TWAS BETTER TO SHUT UP - Cader Mann got on the wrong side of Judge Peter Early. Judge Early (left) was getting ready for court during the October Term of 1808 when he was forced to deal with a troublemaker. Cader was out in the courtyard cussin' up a storm. Judge Early ordered the sheriff to arrest Mann for his outrageous contempt of the court's authority. Cader resisted the arrest by the sheriff. Cader was sent to the Washington County jail to serve a term of three months. Laurens County didn't have a jail yet. After his release from jail, Cader was put under a bond for his good behavior for five years. If Cader didn't behave himself, the bondsmen would have to forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars. Cader Mann disappeared after that, never to be heard from again. Dublin Courier Herald, Illustrated Industrial Edition, by Judge K.J. Hawkins, August, 1914.