Ann, Jane. 1850 Emanuel # 187, 1860 Emanuel # 38.
MOXLEY, WILLIAM - Born 1795/6 in Georgia, married Jane born 1809/10; Children: Christa Ann, Martha, Sarah, Susannah, Matthew, Joseph, and Willliam, Jr. 1850 Emanuel # 409.
MOYE, GEORGE III - Born 1752, son of George Moye, Jr., died in 1842, married Sara Griffin, dau. of Richard and Concord Griffin. Children: James E. (b. 1790, m. Martha Thompkins), Duron G. (b. 1799), John E. (b. 1801), Elizabeth (m. George Batts, Bennett Womble), Isaac (b. 1803, m. Letitia Forbes, Nancy Kittrell), Thomas E. (b. 1804, m. Martha ______), Robert W. (m. Elizabeth ______). 1840 Washington 89th p. 221, Washington, p. 461.
MOYE, ISAAC - Born 1803 in Georgia, son of George Moye III and Sara Griffin; married first to Letitia Forbes in Washington Co. on December 12, 1833, married Nancy Kittrell, Children: Mandy (b. ca. 1842); John C. (b. ca. 1844, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf., died on March 28, 1862); Mary F. (b. ca. 1848); Isaac L., (b. ca. 1853); Andrew D. (b. ca. 1854); Samuel J. (b. ca. 1857); and Sarah M. (b. 1860). 1850 Washington # 367. 1860 Johnson # 289, Washington Records, p. 95, Washington, p. 461, Conf. Roster III, p. 364.
MOYE, THOMAS E. - Born ca. 1804 in Georgia, son of George Moye III and Sarah Griffin; married Martha _______, b. ca. 1817 in North Carolina. Children: George W. (b. ca. 1830, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 12/16/1862); B.A. (b. ca. 1834, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf.); Louisa (b. ca. 1838); Ellen (b. ca. 1841); Robert (b. ca. 1845); John (b. ca. 1847). 1850 Washington # 332, Conf. Roster III, p. 364.
MUSGROVE, JOHN S. - Born ca. 1800/1810, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist. 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1821 Lottery, p. 163.
NASWORTHY, GEORGE W. - Born 1826/7 in Georgia, married on Jan. 13, 1850 to Juliann Abigail Swain, born Feb. 5, 1832, died May 25, 1891, buried in Minton Chapel Cemetery; Children: William C., Martin J. (m. Roxie ______, John J. (m. Sara Frances Williams), James M., Henry M., 1850 Emanuel # 147, 1860 Johnson # 131, Cemetery, pp. 174, 178, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 219, Emanuel Marriages A/25.
NEEL, DANIEL - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Oliver's (56th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 149.
NEEL, HENRY A. - Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's. Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
NEEL, HENRY GREEN - Born on Dec. 12, 1831 in Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Mitchell Neel and Elizabeth Riner, Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, arried Celia _____, born ca. 1833; Children: Elizabeth, Kilgoro, and James R.. Riner, p. 52.
NEEL, HEZEKIAH - Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, his orphans were 1832 Land Lottery Winners from the 395th Dist.. Emanuel Militia, p. 3, 1832 Lottery, p. 382.
NEEL, JAMES L. - Born ca. 1833, son of Mitchell Neel and Elizabeth Riner, Co. F, 48th Ga. Inf., killed at the battle of Second Manassas, Va. on Aug. 30, 1862. (May have had a son, James M. Neel who married A.L. Riner), Riner, p. 52.
NEEL, J.W. - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married ca. 1858 to Louisa J. ______, born 1838/9 in Georgia; Children: James M., et al. 1860 Johnson # 140.
NEEL, JOHN - Born before 1775, Landowner 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2, Montgomery, p. 76, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86.
NEEL, JOHN - Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's. Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
NEEL (NIEL), MITCHELL- Born ca. 1790/1800 in Alabama, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (55th Dist.), died before 1840, married Elizabeth Rhiner, daughter of Amos and Elizabeth Rhiner, she was a charter member of Sardis Baptist Church, 1853; Children: Maryann Jane, Young K., Henry Green (m. Celia _____), James L. (m. Louisa ______), Elizabeth Matilda, and Eliza Ann. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, 1832 Lottery, p. 382, Riner, p. 52.
NEEL, SARAH - Born ca. 1800/1810. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169.
NEEL, THOMAS - Born before 1775, 1798 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery Montgomery, pp. 47, 53, 61, 70, 77, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86.
NEEL, YOUNG K. - Born ca. 1830, son of Mitchell Neel and Elizabeth Riner, Co. F, 48th Ga. Inf., died at Falling Creek, Va. in 1862.
NEEL, Z.R. - Born 1829/30 in Georgia. 1860 Johnson # 139.
NEW, DANIEL MCGIRA - Born ca. 1770 in South Carolina, died in Washington Co., married Rachel Martin, born in North Carolina in 1783. Children: Ezra (b. 1815, m. Lucinda Webster), Sittian (b. 1816, m. William Hull), John Florence (b. 1817, m. Nancy Jane Harrison), Elizabeth (b. 1822), Stephen (b. 1827, m. Elizabeth Adkins), Sarah (m. Bridges Price). Washington, p. 464, 1850 Washington # 653.
NEW, EZRA - Born in 1815 in South Carolina, son of Daniel McGira New and Rachel Martin, married Lucinda Webster (b. 1816); Children: Ann (b. 1835), Axa (b. 1837), Sarah Ann (b. 1840 (m. Bridges Price, Ezra Martin), Daniel (b. 1843, m. Martha Price, Mary Waller), John (b. 1844), Mary Jane (b. 1846) William Henry (b. 1848, m. Julie Kate Price), James (b. 1851. Washington, p. 464, 1850 Washington # 620.
NEW, JOHN FLORENCE - Born in 1817 in South Carolina, son of Daniel McGira New and Rachel Martin, married Nancy Jane Harrison, b. 1823, dau. of Joseph Harrison and Esther Matilda Jenkins. Children: Stephen Florence (b. 1845, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., m. Martha Elizabeth Wood), Elizabeth (b. 1849, died young), Sitia Ann (b. 1852, m. Thomas Sweat), Matilda (b. 1854, died young), Octavia (b. 1857, m. Fulford Bush), Susan (b. 1858), Lila (b. 1860, m. Russell Kight). Washington, p. 464, 1850 Washington # 655, Conf. Roster III, p. 412, Wood, p. 14.
NEW, STEPHEN FLORENCE - Born on Feb. 18, 1845, son of John Florence New and Nancy Jane Harrison, married Martha Elizabeth Wood, born Feb. 8, 1848, d. Jan. 15, 1931, daughter of James Raiford Wood and Martha Chester. Pvt. Co. H., 28th Ga. Inf.. Children: Mary Victoria (b. 12/31/1866, d. 6/8/1931, m. Charlie Rogers); John Florence (b. 10/22/1868, d. 8/25/1843, m. Helen Estelle Joiner); Martha Jane (b. 5/11/1870, d. 12/13/1943, m. W. Allen Bellflower); Nancy Ann Elizabeth (b. 6/3/1872, d. 6/12/1906, m. William S. Page); Eda Earl (b. 3/5/1874, d. 9/20/1861, m. Dr. William Braxton Taylor); Benjamin Thomas (b. 4/27/1876, d. 3/19/1889); James Ezra (b. 6/18/1878, 12/11/1942, m. Julia Maude Brantley); Charles Spurgeon (b. 1/23/1880, d. 2/21/1956, m. Lucile Malone Digby); Minnie Lee (b. 9/11/181, d. 2/23/1945, m. Charles Alford Shepard); Sunie Bell (b. 2/14/1884, d. 2/25/1961, m. Richard Rockett), David Mack Guire (b. 2/15/1886, d. 4/29/1943); Stephen Parker (b. 3/11, 1888, d. 1974, m. Ruth Hightower). Wood, p. 15.
NORRIS, ISAAC -Born ca. 1791 in South Carolina, married Mary _______, d. 1860, Johnson County, Ga. Landowner, 55th Mont. Co. 1811/2, Georgia, 1820 Land Lottery winner, 55th G.M.D. Children: Millie (b. 10/18/1818, d. 10/29/1844, m. Lanier Powell); Elizabeth (m. ______ Cannon); Martha (b. 7/16/1821, d. 1/10/1894, m. Andrew G. Townsend). 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1820 Lottery, p. 254, 1850 Emanuel # 220, Montgomery, p. 77, Johnson Will Book A, p. 7.
NORRIS, JOHN - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, married Anna _____, born 1827/8 in Georgia; Children: George W., Julia, John, Elisha F., Joseph M., William, et al. 1860 Johnson # 5.
NORRIS, JORDAN - Born 1835/6 in Georgia, son of William and Delosia Norris, married on September 7, 1853 to Judy Ann Huffman, born 1837/8 in Georgia; Children: Elizabeth, John, and Wineford. 1860 Johnson # 265, Emanuel Marriages A/44, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 76.
NORRIS, WILLIAM- Born 1804/5 in South Carolina, Baptist Minister, married Delosia ________, born 1808/9 in Georgia, died between 1850 and 1860; Children: Isaac (m. Elizabeth Powell), Benjamin, Jordan (m. Judy Ann Huffman), John, Mary, William, James, Elizabeth, Saffy, Piercey, Swain (m. Susan E. Tapley), Martha, Nancy. 1860 Johnson # 36, 1850 Emanuel # 224, Emanuel Marriages A/19,44, 1880 1203rd # 84.
NORRIS, WILLIAM - Landowner 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, Montgomery, p. 77.
ODOM, AARON G.- Born on April 8, 1819 in Emanuel County, son of Rev. Archibald and Isabella Elizabeth Anderson, died on October 29, 1894 in Laurens County, buried in Aaron Odom Cemetery, moved to Laurens County where he settled on the current Hubert Fulford Road; married Mahala Hall on Oct. 22, 1847 in Laurens County, born March 9, 1823 in Emanuel County, died on February 6, 1905 buried in Aaron Odom Cemetery, daughter of William Hall, and who married first Daniel Green, Jr., son of Daniel Green, Sr. of Emanuel County, and by whom had Martha Malinda Green (m. James C. Snell); Children: A. Ellavania (b. 1849, d. 1884, m. Ira H. Hilbun), Arphilla (b. ca. 1851); Milledge (b. ca. 1853, m. Martha A. _______); Artrinity V. (b. ca. 1856, m. on Feb. 16, 1873 to Madison V. Hilbun); Ocalla (b. 1858, d. 1926, m. George W. Carter), Francis Luella (b. 1860, m. Thomas A. Miller), possibly others. Laurens Mid 1800, p. 33, Deed Book W, pages 189, 195, Laurens County Records, 1860 Laurens # 110, 1880 Laurens # 261, 316, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist..
ODOM, REV. ARCHIBALD- Born September 7, 1796 in Georgia, his father may have come from the Barnwell District of Prince George Parrish, S.C., Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, died Aug. 17, 1873, married Isabella Elizabeth Anderson, born May 16, 1796 in South Carolina, died Sept. 3, 1873, both are buried in Odom Cemetery, Emanuel County, Georgia. Moved to Ohoopee area shortly before 1815. He was a Primitive Baptist minister. 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D.; Children: Elija Samuel (m. Rutha Goff), Lydia (m. Riley Watts), Aaron G. (m. Mahala Hall Green), Winneford (m. William W. Barwick), Richard A. (Arlia Thigpen), Elizabeth (m. John Barwick), Lurenia, Merida Norris (m. Elizabeth Kea). 1860 Emanuel # 93, 1850 Emanuel, # 350, 1840 Emanuel 56/8, Hutcheson, p. 252, Tapley, pp. 107, 153, 1820 Lottery, p. 260, 1800 S. Carolina, p. 55, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
ODOM, ARCHIBALD WILLIAM - Born Nov. 23, 1845, son Elijah Samuel and Rutha Goff Odom, died Feb. 16, 1924, married 1st to __________ Flanders, Children: William Henry Odom (m. Etta Henrietta NeSmith); married 2nd on Nov. 4, 1877 to Adra Ann Sarusha Drake, daughter of Francis Bryant and Selina King Drake, born July 15, 1852, died March 27, 1937, both are buried at Little Flock Cem. in Collins, GA.; Children: Martha (m. William Nail), Mary Frances (m. John Morgan NeeSmith), Iola Melissa (m. Burl Parris Lynn), Oscar (m. Josephine Cribbs), Hilliard, Rufus (m. Della Callaway), and Lou Anna (m. Benjamin Remer Hall. Drake, pp. 617-664.
ODOM, DEMPSEY - 1804 Jurymember, 55th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 53.
ODOM, ELIJAH SAMUEL, Born Sept. 17, 1816 in Emanuel County, Georgia, son of Archibald and Isabella Elizabeth Anderson Odom, married Oct. 29, 1835 in Laurens County to Rutha Goff, dau. of William and Delila Goff of Laurens County. He died before 1870. She died Dec. 23, 1895. Both are buried in Odom Cemetery. Children: William Goff, Elizabeth (m. Levi Webb, John W. Harrell, Julia Ann (m. T.M. Meadows, Leonard Hutcheson), Catherine (m. Lawson W. Riner, William R. Harrell), Eliza Jane (m. Henry H. Hutcheson), Elijah Anderson (m. Sarah Anne Marintha Durden), Archibald William (m. Jemima Flanders, Adra Drake), Delila (Joseph Hutcheson), Bennett (m. Mary Ann Watts), Nancy Ann (m. Daniel Smith), Emery Samuel (m. Nancy Flanders), Mary Ann (m. Merida Watts), Ellafair (m. Euguene Roberts, Mr. Rowland), Elmira (m. A. Chess Flanders). 1860 Emanuel # 92, 1850 Emanuel # 351, 1840 Emanuel 56/9, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, Hutcheson, p. 253, Tapley, p. 129, Laurens I, p. 289.
ODOM, JAMES - 1832 Land Lottery Winner (Swain's Dist, 55th). 1832 Lottery, p. 392.
ODOM, DR. MERIDA NORRIS - Born March 15, 1837, son of Archibald and Isaella Elizabeth Anderson, 3rd Sergeant, Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died May 14, 1900, married Elizabeth Kea Odom, born 1852, daughter of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea; Children: George Washington (b. 12/31/1878, 1/31/1918), Nettie E. (m. William Wilkins Tapley), Hattie (m. Angus Welton Tapley), DeSaussure Ford, Clara May, Hilliard (b. ca. 1880), Emerinth (b. 1889, d. 1949). Tapley, pp. 107, 155, 158, 1850 Emanuel # 350, Conf. Register, III, p. 722, Key 1, p. 456.
ODOM, RICHARD ARCHIBALD - born Feb. 22, 1823, son of Rev. Archibald and Isabella Elizabeth Anderson, Pvt. Co. B, 20th Ga. Inf., C.S.A, died on Feb. 3, 1900, married Arlia Ann Thigpen, daughter of Melanchton and Barbara Ricks Thigpen, born July 11, 1830, died Nov. 1926; Children: Archibald Paul (b. 1852, d. 1934, m. Julia Ross), Josephine (b. 1855, d. 1909, m. ______ Burns/Byrnes), John (m. Mattie Horton), Virginia Lee (m. John Job Leach), Lula (m. Daniel Walker), Richard Virgil (b. 1868, d. 1922, m. on Jan. 7, 1900 to Melissa Keen/King), Robert Lucien (b. 1880, d. 1926, m. on Sept. 26, 1897 to Mary Chafin). 1850 Emanuel # 350, Thigpen, p. 119, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist., Sharpe, p. 376.
ODOM, RICHARD - 1798 Montgomery Co., Landowner. Montgomery, p. 47.
ODOM, WILLIAM - Private Capt. Braswell's Co., Montgomery Co. Militia, War of 1812, Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's. Montgomery, p. 155, Emanuel Militia, p. 2.
OLIVER, ASA - Born ca. 1790. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 838.
OLIVER, JAMES - Born ca. 1800 - 1810. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
OLIVER, JOHN G.- Born ca. 1775-1795, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D., 1820 Lottery, p. 260, 1820 Emanuel, p. 84.
OLIVER, JOHN L. - Born ca. 1805, married Letissa (b. ca. 1818); Children: Sarah A. (b. ca. 1836); Eldridge (b. ca. 1837); William (b. ca. 1839, Pvt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 5/20/1864); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1840); Mary A. (b. ca. 1842); and John (b. ca. 1843). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, 1850 Washington # 283, Conf. Roster III, p. 364.
O'NIEL, HENRY- Landowner 56th Mont. Co., 1812, Montgomery, p. 77.
OUTLAW, ALEXANDER - Born 1770/71 in Georgia, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist., married Lety, born 1793/4 in South Carolina, Children: William, John, Mary, Martha, Nancy, and possibly Charles C. and Morgan. 1850 Emanuel # 377, 1840 Emanuel 56/37, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1821 Lottery, p. 187.
OUTLAW, CHARLES - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, blacksmith, married Eliza _______, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Steven W., Martha, Jordan, Mary, George M., Elephare, Elizabeth, Parmelia. 1860 Johnson # 357, 1870 Johnson # 305.
OUTLAW, EDWARD, SR. - Born ca. 1770, settled on the eastside of Cedar Creek where he was first granted land in 1790, 1797/8 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Montgomery, 1805/06/11/12, Land Lottery Winner, 1805, Land Lottery Winner, 1821, Oliver's (56th) Dist., Children: Edward. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, Montgomery, pp. 47, 53, 61, 70, 77, 1821 Lottery, p. 187, Dublin Post 5/5/1886, p. 3.
OUTLAW, EDWARD, JR. - Born ca. 1795-1804, son of Edward Outlaw, Sr., 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84.
OUTLAW, ELIZABETH - 1805 Land Lottery Winner. Montgomery, p. 61.
OUTLAW, JORDAN F. - Born 1827/8 in Georgia, married on Dec. 21, 1847 in Washington Co. to Mary Elizabeth Peacock, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Mary Annie F. (b. ca. 1849); Harriett, George D., Susan, etc. 1870 Johnson # 326, 1860 Johnson # 371, 1850 Washington # 702, Washington Records, p. 97.
OUTLAW, JEREMIAH - 1805 Land Lottery Winner. Montgomery, p. 61.
OUTLAW, JESSE- Landowner 56th Mont. Co., 1812, Montgomery, p. 77.
OUTLAW, JOHN - 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 47, 53, 61, 70.
OUTLAW, MORGAN - Born 1801/2 in Georgia, Children: Morgan (m. Roxann M.C. Snell), Elizabeth, Allifari, Harriett. 1850 Emanuel # 372, 1840 Emanuel 56/41, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 219.
OUTLAW, MORGAN A. - Born 1825/6 in Georgia, son of Morgan Outlaw, married Roxann M.C. Snell, born 1830/1 in Emanuel County; Children: John C.M., Nancy J., Ann L., Georgian, Victory, Andrew M, Mary, Mollie, McBeth, Thomas W. (James?). 1880 Johnson # 17, 1870 Johnson # 315, 1860 Johnson # 356, 1850 Emanuel # 374.
OUTLAW, WILLIAM D. - Born 1831/2 in Georgia, son of Alexander and Letty Outlaw, married Elizabeth ________, born 1837/8 in Georgia, Children: Edward, Mary, John Ellen, Ruben, (Dacton?). 1860 Johnson # 196, 1870 Johnson # 296, 1880 Johnson # 18.
OUTLAW, WILLIAM F. - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, married Martha, born 1841/2; Children: Elizabeth. 1860 Johnson # 46.
OVERSTREET, JAMES - Born 1818/9 in Georgia, married Sarah ______, born 1826/7 in Georgia; Children: William, James H., Wesley, Rocksey, Viannah, Mary J., et al. 1860 Johnson # 138.
PADGETT, ELIJAH - 1804 Jurymember, 55th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 53.
PADGETT, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 55th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 53.
PAGE, ALLEN A. - Born 1824/5 in Georgia, died April 23, 1901, married on May 30, 1849 in Washington County to Elizabeth Webb, born 1828/9 in Georgia, daugther of John Webb; Children: Mary J. (b. 1850), Thomas, John N., William A. (m. Mourning Price), Vister A., Joseph Morgan (b. 1860, d. 1934, m. Melissa Jackson), Betsy, James. 1850 Washington # 294, 1860 Johnson # 281, 1870 Johnson # 121, 1880 Johnson # 428, Washington Records, p. 96, Washington Estates, p. 15, Laurens Co. History, Vol. 1, p. 439, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
PAGE, JOSEPH - Born 1835/6 in Georgia, blacksmith, may have married Elizabeth E. Walker on Dec. 27, 1870. 1860 Johnson # 17.
PAGE, JOHN- Born ca. 1802 in North Carolina, married Oliff ______ (b. ca. 1806 in North Carolina); Children: Matilda (b. ca. 1826); Morgan (b. ca. 1828); John A. (b. ca. 1833, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 6/9/1864); James E. (b. ca. 1834); Hester (b. ca. 1835); Mary (b. ca. 1836); Joseph H. (b. ca. 1838); Martha (b. ca. 1839); Delila (b. ca. 1840); Urias F. (b. ca. 1842, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.); Samuel D. (b. ca. 1843, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.); Mariah (b. ca. 1845); Rutha (b. ca. 1846); Timothy (b. ca. 1847); and Rutha (b. 1850). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 715, Conf. Roster III, p. 412.
PAGE, JOHN D. - Born 1822/3 in Georgia, married on April 10, 1847 in Washington Co. to Mary Rawls, born 9-15-1825 in Georgia, dau. of Arthur Rawls and Permelia Walker; Children: Elizbeth, Susan, John R., and Jackson. 1860 Johnson #317, 1870 Johnson # 104, 1880 Johnson # 371, Washington Records, p. 96, Stokes, p. 3-2.
PAGE, SOLOMON - Born ca. 1794 in Georgia, married on July 14, 1839 in Washington Co. to Elizabeth Scoggins, born 1814/5 in Georgia; Children: Rebecca, Levant?, Clardy. 1840 Washington 92nd , p. 228; 1860 Johnson # 186, Washington Records, p. 96, Cemetery, p. 228.
PAGE, THOMAS - Born 1826/7 in Georgia, married Charny __________, born 1831/2 in Georgia; Children: William A., Sarah, Solomon, Eda, Rose A., and Chan. 1860 Johnson # 83, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest ?, 86th Dist..
PAGE, WILLIAM - Born 1836/7 in Georgia, merchant. 1860 Johnson # 18.
PARKER, D.J. - Born 1816/7 in Georgia, Wrightsville physician, married Mary ______, born 1814/5 in Georgia; Lucy Ann, B. Allender. 1860 Johnson # 2.
PARKER, EVAN - Born 1837/8 in Georgia, married Joannah _______, Children: Sarah, Frank, Martin, etc. 1860 Johnson # 270, 1870 Johnson # 258.
PARKER, HARDY - Born ca. 1795-1804, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D., 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, 1820 Lottery, p. 268.
PARKER, JEREMIAH - Born ca. 1817, married Mary _____, b. ca. 1818; Children: Evan (b. ca. 1837); Lucian (b. ca. 1848). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, 1850 Washington # 820.
PARKER, JONATHAN - Born ca. 1770. Married Mary _____, born ca. 1780. Children: Ann, Ashley E., Jane, Porter (m. Mary Pope), and John ? (m. Lucinda _____).1840 Laurens p. 168, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 34, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist..
PARKER, JONATHAN - Born in 1792, d. 1873, married Annie Walker, dau. of Elisha of Elizabeth Bower Walker, b. ca. 1795. Children: Winifred (b. ca. 1836) Stokes, p. 3-3, 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 831, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist.
PARKER, WILLIAM J. - Born 1837/8 in Georgia, Wrightsville merchant, 4th Sgt. Co. A, 28th Ga. Inf.. 1860 Johnson # 1.
PARRIMORE, THOMAS - His orphans were 1820 Land Lottery Winners, 395th G.M.D., 1820 Lottery, p. 269
PARSONS, M.J. - Born 1819/20 in Georgia, merchant, married Mary A. _____, born 1826/7 in Georgia, Children: Thomas J. (2nd Lt., Co. G, 49th Ga. Infantry.) 1860 Johnson # 293.
PARSONS, THOMAS A. - Born 1813/4 in Georgia, One of the first Johnson County Commissioners, 1858, owned a large plantation on the Oconee River on the river road and along the Johnson/Laurens County line, married Virginia M. _______, born 1818/9 in Georgia; Children: Thomas A., William H. Centennial, p. 6, 1870 Johnson # 29.
PATE, BENNETT - 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D., 1820 Lottery, p. 268.
PATE, JOHN - Born ca. 1780/90. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168.
PAUL, ALLEN - Born 1802/3 in North Carolina, married Mary _______, born 1792/3 in North Carolina, Children: William, Ancel S. and James. 1850 Emanuel # 167, 1840 Emanuel 55/24.
PAUL, ANCEL - Born 1819/20, born in North Carolina, son of Allen and Mary Paul, married Margaret Swain, born 1815/6; Children: Elizabeth, Mary J., Julia A., Sarah, George A. (m. Julia A. Stephens), William, Nancy. possibly Mary, Roxana. 1860 Johnson # 130, 1870 Johnson # 342, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 55, 56, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 219.
PEACOCK, ARCHIBALD - Born ca. 1762, son of Samuel and Amy Peacock, IV, died between 1840 and 1850. Soldier of the American Revolution. May have been the father of Uriah, Asa, John, Rhoda P. Lewis, Willis, and Zacharias. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1820 Washington p. 137.
PEACOCK, ASA P. - Born ca. 1806 in North Carolina, married Mary _______, b. ca. 1810; Children: Zilphy (b. ca. 1833); Sarah A. (b. ca. 1836); John A. (b. ca. 1837); George W. (b. ca. 1839); and Susan A. (b. ca. 1848). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1850 Washington # 67.
PEACOCK, GREEN B. - Born ca. 1817, married Margaret ______ b. ca. 1814; Children: nancy (b. ca. 1838); Mary E. (b. ca. 1840); Robert (b. ca. 1848). 1840 Washington 88th, p. 226, 1850 Washington # 124.
PEACOCK, JOHN SR. - Born on Feb. 11, 1766 in Johnston Co., North Carolina, son of Samuel and Amy Peacock, IV, died on October 23, 1848, probably buried in the Peacock Cemetery, Washington Co., married Edith _______, ca. 1795. Married Unity Pearce on Sept. 26, 1805 in North Carolina. She was born on Feb. 15, 1780 in Johnston Co., North Carolina and was a daughter of Phillip Pearce and Patience Oliver of Johnston County, North Carolina. Children by first wife: Pearcy (b. May 22, 1796 in Johnston Co., North Carolinam d. April 14, 1826, m. Blake Bridges); Ann (b. Dec. 23, 1797 in Johnston Co., North Carolina, m. Moulton Peacock); Washington Hamilton (b. June 17, 1800 in Johnston Co., North Carolina, m. Elizabeth Pennington); Timothy (b. Aug. 15, 1802 in Johnston Co., North Carolina.) Children by second wife: Asa Pearce (b. May 18, 1806, d. May 9, 1851, m. Mary Boatright.) 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
PEACOCK, JOHN JR. - 2nd lt., Co. a., 28th ga. Inf., killed at Seven Pines, Va. 5/31/1862, Henderson III, p. 364.
PEACOCK, JOHN JR. - Born ca. 1800 - 1810. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
PEACOCK, JONATHAN - Born in the 1770s in North Carolina, son of Samuel and Amy Peaock, IV, May have been the father of Levi Peacock, who married Mary Lamb.
PEACOCK, LEVI - Born in 1756 in Johnston Co., N.C., son of Samuel and Tilsey Peacock, IV, d. 1822, Soldier of the American Revolution, married Mary Staples and Martha Bush. Children: Pearson (b. 1781, d. 1845 (m. Nancy ______); John Thomas (b. 1783, d. 1820, m. Hannah Collingsworth (b. 1788, d. 1861.); Amy (b. 1785); Caty (b. 1787); Jesse (b. 1792, d. 1870); Children by second wife: Levi, Jr. (b. 1799, d. 1857); Joseph Tarpley (b. 1812, d. 1870s); Freeman M.; Margaret Ann; John Wesley; Lewis Levi (b. 1822, d. 1887).
PEACOCK, LEWIS - Born ca. 1824 in North Carolina, wheelright, married Emeline_____, b. ca. 1827; Children: Matilda C.F. (b. ca. 1848). 1850 Washington # 84.
PEACOCK, MOLTON - Born ca. 1794 in North Carolina, probably a son of Uriah Peacock, died on Oct. 18, 1864, buried in Peacock Cemetery, Washington Co., married Ann Peacock, b. on Dec. 28, 1797 in Johnston Co., North Carolina, daughter of John and Edith Peacock, she died in 1866. 1820 Washington, p. 137, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 126.
PEACOCK, PEARSON - Born 1781, d. 1845, m. Nancy ________. Children: Kinlon (b. 1807, d. 1877, m. Mary J. _____, Lula Smith); Reddick (b. 1812, d. 1866, m. Abigail H. Campbell); Benjamin Gordon (b. 1816, d. 1863, m. Celia Windham); Jesse A. (b. 1818, d. 1857, m. Martha Lewis); John T. (b. 1822, d. 1864, m. Julia Lewis); Mary Ann (b. 1826, d. 1863, m. Thomas Windham).
PEACOCK, SAMUEL IV - Born 1730s in North Carolina, son of Samuel Peacock III and his wife Tilsey, lived in Edgecombe and Johnston County, North Carolina. Died in Washington County in 1814, married Amy _________. Children: Levi (b. ca. 1756, d. 1822, m. Mary Staples, Martha Bush); Uriah (b. ca. 1758, d. 1846, m. Susan _____, Zilpha Hayes); Abraham (b. ca. 1761, d. 1835); Archibald (b. ca. 1762, d. 1845); Jonathan (b. ca. 1764, d. 1840s); John (b. 2-11-1766, d. Oct. 23, 1848, m. Edith _______, Unity Peacre); Samuel V (b. ca. 1770, d. May 20, 1816).
PEACOCK, URIAH - Born July 4, 1758 in Dobbs County, North Carolina, son of Samuel and Amy Peacock. Soldier of the American Revolution, 4th North Carolina Regiment. Married Susan _______ and Zilpha Hayes (b. 1798, d. 1872). Died on November 1, 1846. Children: William G. (b. 1795, m. Hannah Brantley Smith); Wright (b. 1797, d. 1880s, m. Jerusha Cobb); Jonathan (b. 1799, d. 1870s., m. Sarah Tyson); Moulton (m. Ann Peacock); Mary (m. Phillip B. Pierce on 9/30/1841, m. 2nd to William V. Vann on 12/22/1861, m. Joseph Duty Smith on 5/10/1881. 1830 Washington, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
PEACOCK, URIAH - Born ca. 1826 in Georgia, wheelright, married Mary A. _______, b. ca. 1829; Children: Charles T. (b. ca. 1848). 1850 Washington # 22.
PEACOCK, WILLIAM - Born in 1785 in North Carolina, possibly a son of Samuel Peacock, married Hannah Smith, born in 1794 in Chatam Co., N.C., dau. of Colby and Anna Henry Smith; Children: Joseph Brantley, (b. ca. 1818, d. 1888); Zachariah (b. ca. 1820, d. 1880s); William W. (b. ca. 1822, d. 1885, m. Candice Holland); Elbert G. (b. ca. 18234, d. 1849); Celia P. (b. ca. 1827, d. 1900s, may have married a Forbes); Elisha Stephen (b. Nov. 21, 1829, d. Feb. 26, 1892, m. Martha Melinda Brantley); Martha (m. James Elijah Young); Hugh Lee (b. ca. 1835). 1830 Washington, p. 241; 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 744.
PEACOCK, ZACHARIAH - Born ca. 1820, probably a son of Archibald Peacock, m. on July 1, 1845 to nancy Ann Smith, born November 4, 1824, dau. of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith; Children: Joseph M. (b. Oct. 5, 1846, d. Dec. 3, 1927, m. in 1865 to Nancy Joiner); Martha J. (b. ca. 1848); Georgianna L. (b. 1849, m. _____ Orr.); Zachariah S. (b. Oct. 18, 1851, d. Oct. 1, 1858); Elizabeth H. (b. ca. 1855); Hannah V. (b. March 20, 1856, d. Nov. 11, 1877, m. George Hunt); John B. (b. Jan. 10, 1868, d. Feb. 27, 1890); William M. (b. ca. 1860); Charles T. (b. ca. 1862). 1850 Washington # 803.
PEACE, WILLIAM - Born 1814/5 in Tennessee, miller, married on July 27, 1847 in Washington Co. to Nancy Anderson, born 1823/4 in Georgia; Children: James, Elizabeth, Thomas, Alexander, Melania. 1860 Johnson # 296, Washington Records, p. 96.
PENNINGTON, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Land Lottery Winner, 1805. Montgomery, pp. 53, 61, 70.
PERKINS, SAMUEL- Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 61, 70.
PERRIMAN, BIDCAR - Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 70.
PHILLIPS, ABRAHAM - Born before 1775, son of John Phillips and Lucretia Phillips, married Nancy Taylor, 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 54th, Landowner, 54th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Private Capt. Braswell's Co., Montgomery Co. Militia, War of 1812, Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's. Montgomery, pp. 47, 53, 61, 70, 77, 155, Emanuel Militia, p. 1, Phillips, p. 78.
PHILLIPS, ANTHONY - Born June 22, 1814, in Georgia, died on June 26, 1880, married Sarah _______, born 1809/10 in Georgia, died on July 8, 1881, both are buried in Boiling Springs Cemetery, Treutlen Co.; Children: William, John Anthony, Capt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., Lucretia, Francis. 1850 Emanuel # 463.
PHILLIPS, DANIEL - Born 1822/3 in Georgia, married Lucinda ______________, born 1822/3 in Georgia. Children: Jordan S. 1860 Montgomery # 183.
PHILLIPS, DRURY - Born 1812/3 in Georgia, son of Ephraim ?, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (395th Dist.), married _______________; Children: Ephraim, John, James, Polly Ann, Dicey, Emilia, Manning, Dempsey, Lucy Ann, Sarah. 1850 Emanuel # 477, 1840 Emanuel 395/28, 1832 Lottery, p. 405.
PHILLIPS, EPHRAIM SR. - Born ca. 1775, son of John Phillips and Lucretia Phillips, married Ruthie Flowers, born ca. 1775 and second to Lydia Taylor, born ca. 1770 in North Carolina, 1804 Jurymember, 54th, Landowner 54th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Private Capt. Braswell's Company, Montgomery Co. Militia, War of 1812, Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D., 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (395th Dist.). 1820 Lottery, p. 268, 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, 1840 Emanuel 395/33, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169, Montgomery, pp. 53, 61, 70, 77, 155, Emanuel Militia, p. 1, 1832 Lottery, p. 405, Phillips, p. 78.
PHILLIPS, EPHRAIM JR. - Born 1809/10 in Georgia, son of Ephraim Phillips, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.), married Emilia (Flowers?) 2nd?; Children: Thomas, Elizabeth, Ephraim, James, John, Dicy, Lacy Ann, Arthur. 1850 Emanuel # 552, 1840 Emanuel 395/ 29, 1832 Lottery, p. 405.
PHILLIPS, JANE - Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 61.
PHILLIPS, JOHN - Born ca. 1750, son of Joseph and Prudence Phillips, died on May 15, 1796 in Montgomery Co., married Lucretia Phillips, born May 15, 1752, died Jan. 1840, daughter of Mark Phillips and Elizabeth Bush. Children: Abraham, William, and Ephraim. Phillips, p. 78.
PHILLIPS, JOSEPH - Born April 10, 1803, son of Royal Bud Phillips and Kiziah Gillis, died Mar. 9, 1886, married Phebe Willis, born March 14, 1805, died Aug. 20, 1887. Children: Jency, Fanny, Amanda, Reuben, Joseph, Sherrod, Nancy, Major, Marion. Phillips, p. 88, 1860 Montgomery # 186.
PHILLIPS, MARK, SR. - Born 1740, died in 1812, Soldier Light Dragoons, Continental Army, American Revolution, son of Mark Phillips, Sr., married Elizabeth Bush. Buried in Boiling Springs Church Cemetery, Treutlen Co.. Montgomery, p. 53, 61, 70, 77, Phillips, pp. 44.
PHILLIPS, MARK, JR. - Born before 1775, died ca. 1835, son of Mark Phillips, Sr. and Elizabeth Bush?, married Sarah (Taylor?), born ca. 1750, died ca. 1865, 1804 Jurymember, 54th, Landowner, 54th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D., 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, 1820 Lottery, p. 268, Montgomery, p. 53, 61, 70, 77, Phillips, pp. 44.
PHILLIPS, MARK - Born ca. 1800, Son of Royal Bud Phillips and Keziah Gillis, died 1859, married Nancy Gillis, born 1803, died 1863. Children: John, Ryley, Kisiah Ann, Mark, Nancy, Gabriel, and Norman. Phillips, p. 88, 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, 1820 Lottery, p. 268, Montgomery, p. 53, 61, 70, 77, Phillips, pp. 44, 1850 Montgomery 51st GMD # 56.
PHILLIPS, MICAJAH - Born in 1804, son of Royal Bud Phillips and Kiziah Gillis, died March, 1871, married Katherine Salter, born ca. 1817-1820, Children: Rowan, Norwood, Daniel, John, et al. Phillips, p. 88, 1860 Montgomery 51st GMD # 55, Montgomery 1860 # 182.
PHILLIPS, ROYAL (ROYALBUD) - Born Oct. 19, 1768, son of Mark Phillips, Sr. and Elizabeth Bush, died on April 11, 1836 in Emanuel Co., Ga., buried in Boiling Springs Cemetery, Treutlen Co., married Kiziah Gillis, daughter of Angus Gillis, 1804 Jurymember, 54th, Landowner, 54th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery; Children: Nancy, Royal B. Jr., Sherrod, Mark, Joseph, and Micajah. 1820, Emanuel p. 80, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169, Montgomery, pp. 53, 77, Phillips, pp. 44, 88, 89.
PHILLIPS, ROYAL, JR. - Born ca. 1797, son of Royal Phillips and Keziah Gillis, died ca. 1865. His first wife was born ca. 1797 and died ca. 1819. Married 2nd to Ann Sapp, born ca. 1812, died ca. 1865. 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, Phillips, p. 88.
PHILLIPS, SHERROD - Born June 15, 1798, son of Royal Bud Phillips and Kiziah Gillis, died May 30, 1867, buried in Boiling Springs Cemetery, Treutlen Co., married Nancy Willis, born June 24, 1814, died June 14, 1885, buried in Boiling Springs Cemetery; Children: Ephraim, Wilder, Milley. 1860 Emanuel # 322, 1850 Emanuel # 558, 1840 Emanuel 395/23, Phillips, p. 88.
PHILLIPS, WILDER - Born (Jan. 23, 1831) 1834/5 in Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Sherrod and Nancy Willis Phillips, died April 27, 1896, buried in Boiling Springs Cemetery, Treutlen Co., married Elizabeth, born 1838/9 in Georgia. Children: Milley Ann, Sherrod, Ephraim, et al.
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM - Born 1801/2 in North Carolina, married Elizabeth _________, born 1803/4 in South Carolina; Children: Dempsey, William, Private Co. H., 48th Ga. Inf., George, Mary, Elizabeth, Eliza, Joel, Mozelle, and Nancy. 1850 Emanuel # 501, 1860 Emanuel # 405.
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM C. - Born Nov. 14, 1790, son of John Phillips and Lucretia Phillips, died on Sept. 21, 1839, married Nancy Phillips, born Mar. 28, 1793, died Nov. 8, 1857, daughter of Royal Bud Phillips and Kiziah Gillis, both are buried in Boiling Springs Cemetery, Treutlen Co., Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.). Emanuel Militia, p. 1, 1832 Lottery, p. 405, Phillips, pp. 78, 88.
PITTMAN, JOHN B. - Born 1809/10 in Georgia, married ca. 1838 to Nancy ______, born 1811/2 in Georgia; Children: John, Mary J., Martha, Jesse, and Eliza. 1860 Johnson # 185.
POACHER, HENRY - 1827 Land Lottery Winner of Swain's (55th) District. 1827 Lottery, p. 43.
POPE, JOHN- Born ca. 1789 in North Carolina, married Lucy, born 1804/5 in North Carolina; Children: Jackson, Mary (m. Alex Graham), John, Daniel, and possibly Benjamin, Frederick, and Willis. 1840 Laurens p. 166, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 36.
POWELL, ADEN - Born ca. 1825, son of Sampson and Latisha Barfield Powell, Jr., married in Ann Eliza Whitfield; born 1821/2 in Georgia; Children: William Ashley (m. Mary Ann Swain Josey, Susan Jane Whitfield). Powell, p. 155, 1860 Johnson # 91.
POWELL, BENJAMIN - Born before 1775, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 18O5/06/11/12, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. May have been a son of Sampson Powell, Sr. and one who married Sarah Norris on July 21, 1811 in Montgomery County. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, Montgomery, pp. 61, 70, 77, Powell, p. 140.
POWELL, BENNETT - Born Dec. 26, 1826, son of Sampson and Latisha Barfield Powell, Jr., died Oct. 9, 1897, married Elizabeth Brown, born in Washington County on March 31, 1831, died Sept. 19, 1918; Children?: Gertha (m. _____ Coleman). Powell, p. 155, 1870 Johnson # 397?, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 46.
POWELL, BRITTON - Born 1809/10 in North Carolina, married Elizabeth _______, born 1824/5 (1830) in Georgia; Children: Sarah, Virginia, et al. 1860 Johnson # 300, 1870 Johnson #12.
POWELL, CALVIN G. - Born May 16, 1818 in Georgia, son of Silas and Latisha Barfield Powell, Jr., died June 18, 1904, married Serenah Wise, born July 3, 1836? in Georgia, daughter of Stephen and Piety Brown Deriso, both are buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Elbert T. (m. Jane Anderson), Zachariah (m. Julia A. Hadden), Isiah, Mary, Steven (m. Debbie Powell), Cylvonia, Mandel, Manson F., Nathaniel L., and S.L. 1860 Johnson # 89, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 20, 22, 23 Powell, p. 153, Cemetery, p. 232.
POWELL, CRATON LAFAYETTE - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, son of Silas and Letisha Barfied Powell, married Mary Whitfield Glisson, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Lavannah, Aden (m. Sally Anderson), Viannah, Craton Lafayette (m. M.P. Whitfield, Lena McDaniel), and Bennett L.. 1860 Johnson # 173, Powell, p. 166, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 35.
POWELL, ELIAS - Born July 26, 1810 in Montgomery County, son of Sampson and Letisha Barfield Powell, died April 8, 1887, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, married Teresa Black, born Jan. 18, 1814, daughter of Robert and Lovicy Bruton Black, died Feb. 1, 1890, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, Children: Tempy (m. Zachariah Claxton), Virgil (m. Julia Josey), Robert L. (m. Tempy Powell), Susan (m. Ed Morris), Augustus (m. Frances Elizabeth Fulford), Missouri (m. J.L. Hatcher), Bennett (m. Lou Wheeler), Benjamin J. (m. Sarah Lampp), Lorenza Powell (m. Priscilla Page), Erastus (m. Deborah Anderson), Vicy (m. James or Ben Wiggins). 1850 Emanuel # 211, 1860 Johnson # 104, Powell, p. 145-6, Claxton p. 111, Mayo, p. 25, Cemetery, p. 242, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 45, 43.
POWELL, ETHELRED - Born 1831/2 in Georgia, son of Sampson and Latisha Barfield Powell, Jr., married Winnie ______, born 1828/9 in Georgia; Children: Asa, Elisha, Mahala. 1860 Johnson # 86, Powell, p. 153.
POWELL, JAMES BENNETT - Born Nov. 5, 1848, son of Linear and Milly Ross Powell, died March 11, 1906, married Edmonia Virginia Perry, born January 17, 1853, died December 4, 1922; Children: Walter Newton (m. Gazelle Wiggins), James Marion (m. Elizabeth Tapley), Linnie (m. Milledge J. Claxton), Quincy Bunyan (m. Psyche Evelyn Tyus),
Missouri (m. Perry Price), Mary Alice (m. Charlie Lamar Claxton), Loretta Pauline (m. Newton J. Meeks), Robert A. (m. Mozelle Claxton), Sampson (m. Leah Greenway). Powell, pp. 158,9, Cemetery, p. 232.
POWELL, JOHN W. - Son of Silas Powell and Litha Webb, born 1829/30, married Adeline Townsend, b. 1849/50. Johnson # 425.
POWELL, LEASTON S. - Born April 15, 1845, son Silas and Litha Webb Powell, died Feb. 15, 1925, married Latisha Powell, daughter of Lanier and Milly Norris Powell, born Nov. 4, 1854, died January 10, 1927, both are buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Silas Lanier Powell (m. Myrtle Price, Dessie Dickens), Sarah (m. Wylie Cheaves), Gertrude (m. T.J. Pullen), Jenny (m. Charles E. Colston), John (m. Beckie Harrison), and Leaston E. (m. Katie Pullen). Powell, p. 174, Cemetery, p. 239, 1870 Johnson # 423.
POWELL, LINEAR - Born January 10, 1816, son of Sampson Powell, Jr. and Latisha Barfield, gave the land for Oaky Grove Church and cemetery, died June 13, 1894, married 1st to Milly Norris, born Oct. 18, 1818, died Oct. 29, 1844, both are buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, daughter of Isaac Norris. Children: Amelia (Amanda) (m. John Bird, George C. Mixon) he married second to Milly Ross, born Aug. 22, 1829, died Dec. 20, 1905, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: James Bennett (m. Virginia E. Perry), Amanda (m. John W. Knight),, Sampson (m. Amanda Price), Gaston, Litha, Issac J., Latisha W. (m. Leaston S. Powell), Sarah J. (m. James Anderson), Benagie (m. Liney C. Claxton). 1850 Emanuel # 219, Powell, p. 156-7, 1860 Johnson # 135, 1870 Johnson # 442, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 125, Mayo, p. 25, Cemetery, p. 237.
POWELL, ROBERT L. - Born Oct. 28, 1840, son of Elias and Teresa Black Powell, died Oct. 17, 1895, married Tempie Powell, born March 8, 1842, daughter of Silas and Letha Webb Powell, died June 1, 1917, both are buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: Tabitha, Elizabeth, Gus, Leaston, Dude, and John. Powell, p. 149, Cemetery, p. 238.
POWELL, SAMPSON, SR. - Born in North Carolina, moved to present day Johnson County along the Little Ohoopee River in the early 1800's, married Patience (Norris?), Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Children: Sampson (m. Latisha Barfield), Amelia (m. Benjamin Webb), Silas (m. Martha _____, Letha Webb), Alfred, and possibly Winnie (m. ______ Barrow), 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, Powell, pp. 66-77, 140-1, Mayo, p. 25, Montgomery, pp. 61, 70, 77.
POWELL, SAMPSON, JR. - Born ca. 1788 in North Carolina, son of Sampson Powell, Sr. and Patience (Norris?), landowner 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, Soldier Emanuel County Militia, 1810's, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (55th Dist.), died 1848 in Emanuel County, married Letisha Barfield on July 26, 1810 in Montgomery County. She was born ca. 1792, died after 1880. Children: Elias (m. Teresa Black), Calvin G. (m. Serenah Wise, ______ Rowland), Bennett (m. Elizabeth Brown), Aden (m. Ann Elizabeth Whitfield), Linear (m. Millie Norris), Ethelred (m. Winney _______), Stephen (m. Caroline Price), Craton (m. Mary Whitfield Glisson), Piercy (m. Lewis Davis), Debbie (m. Joel Anderson), and Britain (m. Elephare/Alafair Martin). 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 167, Powell, p. 143, Mayo, p. 25, Montgomery, p. 77, 1832 Lottery, p. 405, 1870 Johnson # 393, 395, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 58.
POWELL, SILAS - Born ca. 1792 in North Carolina, son of Sampson and Patience (Norris?) Powell, Sr., died 1862, married Litha Webb, born Jan. 2, 1802, died June 18, 1863, may have also married Mary __________. 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D.; Children: Polly (m. Tol Fortner), Nancy (m. James Allen Davis), Amelia (m. James Washington Meadows), John W. (m. Adaline Townsend), Melinda (m. Press Williams), Laney, Martha, Blisson (m. William Price), Tempy (m. Robert Powell), Leaston S. (m. Latisha Powell), Sophia (m. Swain M. Fortner), J. Belsoe (m. Maggie Reynolds), 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1850 Emanuel # 280, 1860 Johnson # 121, Powell, p. 167, 168, Tapley, p. 110, 1820 Lottery, p. 268, Mayo, p. 25, Emanuel Militia, p. 2, Johnson Will Book A, p. 19.
POWELL, VIRGIL - Born in October, 1837, son of of Elias and Teresa Black Powell, died June 10, 1910, married Julia Josey, born May 4, 1844, daughter of Addison Josey and Mary Dorch, died Aug. 6, 1918; Children: Jenny (m. John Allen), Cornelia Teresa (m. George Henry Ratchford), Sam (m. Mattie Bell), James (m. Mary Lou Field, Cora Bowen), Benton (m. Mattie McDaniel), Lorena (m. Henry Turner), Jona (m. May Holton), and Randie. Powell, pp. 148-9.
POWELL, WRIGHT - 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214.
PRICE, BERRY- Born 1826/7 in Georgia, marrried Elizabeth ________, born 1825/6 in Georgia; Children: Mary,
1850 Emanuel # 156.
PRICE, CADER - 1797/8 Montgomery Co., Landowner. Montgomery, p. 47.
PRICE, CLENON - Born 1834/5 in Georgia, married Mary ______, born 1837/8 in Georgia; Children: Mary A., Malinda A., etc. 1860 Johnson # 166.
PRICE, ELIAS - Born 1834/5 in Georgia, married Sealy ______, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Rutha, etc.
1860 Johnson # 170.
PRICE, JAMES- Born ca. 1790-3 in North Carolina, married Elizabeth, born ca. 1800 in Georgia; Children: Ricy, Berry, Charity, Marenthy, Clemon, Elias, James, Kitsey, Warren, Henry?, Loyd?. 1860 Johnson # 168, 1850 Emanuel # 155, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 168, 1870 Johnson # 370, 372, 374?, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 120..
PRICE, JESSE - Born 1775-1795. 1820 Emanuel, p. 78.
PRICE, L.B. - Born 1829/30 in Georgia, married Elizabeth 1832/3 in Georgia; Children: Mary, Cullen, Mourning, Rocksey, and Elizabeth. 1860 Johnson # 166.
PRICE, LOYD - Born Oct. 15, 1819, son of James and Elizabeth Price, died March 4, 1896, married Louisa Parmelia Kight, daughter of Shadrick and Martha Jewell Kight, born Aug. 31, 1818, died July 1, 1901; Children: William, James B., Ricey (m. Sealy Bird), Martha, Mandy (m. John Wesley Kight), Berry (m. Darry Page), Elizabeth, Jane, Julia, Mandy, Louisa, James Loyd (m. Susan Price). 1870 Johnson # 373, 1860 Johnson # 12, 1850 Emanuel # 154, Kight, p. 81, Cemetery, p. 247, 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 27?, 122
PRICE, RICEY - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, son of James and Elizabeth Price, married on Dec. 27, 1844 in Washington Co. to Mary Whitfield, born 1828/9 in Georgia; Children: Martha, Mary, James, Jane, Mourning, Manda, Rice, Frankey B., W. Thomas, Nancy. 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 13, 1870 Johnson # 386, 1850 Emanuel # 157, Washington Records, p. 97.
PRICE, WARREN - Born 1817/8 in Georgia, married on July 26, 1840 to Martha Ely, born 1822/3 in Georgia; Children: William B., Martha. 1860 Johnson # 15, 1870 Johnson # 371, Washington Records, p. 97.
PRICE, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1775-1795. 1820 Emanuel, p. 78.
PULLEN, HENRY - Born ca. 1770-75/or 1782, son of Rev. Thomas Pullen and Lydia Bowers. Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D., Founder of Snell's Bridge Methodist Church, 1825, later Maple Springs Meth. Church. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 56th p. 168, 1820 Lottery, p. 269, Montgomery, p. 77, Laurens DB H - 228.
PULLEN, JAMES THOMAS - Born Feb. 18, 1814 in Georgia, son Thomas Pullen, Jr. and Margaret Elizabeth Ward, married July Ann (Julia) Tapley, born July 15, 1815 in Georgia, daughter of James Tapley and Mary Benson, both are buried in Providence Pullen Cemetery. Children: Elisha (b. 1837, d. Civil War), Eliza Ann Jane (b. 12/1/1838, d. 8/30/1866, buried in Providence Cem., m. P.L. Gregory), Mary Ann Elizabeth (Bea) (b. Dec. 1844, m. John Wesley Snell), James Henry, (b. Jan. 8, 1843, d. 7/3/194, buried in Oak Grove Cem., McRae, Ga., Pvt. Co. G. (and Co. E?) 32nd Ga. Inf., m. Susan Rebecca Mason), John Moses (b. 10/19/1845, d. 2/4/1907, b. Providence Cemetery, m. Adaline M. Tyson), A.R. (b. 6/10/1847, d. 12/19/1929), Margaret (b. 7/12/1848, m. James Carter), William Thomas (b. 8/2/1850, d. 6/9/1906, b. Oak Grove Cem., McRae, m. Isabel Drusilla Mason), Nathan Barwick (b. 7/18/1853, d. 12/31/1943, buried Tarrytown Ga. Cem., m. Harriet Lee Beaty), George Washington (m. Elizabeth Carolyn Stephens), Jacob Thomas (m. Louvenia Johnson), Ulicious (b. ca. 1837, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., d. Oct. 26, 1864, m. Clarrisa Maddox), Nathan (b. ca. 1853), George W. (b. ca. 1857); Jacob (b. ca. 1859). 1880 Johnson 56th # 253, 254, 255, 1870 Johnson # 578, 579, 1860 Johnson # 237, 1850 Emanuel # 400, 1840 Emanuel 56/35, Tapley, p. 109, et seq., Conf. Roster III, p. 707, 728.
PULLEN, THOMAS - Born Nov. 21, 1752 in Virginia, possibly a son of Thomas and Elizabeth Everitt, died on 2-6-1828 in Laurens County, Georgia. Married Lydia Bower, b. ca. 1777 in Virginia, dau. of Morris and Ester Bonner Bowers, d. bef. 1824 in Laurens County. He married second to a Mrs. Linder. Methodist Minister, Revolutionary War soldier, may have moved to this area as early as the late 1780s or early 1790s: Children: Phereby (b. ca. 1778-90, m. John Arline on Feb. 2, 1796, m. Joel Williams on Feb. 11, 1816); Henry (b. ca. 1782, d. ca. 1860); Margaret (b. 1784, m. James Mason); Thomas Jr. (b. 1786, m. Elizabeth Ward); Mary (b. 1787, m. Maj. James Hicks); Moses (b. 1788, d. July 1, 1868, m. Jane L. Ard on Dec. 12, 1813, Penelope Askew). Landowner 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2, Thompkins/Kea, p. 218., Montgomery, p. 77, Stokes 3-1,2, Johnson Will Book A, p. 9, http://members.aol.com/ancestry15/d170.htm.
PULLEN, THOMAS JR. - Born ca. 1786 in Georgia, died ca. 1835 in Laurens County, m. Elizabeth Ward, dau. of _______ and Sarah Ward, b. ca. 1780s, d. ca. 1862; Children: James Thomas (b. Feb. 18, 1814, m. Julia Ann Tapley), Elias (b. 1843); Moses, M.D. (b. 1813, d. Aug. 4, 1873, m. Alphia C. Arline); John Henry (m. Louise J. Keaton); Margaret (m. Joshua Taylor); Martha (m. Jonathan Adams). Tompkins/Kea, p. 221, http://members.aol.com/ancestry15/d172.htm.
RACHELS, R.M. - Born 1830/1 in Georgia, married ca. 1854 to Elizabeth _________, born 1837/8 in Georgia; Children: William F., Elizabeth, Martha, et al. 1860 Johnson # 77.
RAINES, F.P. - Born 1822/3 in Georgia, son of Ephraim Rains, married Sarah _______ ca. 1858; Children: Thomas, Rufus, Lula, Ephraim, et al. 1860 Johnson # 364, 1870 Johnson # 209.
RAINES, JOHN - Born ca. 1785-7 in North Carolina, married Nancy _______, born 1813/5 in Georgia; Children: Frederick (b. ca. 1823); John M. (b. ca. 1828), Rutha (b. ca. 1842), Mary (b. ca. 1844); Nancy (b. ca. 1838), Julia (b. ca. 1840), Samuel (b. ca. 1840); John (b. ca. 1849) and possibly Elefare (b. ca. 1827, m. James Ennis). 1860 Johnson # 266, 1850 Washington # 828, 1840 Washington 89th p. 221.
RAINES, JOHN M.- Born Apr. 26, 1829, in Georgia, son of John and Nancy Raines, d. Oct. 16, 1882, married Elephare _____, born 1833/4 in Georgia, both are buried in Raines Cemetery; Children: William, Nancy E., John, James, Mary, Susan, Cherry/Sarah, Parmelia. 1870 Johnson # 273, 1880 Johnson # 140, Cemetery, p. 340.
RAWLS, ARTHUR - Died ca. 1847 in Laurens County, Georgia. Married Permilia Walker, dau. of Elisha and Elizabeth Walker, b. 1798, d. 1859; Children: Elizabeth, b. 1815, married Zachrick Smith. b. 1811., Elisha, b. 1820, m. Susan Moorman; Anne Rawls, b. ca. 1821, m. Jack Perry; Lucinda, b. 1824, m. Nathaniel Stokes, Mary b. 1825, married John D. Page; David, b. 1830, m. Jane ________. Stokes, p. 3-2, Johnson Will Book A, p. 10.
RAWLS, DAVID - Born in 1830, son of Arthur Rawls and Permelia Walker, married Jane _______, Children: William, Annie, Bettie, Robert, Daniel, Jordan, and Sallie. Stokes, p. 3-3, 1870 Johnson # 246, 1880 Johnson # 78, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist., 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist..
RAWLS, ELISHA - Born 1820 in Georgia, son of Arthur Rawls, died ca. 1881, married Susan M. Linder Moorman, born 1819/20 in Georgia, Children: Permillia, William L., Melinda, Mary. 1860 Johnson # 331, Stokes, p. 3-2, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist., Laurens Will B, p. 113.
RHODES, JOSEPH - Born ca. 1780 in North Carolina, married on October 17, 1839 to Sally Rye, born 1819/20; Children: William, Joseph, Daniel, Isaac, and George. 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 38, Laurens I, p. 293.
RICKS, ARTHUR - Born 1804/5 in Georgia, son of Richard and Elizabeth Herring Ricks, Sr., 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.), married Nancy Carter, born 1804/5 in South Carolina; Children: Arthur W. (b. 1831, m. Penelope Conner), Barbara (b. 1833), Richard (b. 1835, m. Eliza Ann _______, Lymon Denson (b. Feb. 1, 1838, m. Elizabeth _______), William Goff (b. July 24, 1840, m. Matlida Martha Durden), Roxey Ann (b. 1847). 1860 Emanuel # 125-7, 1850 Emanuel # 541, 1840 Emanuel 395/16, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1832 Lottery, p. 438, Ricks, pp. 21, 22, 628, 629, Tompkins/Kea, p. 234.
RICKS, ARTHUR W. - Born May 7, 1831, in Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Arthur Ricks and Nancy Carter, married Penelope Conner, b. ca. 1832; Children: Arthur, (b. ca. 1855, m. Sarah Cooper.), Mary C., Richard R., Roxy A. Ricks, p. 629, 1860 Montgomery # 94.
RICKS, DANIEL H. - Born ca. 1795 in Georgia, died on March 15, 1878, buried in Ricks Cemetery, Treutlen Co., son of Richard and Elizabeth Herring Ricks, Sr., married on April 24, 1828 in Laurens County to Mary Mason, born Nov. 11, 1807, in Georgia; Children: Warren (b. 1829, m. Elecianne Barwick); John J. (b. 1831, m. Matilda Martha Durden); Daniel L. 1st Lt., Co. G. 32nd Ga. Inf., (b. 1833); Elizabeth (b. 1836 m. Andrew J. Gillis); Martha (b. 1839, m. John H. Dunn); Polly Ann (b. 1841) (m. a Dunn), James H. (4th Corp. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., b. 1844, m. Ellen Slater, Janey Gillis), married 2nd to Margaret ______, born on Feb. 9, 1823, died on March 26, 1901. 1860 Emanuel # 128, 1850 Emanuel # 543, 1840 Emanuel 395/15, Laurens I, p. 290, Ricks, pp. 21, 628, Smith Family File, Tompkins/Kea, p. 234, Conf. Roster III, p. 722.
RICKS, DANIEL LUTHER - Born on May 3, 1825 in Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Daniel Ricks and Mary Mason, died on April 1, 1911. 1st Lt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., married Sarah America McElvin, born Nov. 26, 1852, died Dec. 16, 1901; Children: Mary Tellula (b. 1874), William Luther (b. 1876), Eunice (b. 1877), Clara Ethel (b. 1880), Cora Lee (b. 1885), Liela Viola (b. 1888), Josie Alberta (b. 1892), Hugh Branson (b. 1894) Ricks, pp. 21, 627, Conf. Roster III, p. 721.
RICKS, JACOB- 1797/8 Landowner, 1795/7 Jurymember, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 47, 54, 61, 71.
RICKS, JESSE- 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 54th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 54, 61, 71.
RICKS, JOHN - His orphans were 1820 Land Lottery Winners, 56th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 291.
RICKS, JOHN - Born ca. 1831, son of Daniel Ricks and Mary Mason, married Matilda Martha Durden. Ricks, p. 21.
RICKS, JOHN - Born ca. 1789, son of Richard and Elizabeth Herring Ricks, Sr., married Lila Carter, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D.. 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1820 Lottery, p. 291, Ricks, p. 21.
RICKS, LYMAN (LIMON) D. - Born on Feb. 17, 1838 in Georgia, son of Arthur and Nancy Ricks, died on Oct. 10, 1907, married Elizabeth Cole, born July 17, 1843, died March 12, 1912. Children: George Young (b. 9/10/1860, m. Dora Niel), William D. (b. 1863, b. Willey Wise), Rowan (b. Sept. 1866, Mary Hightower), Amanda (b. 1868), Shettie (b. 1870, m. John D. Gillis), James Matthew (b. June 23, 1872, m. Othello Hutchinson), Mollie (b. 1876, m. W.E. Hutchinson), Hattie (b. 4/8/1879), Sallie (b. 1880, m. Evan Elton Pope), Mack (b. 6/26/1881, m. Ella Hilbun), Kincie (b. 2/2/1888). 1860 Emanuel # 127, Ricks, pp. 22, 630-3.
RICKS, RICHARD, JR.- Born ca. 1800/10, son of Richard and Elizabeth Herring Ricks, Sr., 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, Ricks, p. 21.
RICKS, RICHARD, SR.- Born ca. 1763 near High Point, North Carolina, son of John Ricks and Mary Holton, died ca. 1845, 1804 Jurymember, 53rd, Landowner 53rd Mont. Co. 1805/6, married Elizabeth Herring, dau. of Abraham Herring, born ca. 1767; married 2nd to Nancy Evans. Children: Daniel (b. 1796, m. Mary Mason), John (b. 1789, d. 1810, m. Lila Carter), Florida, Elizabeth (b. Jan. 25, 1802, d. Sep. 20, 1879, m. on April 1, 1822 to James Arline), Arthur, (b. 1795 d. before 1805); Richard (b. 1791, d. 1844, m. Nancy Evans on April 8, 1819), Mary (m. Nathaniel Hicks), Esther/Easter (b. 1793), Arthur II (b. 1805, m. Nancy _____ ca. 1830), Barbara (b. Feb. 12, 1799, m. Melanchton Thigpen), Nancy (b. 1804). Montgomery, pp. 54, 71, 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, Laurens Records II, p. 573, Laurens I, p. 285, Ricks, p. 21, Tompkins/Kea, p. 233.
RICKS, RICHARD W. - Born May 27, 1835, son of Arthur and Nancy Ricks, died on Aug. 9, 1908, buried in Ricks Cemetery, Emanuel Co., married ca. 1858/9 to Martha Eliza Neil, born ca. 1837, married second ca. 1872 to Eliza Ann Neil, born Feb. 1, 1839, died Sept. 14, 1898, buried in Ricks Cemetery; Children: Henry William (b. 1860, m. Missouri Hutchinson, Lela Marks), Ambrose Wright (b. June 8, 1863, m. Lula McKeefin), John Arthur (b. 1866, m. Genia Jones), Georgianna (b. Jan. 1867), Marida R. (b. 1868, m. Irene Baker), Dora Bell (b. Sept. 1870), Elizabeth Nancy (b. 1873, m. D.A. Toon), Charles Camp (b. 1875, m. Julia Davis), Horace Kenyon (b. 1877, m. Ida Curl), Martha Harvey (b. Feb. 12, 1883, d. April 30, 1957) 1860 Emanuel # 126, Ricks, pp. 22, 629-30.
RICKS, WARREN W. - Born March 8, 1829 in Emanuel Co., Ga., son of Daniel and Mary Mason Ricks, died on May 22, 1910, buried in Ricks Cemetery, Treutlen Co., married ca. 1855 to Lucy Barwick, born 1831 in Georgia, died in 1918; Children: Georgeann (b. 1859, m. William Slater), Ira K. (b. 1857, m. Catherine Beasley), Moselle (b. 1861), Mary V. (b. 1861), James E. (b. 1865, m. Mary Phillips), Elmira (b. 1868, m. J.F. Thornhill), John Bill (b. 1870), Daniel T. (b. March 2, 1878, m. Riller Youngblood). 1860 Emanuel # 131, Ricks, pp. 625-27.
RICKS, WILLIAM GOFF - Born on July 24, 1840, son of Arthur Ricks and Nancy Carter, married Matilda Martha Durden, born Jan. 21, 1839. Children: George Arthur, b. 4/27/66, m. Beann Hutchinson), Emma Ettie (b. 12/26/1869, Burrell C. Kea), Amenca Ann (b. 11/19/72), T. Lawson (b. 3/23/76, m. Neta Drake). Ricks, pp. 22, 633-4.
RINER, AMOS - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2 (shown as Rlynor), Married Elizabeth _______, she was an 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.); Children: Edward (m. Ritty Meeks), John B. (m. Temperance Meeks), Lydia (m. Charles C. Meeks), Elizabeth (m. Mitchell Neel), James Rusell (m. Pheriba Trull), William M. (m. Eliza Key), Nancy (m. Vincent Hargrove), Sarah (m. James R. Cole), Wilson (m. Sarah Rountree). 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, Montgomery pp. 54, 77, 1832 Lottery, p. 438, Riner, pp. 1-64.
RINER, AMOS J. - Born on August 30, 1834 in Georgia, died Nov. 10, 1914, buried at Sardis Church; married on Arpil 2, 1857 in Emanuel Co. to Rebecca Beasley, born December 16, 1834 in Georgia, daughter of Elijah and Rebecca Beasley; Children: Edward Young, William N., Indiana Martha (m. ______ Steptoe), James A. (m. Morning Smith), O. Elijah (m. E.V. Johnson), T. Charles, Martha O., and A.Z (m. Minnie Spell), he married second to Rebecca Johnson on Dec. 5, 1886, she was born on June 5, 1857 and was a daughter of Tommy and Selah (Tyson) Johnson, died on April 26, 1933, buried at Union Baptist Church; Children: Selah Ann Vietta (m. Gordon Riner), John Matthew (m. Alice Devella Curl), and Dennis Ely. 1860 Johnson # 148, Riner, p. 22, 1880 Johnson 56th # 231.
RINER, DAVID J. - Born ca. 1840, son of John B. and Temperance Meeks Riner, Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, died in Jan. 1863 in Richmond, Va. from pneumonia, buried in Hollywood Cemetery, Riner, p. 4.
RINER, EDWARD - Born March 6, 1805 in Georgia, son of Amos and Elizabeth Rhiner, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.), Elder in Primitive Baptist Church, Served at Antioch Church 1857-58 and Gum Log Church in 1872 and 1877, died Jan. 30, 1894, married 1st to Ritty Meeks, daughter of Allen and Susannah Tyson Meeks, born 1808/9, died ca. 1860/1870, they were charter members of Sardis Baptist Church, 1853, Children: Amos (m. Rebecca Beasley), Mary Elizabeth (m. William Beasley), Martha (m. Lewis R. Moore), Young Wilson, James S., Susan, Nancy (m. Elbert Price, John Sutton), Tempy (m. James Anderson Radford), he married second to Emily Bowen, born ca. 1837; Children: Wiley, Emma, Anna, Fannie (Fronnie), and John Pat. 1860 Johnson # 146, 1850 Emanuel # 265, 1840 Emanuel 56/1, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 220, Tapley, p. 66, 1832 Lottery, p. 438, Riner, pp. 6, 7, 8, 30, 31, 1880 Johnson 56th # 230.
RINER, ELIZABETH - Born 1795-1804, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist.. 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1821 Lottery, p. 207.
RINER, JAMES MARION - Born on Nov. 20, 1840, son of James Russell Riner and Fereby Trull, 4th Corp., Co. F, 48th Ga. Reg, died on Sept. 15, 1918. Married on May 17, 1864 to Ann Townsend, daughter of Andrew G. and Martha Townsend, born on May 5, 1845, died in Aug. 1923. Children: Doryann, Nancy J., James Merida, Elizabeth, Ida, Hartidge. Riner, pp. 55, 56.
RINER, JAMES RUSSELL -Born 1811/2 in Georgia, son of Amos and Elizabeth Riner, married Pherriba Trull, born 1819/20, Children: Lawson Y. (m. Catharine Odom), Eliza Ann (m. David T. Johnson), James Marian (m. Ann Townsend), Mary Ann (m. Spencer Allen Meeks), Joseph A. (m. Elizabeth Vianna Tyson), Delila F. (m. Henry Jasper Kight), Nancy Jane (m. John Beasley), Elizabeth, Anthony, William, McLucian (m. Lucinda Yeomans), Amanda (m. J.T. Rowland), Sral?, Mary, Lucinda, Warren. 1880 Johnson 55th # 207, 1870 Johnson # 511, 1860 Johnson # 150, 1850 Emanuel # 264, 1840 Emanuel 55/8, Kight, p. 112, Riner, pp. 1, 55-62.
RINER, JAMES S. - Born ca. 1843, son of Edward and Ritty Meeks Riner, Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, died on Aug. 22, 1862 in Richmond, Va.. Riner, p. 30.
RINER, JOHN B. - Born Jan. 30, 1802 in Georgia, son of Amos and Elizabeth Riner, married Temperance Meeks, born June 23, 1811 in North Carolina, daughter of Allen Meeks and Susannah Tyson, she was a charter member of Sardis Bapt. Church, 1853; Children: William Bryant (m. Sarah F.), Sarah Ann (m. Asa Beasley), Susannah/Susan Elizabeth (never married), Julia Ann (m. James B. Lawson), David J., Littleton, Wiley Y., Ritty. 1880 Johnson 55th # 208, 209, 1870 Johnson # 510, 1860 Johnson # 141, 1850 Emanuel # 287, 1840 Emanuel 55/4, Riner, pp. 1-4.
RINER, JOHN R. - Born on Jan. 6, 1850, son of Wilson Riner and Sarah Rountree, died on Nov. 15, 1883, buried in Old Riner Cemetery, married Henrietta Sumner, born Feb. 10, 1852, daughter of Joseph M. and Mary Ann Flanders Sumner, died Mar. 29, 1941, buried in Corinth Church Cemetery; Children: Nora, Ida, Morris T. (m. Vianna Woods), and John. Riner, p. 63, 1880 Johnson 56th # 233.
RINER, JOSEPH A. - Born in Dec. 1846, son of James Russell Riner and Fereby Trull, Died in Sept., 1924, buried at Sardis Church, married Elizabeth Vianna Tyson, daughter of Daniel and Jane Tyson, born May, 1851. Children: Benjamin, James Daniel, George, Maetta, Joseph, Annie, Rufus (m. Eva Scott), Nathaniel (m. Nora Thompson), Mattie (m. Denison Thompson), Leon (m. Dora Tyson), and Viola (m. David Zack Tyson). Riner, p. 56, 1880 Johnson 56th # 236.
RINER, LAWSON Y. - Born in 1837, son of James Russell Riner and Fereby Trull, Co. F, 48th Ga. Reg. Died in Richmond, Va. on Jan. 11, 1863. Married Catherine Odom, daughter of Elijah S. and Ruthy Goff Odom, born ca. 1840. Children: Perry. She married 2nd to Robert Carroll (William R. Harrell?). Riner, p. 55.
RINER, LITTLETON J. - Born ca. 1842, son of John B. and Temperance Meeks Riner, Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, died on Oct. 14, 1862 in Richmond, Va. from typhoid fever. Riner, p. 4.
RINER, MCLUCIAN - Born on April 21, 1858, son of James Russell Riner and Fereby Trull, Died in March 39, 1933, buried in Little Flock Church Cem, Tatnall Co., Elder in Primitive Baptist Church, married Lucinda Yeomans, daughter of Ephraim and Tempy Yeomans, Children: Rayford S. (m. Cindy Belle Mathis), Ephraim, Maud, Essie, Velia, Reese, and Fannie. Riner, p. 60.
RINER, SPENCER- Born on May 8, 1850, son of William and Eliza Key, died on Jan. 1, 1935, married Nancy Anne Brantley, born on May 12, 1849, died on Feb. 8, 1929, Children: Sarah J., Thomas Jefferson (m. Callie Tapley), William E, et al., they are buried in Sardis Baptist Church Cemetery, Riner, p. 54.
RINER, VINCENT E.- Born ca. 1848, son of William and Eliza Key, school teacher; Children: Isiah, S.E., et al., he may have served in Co. H, 1st Ga. Reserves, he may be buried in Union Baptist Church Cemetery, Riner, p. 54.
RINER, WILEY Y. - Born ca. 1844, son of John B. and Temperance Meeks Riner, Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry. Riner, p. 4.
RINER, WILLIAM BRYANT - Born on Sept. 25, 1832 in Georgia, son of John and Temperance Meeks Rhiner, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died Nov. 10, 1910, buried at Sardis Church, married ca. 1852 to Sarah F. (Hutcheson, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Hutcheson?), born 1836/7 in Georgia, died on Jan 31, 1905, buried at Sardis Church; Children: Mary, Tempy, Lucinda, Moses K., Sarah Ann, Retta D., David G. (m. Cyntha Ella Smith), Elizabeth Delila, George William (m. Martha Wilson), and Wiley O. (m. Ruthie S____). 1860 Emanuel # 101, Riner, pp. 1, 2.
RINER, WILLIAM M., SR. - Born 1809/10 in Georgia, son of Amos and Elizabeth Rhyner, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.), married Eliza Key, daughter of Warren and Nancy Polly Key, born 1814/5 (July, 1822?, d. Dec. 1880?), Children: Wesley (b. ca. 1832, m. Matilda ________), Nancy Matilda (b. ca. 1834, m. Adam C. Benton), Lydia (b. ca. 1836, m. William H. Moore), Wilson (b. ca. 1839, m. Mary Turlington), William M. (b. 1841, d. 11/29/1863, m. Adaline Meeks), Mary "Polly" (b. ca. 1841), Sarah (b. ca. 1843, m. William Warren Thompson), Vincent Ellington (b. 3/1846, m. Susannah Brantley), Spencer (b. ca. 5/8/1850, , m. Nancy Anne Brantley), Elizabeth (b. ca. 1854), Eliza. (b. ca. 1856), 1870 Johnson # 509, 1860 Johnson # 143, 1850 Emanuel # 194, 1840 Emanuel 55/3, Riner, pp. 53-4, Key 2, p. 93, Cemetery, p. 371.
RINER, WILLIAM M., JR. Born in 1841, son of William M. Riner and Eliza Key, Private, Co. F., 48th Ga. Inf., wounded at Sharpsburg, Md. on Sept. 17, 1862, died at hospital at Lynchburg, Va. on Nov. 29, 1863, married on Aug. 28, 1860 to Adaline Meeks, born Sept. 5, 1839, daughter of Spencer and Elizabeth Townsend Meeks; died Nov. 27, 1905, buried in Liberty Grove Cemetery, she married 2nd to Joseph W. Rowland. Riner, p. 53
RINER, WILSON - Born 1812/3 in Georgia, son of Amos and Elizabeth Riner, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.), died in 1861, married Sarah Rountree, born on Jan. 19, 1823 in Georgia, died on April 11, 1905, buried in Old Riner Cemetery; Children: George W. (m. Elizabeth J. Snell), John R. (m. Henrietta Sumner). 1850 Emanuel # 263, 1860 Johnson # 14, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 220, 1832 Lottery, p. 438, Riner, p. 63.
RINER, WILSON - Born ca. 1839, son of William and Eliza Key, Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, married Mary Turlington on May 16, 1869. Riner, p. 53.
RINER, YOUNG WILSON - Born ca. 1840, son of Edward and Ritty Meeks Riner, 3rd Corp., Co. F, 48th Ga. Infantry, died on July 28, 1862 in Richmond, Va.. Riner, p. 30
ROBERDS, MARY - 1820 Land Lottery Winners, 395th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 291.
ROBERDS, WILLIAM - His orphans were 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 291.
ROBERTS, SARAH - Her illegitimate children of Swain's (55th) Dist., were land lottery winners in 1827. 1827 Lottery, p. 199.
ROWLAND, ALEXANDER - Born ca. 1807, married Polly Stanley in 1836, she was born ca. 1820; Children: William (b. ca. 1837); Sarah (b. ca. 1839); Malinda (b. ca. 1841); James (b. ca. 1845); and Rebecca (b. ca. 1847). Laurens Mid 1800 p. 39, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist.
ROWLAND, ISAAC - 1827 Land Lottery Winner, of Whiddon's Dist.. 1827 Lottery, p. 200.
ROWLAND, JAMES - 1798 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, 1807 Land Lottery Winner. Montgomery, pp. 54, 61, 71, 77.
ROWLAND, JAMES S. - Born 1838/9 in Georgia, married Dorcas Johnson?, born 1837/8 in Georgia. Children: William, Lula. 1880 Johnson # 49.
ROWLAND, J.W.S. - Born 1839/40 in Georgia, (probably son of Nathan Rowland), married Susan __________, born 1837/8 in Georgia. Children: Henry, Elizabeth. 1860 Johnson # 234.
ROWLAND, JOHN R. - Born Aug. 19, 1850 in Emanuel Co., son of Joseph W. and Elizabeth Smith Rowland, died Aug. 31, 1931 in Johnson Co., married Susannah Johnson, born May 23, 1844 in Emanuel Co., daughter of Willis Johnson and Delitha Meeks, died July 2, 1890; Children: Joseph Henry (m. Nancy Jane Snell), Willis D. (m. Louanna Ivey), married second to Lonie Tucker. Georgia Register, 1933-7, p. 195, Cemetery, p. 412.
ROWLAND, JOSEPH W. - Born May 8, 1823 in Emanuel County, son of Williamson and Louisa Rowland, Private Co. H., 63rd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died at General Hospital, Savannah, of chronic diarrhoea on Sept. 10, 1863, married Elizabeth Smith, born Dec. 18, 1829, daughter of William D. and Ann/Nancy Stewart Smith, died Sept. 3, 1897. Children: Joseph W. (m. Adeline Meeks Riner), John R. (m. Susan Johnson), Mary J., Nancy, Catherine, James Thomas, Julia, William and possibly Lizzie who may be the same person as Julia. 1850 Emanuel # 364, 1860 Johnson # 61, 1870 Johnson # 529. Georgia Register, 1933-7, p. 105.
ROWLAND, JOSEPH W. JR. - Born 1849 in Emanuel County, Georgia, son of Joseph W. Rowland and Elizabeth Smith, married Adeline Meeks Riner, born 1839/40. Children: Spencer, Mary, George W., Nancy E., Mandy. 1880 Johnson # 94, 1870 Johnson # 530.
ROWLAND, NATHAN - Born 1780 in Georgia. Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (56th Dist.), Died ca. 1861. Married Sarah _______. (May have married a sister of Howell Sharp, see 1850 Census). Children: Williamson, Sarah (?), Judah Oliver, Haryd, James (m. Dorcas Susan Johnson), Jacob, Manda, Ann Elizabeth/Anny, Rebecca, Alexandra, Margaret, Mary (m. ______ Moore, Lydia (m. _____Jones). 1850 Emanuel # 396, 1860 Johnson 229, 1840 Emanuel 56/29, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 168, 1820 Emanuel p. 86, Montgomery, p. 77, 1832 Lottery, p. 438, Johnson Will Book A, p. 15.
ROWLAND, NEEDHAM - Born 1800-1810 in Georgia, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist.. 1830 Emanuel p. 56th, p. 168, 1821 Lottery, p. 207.
ROWLAND, REUBEN- 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, pp. 54, 71.
ROWLAND, RICHARD - Born 1775-1794. Private Capt. Braswell's Company, Montgomery Co. Militia, War of 1812, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist.. 1820 Emanuel p. 86, Montgomery, p. 155, 1821 Lottery, p. 207.
ROWLAND, THOMAS - Born 1839/40 in Georgia, son of Williamson and Louisa Rowland, married Nancy G. Douglas, born 1845/6, daug. of Amos Douglas and Susannah Meeks. Children: Doney, William, Nancy, and Savannah. 1870 Johnson # 446.
ROWLAND, WILLIAM - Born 1784-5 in Georgia, Married Louisa, born 1804-5 in Georgia, landowner 54th Mont. Co., 1811/2, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D. Children: Needham (m. Eveline Copeland?), David, Margaret, Garlin, Sarah, Rody Ann, Elizabeth?. 1860 Johnson #197, 1850 Emanuel # 226, 1840 Emanuel 55/27, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 167, 1820 Emanuel p. 86, 1820 Lottery, p. 291, Montgomery, p. 77.
ROWLAND, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1810 in Georgia, married Sally, born ca. 1818: Children: James, Tempe. 1870 Johnson # 473, 1880 Johnson 55th # 171.
ROWLAND, WILLIAMSON - Born 1799-1800 in Georgia, son of Nathan Rowland, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist., founder of Maple Springs Methodist Church, died after 1880, married Louisa _________, born 1799-1800 in Georgia, (may have been a sister of Julia Oliver) Children: Joseph (m. Elizabeth Smith), John, Williamson (m. Lavina Douglas), Martha Ann (m. John Pollock Mixon), Thomas Jefferson, (m. Nancy G. Douglas), July Ann (m. Richard M. Cornelius Mixon). 1830 Emanuel 56th p. 169, 1840 Emanuel 56/17, 1850 Emanuel # 363, 1860 Johnson # 228, Mixon, pp. 295, 303, Tapley, p. 65, 77, 116, Headlight, April 22, 1971, p. 3.
ROWLAND, WILLIAMSON, JR.- Born 1834/5 in Georgia, son of Williamson and Louisa Rowland, married Lavina Douglas, born 1839/40 in Georgia. Children: Martha, John, Nancy, Joseph, William. 1860 Johnson # 253, 1870 Johnson # 428.
SAINT JOHN, WILLIAM - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 77.
SALMONS, EPHRAIM- 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 54, 62, 71.
SANFORD, ABNER - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 77.
SANFORD, BENJAMIN- Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 77.
SAPP, LEVI- 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 395th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 314.
SARTAIN, JAMES - 1797/8 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, Sartain's Creek in western Emanuel County is namde for him. Montgomery, p. 47.
SCHWALLS, GEORGE W. - Born Jan. 1, 1839 in Germany, died Jan. 21, 1908, buried in Minton Chapel Cemetery, married in 1866 to Lincelia E. Claxton, born April 10, 1839 in Edgefield Co., S.C., daughter of Zachariah William Claxton and Lincelia Bush, she married 1st to ______ Price, died Jan. 18, 1882, buried in Schwalls Cemetery; Children: Susan M. (m. James M. Townsend), Linnie (m. John Purdue), Hattie (James Tapley), Charlie Milton (m. Jane Elizabeth Wheeler, Rosa Lee Rountree), Lewis (Nancy Copeland), Mary, and George W. (m. Nettie Hatcher), children by 1st husband; Ruthie S. (m. James Davis), Matthew, and Zachariah . Claxton, pp. 89-91.
SCOGGINS, SIDNEY - Born 1800/1 in South Carolina, Carpenter. 1860 Johnson # 73.
SCOGGINS, STEVEN - Born 1817/8 in South Carolina, married Catherine _______, born 1826/7 in South Carolina; Children: John, Joseph (m. Martha), Paten?, Alexander, Thomas, Catherine, Mahala, Barbara, and Sidney. 1860 Johnson # 367, 1870 Johnson # 241.
SCOTT, BRITTAIN - Born ca. 1799, mechanic, married Nancy, born 1801/2 in South Carolina; Children: Henry ?, Caroline, John, Rebecca, Thomas, and Sarah. 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 170, 1850 Emanuel # 169.
SCOTT, JAMES - 1827 Land Lottery Winner of Swain's (55th) Dist.. 1827 Lottery, p. 105.
SCOTT, MARY - 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215.
SCOTT, THOMAS - Born 1835/6 in Georgia, son of Brittain and Nancy Scott, died April 15, 1865, married Nancy Flanders, daughter of Jordan and Sarah Thompson Flanders, born 1827/8 in Georgia: Children: W. Perry Scott. 1850 Emanuel # 169.
SELLERS, R.F. - Born 1827/8 in Georgia, married Mary ______, born 1827/8 in Georgia; Children: Elizabeth, Frances, Albert L., Tempy, and Risen. 1860 Johnson # 108.
SHARP, A.B. - Born 1827/8 in Georgia, married Silphy? _______, born 1824/5; Children: Clesson, Simeon, Marian, 1860 Johnson # 113.
SHARP, HOWELL - Born ca. 1775, 1850 Emanuel # 396, 1840 Emanuel 56/28, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169.
SHARP, LEWIS T. - Born 1822/3 in Georgia, (son of Howell Sharp?) married Matilda Phillips, Children: George. 1850 Emanuel # 397, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221.
SHEFFIELD, GEORGE - His children, residents of Swain's (55th) Dist. were winners in the 1827 Land Lottery. 1827 Lottery, p. 49.
SHEFFIELD, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 54.
SHEPARD, DANIEL - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, married on Oct. 13, 1844 in Washington Co. to Zillia/Tilly ? Mathis, born 1821/2 in North Carolina; Children: Nancy A., Lewis J., Susan, Rose, Isaac, John W.. 1860 Johnson # 195, Washington Records, p. 99.
SHEPARD, DAVID - Born ca. 1788, married Mary ______ born ca. 1794 in North Carolina; Children: Elizabeth (b. ca. 1817); Martha (b. ca. 1823); Eliza (b. ca. 1825) and perhaps others. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 215, 1850 Washington # 793.
SHEPARD, FRANCIS - Born ca. 1793, married Nancy, b. ca. 1795 in North Carolina; Children: Francis R. (b. ca. 1831); Wiley W. (b. ca. 1833); Sarah Ann (b. ca. 1835); Jasper N. (b. ca. 1836); and Temperance S. (b. ca. 1839). All children born in North Carolina. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 792.
SHEPARD, LEWIS - Born ca. 1800, married Susan _______, born ca. 1800; Children: Daniel (b. ca. 1825); Rebecca (b. ca. 1825); Winafred (b. ca. 1847); Harty (b. ca. 1831); Morning (b. ca. 1832); 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 725.
SILIVANT, MARY - Born ca. 1799 in Georgia; Children: Caswell (m. Marentha _________), Asbel (m. Ellizabeth _____), Allen, Eliza. 1850 Emanuel # 547, 554, 556, 1840 Emanuel 395/32, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170.
SMALLPEACE, ANN - Land Lottery Winner, 1827, of Swain's (55th) Dist.. 1827 Lottery, p. 105.
SMALLPEACE, WILEY - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, married Mary ______, born 1827/8 in Georgia; Children: Sarah, Wiley, and Martha, et al. 1860 Johnson # 123, 1850 Emanuel # 283.
SMITH, BENJAMIN DARIUS - Born on Aug. 9, 1831, son of Rev. Isaac and Arsenia Brantley Smith, died on Feb. 6, 1905, physician, baptist minister, married Dora L. Rountree, she died on Jan. 4, 1907; Children: Mamye (m. Dr. G.L. Mason, _____ Graham), Sallie Haseltine (m. Ed Warren), Dr. George L. (m. Maggie McCloud, Anita Coleman, Ammy Roberts, Anna Elizabeth (m. J. Duncan Smith), Mattie Mae (m. William S. Lawson), Will F. (m. Maude Mosely), Francis Kate (m. Albert L. Henry), Dora Lavinia (m. Dr. Thomas E. Vickers). Washington, p. 491, 1850 Washington # 176.
SMITH, COLBY - Born ca. 1765 in Virginia, son of Thomas and Rebecaa Colby Smith, married Anna Henry in 1792. He was a soldier of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He died ca. 1840 and is said to have been buried in the Young Cemetery. Children: Annie (m. Thomas Wood), John (m. Catherine Young), Lucy (m. George Weathers), George (m. Lavina Phillips), Thomas (m. Lettie Smith), Micajah (m. Elizabeth Duty), Rebecca (m. William Young), Isaac (m. Arcenia Brantley), Mary (m. William Barber). Washington, p. 490.
SMITH, EDWIN C. - Born ca. 1823, son of Rev. Isaac Smith and Arsenia Brantley, m. Sarah Goff, b. ca. 1844; Children: William N. (b. ca. 1868); Mary E. (b. ca. 1872), possibly others. 1850 Washington # 176.
SMITH, EZEKIEL- 1798 Landowner, Landowner 55th Mont. Co., 1805/6, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 314, Montgomery, pp. 47, 71.
SMITH, GEORGE - Born 1816/7 in Georgia, son of Daniel S. Smith, founder of Maple Springs Methodist Church, married on January 24, 1839 to Jemima Ruth Sumner________, daughter of Alexander Sumner, born 1815/6 in Georgia; Children: Daniel, John, William. 1850 Emanuel # 358, Laurens, p. 294, Headlight 4/22/1971, p. 3.
SMITH, GEORGE - Born ca. 1798 in North Carolina, son of Colby and Anna Henry Smith, died prior to 1862, married Lavina Phillips, born in 1805, died ca. 1862; Children: Eli (b. ca. 1821, m. Mary _____); Henry (b. ca. 1828, m. on Sept. 9, 1849 to Polyann Logan); Elijah (b. ca. 1829, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., died Aug. 9, 1862, m. Elizabeth Morris); Colby (b. ca. 1832); Sarah Ann J. (b. ca. 1834); George Thomas (b. ca. 1836); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1838); Martha A.P. (b. ca. 1840); Daniel Jordan (b. ca. 1842, died before July 1, 1863); Nancy Malinda (b. ca. 1845); Lavina (b. ca. 1847). 1830 Washington p. 274, 1850 Washington # 717.
SMITH, GEORGE W. - Born ca. 1838, son of Rev. Isaac and Arsenia Brantley Smith, 1st Lt., Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., Baptist minister, married on Feb. 15, 1859 to Hannah Fannie Brantley. 1850 Washington # 176.
SMITH, GEORGE THOMAS - Born ca. 1836, son of George and Lavina Phillips Smith, 2nd Corp. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., wounded at Ocean Pond, Fla., Feb. 1864; Children: Van, Dora. 1850 Washington # 717, Conf. Roster III, p. 408.
SMITH, ISAAC - Born Oct. 14, 1796, son of Colby and Anna Henry Smith, Baptist Minister 1824-1860, founder of Mt. Vernon Baptist Association, died on May 7, 1860, married in 1817 to Arcenia Brantley, she was born ca. 1800. Children: Celia (m. Samuel Hoyt), Martha Ann (m. Elias Joiner), Mary Brantley (m. William Young), James Franklin (m. Amelia Ann Peacock), Edwin (m. Sara Goff), Isaac L. (m. Mary Margianna Bridges), Daniel C. (m. Sophie Stone), William Norris, Benjamin Darius (m. Dora Roundtree), Arngenoia (m. Jonathan Edge Hart), Charles T. (m. Nancy Burnett), Elizabeth (m. Solomon Harris Brantley Massey), George Washington (m. Hannah Fannie Brantley), Joseph M. (m. Edna Burnett), Hannah Ruthie (m. James A. Hunt, _______ Proctor) 1820 Washington, 1830 Washington p. 265, 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 176, Washington, p. 490.
SMITH, ISAAC L. - Born ca. 1825, son of Rev. Isaac and Arsenia Brantley Smith, 1st Lt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., Pvt. Co. B., 7th Ga. State Guards Cavalry, died in 1889, married in 1848 to Margiann Bridges, dau. of Silas and Permelia Sessions Bridges, born ca. 1830, d. in 185l; Children: Daniel M. Smith (b. ca. 1848); William A.F. (b. ca. 1850, d. 1894, m. Mary Elizabeth Martin); Susan V. (b. ca. 1853); Edwin E. (b. ca. 1858); Isaac Otis (b. ca. 1860, d. 1881, m. Susie Bullard); Charles Vestus (b. 1862, d. June 11, 1926, m. in 1885 to Sallie Roundtree); Benjamin (b. ca. 1864); Lora (b. ca. 1866); and Mary D. (b. ca. 1869). 1850 Washington # 176, Conf. Roster III, p. 407.
SMITH, JACOB - 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, p. 54, 62, 71, 77.
SMITH, JAMES FRANKLIN - Born in 1821, son of Isaac and Arcenia Brantley Smith, Private Co. B, Ga. State Guards, C.SA. sheriff of Washington County in 1860, died on Jan. 8, 1889, married Ameila Ann Peacock, born on March 7, 1831, died on Aug. 22, 1893 in Jackson Co., Ga., children: Robert Asa, Elmira Elizabeth (m. William T. Jordan), Isaac Albany (m. Mary Moore Irwin), James Madison (m. Tunella Inez Snell, Ida G.W. Duggan), George Benton, Lee Jackson (m. Annie Marian Roach), William Tully (m. Lula Kennedy Colding), Sally Arcenia (m. William Deverau), Carolyn Earnestine (m. John Robert Zetterower), Eugenia; married second to Margaret Francis McCullogh), born 1840, died in 1919. Children: Edward McCullogh Smith. Washington, p. 490.
SMITH, JOHN - Born 1800/1810, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (395th Dist.). 1840 Emanuel 395/12, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1832 Lottery, p. 471.
SMITH, JOHN - Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.). Montgomery, p. 77, 1832 Lottery, p. 471.
SMITH, JOHN JR. - Born ca. 1810. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 347.
SMITH, JOHN C. - Born ca. 1777 in North Carolina, son of Colby Smith and Anna Henry, died after 1850, married Katie Young, daughter of William Young, born ca. 1790; Children: John Jr., (b. ca. 1810, m. Calsky _________); Nancy (b. ca. 1820, m. James M. Brantley); George H. (b. ca. 1828, m. Sarah A. ______); Isaac (b. ca. 1825, d. 1889, m. Nancy Wilson); Mary (b. ca. 1830); Mahala (b. ca. 1832, m. Matthew Tyson); 1820 Washington p. 137; 1830 Washington p. 240; 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 218.
SMITH, JOHN GORDON - Born Aug. 17, 1824 in Georgia, son of William D. Smith and Nancy Stewart. Justice of the Peace of Laurens County, 1850's, died May 28, 1894, buried in Smith-Lampp Cemetery, Johnson County, married on Feb. 6, 1845 to Mary Tyson, daughter of Noah Tyson, born Feb. 27, 1817, died Feb. 7, 1894. Children: William D. II (m. Delaney King, George, Ruthy, Margaret F. (m. J.Solomon P. Lampp), Ruth (m. John M. Hutchinson), Malinda (m. Charlton Adams), Mary (m. John Horton), John Morgan (m. Jane Stewart). 1870 Johnson # 553, 1850 Emanuel # 458, Cemetery, p. 381, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221, Laurens Deed Q-281, Smith Family File.
SMITH, JOSEPH DUTY - December 6, 1813, son of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith, died on July 17, 1887, married Rebecca Elmina Joiner, born March 25, 1815, died on March 5, 1864, daughter of Malachi Joiner and Rachel Garnder; married second to Sophia Smith in 1864, she was born ca. 1830 and may have been a wife of Daniel C. Smith, son of Rev. Isaac Smith; married third to Mary Peacock Pierce Vann on May 10, 1881, she was the widow of Phillip B. Pierce and a daughter of Uriah Peacock and Zilpha Hayes. Children: John Andrew Jackson (b. Jan. 27, 1836), Malachi George Washington (b. 11-26-1837, d. 1-15-1909, m. Nancy W. Wommack), Mary Elizabeth (b. Aug. 31, 1839, m. Jesse Mercer Brantley), Micajah Francis Marion (b. Oct. 16, 1840, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. July 14, 1862), William Joseph Madison (b. July 20, 1842), Nancy Rachel (b. Oct. 18, 1844, m. James T. Wood, Richard Underwood), Elmina Eliza Ann (b. Sept. 8, 1846, m. Benjamin H. Brantley, John A. Braswell), Martha Ann Caroline (b. Aug. 26, 1848, m. Alex Goff), Elbert Taylor (b. Oct. 21, 1850, m. Sallie Walker), Moses Darius (b. May 22, 1852, m. Mary Elizabeth Smith), Zenian Malissa (b. Feb. 26, 1854, m. James Chester), Thomas Ivey (b. April 10, 1860, m. Cenian Permelia Boatright), by second wife: Ferdinand Columbus Magellan (b. Oct. 7, 1865, d. on Aug. 5, 1920). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington #750, 1860 Washington # 507, 1870 Washington 91st # 225, Conf. Roster III, p. 413.
SMITH, JOSEPH C. - Born Nov. 25, 1834 in Georgia, son of William D. and Nancy Stewart Smith, married Elizabeth Mason, daughter of James Mason, born Apr. 19, 1839, died Feb. 27, 1922; Children: William H., Mary, John R., Joseph, Martha, Lizzie 1850 Emanuel # 360, 1860 Johnson # 71, 1850 Laurens, p. 31, 1870 Johnson # 50 Cemetery, p. 381.
SMITH, JOSEPH M. - Born ca. 1838, son of Rev. Isaac and Arsenia Brantley Smith, Jr. 2nd Lt., Co. H, 28th Ga. Infantry, Baptist minister, married on June 3, 1863 to Edna Burnett; Children: Theodocia, Tilman, Joseph G.M, James C., Metella. 1850 Washington # 176, Conf. Roster III, p. 413.
SMITH, MICAJAH - Born on July 18, 1790 in Chatam County, North Carolina, son of Colby Smith and Anna Henry, died in 1878, married Elizabeth Duty, born ca. 1800, daughter of Joseph Duty and Elizabeth (Brantley?), d. circa 1870; Children: Micajah, Joseph Duty (b. Dec. 6, 1813, d. 1887, m. Elmina Joiner, Sophia Smith, and Mary Vann); William (b. ca. 1815, m. Queen Elizabeth Hart); Carolina (b. ca. 1812, m. David Allen); Thomas B. (b. Oct. 26, 1821, m. Missouri Ann Johnson)l; Elizabeth (b. ca. 1811, m. Richard Williams); Zachariah (b. Apr. 17, 1823, m. Sophia Burnell); Nancy Ann (b. Nov. 24, 1824, m. Zachariah Peacock); David J. (b. ca. 1833, m. Emando Johnson); and Martha Ann (b. ca. 1836, m. Isaac Chester). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, Washington p. 491.
SMITH, MOSES - Born 1810/20. 1840 Emanuel 395/19.
SMITH, SAMUEL - Born 1810/20. 1840 Emanuel 395/20.
SMITH, SAMUEL - Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 77.
SMITH, SAMUEL - Born ca. 1800, married Caty _______, born ca. 1800; Children: Sarah (b. ca. 1835); Samuel L. (b. ca. 1838); Jonathan (b. ca. 1841); Floyd (b. ca. 1842); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1847). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 726.
SMITH, THOMAS B. - Born on Oct. 26, 1821 in Washington Co., son of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith, died on July 23, 1900, buried in the Jenkins Johnson Cemetery, married on Oct. 25, 1853 to Missouri Ann Johnson, born on Sept. 12, 1829, dau. of Seaborn and Barbara Johnson, died on Feb. 28, 1881; Children: Barbara Ann Smith (b. Feb. 8, 1860, d. Feb. 25, 1933, m. Cullen O'Neal Hartley); Herschel Seaborn Smith; Almarintha A. (b. May 4, 1855, m. John Thomas Hartley); Thomas F. (b. 1863, m. Mattie Colley). 1850 Washington # 806, 1860 Washington # 707.
SMITH, WHITE R. - Born May 8, 1817 in Georgia, died Feb. 19, 1892, married on March 20, 1842 to Rachel Flanders, daughter of Jordan and Sarah Thompson Flanders, born 1825/26 in Georgia; Children: Martha J., John T., Sarah, Nancy, Vana, Milley, Georgiann, and Willie W.. 1850 Emanuel # 239, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221.
SMITH, WILLIAM - 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.), 1832 Lottery, p. 471.
SMITH, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1815, son of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith, married on Jan. 10, 1844 in Washington County to Queen Elizabeth Hart, who may have been a daughter of Jonathan and Nancy Hart; Children: William Morgan (b. March 22, 1845, d. March 11, 1911, m. Elizabeth E. Braswell); Celia E. (b. ca. 1848); Joseph Jonathan (b. Oct. 24, 1849, d. Oct. 11, 1915, m. Martha Jane Braswell); Thomas Green (b. May 8, 1847, d. June 10, 1885, m. Pearcy Ann Braswell); Micajah (b. ca. 1852); David (b. ca. 1855); R. Lee (b. ca. 1858). 1850 Washington # 806.
SMITH, WILLIAM D. - Born Mar. 18, 1801 in Georgia, died Nov. 1, 1860, buried in Smith-Lampp Cemetery, Johnson County, married Nancy Stewart, born March 15, 1802, died Oct. 1, 1884, daughter of John Stewart: Children: Elizabeth Smith (m. Joseph Rowland), David Smith, Joseph C. Smith (m. Elizabeth Mason), John Gordon Smith (m. Mary Tyson), William Kimball Smith (m. Nancy S.E. Flanders), Mary Smith (m. Redding Beasley). 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169 ??, 1850 Emanuel # 360, 1860 Johnson # 70, Cemetery, pp. 380,1, Smith Family File, Johnson Will Book A, p. 11.
SMITH, WILLIAM KIMBALL - Born Oct. 25, 1832 in Georgia, son of William D. and Nancy Stewart Smith, died Aug. 30, 1904, buried in Smith-Flanders Cemetery, married Nancy Sarah Elizabeth Flanders, born Feb. 5, 1831 in Georgia, daughter of Frances Eugene and Elizabeth Mason Flanders, died Oct. 11, 1911; Children: Mary Ann (b. 8-21-1853, d. 1-28-1916, m. William F. Dowd), Martha Jane (m. Alan Thompson), Georgia Ann (b. 1-22-1859, m. Sam Howell), Sarah Frances, (b. 1860, m. Edward Booker Veal), John James (b. 6-22-1862, d. 7-25-1937, m. Sally Carter), Christian (b. 5-10-1867, d. 8-18-1907, m. Elijah William Carter), William Crawford (b. 12-11-1869, d. 2-17-1940, m. Rittie Walker), and Charlie Jordan (b. 6-10-1874, d. 11 - 1962, m. Anna Belle Stewart). 1870 Johnson # 540, 1850 Emanuel # 360, Flanders, p. 242, 245, 272, 274, 365, 392, 427, 479, 519, Cemetery p. 253, 380.
SMITH, WILLIAM T. - Born 1798/9 in Georgia, married ., Mariah _______, born 1805/6 in Georgia, Children: William Thomas, Jr., Zelphy, Mary, Silas, William. 1850 Emanuel # 96.
SMITH, WILLIAM THOMAS - Born on Feb. 25, 1825 in Georgia, son of Archibald Smith, died on May 11, 1863, buried in Smith-McLendon Cem., Laurens Co., married on Oct. 22, 1846 to Nancy Key, born Sept. 10, 1825, daughter of Warren and Nancy Key, died June, 1900, buried in Smith-McLendon Cem. Children: Daniel (m. Nancy Odom), Elizabeth (m. Francis Milton Drake), George Warren, John Wesley (m. Mattie Jane Sumner), Nancy (m. Joseph R. Flanders), William (m. Bertha Smith), and Eliza Jane (m. John D. Gillis). 1850 Emanuel # 349, 1860 Emanuel # 116, 1870 Johnson # 533?, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 206?, Key 2, p. 103, Johnson Will Book A, p. 24.
SMITH, ZACHARIAH - Born on April 17, 1824 in Washington County, son of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith, died on Sept. 10, 1868, married Sophia Burnell, circa 1853, she was born circa 1837; Children: Robert E. Smith (m. Anne Frost); Charles A.; Silas (b. 1855, m. Mary Mamie Vickers); Micajah Addison M. (b. Jan. 24, 1856, d. Aug. 12, 1855); Zachariah D. (b. Nov. 16, 1868, d. Nov. 18, 1879). 1850 Washington # 96, 806.
SMITH, ZACHARIAH - Born 1810/11 in Georgia, married Elizabeth _______, born 1814/5 in Georgia; Children: Arthur J., Mary C., Frederick N., Elizabeth, Permillia, Lucinda, Zachariah, Eliza J.. 1860 Johnson # 338.
SNELL, AMOS - Born 1803/4, son of Christopher and Ceneath Lamb Snell, married Synthia _______, born ca. 1805. Children: Littleton Green (b. 1825); Christopher Hardy (b. 1828, d. 1859); William M. (b. 1829); Bennett (b. 1831); Ellen (b. 1833); Robert (b. 1836); Isaac Newton (b. 1840, d. 1924); Catherine (b. 1842); George W. (b. 1843); Columbus C. (b. 1846); 1827 Land Lottery Winner of Whiddon's Dist. Moved to Jackson County, Florida. 1827 Lottery, p. 149, 1850 Jackson Co., Fla. Census. Researchers: Kay Milam, mccary@jas.net; Alice Bruce, Bruce 1013@aol.com.
SNELL, BARNABUS - Born 1805/6 in Montgomery County, Georgia, son of Christopher and Ceneath Lamb Snell, died ca. 1852, married Katherine ________, born 1807/8 in Georgia; Children: William, Mary Ann, John, Elizabeth, George Ann, Martha, Nancy, Henry. 1880 Johnson 1266th # 272?, 1870 Johnson # 531, 1860 Johnson # 62, 1850 Emanuel # 367, 1840 Emanuel 56/18, 1830, Headlight 4/22/1971, p. 3.
SNELL, CHRISTOPHER - Born December 20, 1752 in Orangeburgh Township, South Carolina, son of Bernhard/Barnet Snell and Susannah "Nancy" Schuler; christened name of Christian, said to have been disinherited by his parents for not being a loyalist during the American Revolution; 1797/8 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, Captain 56th Militia Dist., 1802, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.) died 1832-40., first wife has not been identified, by her he had Snell (b. 1782) and William (born 1789), married Arsenath (Ceneath) Lamb, born ca. 1775-80 in Georgia, daughter of Abraham and Mary Lamb, died in 1862. Children: Isaac (born 1795, died after 1870); Isham, (born ca. 1797); John (b. ca. 1799); Seaborn (b. ca. 1801); Amos (born ca. 1803); Barnabus L.W. (born ca. 1806, m. Katherine _______); George Washington Wesley (born 1807, m. Margaret Tapley). 1790 Burke County Census, 1860 Johnson # 236, 1850 Emanuel # 368, 1840 Emanuel 56/33, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169, 1820 Emanuel, p. 82, Montgomery, pp. 47, 54, 62, 71, 77, 1832 Lottery, p. 471, Huxford Magazine, Vol V, p. 954, Johnson Will Book A, p. 20, Researchers: Scott B. Thompson, (GemCity@DataStream.net); Syble Brawner (JackSyble@aol.com); Marie Nations (MNations@aol.com).
SNELL, GEORGE WASHINGTON WESLEY - Born 1808/9 in Montgomery County, Georgia, son of Christopher and Arsenath Lamb Snell, 1827 Land Lottery Winner of Snell's (56th) Dist., founder of Maple Springs Methodist Church, married Margaret Tapley), born 1815/6 in Georgia, she was likely a daughter of James Tapley and Mary Benson; Children: Jacob Tapley (m. Elephare ______), James Christopher (m. Martha Malinda Green), Elizabeth (may have married George Riner). 1880 Johnson 56th # 256, 1870 Johnson # 563, 1860 Johnson # 235, 1850 Emanuel # 399, 1840 Emanuel 56/21, 1827 Lottery, p. 192, Headlight 4/22/1971, p. 3.
SNELL, ISAAC- Born ca. 1795, son of Christopher and Ceneath Lamb Snell, married Rachel _______, she was born in Georgia in 1805, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D., Children: Ellen (b. 1830, Dale, Ala.); John (b. 1834, Dale, Ala.); Isaac (b. 1836, Dale, Ala.) 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, 1820 Lottery, p. 314.
SNELL, ISHAM - Born ca. 1797, son of Christopher and Ceneath Lamb Snell. Moved to Dale, Alabama. Children: Ebenezer J. (b. 1829, married Eliza A. Messings on 1/30/1854); Katherine (b. 1831); Eleazar (b. 1832, d. 10/31/1864); Elizab (b. 1834, married Chapman Best on 6/5/1856); Irena (b. 1837); Lodiska (b. 1839, m. John L. Canady on 3/5/1866); 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D.. 1820 Lottery, p. 313.
SNELL, JACOB TAPLEY - Born on November 29, 1835 in Emanuel County, son of G.W.W. and Margaret (Tapley) Snell, elected first tax commissioner of Johnson County in 1859, 1st Sgt., Co. E, 2nd Regiment Georgia Militia, died August 10, 1919, buried in Snell Cemetery, married Elephare Outlaw, born 4/13/1837 in Georgia, died 9/29/1905; Children: Elizabeth J. (b. 11/1856, d. 11/8/1862), James, George (b. 10/28/1860, d. 10/29/1888), William, Erastus, Otis, Morgan, Margaret (may be Marjorett), Martha, Infant son (b. 10/10/1872, d. 10/8/1873), Marjorett (b. 2/16/1878, d. 12/27/1883). 1860 Johnson # 6, 1870 Johnson # 561, 1880 Johnson 56th # 257, Snell family file, Laurens County Library.
SNELL, JAMES CHRISTOPHER - Born Sept. 19, 1838, son of George W.W. and Margaret Snell, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., 2nd Lt., Co. E., 32nd Ga. Inf., Capt. Co. C., 2nd Ga. Militia, promoted to Major in August, 1864, took part in the battles of Jonesboro and Vineville. died on Feb. 28, 1903. Buried in Snell Cemetery, Johnson County, married Martha Malinda Green, daughter of Daniel Green, Jr. and Mahala Hall. Justice of the Peace of Johnson County. State Representative 1898-1899. Children: Malinda, George, Margaret, James, Vigale (male.), Nancy Jane (m. Joseph H. Rowland), Annie Jane (b. 1880, d. 5/30/1883). 1870 Johnson # 562, 1880 Johnson 1266th # 273, Conf. Roster III, p. 703.
SNELL, JOHN - Born 1797/8 in Georgia, son of Christopher and _____ Lamb Snell, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 56th G.M.D., 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (56th Dist.), married Nancy Swain, daughter of Canneth and Rebecca Johnson Swain, born 1802/3 in Georgia; Children: George Washington Wesley C.C., Sarenia (Seany?), Martha, Beanner. 1850 Emanuel # 366, 1840 Emanuel 55/31, 1830 Emanuel 56th p. 168, Wiregrass IV, p. 292, 1820 Lottery, p. 314, 1832 Lottery, p. 471, 1870 Johnson # 591.
SNELL, JOHN CHRISTOPHER - Born on March 26, 1815, son of William and Martha D. Snell, married Angelina Rouse on Sept. 5, 1839 in Emanuel County. Children: Mary Jane, Nancy Ann, Martha Ann, Cornelia, James W.D., John C.J., Lewis Daniel, Elijah I.D., Julius Augustus, and Wesley LeGrande. Snell Family File, Laurens County Library.
SNELL, JOHN WESLEY - Son of Barnabus and Katherine Snell, Pvt. Co. E, 32nd Ga. Inf., married on March 6, 1861 to Mary Ann Elizabeth Pullen, born 1840, daughter of James Thomas Pullen and Julia Ann Tapley; Children: W.B.B. (m. Annie L. Childs). Tapley, p. 109, Conf. Roster III, p. 708.
SNELL, WILLIAM B. - Born 1832/3 son of Barnabus and Katherine Snell, married Jane _______, born 1834/5 in Georgia; Children: Mary C./Jinnie, Henry W., James, Lula, Sallie, Thomas N., and Mattie. 1860 Johnson # 41, 1870 Johnson # 600, 1880 Johnson # 4, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist.?.
SNELL, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1789, son of Christopher and Cenith Lamb Snell, married Martha Dormina on Jan. 30, 1812, 1st Lt., Capt. O'Neil and Ward Co., of Col. MeCommie's Regiment, Georgia Militia, War of 1812. Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1812, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Oliver's (56th) Dist., Children: John Christopher Snell Montgomery, p. 77, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, 1821 Lottery, p. 223, 1830 Houston Co., Census.
SPELL, GREEN - Born 1824/5 in Georgia, married Sarah ______, born 1817/8 in Georgia; Children: Reason C., Nancy E., William, Mandy, Green. 1860 Johnson # 339.
SPELL, JOHN - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married Mary A., born 1829/30; Children: George W., Mary A., James E., and William T..1860 Johnson # 329, 1870 Johnson # 294?.
SPELL, JOSEPH - Captain Little Ohoopee Militia Dist, 1801. Huxford Magazine, Vol. V, p. 954.
SPENCE, J.D. - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, married Elizabeth ______, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Joseph, William, et al. 1860 Johnson # 110.
SPIVEY, ELVA - Her illegitimate children of Arline's Dist., Laurens County, were Land Lottery Winners in 1827. 1827 Lottery, p. 210.
SPIVEY, GREEN - Born 1820/21 in Georgia, son of Jonas Benton and Molsey Hester Spivey, died 1859, married ca. 1842 to Charity ______, born 1815, Children: Henry, (Pvt. Co. G., 49th Ga. Inf., killed near Lynchburg, Va, 1862), William B. (Pvt. Co. G., 49th Ga. Inf., (m. Georgia Ann White), Rosey, Jasper J. (m. Frances Hicks), Eliza (m. James Barfield). Spivey, p. 14, Laurens Mid 1800, p. 43.
SPIVEY, JASPER JEFF - Born Apr 4, 1826, son of Jonas Benton and Molsey Hester Spivey, died April, 1910, supposedly buried in Silver Leaf Church Cemetery, Laurens County, married Mary H. "Polly" Kea, on Dec. 9, 1849, daughter of Rev. Warren Key and Polly Beasley, born March 9, 1827, died Sept. 1901, buried in Gethesemane Cemetery, Laurens County; Children: Spencer, (m. Locara J. Hall, Rosa Della Gordon), Warren J. (m. Sarah Elizabeth Jackson), Jane (m. Hardy Thigpen, Charlie Davis), Arsena, Mary M. (m. Henry Kite), Wiley, William Sherman (m. Ella W. Stewart), Elizabeth, Sarah (m. Joseph B. Loyd). Spivey p. 14, et seq., Laurens Mid 1800, p. 43, 1860 Emanuel # 97, Key 2, p. 283.
SPIVEY, JETHRO B. - 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner 56th Mont. Co. 1805/6, moved to Laurens County where he was Justice of the Inferior Court in 1810, County Commissioner in 1812, and City of Dublin Commissioner in 1812. Montgomery, pp. 54, 72, Laurens Records I, p. 726.
SPIVEY, JONAS BENTON - Born ca. 1792, member of Georgia Militia, War of 1812, Roger Gamble's Co., Land Lottery Winner, 1827, of Arline's Dist. of Laurens County, died 1838 in Laurens County Records, married on March 7, 1818 to Molsey Hester, born ca. 1800, daughter of Jasper and Nancy Redding Hester, died ca. 1885; Children: Green Spivey, (m. Charity ______), Jasper Jeff (m. Mary H. " Polly" Key), Daniel (m. Alsie Bush), Rachel, Jane, and William M. (m. Anna M. King) 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, Spivey, pp. 13-19, Laurens I, p. 286, 1827 Lottery, p. 11, 82.
SPIVEY, MOSES - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 77.
STANLEY, SANS - Followed Nathaniel Hicks as one of the first settlers of the Wrightsville area along the Ohoopee, granted a tract of land in Washington County in 1787, purchased land on the Big Ohoopee in 1790, security on the bond of Jonathan Emmans, 1794, Jurymember, 1797. Dublin Post 5/5/1886, p. 3, Montgomery Records, p. 47, Grants, p. 620, Montgomery, p. 48, 336.
STANSELL, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Mont. Co., Montgomery, pp. 54.
STANSELL, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, pp. 54, 77.
STEPHENS, JOSHUA - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Jordan's (55th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 223.
STEPHENS, MARY - Her illegimate children, residents of Swain's 55th Dist. were Land Lottery Winners in 1827. 1830 Emanuel, 55th, p. 167, 1827 Lottery, p. 182.
STEPHENS, JEREMIAH WILLIAM P. Born 1811/2 in Georgia, son of William and Mary Stephens, married Sarah ______, born (1817/9) in North Carolina, Children: Delila (b, 5/7/1832, d. 11/3/1923), Susan Jane/Susanah (B. 2/30/1836, d. 12/12/1916), A.L. Volentine/Valentine (b. 5/19/183, d. 11/5/1911, m. Mary Ann Meeks, ca. 1866/7), Julia Ann (b. 5/17/1840, d. 2/18/1933), Alexander (b. ca. 1842), Joshua A. (b. 11/27/1843, d. 4/2/1917), Belisant Jane (b. 1846, d. 4/2/1917), William Jeremiah (b. Jan. 1847), Isham (b. 5/9/1848, d. 4/25/1924), Tempy (b. 1849), Martha (b. ca. 1852, m. Allen Meeks), Geronia (Mac), b. 5/26/1853, d. 2/28/1921), Henry (b. 5/9/1858, d. 1/3/1936). 1860 Johnson # 103, 1850 Emanuel # 231, 1840 Emanuel 56/43, 1870 Johnson # 431?, 435, http://members.aol.com/ancestry15/d11.htm.
STEVENS, ABIGAIL - Born ca. 1770-1780, her illegimate children, residents of Swain's 55th Dist. were Land Lottery Winners in 1827. 1830 Emanuel, 55th, p. 167, 1827 Lottery, p. 114.
STEWART, ARCHIBALD - Born ca. 1787 in North Carolina, married Ledda, born ca. 1800; Children; John L., Nathan, Neal, Lydia Ann, Archibald. 1840 Laurens, p. 166, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 45.
STEWART, DUGALD (DOUGALD) - Born ca. 1805, son of John and Mary Stewart, died ca. 1871 in Laurens County, founder of Maple Springs Methodist Church, married Elizabeth Harrod, possibly a daughter of Jacob Harrod, on Dec. 23, 1834; Children: John Dugald (m. Eliza Hightower), David, George, Charles, Archie, William Jacob (Latha Etta Turner), Elizabeth, and Mary. Laurens History, II, p. 746, 7, Laurens Mid 1800, p. 45, 1840 Laurens, p. 166, 1880 Johnson # 306?, Headlight, 4/22/1971, p. 3, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
STEWART, JAMES - Born ca. 1804, son of John and Mary Stewart, married Harriett Powell. 1840 Laurens, p. 166, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
STEWART, JOHN - Born ca. 1765, possibly son of Samuel and Lydia Harrison Stewart, may have settled first in Wilkes County, and then settled at the upper end of Snell's Bridge Road in Laurens County, may have married 1st Margaret Potts, daughter, daughter of Moses Potts, Children: James Potts, m. Margaret Witherspoon; married 2nd to Mary __________, children: Ann (m. William D. Smith), Mary (m. Wiley Pope), Charles (m. Betsy McCullars), James (m. Harriett Powell), Dugal (m. Elizabeth Harrord). Laurens History, II, p. 745,746, Laurens History I, p. 273, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
STEWART, JOHN DUGALD - Born ca. 1835, son of Dugal and Elizabeth Harrod Stewart, married Eliza Hightower, born ca. 1842. Children: John, Ashley, Jane. 1880 Johnson # 306.
STOKES, JAMES - Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 72.
STOKES, JOSIAH - Born ca. 1795 in Virginia. Died before 1938. Married Polly _______. Stokes, p. I-31.
STOKES, NATHANIEL - Born April 12, 1820, son of Josiah and Polly Stokes, died May 28, 1896, buried in Walker Cemetery, married Lucinda Rawls, born May 30, 1824, died Aug. 5, 1872; Children: Josiah b. 9-26-1848, d. 12-27-22, (m. Samantha Smith); Permelia/Mealie/Amelia Jane; b. 4-16-1850, d. 5-15-1934, married Elisha W. Walker; Clifford, b. 5-2-1866, d. 4 or 5-18-1896; Margan/Margie Ann Elizabeth, b. 11-17-1853, d. 9-17-1916, married Aaron Hilson; Mary, b. 1-9-1855, d. 5-2-1887, married George Thomas Flanders; Dealphia/Dilpha, b. 11-5-1856, d. 11-23-1937, married Charles Tom Bray, Sr.,; Margaret, b. 4-28-1858, d. 12-27-1922; Martha, b. 4-28-1858, d. 10-30-1933; Rederick Nathaniel, b. 4-16-1852, d. 1-16-1858, Elizabeth Louisa, b. 11-16-1864, d. 4-26-1908, married Enoch Preston Lake; Jordan, b. 6-30-1864, d. 1-14-1949, married Luella Sinquefield. Stokes, p. 2-3, I-1, II-1, IV-1, V-1, VI-1, IX-1, X-1, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 45, 1860 Johnson # 343, Cemetery, pp. 20,398,399, 1870 Johnson # 100, 1880 Johnson # 346, 464, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist.
STOKES, SAMUEL - May have been granted land in Washington County in 1790, Landowner 55th Mont. Co. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 72, Grants, p. 627.
SUMNER, ALEXANDER C. - Born Jan. 1, 1787, son of Joseph Sumner and Mary Kight, may have been the landowner shown in the 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, may have been an 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., died March 18, 1872, served in Captain John Griff's Co., Ga. Militia, War of 1812, founder of Maple Springs Methodist Church, married circa 1813, Nancy Elizabeth Flanders, born June 10, 1790 in Georgia, died Aug. 14, 1867, dau. of Francis Richard Flanders and Nancy Jordan; Children: Nancy Georgia (b. 10-6-1808, d. 12-29-1845, married Wright Manning Beasley), Mary (b. 3-30-1811, d. ca. 1868, m. _______ Jewell), John C. (b. 12-15-1842), Jemima Ruth (b. 8-2-1815, d. 3-8-1896 in Wadley, Ga. (m. George Smith); William Harvey (b. 12-19-1817, d. 8-25-1886 in Johnson Co., m. 1st to Sarah Ann Mason, married 2nd to Elizabeth Garnto); Joseph M. (b. 3-25-1820, d. 8-26-1882, m. Edith Bridges, Mary Ann "Polly" Flanders, Francis Alexander (b. 9-22-1822, m. Mary F. Thompson); Jesse J. (b. 2-14-1825, d. before 10-19-1868, m. Mary Ann Drawda; Sarah C. (b. 7-28-1827, m. David Rawls); Eliza Jane (b. 9-20-1830, d. 2-9-1857, m. Richard Flanders). 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, 1830 Emanuel 53rd p. 171, 1840 Emanuel 53/6, 1850 Emanuel # 369, 1860 Johnson # 208, 1870 Johnson # 438, 1820 Lottery, p. 313, Montgomery, p. 77, Headlight, 4/22/1971, p. 3. 1850 Emanuel # 246?, 1840 Emanuel 56/33, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, 1820 Lottery, p. 313. Researcher. Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net.
SUMNER, ALEXANDER CHESTNUT - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, son of John Chestnutt Sumner and Mary Hogan, Pvt. Co. K, 28th Ga. Inf., married on January 14, 1840 to Sarah Jan Kitchens, born 1821/2 in South Carolina. Children, Elizabeth, John W., Mary, Jane, Neil. 1860 Emanuel # 190, 1850 Emanuel # 240, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221, Conf. Roster III, p. 426. Researcher. Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net.
SUMNER, BIRD L. - Born Feb. 8, 1820 in Georgia, son of John Chestnut Sumner, and Mary Hogan, died on Aug. 10, 1892, married on Oct. 26, 1843 to Lucinda Rountree, daughter of Joshua and Zilpha Durden Rountree, born 1825/6 in Georgia; Children: Joshua Lewis (b. 6/8/1850, d. 7/6/1923, m. Julia Key), Elizabeth Jane (b. 9-24-1845, d. 4-23-1919, m. William Canady on 4-1-1865), Jethro (b. 7-12-1847, d. 10-10-1903, m. 10-12-1870 Phoebe Brinson), Amanda (b. 10-23-1848, d. 3-14-1915, m. John l. Brown), Sarah Ann Melinda (b. 3-9-1852, d. 7-16-1938), William Alexander (b. 9/18/1856, d. 12/22/1918), and Zilpha (b. ca. 1858). 1850 Emanuel # 244, 1860 Emanuel # 267, Tapley, p. 106. Researcher. Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net.
SUMNER, DANIEL T. - Born 1826/7 in Georgia, son of John Chestnutt Sumner and Mary Hogan, married on Aug. 27, 1843 to Delila Key, born 1822/3 in Georgia, dau. of Warren and Polly Beasley Key; Children: John, William, Robert. 1850 Emanuel # 345, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221, Key, p. 156. Researcher. Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net.
SUMNER, DAVID P. - Born 1829/30 in Georgia, son of Richard Sumner Jr. and Belisen _________, married on Oct. 25, 1849 to Ruth Sumner, born 1829/30 in Georgia, daughter of John Chestnut Sumner, Jr. and Nancy Douglas. Children included James A., Joseph P., Sarah. 1850 Emanuel # 138, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221.
SUMNER, I.B.- 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214.
SUMNER, JESSE C. - Born 1799 in Jefferson Co., son of Joseph and Mary Kight Sumner, died 1868 in Tift (Irwin) County, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., married in 1818 to Lavina Yates, born ca. 1799 in Jefferson Co., died 1879 in Tift (Irwin) County, they moved to Irwin County shortly after their marriage, she also married Joshua M. Ellis and was a daughter of William Yates (RS); Children: Rachel (b. ca. 5-27-1819, d. 8-19-1901, m. 10-22-1835, Malcolm McMillan), Ruthy Ann (b. 6-10-1821, d. 2-4-1906, m. on 2-13-1838 to James Thomas Branch), Nancy (b. ca. 1823, m. on 5-20-1841 to John G. Roberts), James C. (b. 4-20-1825, d. 7-25-1898, m. on 2-24-1850 to Mary E. Branch), Alexander C. (b. ca. 1827, m. on 3-10-1850 to Loney L. Marchant), Winnie (b. ca. 1829), Ashley C. (b. ca. 1831, m. on 1-15-1857 to Martha J. Sutton), Jesse C. (b. 5-23-1832, m. Polly Drawdy (12-7-1852), Catherine Sutton (3-21-1862), and Mary McDaniel (12-31-1866)), Martha Elizabeth (b. ca. 1834, m. on 1-5-1854 to Ryan Frier Kinard), John J. (b. 5-16-1835, d.10-22-1891, m. 12-25-1858, Ruth Cornelia Sutton), Burrell B. (b. 1838, d. 4-7-1862, Camp David, Va., m. on Jan. 4, 1857 (1859), m. Nancy Branch), William Robert (b. ca. 1840, d. 1863/2, Farmville, Va.) m. Betsy Warren, Eliza (b. ca. 1842, d. 6-22-1860, m. John S. Marchant), Joseph Robert (b. ca. 1843, d. 11-1-1862, Danville, Va.). Wiregrass, Vol. II, p. 267, 1820 Lottery, p. 314, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, History of Irwin Co., p. 508, Researcher. Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net..
SUMNER, JETHRO - Born in 6-14-1828, d. 3-11-1885, in Emanuel County, son of John Chesnut Sumner and Mary Hogan, 1st Corporal, Co. C. 54th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., elected Clerk of the Inferior Court of Emanuel County, 1862, married 4-6-1854, Elizabeth McGarr, ______, born 1837/8 in Georgia; Children: Lucinda, John O., Mary J.. 1860 Emanuel # 261, Researcher. Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net.
SUMNER, JOHN CHESTNUT - Born ca. 1791 in Georgia, son of Joseph Sumner and Mary Kight, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, Private Capt. Braswell's Co., Montgomery Co. Militia, War of 1812, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Jordan's (55th) Dist., 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.), died in 1860, married 1st to Mary Hogan, born ca. 1791, d. 1850), married 2nd to Katherine _________, born ca. 1796; Children: John C., Jr.(b. ca. 1818, m. Nancy Douglas, m. Mary _______), William (b. 3-14-1817, d. 2-23-1883, m. Nancy Rountree), Bird L. (b. 2-8-1820, d. 8-10-1892, m. Lucinda Rountree), Alexander (b. 1821, m. 1-14-1840 to Sarah Jan Kitchens), Daniel Thompson Sumner (b. 1825, m. 8-27-1843, Delila Key), Jethro Sumner. (b. 6-14-1828, d. 3-11-1885, m. 4-6-1854, Elizabeth McGar) Sarah, Joseph, Pvt. Co. H, 48th Ga. Inf.. 1850 Emanuel # 190, 1840 Emanuel 55/50, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, Tapley, p. 106, Montgomery, pp, 77, 155, 1821 Lottery, p. 223, 1832 Lottery, p. 471, Researcher. Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net.
SUMNER, JOHN C., JR. - Born 1812/3 in Georgia, son of John C. Sumner, married on March 25, 1841 to Nancy Douglas, born 1821/2 in Georgia; Children: Fady, James, Alexander (m. Mary A.J. ______), Stephen, Jordan, Rutha, and Martha. 1850 Emanuel # 375, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221, 1870 Johnson # 48, 1880 Johnson # 299, 300.
SUMNER, JOSEPH CHESTNUT SR. - Born ca. 1761 in South Carolina, son of Joseph Sumner and Anne (Battle or Duke), landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, died Dec. 30, 1827 in Emanuel County, soldier of the American Revolution, 1827 Land Lottery Winner, of Swain's (55th) Dist., married ca. 1787 to Mary Kight, born circa 1770, daughter of Robert Kight and Bethany Merritt, died circa 1840 in Emanuel (or Dooly) County, both are said to have been buried in the Sumner Cemetery, Emanuel County. Children: John Chestnut, (b. ca. 1788, m. Mary Hogan, Katherine Thompson Kitchens Flanders), Mary (b. ca. 1791, m. Nathan Seaborn Land, Quinton Flanders, John R. Land), Joseph (b. 9-15-1793, d. 6-13-1880, m. Mahala Smith), Alexander (b. ca. 1795, m. Nancy Elizabeth Flanders), Ruth (m. on 9-8-1811 to William Flanders), William (m. on 1-14-1830 to Nancy McDonald), Jesse C. (m. Lavina Yates), and probably Nancy (b. 5-1-1800, m. John R. Flanders). Flanders, p. 90, Tapley, p. 106, Montgomery, p. 77, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, 1827 Lottery, p. 105, http://www.pollette.com/jcsrs.htm. Researcher: Julian Anderson, jandy@net-magic.net.
SUMNER, JOSEPH JR. - Born Sep. 15, 1793 in Burke Co., son of Joseph Sumner and Mary Kight, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Chason's Dist., moved to Irwin ca. 1826, died June 13, 1880, married April 19, 1813 in Montgomery County (Emanuel), Mahala Smith, born Oct. 11, 1799, died March 30, 1882; Children: Gordon Archibald, (b. 4-27-1814, m. Rachel Marchant), Sarah (b. 2-27-1816, m. Benjamin Willis), Matilda (b. 1-27-1821, m. Jehu Fletcher), Mary Ann b. 2-27-1823), Eliza (b. 5-3-1825, m. on 7-24-1845 to Isaac Brooks), John C. (b. 1-15-1827, m. Rebecca A. Young (1-15-1851), Mary A. Monk (1-12-1854), Mary Hobby (10-15-1857)), Daniel S. (b. 10-28-1828, m. Martha Monk (2-28-1853), Martha Hobby (4-16-1876)), Mary S. (b. 9-29-1830), George Walton (b. 4-21-1834, m. on 2-9-1854, to Rhoda Porter), Martha (b. 8-20-1832, m. on 2-19-1852 to Thomas J. Young), Joseph M. Sumner (b. 9-16-1835, m. on 12-13-1858 to Elizabeth Jane Young), Thomas Jefferson (b. 8-16-1838, d. 1863), Elizabeth (b. 2-27-1840, m. James S. Young, James W. Tramell), Caroline (b. 3-15-1842), Sophronia (b. 3-28-1844), Sophia, (b. 12-30-1844), Missouri (b. ca. 1845, m. on 2-6-1860 to Joseph Y. Sutton), 1820 Emanuel, p. 92, 1821 Lottery, p. 223.
SUMNER, JOSEPH M. - Born April 10, 1819, son of Alexander and Nancy Flanders Sumner, founder of Maple Springs Methodist Church, died Aug. 26, 1882, buried in Dude Sumner Cemetery; married 1st on January 11, 1846 in Laurens County to Edith Bridges, born Feb. 16, 1818, daughter of Blake Bridges and Peircey Peacock, died 1853; children: Henrietta Sumner (b. 2-10-1850, d. 3-29-1941, m. John R. Rhiner), Nancy Jane Sumner (b. ca. 1852, m. Charles Wheeler); married 2nd Mary Ann Flanders, born July 17, 1827, daughter of Francis Eugene and Elizabeth Mason Flanders, died Aug. 9, 1906, buried in Dude Sumner Cemetery; Children: Gencia Ellen Sumner (b. 7-8-1865, d. 2-14-1935, m. James Lee Williams). Flanders, pp. 181-183, Laurens Mid-1800, p. 45, Laurens I, p. 296, 1880 Johnson # 300, Headlight, 4/22/1971, p. 3.
SUMNER, JOSEPH T. - Born in 1833/4 in Georgia, son of John C. Sumner, Private Co. H., 48th Ga. Inf., C.S.A., married Mosury? _______. 1860 Emanuel # 266.
SUMNER, JOSHUA - Born 1848, son of Bird L. and Lucinda Rountree Sumner, died 1923, married Julia Ann Kea, born Aug. 25, 1850, daughter of Burrell and Elizabeth Tapley Kea, died Oct. 17, 1933; Children: Homer Charles, Walter A., Dodge (m. Flossie Gillis), Burke, Eva. Tapley, p. 106.
SUMNER, RICHARD SR. - Born 1760-1770, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., Children: Richard, William M. (b. 1/8/1797, m. 1/14/1830 Nancy McDonald) and possibly Nancy Sumner, b. 1800 and married John R. Flanders (See Joseph Sumner). Sources mix the children of Richard Sumner and Joseph Sumner. It is difficult to separate some of them. 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167. 1820 Lottery, p. 314, Montgomery, p. 77, http://www.
SUMNER, RICHARD JR. - Born 1806/7 in Georgia, married Belison, born 1807/8 in Georgia, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.); Children: James, William, John (Pvt. Co. H., 48th Ga. Inf.), George, (Pvt. Co. K, 28th Ga. Inf., died Sept. 1862), Willis T., (Pvt. Co. K, 28th Ga. Inf.), Martha E., Nancy. 1860 Emanuel # 44, 1850 Emanuel # 137, 1840 Emanuel 55/47, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1832 Lottery, p. 471, Conf Roster III, p. 426.
SUMNER, ROBERT - Born 1826/7 in Georgia, married Martha _______, born 1828/9 in Georgia. Children: John R., Jesse K., James A., Joseph D., Lizzie, William J. John, Rutha, Nancy, George, Charlie. 1850 Emanuel # 486, 1860 Emanuel # 280, 1870 Johnson # 331.
SUMNER, WILLIAM - Born 1816/7 in Georgia, married on Feb. 6, 1845, Nancy Rountree, daughter of George ? Rountree, born 1817/8 in Georgia; Children: Nancy, Sarah L., George, Elizabeth J., Dory Ann M., and William J.. 1850 Emanuel # 245, 1860 Emanuel # 273, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 221, 1880 Johnson # 318?
SUMNER, WILLIAM - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Chason's Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 223.
SURREY, JAMES - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 55.
SUTTON, ABEL - Born ca. 1770/1780. 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167.
SWAIN, CANNETH - Born 1770 in Tyrell Co., North Carolina, son of Stephen and Ann Spruell Swain, Sr., came to Ohoopee area in mid 1790's, Justice of the Peace, 55th G.M.D., Montgomery County, 1808-12, 1797/98 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Private Capt. Messer's Co., Mont. Co. Militia, War of 1812, 1820 Land Lottery Winner, 55th G.M.D., moved to Thomas County, Georgia in 1826, died in 1831 in Thomas County, Ga., married in 1801 in Montgomery Co. to Rebecca Johnson, born 1781 in North Carolina and daughter of Daniel Johnson, she married 2nd to John Chason of Decatur Co.; Children: Stephen, Starling, Morgan G. (m. Elizabeth Wooten, Rebecca Griffin), Tarlton (m. Lavina Holloway), Malinda (m. Joseph Yates), Elizabeth (m. William Yates), Nancy (m. John Snell), Serena (m. James McDonald), Augustus C., John B. (m. Elizabeth McMullen). Wiregrass IV, p. 292, 1820 Lottery, p. 314, Hollingsworth # 7, 8, Montgomery, pp. 47, 55, 62, 72, 77, 154, Revolutionary I, p. 163, 1820 Emanuel, p. 82.
SWAIN, DARLING - Born 1819/20 in Georgia, son of Eldred and Delena Swain, married Martha Ann, born 1823/4 in Georgia; Children: Mary, Eldred (m. Laduska Douglas), James, Ashley, George Ann. 1850 Emanuel # 200, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222.
SWAIN, ELDRED - Born 1805/6 in Montgomery County, son of Stephen and Margaret Swain, Jr., Justice of the State Senator, Emanuel Co., 1838, 1840-1, Inferior Court of Emanuel Co., 1851, mechanic, married Delana, born 1805/6 in Georgia; Children: Saphy, William (m. Euldy Price), James. 1850 Emanuel # 204, 1840 Emanuel 55/49, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 167, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222, Laurens Deeds, N-132, Georgia Register, p. 1265.
SWAIN, ETHELRED - Born ca. 1775-1795. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84.
SWAIN, SHERROD - Born ca. 1774 in Tyrell Co., N.C., son of Stephen and Ann Elizabeth Spruell Swain, married Mary Lane, Sept. 5, 1792, 1797/8 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, Unfortunate Drawer, 1st Lt. Montgomery Troop of Dragoons, 1801, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, 1805 Land Lottery, Receiver of Tax Returns, Mont. Co., 1797. Wiregrass III, p. 309, Mont. Source, p. 204, Montgomery, p. 23, 47, 55, 62, 149, Huxford Magazine, Vol. V, p. 954.
SWAIN, STARLING - Born ca. 1800-1, may have been a son of Stephen and Margaret Swain, Jr., Land Lottery Winner, 1827 of Swain's (55th) Dist., married Ardelala _______, born 1807/8. 1820 Emanuel, p. 82, 1850 Emanuel, # 198.
SWAIN, STEPHEN, SR. - Born ca. 1735-40 in Tyrell County, North Carolina, son of John and Mary Swain, Served as Ensign of 8th North Carolina Foot Battalion, 1775-1777, Justice of the Peace of Tyrell County, 1778-1790, granted 200 acres of land on the Ohoopee River in 1790, and moved here shortly thereafter, died ca. 1796 in Montgomery Co., married on May 26, 1760 to Ann Spruell, born ca. 1748, Tyrell Co., N.C., died ca. 1792, Montgomery Co. ; Children: Stephen (m. Margaret ______), Canneth (m. Rebecca Johnson), Sherrod (m. Mary Lane), Mary (m. Lemon Wesley), Revolutionary I, p. 163, Hollingsworth # 3, Wiregrass III, p. 309.
SWAIN, STEPHEN, JR. - Born ca. 1771 in Tyrrell County, North Carolina, son of Stephen and Ann Spruell Swain, landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1797/8 Landowner, 1797 Jurymember, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, State Senator, Montgomery County, 1812, Emanuel County, 1813-1831, 1833-1836, serving the longest consecutive term in the Senate until 1983, Justice of the Peace of Montgomery County, Justice of the Inferior Court of Emanuel County, 1819, died in 1852 in Decatur County, Ga., married Margaret ________; Children: Eldred, Starling, Darling, Sarah (m. James T. Fortner). 1820 Emanuel, p. 82, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, Hollingsworth # 3, Montgomery, pp. 47, 55, 62, 72, 77, 141, 142, Laurens Deeds, C-32, B-109, Georgia Register, p. 1265, 1321.
SWAIN, WILLIAM - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Chason's Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 223.
SWEARINGEN, BOLIN - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 55.
SWEAT, WILLIAM J. - Born 1817/8 in South Carolina, married Mary _____, born 1813/4 in Georgia; Children: Thomas, John L., and William. 1860 Johnson # 116.
TANNER, GRAY - Born ca. 1795/1800. 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167.
TANNER, JOHN - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55/56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 55, 62, 72, 78.
TAPLEY, GEORGE WASHINGTON - Born May 2, 1814 in Emanuel County, son of Sarah Tapley, Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, married Elizabeth ________; Children: Francis M. (killed in Civil War), James Madison (Elizabeth Rebecca Page Horton), Minna, Robert L. (m. Harriett Scarborough), Frances L. (m. N.A. Williams), Martha. Tapley, pp. 90, 100, 101, 1860 Johnson # 204, 1880 Johnson 55th # 159, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist.
TAPLEY, JAMES - Born ca. 1780 in Hillsborough Dist, South Carolina, son of Newhampton Tapley, died 1855 Emanuel County, Landowner, 57th/55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Justice of the Peace, Emanuel County, 1813-1817, 1832 Land Lottery Winner (55th Dist.), married on Oct. 9, 1809 to Mary Benson, born ca. 1790 in Washington County, and daughter of John Benson, died after 1860. Children: Sarah, Elizabeth, (b. 5/23/1813, m. Burrell Kea), Benson (b. ca. 1815-1820, died in Civil War), Media? (b. ca. 1815-1820) James H., Jane (b. 7/4/1821, d. 8/2/1884, m. Nathan Barwick, Jr.), Julia Ann (b. ....... m. James Thomas Pullen), Amelia (b. 8/15/1826, m. Joseph Watson), Thomas A. (b. 8/15/1826, m. Jane Rountree), William L. (b. 1829, m. Louisa Malinda Durden), John Curtis, (b. 2/24/1830, d.3/8/1917, m. Mary Ann Durden), Mary. Probably had a daughter (b. ca. 1815) by the name of Margaret, who married George W.W. Snell. 1860 Emanuel # 66, 1850 Emanuel # 230, 1840 Emanuel 55/48, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 167, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, Gillis pp. 140/141, Tapley, pp. 28-30, 102, 109, Montgomery, pp. 62, 72, 78, 1832 Lottery, p. 517, http://members.aol.com/ancestry15/d171.htm.
TAPLEY, JAMES MARION, SR. - Born May 2, 1814 in Emanuel Co., son of Sarah Tapley, died Aug. 20, 1884, in Georgia, one of the first five county commissioners of Johnson County, Justice of the Peace, Johnson County State Representative, 1st Clerk of the Superior Court, died Aug. 20, 1884, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery, married Media Edingfield, married 2nd Martha Norris, born 1831, died 1897, buried in Oaky Grove Cemetery; Children: John C. (had children with Viana Davis, ), Mary Norris (m. Thomas Jefferson Brantley), Susan Isabella (m. Swain Madison Norris), James Marion (m. Amanda O. Anderson), Jane (m. William L. Wheeler), George Washington (m. Nancy Elizabeth Rowland), William B. (m. Joanna Mixon), Cincinnatus C. (m. Joanna Mixon), Frances M. (m. Dr. Ishma I. Smith), Cannethias Swain (m. Ida Belle Oliver). 1880 Johnson 1203rd # 85, 1870 Johnson # 419, 1860 Johnson # 16, 1850 Emanuel # 283, Tapley, pp. 43, 45, 47, 54, 60, 64, 65, 75, 77, 86, 87, Centennial, p. 6, Cemetery, p. 235.
TAPLEY, JOHN CURTIS - Born Feb. 24, 1830 in Emanuel County, son of James Tapley and Mary Benson, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., C.S.A., died March 8, 1917 in Telfair County, married on June 19, 1851 to Mary Ann Durden, born Jan. 10, 1833, daughter of Eleazar and Mary Barwick Durden, died Feb. 11, 1909, both buried in Oakland Cemetery in Helena; Children: Aven Benson (m. Sarah Louetta Catherine Pope), James L. (m. Martha Barwick), Francis M. (m. Mattie Kea), Elizabeth (m. Lucian P.B. Barwick), William Wilkins (m. Nettie E. Odom, Ollie Bush), Angus Welton (m. Hattie Odom, Mattie Kea), Dennis George, Mary J, Sidney A. (m. C.H. Adams), J. Lila (m. J.H. Ingram). Tapley, pp. 151, 153, 154, 155, 158, Conf. Roster III, p. 729.
TAPLEY, NEWHAMPTON - Son of Joel Tapley, born circa 1740's, makes first appearance in the Ohoopee area in 1792, 1798 landowner, landowner, 57th/55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807, died 1812 in Montgomery County; Children: (known), James, Sarah. Tapley, pp. 25, 26, Montgomery, p. 47. 62, 72, 78, http://members. aol.com/ ancestry15/d169.htm.
TAPLEY, SARAH - Born in South Carolina in 1775, likely daughter of Newhampton Tapley, landowner 57th Mont. Co., 1811/2, Land Lottery Winner, 1807, died between 1850 and 1860; Children: (Illegitimate) James Marion (m. Martha Norris), George Washington (m. Elizabeth ______). 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, Tapley, pp. 31-33, Montgomery, p. 62, 78.
TAPLEY, THOMAS A. - Born Aug. 25, 1826 in Emanuel County, son of James and Mary Benson Tapley, married Phereba Jane Rountree, born April 25, 1829, daughter of George and Lavinia Neal Rountree, died December 12, 1905; Children: Sarah L. (m. William Norris Kight), Mary J. (m. Charles W. Price), George Washington (m. Julia Ann Tempy Beasley), Margaret Elizabeth, Thomas A. (m. Malinda Odom), Julia Lugenia (m. James H. Hutchinson), Dora Ella (m. James Joshua Helton), New Benson (m. Annie Lou Wilson), Fannie Lula. Tapley, pp. 115, 118, 124, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134.
TAPLEY, WILLIAM L. - Born in 1829 in Emanuel County, died between 1860 and 1865, married on April 10, 1851 to Louisa Malinda Durden, daughter of Eleazar and Mary Barwick Durden, she married 2nd on Sept. 6, 1865 to William L. Woods; Children: James L. (m. Sarah R. Beasley), Walter Eleazor (m. Clarissa Miller), Vienna (m. W.R. Webster), Luvenia (m. James F. Moon), Matilda Emma (m. Alexander Stephens Dukes), Eliazabeth. 1860 Emanuel # 54, Tapley, pp. 136, 144, 148, 150.
TAYLOR, HENRY, SR. - Born ca. 1775, 1797/8 Landowner, first granted land in the 55th G.M.D., Mont. Co., 1802, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/1812, Land Lottery Winner, 1805. Montgomery, pp. 62, 72, 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, Grants, p. 642, Tax Digests, p. 100.
TAYLOR, HENRY, JR. - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/1812, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 62, 72, 78.
TAYLOR, JOHN - Born ca. 1775-1795, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/1812, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 62, 72, 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 88.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM - Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1812, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, p. 78.
TAYLOR, WILLIAM - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/6, Montgomery, p. 72.
TEMPLE, ANDREW - Born ca. 1775-1795, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1812, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 62, 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 82.
TEMPLE, FREDERICK, SR. - Born before 1775, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Children: Fredericks, Jr., Andrew?, John?. Montgomery, p. 63, 1820 Emanuel, p. 82.
TEMPLE, FREDERICK, JR. - Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, p. 63.
TEMPLE, JOHN - Born ca. 1775-1795, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1812. Montgomery, p. 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 88.
THARP, JOHN - Born ca. 1808, married Mary _____b, ca. 1827; Children: Rutha (b. ca. 1834); Mary E. (b. ca. 1838); James W. (b. ca. 1840); Winifred (b. ca. 1841); Christopher (b. ca. 1845); Margaret A. (b. ca. 1847); Milley (b. ca. 1849). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, 1850 Washington # 695.
THIGPEN, CHARLES - Son of Travis Hill and Hannah Hall Thigpen, landowner, 53rd Mont. Co. 1811/2, married Mary Arnold, Barbara Culbreath. Thigpen, p. 115, Montgomery, p. 78.
THIGPEN, DANIEL - Born May 4, 1821, son of Melanchton and Barbara Ricks Thigpen, died April 22, 1897, married Mary Hilburn, born April 1, 1839, daughter of Vaughn and Eliza Ann McLemore Hilburn, died May 17, 1874, both buried in Bethsaida Church Cem.; Children: Ira Von (m. Henrietta Martin, Fannie Moore, Eadie _____), Andrew L. (m. Georgianna Drew), Richard Byron (m. Frances Esley Martin), Daniel, Georgia (m. Ed Walker), Leona (m. Noah Derriso), Mollie (m. Chess Smith). Thigpen, p. 117, Sharpe, p. 376.
THIGPEN, MELANCTHON - Born Dec. 19, 1792 in Georgia, son of Travis Hill and Hannah Hall Thigpen, landowner 53rd Mont. Co., 1811/2, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Parker's Dist., 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.), died July 26, 1877, buried in Bethsaida Baptist Cemetery, Treutlen County, married on March 20, 1814 to Barbara Ricks, daughter of Richard Ricks and Elizabeth Herring, born Feb. 12, 1799, died Nov. 1, 1895; lived in lower edge of Johnson/Emanuel County along the old Savannah Road, (2nd home still standing, ca. 1840), Justice of the Peace of Emanuel County, Children: Richard (b. 6/16/1815, m. Mary Hern), Travis (b. 4/25/1818, m. Matilda McLemore), Daniel (m. Mary Hilburn), Elizabeth (m. Chesley McLemore), William (m. Delilah Clements), Eliza (b. 12/16/1828, m. Pollard McLendon), Lucien (b. 10/23/1833, m. Sarah Hilburn), John, Pvt. Co. G., 32nd Ga. Inf., (b. 2/4/1838, mortally wounded at Olustee, Florida, 4/24/1864, Arlia Ann (b. 7/11/1831, m. Richard Archibald Odom), Sarah Ann (m. George Appling Dame), Floralie (b. 2/4/1838, d. 7/18/1862). 1860 Emanuel # 124, 1850 Emanuel # 468, 1840 Emanuel 395/17, 1830 Emanuel 39th, p. 170, 1820 Emanuel, p. 80, Tapley, p. 67, Thigpen, pp. 116-120, Montgomery, p. 78, 1821 Lottery, p. 245, 1832 Lottery, p. 517, Ricks, p. 628, Sharpe, p. 376.
THIGPEN, RICHARD - Born June 6, 1815, in Emanuel Co., son of Melancthon and Barbara Ricks Thigpen, married Mary Hern, born 1816; Children: James (m. Delila Davis), Richard, George, Malancton, William, Gracey. Joseph (m. Martha McLendon), Jack (m. Serena Williams). 1840 Emanuel 395/13, Thigpen, p. 120, Mid 1800 People, p. 46, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 52nd Dist., Sharpe, p. 376.
THIGPEN, TRAVIS - Born April 25, 1818, son of Melancthon and Barbara Ricks Thigpen, died Matilda McLemore, born Sept. 1, 1821, died Nov. 30, 1904, daughter of Howell and Sarah McLemore; Children: Sarah Elizabeth (b. 1839, d. 1907, m. Norman Gillis), Martha E. (b. 1841, d. 1896), Barbara, Melanchton, Eliza (b. 1844, d. 1923), John M. (b. 1849, d. 1934, m. a Barwick?), Champion (b. 1855, d. 1928), Andrew L. (m. Amanda Barwick). Thigpen, p. 117, 1860 Emanuel # 110, 1850 Emanuel # 548, 1840 Emanuel 53/46, Sharpe, p. 376.
THIGPEN, TRAVIS HILL - Born in North Carolina June 19, 1747, son of Dr. James and Mary Penelope Hill, of Pitt County, N.C., moved to Ohoopee area in 1790's from Liberty County, Georgia, Revolutionary War Soldier, Justice of Inferior Court, Montgomery Co., 1798 --, Surveyor of Montgomery County, 1811-3, Surveyor of Emanuel County, 1813-4, 1816-7, Clerk of Superior and Inferior Courts of Montgomery County, 1809--, Justice of the Peace of 395th G.M.D., Emanuel Co., 1815-1823, Commissioner of Courthouse and Jail, Emanuel County, 1814, 1804 Jury member, 53rd, Landowner 53rd/ 54th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807, may have moved to Appling County shortly before his death on in 1848 (doesn't agree with 1830, 1840 Census), buried in Bethsaida Cemetery, Treutlen County, married 1st to Mary Dennis, born ca. 1750, died ca. 1766, married 2nd ca. 1768 to Lydia Mayo, married 3rd ca. 1783 to Hannah Hall Hardy, born ca. 1760 in North Carolina; Children: Dennis (by first wife) ( m. Sarah Grey), Mary Penelope (m. Nathaniel Thigpen), Rev. Calvin (m. Margaret Carver), Charles (m. Mary Arnold, Barbara Culberth), Jonathan (m. Nancy Holton), Martha (m. Juniper Hall Jr., ______ Graham), Hannah (m. John Pigg), Melancthon (m. Barbara Ricks), Mary (m. Hezekiah Neal), James M., Rev. William. Wiregrass I, p. 275, Wiregrass V, p. 537, Tapley, p. 67, Thigpen, pp. 115, 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170, 1840 Emanuel 395/4, 1850 Emanuel # 548, Montgomery, p. 55, 63, 72, 78.
THIGPEN, WILLIAM G.- Born June 16, 1826, son of Melancthon and Barbara Ricks Thigpen, m. Delilah Clements, Children: Charlton Travis Thigpen (m. Willie V. ______), Floralie, William Hicks (m. Eliza Beasley), Hardee (m. Lugene Hilburn), Arlia Barbara (m. Rice Anderson), Sarah Delilah, Emmet. Thigpen, p. 117-119, Sharpe, p. 376.
THIGPEN, REV. WILLIAM - Born June 26, 1799, son of Travis Hill and Hannah Hall Thigpen, Minister, Lt. Emanuel County Militia, 1823/4. Thigpen, p. 116. 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170.
THOMAS, CLAIBORNE- Born ca. 1775, 1797/8 Landowner, Landowner, 55th Mont. 1805/6, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (53rd Dist.). Montgomery, pp. 47, 63, 72, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, 1832 Lottery, p. 517.
THOMAS, GUIDEON - 1797/8 Landowner, Landowner, 55th Mont. 1805/6, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 47, 63, 72.
THOMAS, JOHN - Born ca. 1800/10. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166.
THOMPSON, ALLEN - Born 1/14/1830 in Emanuel County, son Robert and Mildred Beasley Thompson, died 8/21/1917, married on 12/27/1949 to Mary Katherine Kitchen, born 9/20/1829 in Robeson Co., North Carolina, daughter of James Bridges Kitchen and Margaret Smith, died Sept. 20, 1907; Children: Millie Jane (b. 4/1/1851, m. on 3/22/1874 to Alexander Sumner), James Robert (b. 9/24/1852, m. on 12/13/1876 to Samantha Elizabeth Sconyers), John Wesley (b. 1/27/1855, d. 6/30/1829, m. Winnie Catherine Flanders), Margaret Elizabeth (b. 2/9/1857, m. on 1/7/1875, William Thomas Beasley), Francis (Sid) Allen (b. 7/14/1859, m. on 2/21/1884 to Elizabeth Bell), William Gaston Morris (b. 9/24/1861, m. on 1/14/1884 to Sophonia Treutt, 2nd to Anna Truett), Mary Catherine (b. 4/4/1866, m. on 12/18/1887 to Jordan Flanders), Annie Smith (b. 2/1/1868, m. on 6/2/1884 to William Clinton Fields), Sarah Julia (b. 3/4/1871) and Nancy D. (b. 4/1/1873, d. 3/22/1918, m. George B. McLeod) 1850 Emanuel # 407, 1860 Emanuel # 302, Footprints, p. 138-148.
THOMPSON, ASA - Born ca. 1790/1800, Land lottery Winner, 1821, Jordan's (55th) Dist., Emanuel Co., 1832 Land Lottery Winner. 1821 Lottery, p. 245, 1830 Emanuel, 53rd, p. 171, 1832 Lottery, p. 517.
THOMPSON, DANIEL - 1832 Land Lottery Winner. 1832 Lottery, p. 517.
THOMPSON, FERRIBA - Her illegitimate children, residents of Arline's Dist. of Laurens County were land lottery winners, in 1827. 1827 Lottery, p. 94.
THOMPSON, HENRY - born March 3, 1806 in Burke or Wilkes County, Georgia, son of Reuben and Rachel Thompson, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, died Nov. 28, 1887, Methodist minister, moved to Ware County establishing three churches there, married Mary Catherine Webb, born 5/20/1808, died Nov. 28, 1883. Children: Levi R., Liza, Daniel P., John A., Leacy Ann, Rebecca, Rachel, William Allen, Millie A., Henry M., and Charlie W. 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 170, Footprints, p. 174, 1832 Lottery, p. 517.
THOMPSON, JOHN - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Chason's Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 245.
THOMPSON, JOHN NELSON - Born January 1, 1826 in Emanuel County, son of Robert and Amelia B. Thompson, married on Feb. 3, 1848 to Arrena Key, born on April 24, 1830, daughter of Warren and Nancy Key: Children: Wesley P. (m. Jane Smith), Bird L. (m. Nancy Smith), Allen (m. Eliza Riner), Daniel J., Spencer Smith (m. Ida Beadie Hall), John Lee (m. Mary Catherine Beasley), Ivy Paine, Isabell, Louvina (m. Rev. Thomas Drake), Charles Melvin, Robert N. and William W. (m. Sarah Rhiner). 1860 Emanuel # 296, 1850 Emanuel # 517, Footprints, p. 113-124, Key 2, p. 322.
THOMPSON, REUBEN - Born ca. 1765 in Bertie County, North Carolina, married Rachel _______, born ca. 1767 in Maryland; 1804 Jurymember, 55th Mont. Co., Children: Asa, Reubin, Jr., John, Elizabeth, (m. Mr. Williams), Robert (m. Mildred Amelia Beasley), Henry (m. Mary Catherine Webb), Allen (m. Catherine Webb), William, Jordan, Katie (m. Mr. Sumner), Edy, Jamima, Hettie, (m. Mr. Rowell), Hardy C., Sally (m. Jordan Flanders). 1850 Emanuel # 408, Footprints, p. 111, Montgomery, p. 55, 1830 Emanuel, 53rd, p. 171.
THOMPSON, REUBEN J. - Born 1822/3 in Emanuel County, married Martha, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: William, Jemima, John. 1850 Emanuel # 410.
THOMPSON, REV. ROBERT - Born September 4, 1804 in Georgia, son of Reuben and Rachel Thompson, Methodist minister, died Nov. 25, 1865, married Mildred Amelia Beasley, daughter of James Beasley and Polly Richardson, born April 25, 1808 in South Carolina, probably Darlington Co., died June 8, 1867 ; Children: John Nelson (b. 1-1-1826, d. 1912, m. in 1848 to, Arrena Key), William (b, 1828, d. 1907, m. Rutha Watson), Allen (b. 1-14-1830, d. 8-31-1917, m. Catharine Kitchen), Polly (b. 1832, d. 1898, m. Dempsey Moore, Billie Holton), Katherine (b. 5-1-1834, m. James Smith Kitchen), Rev. Asa L., (b. 1837, d. 7-30-1864, m. Margaret Kitchen), Elizabeth (b. 9-7-1839, d. 12-23-1909, m. Gaston Allen Kitchen), Nancy (b. 1840, d. 1856), Robert Bird (b. 4-5-1843, d. 12-5-1923, Pvt. Co. H. 48th Ga. Inf., m. Elizabeth Hall), Delila (b. 1846, d. 1886), James Gordon (b. 1848, d. 1923, m. Nancy Webb), Millie Malinda (m. Mr. Moore). 1860 Emanuel # 293, 1850 Emanuel # 339, 1840 Emanuel 53/ 16, 1830 Emanuel, 53rd, p. 171, Footprints, pp. 111, 112, 125, 138, 153, 170.
THOMPSON, WILLIAM F. - 1832 Land Lottery Winner (395th Dist.), 1832 Lottery, p. 517.
TOWNSEND, AARON T. - Born 1816/7 in Georgia, son of Henry Townsend, Sr., married Adaline ?, born 1816/7 in Georgia; Children: Susan, William, Edna, Adaline, Margaret. 1860 Johnson # 209, 1850 Emanuel # 355, 1840 Emanuel 56/45.
TOWNSEND, ANDREW G. - Born Dec. 24, 1818 in Georgia, son of Henry Townsend, Sr., (American Indian), died Oct. 8, 1873, married Martha Norris, daughter of Isaac Norris and Mary Cowart or Powell, born July 16, 1821 in Georgia, died Jan. 10, 1894; Children: Isaac (m. Tabitha Page), Henry Clinton (m. Catherine Price), Elizabeth, Ann (m. James Marion Riner), Mary, Silas (m. Eliza King), Martha (m. Jonas Wilson), James, Cilovans?. 1880 Johnson # 19, 1870 Johnson # 512, 513, 1860 Johnson # 95, 1850 Emanuel # 221, 1840 Emanuel 55/38, Cemetery, p. 386, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222, Tapley, pp. 120, 126, 1880 Johnson 55th # 205, 202, 206.
TOWNSEND, HENRY - Born ca. 1785 in North Carolina, m. Edna ________. (American Indian) Children: Aaron, Andrew, Henry, Jr.. 1850 Emanuel # 393, 1840 Emanuel 56/44, Tapley, p. 120.
TUCKER, JOHN W. - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, died on Jan. 19, 1900, buried in Tucker Soldier Cem., Johnson County, married Rebecca ______, born 1835/6 in Georgia; Children: Delpha, William, Lucy, et al. 1860 Johnson # 327, 1870 Johnson # 209, 1880 Johnson # 375, Cemetery p. 389.
TUCKER, NATHAN - Born at Point Judith, Rhode Island on Jan. 19, 1799, son of Gardiner Tucker and Mary Church, physician, came to the area ca. 1827 from Macon, may have married Eliza Maddox, daughter of Lewis Maddox, lived at Buena Vista in the northeast corner of Laurens County near where the New Buckeye Road and the Jackson Lake (Oconee to Wrightsville Road) intersect, Georgia Senator 1843-1844, member of Georgia Convention on Secession, 1861, voted no, died in 1869, buried in the Tucker Cemetery, married on October 14, 1830 to Anna Horn, born ca. 1811, daughter of Josiah Horn and Rebecca Young; Children: Lucien Quincey Tucker, M.D., (Capt. Co. C, 57th Ga. Inf., b. 4/12/1832, d. ca. 1874); Eugenia (b. Jan. 29, 1834, m. Judge Arthur Cochran, m. 2nd Dr. ________ Fitzgerald.), Josephine (died in infancy); Georgia (b. July 31, 1838, m. Franklin Palmer Stubbs); Ella/Elmira (b. March 19, 1840, m. John M. Stubbs); Nathan (died in infancy); Ophelia (born Oct. 6, 1844, m. Robert Flournoy). Laurens History, Vol. 1, p. 515, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist, Laurens Mid 1800, p. 47.
TUCKER, T.H. - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, married Martha ____, born 1811/2 in Georgia; Children: J.W.?, Harrison (b. ca. 1840, m. Nancy), Frances (b. ca. 1842), Elizabeth (b. ca. 1844), Queen (b. ca. 1849), William (b. ca. 1842). 1840 Washington 89th p. 223, 1860 Johnson # 345. 1870 Johnson # 222.
TUCKER, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1770 - 1780, may have married Nancy ______ (b. ca. 1790), and had among others John (b. ca. 1832); George (b. ca. 1834); and Nancy (b. ca. 1828). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 829.
TURNER, EPHRAIM - Born ca. 1780-90. 1830 Emanuel 395th p. 170.
TURNER, EPHRAIM - Born 1809/10 in Georgia, married Mary ______, born 1825/6 in Georgia; Children: George J., Ephraim J., and Joseph W.. 1860 Johnson # 283.
TYSON, DANIEL - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, married on Jan. 6, 1846 to Jane Neel, born 1827/8 in Georgia; Children: Joseph, Elizabeth Vianna (m. Joseph A. Riner), Juliann, Lely J., John F., and Lochinvar, married 2nd? to Maryann ?, not known which children are hers. 1850 Emanuel # 257, 1860 Emanuel # 86, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222, Riner, p. 56.
TYSON, DANIEL P. - Born in 1828/9 in Georgia, son of John Tyson, Sr. and Martha, on of the first five county commissioners, 1858, married on Oct. 13, 1853 to Martha Sheppard, daugther of David Sheppard, born 1825/6 in Georgia; Children: Mary, John D., Henry C., Noah D. 1850 Emanuel # 270, 1860 Johnson # 230, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222, Centennial, p. 6.
TYSON, FREDERICK - Born ca. 1790 in North Carolina, married Rhoda (b. ca. 1790), Children: Matthias (b. ca. 1826); Nancy (b. ca. 1833); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1842); Mary Ann (b. ca. 1844); Moses (b. ca. 1836); Mary J. (b. ca. 1840). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 751.
TYSON, GIDEON - Born ca. 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223.
TYSON, JACOB - Born 1818/9 in Georgia, married Katherine _______, born 1828/9 in Georgia, died ca. 1858-1860; married second to Martha ______, b. ca. 1830. Children: William, Ruthy, Elizabeth, Mary, James H., Harriet R., Martin E., and Rebecca; Nancy, Susannah, John, Glaney?. 1850 Emanuel # 398, 1860 Johnson # 232, 1870 Johnson # 448.
TYSON, JOHN JR. - Born 1820/1 in Georgia, son of John and Mary Tyson, married Martha Tyson, born 1823/4 in Georgia; Children: Mary Ann, Adeline (m. John Moses Pullen), Susan, Nancy, Francis, Roxana, George. 1880 Johnson 56th # 260, 1870 Johnson # 463, 1850 Emanuel # 269, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222, Tapley, p. 110.
TYSON, JOHN SR. - Born ca. 1782 in North Carolina, ( probably a son of Frederick Tyson, Sr. of Pitt County), married Mary, born ca. 1786 in North Carolina; Children: John, Jr. (m. Mary Tyson), Daniel. 1850 Emanuel # 270, 1840 Emanuel 56/26, Tapley, p. 110.
TYSON, JOSEPH - 1798 Landowner, Montgomery Co.. Montgomery, p. 47.
TYSON, KATHERINE - Born ca. 1800 in North Carolina. 1850 Emanuel # 528.
TYSON, NOAH, - Born ca. 1793/5 in North Carolina, (probably a son of Frederick Tyson, Sr. of Pitt County), married Emilia _______, born 1816/7; Children: Harriet, Mary (m. John Gordon Smith), Noah, Daniel, Sealy (m. ______ Johnson), July Ann, Lydia, Stephen (d. 1863), Betsy (m. _____ Heath). 1870 Johnson # 565, 1860 Johnson # 243, 850 Emanuel # 262, 1840 Emanuel 56/10, Smith Family File.
TYSON, NOAH - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, married Barbara ________, born 1829/30 in Florida; Children: William, Hardy, Viannah, Aaron, Nancy. 1860 Emanuel # 130, 1870 Johnson # 541, 542.
UNDERWOOD, ELIZABETH - Born 1790 - 1800. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223.
UNDERWOOD, JAMES - Born ca. 1790 in Georgia, married Rebecca _______, born 1805/6 in Georgia, Children: W.W.L. (b. ca. 1832), Martha? (b. ca. 1827); Eugene (b. ca. 1834); Joseph (b. ca. 1837); Joshua (b. ca. 1839, m. Eliza ______), Elbert R. (b. ca. 1842), Franklin (b. ca. 1846, m. Jane _____), Sarah M. (b. ca. 1851), Eliza (b. ca. 1849), (possibly John, 1860 Johnson # 292, 1870 Johnson # 46, 1840 Washington 88th, p. 225?, 1850 Washington # 306.
UNDERWOOD, JOHN - Born 1825/6 in Georgia, married ca. 1845 to Jane ______, born 1826/7 in Georgia; Children: Daniel R., Sarah, Lexsy, Jane U., Susan, Johnnie, and Lena. 1860 Johnson # 272, 1870 Johnson # 267.
UNDERWOOD, REUBEN - 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
UNDERWOOD, W.W.L. - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, married ca. 1855 to Charity Anderson?; Children: William J., George S.. 1860 Johnson # 291.
VANN, ELZY - Born 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 86th Dist..
VANN, JAMES - Born 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
VANN, SARAH - Born 1780 - 1790. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
VANN, WILLIAM W. - Born 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
VICKERS, JESSE - Born 1828/9 in Georgia, married Jane, born 1826/7 in Georgia; Children: William J., Elizabeth, Thomas, John. 1860 Emanuel # 56.
VICKERS, JOEL - Born 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223.
VINSON, GEORGE - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 55.
WAGERS, WILLIAM - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 78.
WALEA, JAMES - Born ca. 1775, 1798 Landowner, Landowner, 57th/56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. 1820 Emanuel, p. 102, Montgomery, pp. 63, 73, 78.
WALEA, WILLIAM - Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 78.
WALKER, ELISHA WALTERS - Born 1831/2 in Georgia, son of Lott and Mary M. Walters Walker, married ca. 1853 to Martha Webb, born 1831/2 in Georgia; Children: John L., Mary, Sarah, Jane, Martha, Tabitha, William, Dollie, Joseph M., and Nora. 1860 Johnson # 194, 1870 Johnson # 274, 1880 Johnson # 151, 1850 Washington # 289.
WALKER, ELISHA - Born ca. 1761-7 in Virginia, served in Richmond County Virginia Militia during the American Revolution, granted land in Washington County, 1784 or 90, died ca. 1802, buried in Walker Cemetery, married Mary Elizabeth Bower, daughter of Morris Bower and Esther Bonner, ca. 1787; Children: Lott, Noah, b. 1790, m. 1-7-1826 to Charlotte Calhoun; Jeremiah, b. 1792, d. 7-29-1875, m. Joana Fox, d. 3-29-1885; Henry, b. 1794, m. Charity Fox; Judy, b. 1796, married Mr. Johnson; Permelia/Milley, b. 1798, d. 1859, married Arthur Rawls, d. ca. 1847 in Laurens County; Ann, b. 1800, m. Capt. Jonathan Parker, b. 1792, d. 1873. Elizabeth B. Walker died ca. 1839. Cemetery, pp. 398, 399, 460, Grants, p. 677, Headlight Centennial, p. B-2, Stokes, p. 3-1,3.
WALKER, ELISHA - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, married ca. 1853 to Hester ______, born March, 1836, in Georgia, died 1903, in Lovett, Laurens Co. Ga.?, he enlisted in Co. F, 14th Ga. Infantry, died of measles and diarrhoea on Oct. 15, 1864 in Elmira, New York; Children: John, Martha, Henry A., et al. 1860 Johnson # 151, Laurens Widows Pension Records.
WALKER, HENRY - Born ca. 1800 in Georgia, married Charity ______, born ca. 1799. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221. 1860 Johnson # 28.
WALKER, JAMES W. - Born 1826/7 in Georgia, married Kinzy ______, born 1829/30 in Georgia; Children: Joshua, Henry, Elisha, Richard, Jane. 1860 Johnson # 351, 1880 Johnson # 27.
WALKER, LOTT - Born in March 1802 in Georgia, son of Elisha and Mary Elizabeth Bower Walker, d. Feb. 3, 1880, married Mary M. Walters, born 1805/6 in Georgia, daughter of Richard and Margaret Walters; Children: Elisha Walters, b. 1-19-1832, d. 3-19-1917, m. Martha Webb, b. 6-12-1831, d. 11-17-1879; William Andrew, b. 3-31-1833, m. 8-27-1858 to Martha Arline; Gatsy Elizabeth, b. 1-29-1835, d. 12-24-1919, m. 12-21-1854 to Shadrick Williams, Jr. b. 6-4-1832, d. 11-28, 1888; Richard Mose Walker, b. 7-13-1836, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 12-26-1904, m. Mary Brantley; Margaret Ann, b. 1840, m. Benjamin W. Holt; Melisaa Jane, b. 1842, m. 12-30-1857 to Virgil M. Mayo; Mary A., b. 8-3-1845, d. 3-13-1928, m. William Page, m. 2nd to Benjamin Jordan; Eliza, b. 1848; Susan S. b, 1850. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 289, 1860 Johnson # 4, 1870 Johnson # 306, Stokes, p. 3-3, 1880 Johnson # 20, 25, 26, Conf. Roster III, p. 413.
WALKER, W.A. - Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married Martha _______, ca. 1858; Children: William T., et al. 1860 Johnson # 358.
WALTERS, RICHARD - Born ca. 1775 in North Carolina, died in 1859, married Margaret ________ (b. 1783). Children: Chloe (m. Burrell McLendon); Thomas; Sebron; Simeon; Gussy (m. John B. Webb); Richard B.G.; Mary (b. ca. 1805, m. Lott Walker); Gatsy (b. ca. 1813). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 313, Johnson Will A, p. 1.
WALTERS, R.B. - Born 1827/8 in Georgia, married Mary ______, born 1831/2 in Georgia; Children: Richard. 1860 Johnson # 9.
WARD, BENJAMIN - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 78.
WARD, ELIAS - Born before 1775, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/1811/12, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. 1820 Emanuel, p. 86, .Montgomery, pp. 55, 63, 73,78.
WARD, LEWIS -land owner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12. Montgomery, p. 73, 78.
WARD, MARY - Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, p. 63.
WARD, SARAH - Born ca. 1760/70. 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 169.
WARD, THOMAS E. - Born ca. 1775-1783, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12. Montgomery, pp. 55, 73, 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 86.
WARREN, REUBEN - Landowner, 55th Mont. 1805/6, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 63, 72.
WATKINS, B. - Born 1811/2 in Georgia, married Elizabeth ______, born 1816/7 in Georgia; Children: A.S., et al. 1860 Johnson # 189.
WATSON, ELIJAH - Born 1770 - 1780. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
WATSON, JOSEPH W. - Born 1825/6 in Georgia, married Amelia _______, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Mary, Elizabeth, Julia A., James, Rowdolphous, and Margaret. 1860 Johnson # 69.
WATSON, LABON - Born ca. 1810, married Mary _______, born ca. 1823, Children: Madison (b. 1849). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222.
WATSON, SOLOMON - Born ca. 1800/04. 1820 Emanuel, p. 82, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 170.
WATTERS, THOMAS - Born 1814/5 in Georgia, possibly a son of Richard Waters/Walters married Wineford _____, born 1828/9 in Georgia; Children: Louisa C., Julia A., Richard, Margaret, Richard?, Sarah, Issac. 1860 Johnson # 302, 1880 Johnson # 543, 545?
WATTS, RILEY - Born 1810/20. 1840 Emanuel 395/3.
WATTS, LYDIA - Born 1811/2 in Georgia, may have been the wife of Riley Watts; Children: Amos, Elizabeth, John, Sarah, Jacob, and Lucinda. 1850 Emanuel # 533.
WEBB, ALFRED G. - Born 1830/1 in Georgia, son of Allen and Mary Beasley Webb, married ca. 1854 to Rebecca ______, born 1819/20 in North Carolina, Children: Mary Ann, William A., Henry G.. 1860 Emanuel # 77.
WEBB, ALLEN J. - Born ca. 1801 in Georgia or North Carolina, son of Levi Webb, and his first wife, 1821 Land Lottery Winner, Chason's Dist., 1832 Land Lottery Winner (53rd Dist.), married Mary Beasley, born ca. 1801 in South Carolina, daughter of William Beasley, Sr., Children: Alfred G. (Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., m. Rebecca ______), William A. (b. ca. 1828, m. Adella Beasley), James (b. ca. 1830, Pvt. Co. H., 48th Ga. Inf., m. Elizabeth Rowell), Matilda (b. ca. 1834), Levi (b. ca. 1836, m. Georgia Ann ______), Elias G. (m. Mary Rowell) and John (b. ca. 1838). Beasley, pp. 10, 11, 1860 Emanuel # 77, 1850 Emanuel # 255, 1840 Emanuel 53/4, 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 171, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222, Tapley, p. 65, 1821 Lottery, p. 263, 1832 Lottery, p. 557, Conf. Roster III, p. 729, Tompkins Kea p. 289.
WEBB, CRAWFORD - Born 1810 - 1820. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221.
WEBB, ELIAS G. - Born 1822/3 in Georgia, son of Allen Webb and Mary Beasley, married Mary Rowell, born 1814/5 in Georgia; Children: Mary J., Joseph N., Nancy E., William A., John M., Eliza J. 1860 Emanuel # 300, 1850 Emanuel # 459.
WEBB, EPHRAIM - 1827 Land Lottery Winner, of Chason's Dist. of Emanuel County. 1827 Lottery, p. 132.
WEBB, JOHN - Born ca. 1780 in South Carolina, Methodist minister, married Charlotte ______, born ca. 1794. Children, among others: William A. (b. ca. 1819, m. Elizabeth _____); John C., (b. ca. 1825, maried Amelia ______; Martha (b. ca. 1831); Malinda (b. ca. 1833); Joseph D. (b. ca. 1837). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 292, 293, 295.
WEBB, JOHN C. - Born 1824/5 in Georgia son of Rev. John and Charlotte Webb, married Amelia _______ (b. ca. 1828); .married Pastey ______, born 1819/20 in Georgia; Children: Mary A.E., and Elmina. 1850 Washington # 293, 1860 Johnson # 311, 1880 Johnson # 434.
WEBB, KINCHEN J. - Born 1827/8 in Georgia, married Sealy ____, born 1831/2 in Georgia; Children: Andrew J. (m. Susan Beasley), Joseph R., and Maryann E.. 1850 Emanuel # 406, 1860 Emanuel # 91, Riner, p. 6.
WEBB, LEVI - Born ca. 1782 in North Carolina, landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, unfortunate drawer, 1807 Land Lottery, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (53rd Dist.), married 2nd? Elizabeth ______, born 1814/5 in North Carolina: Children: Allen J. (m. Mary Beasley), William, John. 1850 Emanuel # 254, 1840 Emanuel 53/3, 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 171, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90, Tapley, p. 65, Montgomery, p. 63, 78, 1832 Lottery, p. 557.
WEBB, LEVI - Born 1835/6, son of Allen and Mary Beasley Webb, married Georgiann E. _______, born 1837/8; Children: John B. 1860 Emanuel # 74.
WEBB, LEWIS - Born ca. 1795-1804, his orphans were winners in the 1827 Land Lottery, residents of Whiddon's Dist.. 1820 Emanuel, p. 82, 1827 Lottery, p. 110.
WEBB, VINCY - Born 1780-1790. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 167.
WEBB, WILLIAM A.- Born 1828/9 in Georgia, son of Allen and Mary Beasley Webb, hotel keeper, married ca. 1850 to Mary, born 1833/4 in Georgia; Children: Nancy, John E., Henry P.
WEBB, WILLIAM J.- Born ca. 1800-1810. 1830 Emanuel 53rd, p. 171.
WESLEY, EVANS - Born ca. 1790/1800, prob. son of Lemon Wesley. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166.
WESLEY, LEMON - Born ca. 1760/1770, landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1811/2, married Mary Swain, ca. 1785 in Tyrell County, North Carolina, daughter of Stephen and Ann Elizabeth Spruell, Sr. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166, Montgomery, p. 78.
WHALEY, WILLIAM J. - Born 1837/8 in Georgia, married Sarah _____, born 1840/1 in Georgia. 1860 Johnson # 297.
WHEELER, CHARLES - Born 1828/9 in Georgia, married Sarah Meadows on Dec. 31, 1851; Children: Margaret, Jane, Cilla, and William. 1860 Johnson # 184.
1850 Emanuel # 230, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 222, 1870 Johnson # 500?
WHEELER, CHARLES - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Jordan's (55th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 263.
WHEELER, SHADRICK - Born 1832/3 in Georgia, son of Whitus and Elizabeth Kight Wheeler, married ca. 1851 to Mary Guinn, born 1836/7 in Georgia; Children: William, White, Sudun?, et al. 1860 Johnson # 153.
WHEELER, STEPHEN - Born 1830/1 in Georgia, son of Whitus and Elizabeth Kight Wheeler, married ca. 1859 to Sudon? _______, born 1839/40 in Georgia; Children: John W., et al. 1860 Johnson # 154.
WHEELER, WHITUS (WHITE) - Born March 15, 1807 in Georgia, son of Benjamin Wheeler, died May 15, 1860, 1832 Land Lottery Winner, (55th Dist.), married Elizabeth Kight, daughter of Shadrick and Martha Jewell Kight, born March 5, 1810 in Georgia, died January 2, 1897, Children: Charles (m. Rebecca Jane Guinn), Stephen (m. Sudon? ______), Shadrick (m. Mary T. Guinn), Mary Ann Elizabeth (m. Clem Price), Bennett, Edward Duncan (m. Annie Beasley Henry), Henry Green (m. Leora Constantia Dudley Perry), Benjamin Young (m. Jane Carr Neal), William L. (m. Jane Tapley, Susan Wheeler, Jane ________). 1860 Johnson # 155, 1850 Emanuel # 233, 1840 Emanuel 55/9, 1830 Emanuel 56th, p. 168, Tapley, pp. 56, 64, Kite, p. 80, 1832 Lottery, p. 557, 1870 Johnson # 506, 507, 508.
WHIDDON, WILLIAM - Born ca. 1755 in North Carolina, died 1818 in Emanuel County, soldier of the American Revolution, moved to the Ohoopee area in 1815, married bef. 1784 to Mary Davis, born ca. 1760-5, died ca. 1830, daughter of Benjamin Davis of Darlington County, S.C.; Children: Eli, Elizabeth (m. Nathan Barwick, Sr.), Elias, William (m. Nancy Mills), John (m. Elizabeth Ferguson), Lott (m. Judith Downing). Gillis, pp. 124-126.
WHITE, ALLEN- Born ca. 1770-1775. 1820 Emanuel, p. 84, 1830 Emanuel 55th, p. 168.
WHITE, JOHN - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Jordan's (55th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 263.
WILKES, FRANCIS - Born ca. 1795 in North Carolina, married Rachel _______, born ca. 1800 in Georgia, (may have married another Wilkes 1st.) Children: Elizabeth, Henry//, Mary, Francis, John. 1860 Emanuel # 330, 1850 Emanuel # 457, 1840 Emanuel 395/34.
WILKES, JOHN - Born 1805/6 in North Carolina, married Mary _________, born 1804/5 in Georgia. 1850 Emanuel # 478, 1840 Emanuel 395/8, 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169.
WILKES, WILLIAM- Born ca. 1800/10. 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169.
WILKENSON, JOHN- 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. 1805/6, school teacher, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 55, 63, 73.
WILKENSON, JAMES - 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Landowner, 56th Mont. 1805/6, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 47, 55, 63, 73.
WILLIAMS, FREDERICK - 1804 Jurymember, 56th Mont. Co.. Montgomery, p. 55.
WILLIAMS, FREEMAN - Born 1815/6 in Georgia, married Mary Horton, born 1810/11 in Georgia; Children: Alty (Alice) (m. James Allen Davis), Dicy (m. William Godfrey Davis), Preston, Elizabeth, John (m. Narcissa?), Mary. 1870 Johnson # 432, 433, 1860 Johnson # 255, 1850 Emanuel # 285, Cemetery p. 70, Mayo, p. 24, 1840 Washington 89th p. 222.
WILLIAMS, GEORGE - Born ca. 1800, mechanic, married Mary J. ______, b. ca. 1812 in North Carolina; Children: Mary Ann (b. ca. 1836); Rebecca Ann (b. ca. 1838), George M. (b. ca. 1829, married Nancy N. _____). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1850 Washington # 798.
WILLIAMS, J.P. - Born 1828/9 in Georgia, married ca. 1850 to Elizabeth _______(Mason?), born 1832/3 in Georgia; Children: Josiah, John, Frances, and Nathaniel. 1860 Johnson # 269.
WILLIAMS, LEMUEL - Born ca. 1795 in North Carolina, shoemaker, married Priscilla ______, born ca. 1799 in North Carolina; Children: Mahala (b. ca. 1824); Rebecca (b. ca. 1829); Jacka Ann (b. ca. 1832); Priscilla (b. ca. 1836); John (b. ca. 1846). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213, 1850 Washington # 741.
WILLIAMS, RICHARD - Born ca. 1821 in North Carolina, married Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith, born ca. 1824; Children: Priscilla E., William R. (Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga.), Martha C., Lemuel O.. 1850 Washington # 742, Conf. Roster III, p. 413.
WILLIAMS, SAMUEL - Born ca. 1817, married Matilda ______, born ca. 1822, Children: Benjamin (b. ca. 1840); Martha (b. ca. 1841); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1843); Samuel (b. ca. 1845), and Margaret (b. ca. 1849). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 298.
WILLIAMS, SHADRICK - Born 1770 - 1780, may have married Lina _____, b. ca. 1792 and had Shadrick (b. ca. 1833); Jane, Lucy. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 296.
WILLIAMS, SHADRICK - Son of Lina Williams, Born 1833/4 in Georgia, married Elizabeth C. ______, born 1834/5, Children: Walton, Elizabeth, Marietta, William S., Robert T., Mitty E., Margaret Annie, Emmett L. and Carrie E.. 1850 Washington # 296, 1870 Johnson # 142, 1880 Johnson # 441.
WILLIAMSON, LYDIA - Land lottery Winner, 1821, Jordan's (55th) Dist., Emanuel Co.. 1821 Lottery, p. 263.
WILLIAMSON, M.C. - Born 1817/8 in Georgia, merchant, married ca. 1847 to Mary C. _______, born 1833/4 in Georgia; Children: Ann (b. ca. 1849), Mary (b. ca. 1851), Fannie (b. ca. 1854), Lusia (b. ca. 1856), and Charlie (b. ca. 1858). 1850 Washington # 262, 1860 Johnson # 282.
WILSON, ARCHIBALD - Born ca. 1790 in South Carolina, married Mary ______, born ca. 1817 in South Carolina, died in 1863, ; Children: Mary (m. ______ Tharpe); Rebecca (b. ca. 1830); Nancy (b. ca. 1833); Margaret (b. ca. 1836); Sarah (b. ca. 1838); William (b. ca. 1840); Henrietta (b. ca. 1842); Delila (b. ca. 1844); John R. (b. ca. 1846); James (b. ca. 1848); and Samuel (b. ca. 1849.) 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 694. Johnson Will Book A, p. 25 .
WILSON, BARBARY - Wife of _____ Wilson, born ca. 1770 - 1780. 1840 Washington 91st, p. 213.
WILSON, JAMES - Born 1823/4 in Georgia, married Susan Meeks, born 1824/5 in Georgia, daughter of Jonas Meeks and Celia (Tyson?); Children: Jane Seally, Stanley, Jonas (m. Martha Townsend), James J., Mary, William. 1850 Emanuel # 357, 1860 Johnson # 248, Tapley, p. 120.
WILSON, JOHN - Born 1800 - 1810. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223.
WILSON, JOHN JR. - Born 1813, married Miley _____, born ca. 1813, Children: Mary (b. ca. 1839); Joannah (b. ca. 1840); Daniel (b. ca. 1842); Erwin (b. ca. 1843); Martin (b. ca. 1845, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., d. 9/20/1862); Josiah (b. ca. 1846); Elizabeth (b. ca. 1848); Nancy (b. 1850). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 704, Conf. Roster III, p. 413.
WOMMACK, SARAH - Born ca. 1785; Children: Martha Ann (b. ca. 1825). 1850 Washington # 730.
WOMMACK, WILLIAM - Born on Nov. 6, 1809, died on Sept. 7, 1878, buried in Wommack Family cemetery, married Mary Brantley; Children: Sara Ann (m. _____ McAlister), Emiline (m. _____ Rozier, ______ Norris), Nancy m. Malachi G.W. Smith, Louise (m. ____ Williams, ____ Turner), Mary (m. _____ Jackson), Rhoda R. (m. Samuel Lawson Shirey), Elizabeth, William Stewart, Eli Nelson, Daniel Rudolph, Alex, Spencer B. (Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., m. Martha Carolyn Jackson). Washington, p. 531, 1840 Washington 89th, p. 223, Conf. Roster III, p. 413.
WOOD, JAMES - Son of Samuel Wood and Sarah Reeves, Lt. Continental Army, American Revolution. Children: James R., Thomas. Wood, p. 4.
WOOD, JAMES RAIFORD- Born on June 30, 1809 in Washington County, son of Thomas and Anne Smith Wood, Baptist minister, clerk and moderator of Mt. Vernon Association, died on December 31, 1882, married on December 13, 1837 to Martha Chester, born on May 25, 1817, daughter of Absalom and and Rebecca Barber Chester, died on March 24, 1883, both are buried in Wood Cemetery; Children: Thomas Jefferson (b. July 27, 1839, d. June 29, 1862, Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.); Isaac Smith (b. July 30, 1841, d. Aug. 6, 1852); Joseph Madison (b. Apr. 11, 1843, d. March 17, 1916, Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf., m. Lenian Johnson); Mary Anne Rebecca (b. June 15, 1845, d. Oct. 22, 1850); Martha Elizabeth (b. Feb. 8, 1848, m. Stephen Florence New, d. Jan. 15, 1931); James Solomon (b. Jan. 5, 1851, d. Jan. 21, 1927); Absalom William Jordan (b. Sept. 23, 1853, d. March 25, 1912); George Washington (b. June 23, 1856, d. Dec. 1, 1920); Charles Spurgeon (b. July 18, 1858, d. Feb. 16, 1941); Sarah E. (b. July 18, 1860, d. Nov. 20, 1864.) 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, 1850 Washington # 154, Conf. Roster III, p. 413, Wood, p. 8, et seq.
WOOD, JOSEPH MADISON - Born on April 11, 1843 in Washington County, son of James Raiford and Martha Chester Wood, married Leinian Johnson, dau. of Capt. W.L. Johnson, married second to Mrs. S.J. Carter, Corp. Co. H., 28th Ga. Inf., Children: Flavil Judson (b. 8/25/1868, d. 2/7/1876); Matthew Leston (b. 1/8/1873, d. 2/26/1873); Minnie Rosella (b. 4/3/1875, d. 2/7/1880); James Franklin, Obed E., Martha, a daughter, Pearl. Wood, pp. 11-12.
WOOD, JOSHUA - 1804 Jurymember, 56th, Land owner, 56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Unfortunate Drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 55, 63, 78.
WOOD, PETER - Born ca. 1800 in South Carolina, prob. son of Stephen Wood, his wife prob. died between 1845 and 1850;. Children: Martha, Benjamin, Joab, Lincy, Peter, Susannah, and Mary Ann. 1850 Emanuel # 551, 1840 Emanuel 395/35.
WOOD, STEPHEN - Born ca. 1760-1770. 1830 Emanuel 395th, p. 169.
WOOD, THOMAS - Son of Lt. James Wood and, born ca. 1780 in Virginia, Justice of the Peace, died ca. 1811, possibly buried in the Young Cemetery, married ca. 1802 to Anne Smith, daughter of Colby Smith and Anna Henry, born in North Carolina in 1783, died in 1877, she married Obediah Vinson and removed to Autaugua County, Alabama; Children: Nancy Anne (b. ca. 1804, m. James Allen); Sarah (b. ca. 1807 (m. Curtis Dupree); James Raiford (b. June 30, 1809, m. Martha Chester, died on Dec 21, 1882), Thomas (b. ca. 1811, m. Sallie Costain and Rebecca Wommack). 1840 Washington 91st, p. 214, Wood, p. 5.
WOOD, THOMAS - Born on Jan. 31, 1811, in Washington County, son of Thomas and Anne Smith Wood; married Sallie Costain (Coston), married second to Elizabeth Wommack; Children (by first wife) James F. (d. March 9, 1865, m. Nancy Rachel Smith, d. of Joseph D. Smith); John A. (b. 8/26/1839, d. 9/5/1919, m. Sarah A. Irwin); (by second wife) Thomas Allen (b. 5/18/1848, d. 5/22/1917, m. Martha Catherine Delk), William Caswell (b. 9/7/1850, d. 9/6/1927, m. Martha E. Ross, Mattie Jane Anderson), Andrew Tarver (b. 3/3/1852, d. 2/22/1931, m. Louilta Ida Watkins); Wiley Alexander (b. 11/1/1855, d. 5/16/1927, m. Sally M. Smith). Wood, p. 87, et seq..
WOOD, THOMAS JEFFERSON - Born July 27, 1839 in Washington Co., son of James Raiford and Martha Chester Wood, married Mary J. Shealy, dau. of Wilson Shealy, on Oct. 25, 1861. pvt. Co. H., 28th Ga. Inf., died on June 30, 1862, buried in Wood Cemetery. She married 2nd to David S. Smith, son of Micajah and Elizabeth Duty Smith. Child: Thomas John Wood. Wood, p. 10.
WOOD, WILLIS - May have been granted a tract of land in Burke County in 1787, followed Nathaniel Hicks as one of the first settlers of the Wrightsville area along the Ohoopee, purchased land on the north side of the Great Ohoopee in 1790, adjoining Sands Stanley and Nathaniel Hicks, 1797 Jurymember, Montgomery County Surveyor, 1794/5, Justice of the Inferior Court of Mont. Co., 1796. Dublin Post 5/5/1886, p. 3, Montgomery Records, p. 51, Grants, p. 727, Montgomery, pp. 48, 336,339,340.
WOODS, ARCHIBALD - Born 1804/5 in Georgia, married Permina Rollins, daughter of William Rollins, married 2nd Esther Moxley, Children: Francis Marion, Eddy, Destimony, John, Archibald, Jr. (m. Nancy M. Key Douglas), Samuel, and Arrena. 1850 Emanuel # 191.
WOODS, ARCHIBALD, JR. - Born Aug. 20, 1845 in Georgia, son of Archibald and Permina Rollins Woods, died Feb. 15, 1916, married in 1864 Nancy Mozelle Key, born Nov. 12, 1838 in Emanuel County, daughter of Spencer and Elizabeth Flanders Key, both are buried in Moxley Cemetery. Children: Indiana (b. 1-3-1865, d. 7-1866), Georgia Griselda (b. 6-28-1866, d. 11-19-1883), Matilda Jane (b. 4-27-1869, d. 8-20-1939, m. Dennis S. Meeks), Savannah Lee (b. 10-17-1870, d. 9-6-1954, m. Asa Gordon Braswell), Nancy Mozelle (b. 1-16-1872, d. 9-28-1861, m. William Henry Moxley), Martha Destimonia (b. 5-27-1873, d. 7-8-1937, m. Perry G. Wheeler), Archie Lonie (b. 10-4-1874, d. 10-22-1943 m. William Durden, George L. Durden), Sallie Penelope (b. 8-14-1876, d. 7-16-1944, m. Joseph T. Moxley), John Newton (b. 1-17-1878, d. 6-30-1958, m. Evie Dell Ricks, Mamie Scott), Viana Josephine (b. 4-24-1879, d. 8-30-1963, m. M.T. Riner), Samantha Gordon (b. 6-21-1881, d. 7-17-1959, m. J.W. Powell), Key, p. 583.
WOODS, FRANCIS M. - Born 1832/3, son of Archibald and Pennina Rollins Woods, Pvt. Co. H., 48th Ga. Inf. C.S.A., married Ensley ______; Children: Nancy, Susan,
WOODS, ISAAC - Born 1821/2 in Georgia, married Susan, born 1827/8 in Georgia; Children: Lorror ?, Mary E., Sarah J.. 1860 Emanuel # 37
WOODS, JOHN L. - Born 1825/6 in Georgia, son of Mathew M. Woods, died May 14, 1865 at Point Lookout, Maryland, married on Jan. 13, 1860 to Jemima Flanders, daughter of John R. and Nancy Sumner Flanders, born 1826/6 in Georgia, died Oct. 1903, buried in Moxley Cemetery; Children: Elizabeth, Martha, John L., Jr., Mathew N., Richard M., Nancy D. 1850 Emanuel # 186, 1860 Emanuel # 40, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 223.
WOODS, MATTHEW M. - Born ca. 1794 in Georgia, married Sabry _______, born 1812/3 in Georgia; Children: Mary, William, Isaac, Thomas. 1850 Emanuel # 185.
WRIGHT, JOHN B. - Born Nov. 20, 1808, son of John M. Wright, the City of Wrightsville was named in his honor, he lived on the Buckeye Road about 1 mile above the Johnson/Laurens County line, largest slave owner in pre war Johnson County, one of the first five county commissioners in 1858; married Mourning Smith, born February 1, 1812, daughter of Jordan Smith and Mary Gaines, she died on June 2, 1870. Both are buried in Wright Cemetery; Children: Gainer, Mary Frances (b. Oct. 27, 1837, d. July 9, 1864, m. Dr. Henry Hicks), Nancy (b. ca. 1842, m. Dr. Henry Hicks), Mourning (b. Nov. 25, 1851, d. June 20, 1905, m. Dr. Alfred I. Haines), John (b. Aug. 1, 1844, d. Nov. 12, 1845), Benjamin (b. May 19, 1839, d. April 13, 1857), Jordan (b. Sept. 5, 1846, d. Sept. 22, 1858), Elizabeth (b. ca. 1848). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 307, 1860 Johnson # 51, 1870 Johnson # 26, Johnson Cemetery, p. 501, Centennial, pp. 7, 30, 1853 Laurens Tax Digest, 87th Dist..
WRIGHT, JOHN M. - Born Jan. 30, 1780, died Nov. 25, 1856, buried in Wright Cemetery. His wife was probably born on June 10, 1785 and died Aug. 15, 1815. Children: John B. (b. Nov. 20, 1808, m. Mourning Smith). 1850 Washington # 307, Johnson Cemetery, p. 501.
WRIGHT, THOMAS - Born ca. 1788 in North Carolina, married Holland? ______, born ca. 1795. May have been a brother of John M. Wright. 1840 Washington 89th, p. 222, 1850 Washington # 299.
WYATT, DANIEL - Born 1824/5 in Georgia, married Sarah _____, born 1837/8 in Georgia; Children: Sarah A., George A., Daniel W., James. 1860 Johnson # 298.
YATES, BURRELL - Born before 1775, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55th Mont. 1805/6. 1820 Emanuel, p. 88, Montgomery, p. 55, 73.
YATES, ELI- Born ca. 1775-1803, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55/56th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 55, 63, 73, 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 90.
YATES, JAMES - Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 63, 73, 78.
YATES, PETER - 1797/8 Landowner, 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, unfortunate drawer, 1805 Land Lottery. Montgomery, pp. 47, 55, 63, 73, 78.
YATES, PETER - Born ca. 1810. 1830 Emanuel 55th p. 166.
YATES, WILLIAM - 1804 Jurymember, 55th, Landowner, 55th Mont. Co., 1805/06/11/12, Land Lottery Winner, 1807. Montgomery, pp. 55, 73, 78.
YATES, WILLIAMSON - Landowner, 55th Mont. 1805/6. Montgomery, p. 73.
YEOMANS, EPHRAIM - Born 1819/20 in Georgia, son of John and Sarah Yeomans, married Temperance _______, born 1826/7 in Georgia; Children: Mary, Martha, James Edward, Lucinda. 1850 Emanuel # 495, 1860 Emanuel # 385.
YEOMANS, JAMES - Born 1825/6 in Georgia, son of John and Sarah Yeomans, married on Sept. 20, 1849 to Sarah Bazemore, born 1830/1 in Georgia. Children: Ephraim, Nathan, Mary, Sarah, James, Jordan, 1860 Emanuel # 388, 1850 Emanuel # 498, Footprints Ohoopee, p. 223.
YEOMANS, JOHN - Born ca. 1796-98 in South Carolina, married Sarah _______, born ca. 1795-7 in Georgia; Children: Ephraim, James, Solomon, Eliza, Louisa, Jordan, John. 1860 Emanuel # 386, 1850 Emanuel # 496, 1840 Emanuel 53/55, 1820 Emanuel, p. 92.
YEOMANS, REDDING - Born ca. 1775/1795, Land owner, 53rd Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 92.
YEOMANS, SOLOMON- Born ca. 1795, Land owner, 53rd Mont. Co., 1811/2. Montgomery, p. 78, 1820 Emanuel, p. 92.
YEOMANS, SOLOMON - Born 1826/7 in Georgia, son of John and Sarah Yeomans, married on Apr. 15, 1849 to Eliza Ann Barwick, daughter of Nathan B. and Elizabeth Whiddon Barwick, born Sep. 9, 1827, died Nov. 11, 1912, buried in Yeomans Cemetery. Children: John E., Nathan R., S.H., Thomas N., George F., L.M., Norwood, Ebenezer S. and Lawson, et al. Gillis, p. 116, 1850 Emanuel # 497, 1860 Emanuel # 384, Barwick p. 64.
YEOMANS, STEPHEN - Born 1810/20. 1840 Emanuel 53/48.
YOUNG, HENRY- Born 1822/3 in Georgia, married Mary _______, born 1824/5 in Georgia; Children: Catherine, Louisa, Martha, Joshua, Nancy, Eliza, Henry. 1860 Johnson # 90.
YOUNG, JESSE - Born ca. 1790 in North Carolina, married Martha ______, born ca. 1790. Children: George (b. ca. 1825); James (b. ca. 1828). 1840 Washington 89th, p. 221, 1850 Washington # 833.
YOUNG, WILLIAM A. - Born in 1790, son of William Young, died in 1868, married Rebecca Smith, daughter of Colby Smith and Anna Henry, b. 1791; Children: Mahala (b. 1814, m. James M. Brantley), William A. Jr., (b. 1816, m. Mary B. Smith), James Elijah (b. 1820, m. Martha Jane Peacock), Rebecca (b. 1824, m. James Lafayette Brantley), James Stephen (b. 1825, d. 1854), Mary (b. 1825, m. John Powell), Nancy (b. 1826, died 1858, m. John Brantley), Isaac Newton (b. 1830, d. 1854). 1830 Washington, 1840 Washington 91st p. 214, 1850 Washington, Washington, # 747.
YOUNG, WILLIAM A. JR. - Born ca. 1816, m. Mary B. Smith, daughter of Rev. Isaac and Arsenia Brantley Smith; Children: Green/James Jasper (b. ca. 1844, Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga. Inf.); Andrew J. (Pvt. Co. H, 28th Ga., d. Apr. 1862); Robert Washington (b. Sept. 26, 1847, d. Sept. 19, 1941, last surviving Washington Co. Confederate Veteran, m. Mary Almarinta Eliza Brantley). 1850 Washington # 748.
YOUNG, WILLIAM G. - Born 1816/7 in Georgia, married Elizabeth ________, born 1821/2 in Georgia; Children: Sarah Ann (b. ca. 1844-5); Jane (b. ca. 1853). 1850 Washington # 824, 1860 Johnson # 271.
YOUNGBLOOD, BARTLEY? - Born 1814/5 in South Carolina, married Nancy Ann _________, born 1817/8 in South Carolina; Children: Henry (Pvt. Co. G, 32nd Ga. Inf., m. Belinda S______), Silvany, Mary Ann, Andrew, Lurany, and William F. 1860 Emanuel # 301, 299, Conf. Roster III, p. 730.
YOUNGBLOOD, SPENCER - Born 1824/5 in South Carolina, married Martha _______, born 1827/8 in South Carolina; Children: Selean F., Elizabeth A., Spencer, Isa (Ira), Samuel R. 1860 Emanuel # 374.
BARWICK ---- History of the Barwick Family, 1652-1907, by S.O. Barwick, M.D., Elkhart, Ind., 1907. (Copy in Treutlen County Public Library)
BEASLEY ---- Beasley Family, by Charles A. Wynn, Jr., and Louise T. Wynn, Private manuscript. Family File, Laurens County Historical Society.
BURCH III --- Burch, Harrell, and Allied Families, Vol. III, Marilu Burch Smallwood, Tad Evans, Savannah, 1992. Book collection of the Laurens County Historical Society.
CLAXTON --- Henry Claxton and Descendants, 1790-1980, George W. Norris, McDowell Publications, Utica, Kentucky, 1982.
DRAKE --- Descendants of Exum Drake, Vol. III, "The Descendants of Francis Bryant Drake and Selina King," Robert Eldon Drake, Robert Eldon Drake, 1977.
EMANUEL MILITIA - Return of the Strength of the 2 and 3 Classes of Militia in the County of Emanuel. Undated list (probably 1810's). Taelamon Cuyler Collection, University of Georgia.
FLANDERS --- Descendants of Exum (Axsom) Drake,, Vol. V, "The Flanders Family of Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia", Robert Eldon Drake, Bookcrafters, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, 1980.
FOOTPRINTS --- Footprints of a Pioneer People, "The Story of Kemp", Kathryn O. Scott, Press-Sentinel, 1977.
GEORGIA REGISTER ---- Georgia Official and Historical Register, 1973-4, Ben Fortson, Atlanta, 1973.
GILLIS --- Gillis and Other Pioneer Families of Georgia, Marvin B. Gillis, Glenview, Illinois, 1988.
HEADLIGHT CENTENNIAL ---- The Wrightsville Headlight, The Centenial Edition, May 8, 1958., Wrightsville, GA
HUTCHESON --- Norristown Folks, Vol. 1, "The Hutcheson Branches", A History of the Descendants of John and Sarah Mills Hutcheson of Emanuel County, Georgia, 1768-1988, by Wesley G. Wilson and Mazie Claxton Brooks, McDowell Publications, 1988. Book collection of Laurens County Historical Society.
HUTCHESON LINES - Hutcheson-Hutchinson Lines, Adrian and Southern Georgia Folks, by Harry Jordan Hutcheson and Grable Hutcheson, Dublin, Ga., 1997.
KIGHT ----- Kite and Kights, Some Memories and Records, Dorothy Kight Murray, Magnolia Press, Swainsboro, GA, 1985, Laurens County Library, Washington Mem. Library.
LAMB ---- Lamb and Allied Families, Jack Ladson, Jr., Ladson Library, Vidalia, GA.
PHILLIPS ---- The Phillips Families of Montgomery, Emanuel, and Treutlen Counties, Georgia, by Montell Phillips-Brinson Truitt and Paul Truitt, Stuart, Florida, 1992. Treutlen County Public Library.
POWELL ----- The Powell Families of Virginia and the South, by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Georgia Genealogical Reprints, Vidalia, Ga. Washington Memorial Library.
REVOLUTIONARY I - Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers of Georgia, by Ettie T. McCall, Vol. 1, Georgia Soc. DAR, Atlanta, 1941.
RICKS ---- History and Genealogy of the Ricks Family of America, Compiled by Guy S. Rix , Salt Lake City, Utah, 1908. 1957 Edition. Treutlen County Public Library.
RINER ---- The Riner Family of Emanuel and Johnson Counties, Georgia, by Clyde Hooks, (Manuscript, Johnson County Public Library).
SHARPE ---- Sharpe Geneaolgy, Barbara Sharpe Gardner, 1993 Revised Edition.
STOKES ---- Stokes Family History, Lydia Bray Pool, Harrison, Ga. 1996.
TAPLEY ---- Tapley, A Family of Georgia and the South, by Ray Tapley, Greencrest Press, Atlanta. Laurens County Library.
THIGPEN --- The Thigpen Tribe, by Alice Whitley Smith and Casey Thigpen, 1961, 1963 Rev. Ed. (Copies of certain pages in Family File) Laurens County Historical Society.
THOMPKINS-KEA - A Family History of the Tompkins and Keas of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, by Louise Tompkins Wynn and Charles Arthur Wynn, Jr., Anundsen Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa.
WASHINGTON - Cotton to Kaolin, History of Washington County, Washington Co. Historical Society, 1989.
1820 LOTTERY --- The Third and Fourth or 1820 and 1821 Land Lotteries of Georgia, by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 1973. Laurens County Library.
1821 LOTTERY --- The Third and Fourth or 1820 and 1821 Land Lotteries of Georgia, by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Georgia Genealogical Reprints, 1973. Laurens County Library.
1827 LOTTERY --- Official Register of the Land Lottery of Georgia of 1827 - Martha L. Houston, Genealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, Md., 1967.
1832 LOTTERY --- The 1832 Gold Lottery of Georgia, by Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Southern Historical Press, Easley, S.C., 1976.
55TH G.M.D.
1. Jordan Flanders
2. Thomas Kersey
3. William Rhyner
4. John Rhyner
5. John Kersey
6. Elizabeth Neel
7. James Cole
8. James R. Rhyner
9. White Wheeler
10. William Douglas
11. Allen Meeks
12. Spencer Key
13. Darling Swain
14. Sarah Fortner
15. Lydia Williamson
16. Samuel Greenway
17. Sampson Powell
18. James R. Meadows
19. Benjamin Sanford
20. Bennett Yeats
21. Robert Black
22. Wyle ? McDaniel
23. James Black
24. Allen Paul
25. Elias Powell
126. William Williamson
27. William Rowland
28. Lewis Davis
29. Sarah Tapley
30. David Davis
31. Joseph Brantley
32. William Norris
33. James Price
34. Loyd Price
35. Miles Whitfield
36. Linnear (Lanier) Powell
37. Isaac Norris
38. Andrew Townsend
39. Richard Howell
40. Elizabeth Beasley
41. James Moore
42. Silas Powell
43. J.W.P. Stephens
44. Martha Kite
45. George M. Turner
46. James Wiggins
47. Richard Sumner
48. James Tapley
49. Eldred Swain
50. John C. Sumner
51. Mary Curcey (Kersey?)
56TH G.M.D.
1. Edward Rhyner
2. Elizabeth Rhyner
3. Amos Douglas
4. Phada Douglas
5. Jonas Meeks
6. David Sizemore
7. Durrant Foskey
8. Archibald Odom
9. Elijah Odom
10. Noah Tison
11. Moses Hutcherson
12. James Hicks
13. Stanley Meeks
14. Aaron Gardner
15. William Smith
16. Right M. Beasley
17. Williamson Rowland
18. B.L.W. Snell
19. George Smith
20. Thomas Pullen
21. George W. Snell
22. James Johnson
23. Henry Hall
24. William Johnson
25. Moses Thomas
26. John Tison
27. William Hall
28. Howell D. Sharpe
29. Nathan Rowland
30. John .. Cane
31. John Snell
32. Arsenath Snell
33. Alexander Sumner
34. James E.M. Wilson
35. Henry Pullen
36. Nathan Garnto
37. Alexander Outlaw
38. John Thomas
39. Humphrey Jewell
40. Allen Davis
41. Morgan Outlaw
42. William Brantley
43. Zachariah Jewell
44. Henry Townsen
45. Aaron T. Townsen
46. Allen Meeks
47. Spencer Meeks
55 G.M.D.
Barber, Aaron
Barron, Joseph
Bradshaw, John
Brantley, Joseph
Calhoun, James
Calhoun, John
Calhoun, Joseph
Carter, William B.
Douglas, Edward
Douglas, Robert
Etheridge, Samuel
Johnson, Hardy
Johnson, Henry
Jordan, William
Kent, Marmaduke
Kent, Stephen
Mayo, Charles
Mayo, William
McDonald, William
Miles, Jess L.
Odom, Dempsey
Padget, Elijah
Padget, John
Rhyner, Amos
Ricks, Jacob
Stancill, John
Stancill, William
Swain, Canneth
Swain, Sherrod
Swain, Stephen
Tanner, John
Taylor, John
Thompson, Reuben
Yates, Burrell
Yates, Ely
Yates, Peter
Yates, William
56TH G.M.D.
Bozeman, Luke
Brumfield, James
Carpermen, B.
Carter, Frederick
Carter, Giles
Carter, Robert
Curl, Matthew
Dormany, John
Evans, Benjamin
Ford, John
Gardner, Aaron
Graham, John
Hall, James
Hall, Joseph
Harrison, William
Hendricks, John
Hicks, Reuben
Hutchins, Lewis, Sr.
Hutchins, Lewis, Jr.
Isaacs, Robert
Kirkland, Samuel
Lamb, Abraham
Lamb, Jesse
Lupo, John
Lupo, William
Mason, David
McCullers, Charles
McCullers, William
McKinney, Caleb
Neel, Thomas
Outlaw, Edward
Outlaw, E.
Outlaw, John
Pennington, William
Rowland, James
Rowland, Reuben
Salmon, Ephraim
Sheffield, John
Smith, Jacob
Snell, Christopher
Spivey, Jethro B.
Surrey, James
Swearingen, Bolin
Vinson, George
Ward, Elijah
Ward, Thomas
Wilkinson, James
Wilkinson, John
Williams, Frederick
Wood, Joshua
1. Jeremiah Davis
2. John Farmer's Orphans
3. John Flanders
4. Mary Glass
5. Samuel Hogan
6. Jordan Jewell's Orphans
7. Matthew Jewell
8. Darling Johnson
9. James Johnson
10. Matthew Johnson
11. William Johnson
12. William Jordan
13. Barnabus Mellan
14. Isaac Norris
15. Silas Powell
16. Alex Sumner
17. Alex Sumner
18. Jesse Sumner
19. Richard Sumner
20. Canneth Swain
21. Drsd. Swain
22. Elizabeth Tapley
23. Henry Taylor
24. Madison Thomas
25. Benjamin Webb
26. Evans Wesley
27. Allen White
28. Burrell Yates
29. John Youmans
1. James Douglas
2. Loderick Hargrove
3. James Hicks
4. Kinchen Jewell
5. Archibald Odom
6. John G. Oliver
7. Henry Pullen
8. John Ricks' Orphans
9. William Rowland
10. Ezekiel Smith
11. Isaac Snell
12. Isom Snell
13. John Snell
14. Thomas E. Ward
1. Nathan Barwick
2. Ethelred Faircloth
3. Samuel Gregory, Jr.
4. Hugh McLane
5. Hardy Parker
6. Bennett Pate
7. Ephraim Phillips
8. Mark Phillips
9. Thomas Parramore's Orphans
10. John Ricks
11. Mary Roberds
12. William Roberds' Orphans
13. Levi Sapp
14. William Thigpen
Scott B. Thompson, Sr.
Ohoopee Kinfolks put many pieces together. My surnames are: Kight,Jewell,Davis,Bridges,Watson,Vaughn,Tapley,Durden,Price,Wheeler. Looking foward to learning more about the rich history of the Ohoopee area. Thank you.
I am trying to prove my 3rd Great Grandfather, Daniel Thompson Sumner was the son of John Chestnutt Sumner and Katherine Thompson. I was given the blog link to read about the Georgia Pioneers and in it, you say Daniel is the son of John and his first wife, Mary Hogan. The information is supposed to be factual, so I would like to ask you for the proof of Daniel's parentage.
The Reubin Thompson family association has Daniel as John and Katherine Thompson's son. I don't know what proof they have.
I don't have Mary Hogan's true death date -- only an approx date of 1840 -- Daniel was born around 1825/6, so that would make sense. I don't have a marriage date for John and Katherine but am trying to find that also.
Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
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