HUNTING FOR BLIND TIGERS - Times were good in Dublin.  Money meant jobs and jobs meant there was money to throw around.  And, too many people liked to throw their money into the hands of the owners and operators of illegal liquor establishments, known as "blind tigers."  City Recorder Judge A.W. Sturgis was bound and determined to put an end to the proliferation of demon rum throughout the city.  So, when nine defendants appeared in his court, he meted out punishment swiftly and harshly.  Mason Walker, a repeat offender, was given the maximum fine, ninety days in jail and a $150.00 fine.  Love Watts was sentenced to go with him, but escaped the fine.  William Morris, Mose Jones, and Elsie McDonald were invited to go along too, but were given the chance to get a "get of jail card" by paying the maximum fine, an amount they didn't have after spending their profits.  Vashti Brooks and Dallas Coffey were acquitted and got out of jail.  Frank Rozier did go, when he perjured himself in an effort to exonerate Brooks.
